Imagine this. There are UFO 'researchers' who seriously ask "What do you mean by 1973 UFO wave?"
Seriously. Ufologists these days seem to get their education on the subject via You Tube and TV...and sensationalist and inaccurate books. It's almost as though nothing happened between 1947~1995.
So, what is ~or was~ seen as the best recorded and most significant UFO wave of sightings world wide Is to many just unknown. J. Bernard Delair of the old Contact UK produced a very detailed edition of The UFO Register summarizing what was known.
Now let's suppose that you read that issue of The UFO Register in 1974, or later, and from all the cases cited there are a few lines detailing an alleged UFO landing and entity being seen, but an entity the description of which is unique. We were always told look for rare seemingly genuine events where non humanoid entities are reported. There was such a case.
1974~1980 I wrote to the people who were supposed to have looked into this case. No responses. So any and every new book dealing with that period or AE/CE3K cases is checked. Same lines. No new details. I have scoured thousands of these reports I have on file and checked many other sources. Nothing similar so the "craft" description and entity description are unique.
In 2015 I finally got in contact with someone at a major UFO organization in the USA. Yes, they had the case on file and even provided me with the files. No investigation had ever taken place. Why? Even Ted Bloecher (Google him) stated in the file that the case was deserving of investigation. The reason nothing was done? No one could be bother "It might turn out to be a hoax" based on the fact that the description and notes made by someone at a radio station at the time just didn't "do it" for someone.
I checked everywhere I could on the internet once I got the percipient's name. No claims of a hoax or a joke. Nothing. Just constant cut and paste of the same lines describing the incident.
However, the whole point of investigation is to disprove or prove a case. A joke? Fair enough. At least investigators learn something more. Genuine...well, I leave that up to you.
I am hoping that the organization I am in touch with will consider re~opening this as a cold case. It could be very significant.
I get asked "Why?" Why am I looking into these reports? It's all crazy stuff anyway.
I have talked to alleged "contactees" as well as abductees (though showing how silly it gets some prefer to be called "experiencers" or any number of other names for various reasons) and I have spoken to those who have had odd experiences that seem to conform to what are called part of the alien abduction event.
I have even examined one percipient, Mrs G., who was red on just one side of her body yet normal pale skinned on the other side, following strange night time events.
I have spoken to and even accompanied one woman who had a life time of strange experiences on a night watch. Both of us sat in a deserted park play area ~nothing appeared. This woman had experiences from a teenager onward. She had been ridiculed and found me to be the only one willing to listen, ask serious questions and not dismiss her as a "nut" ~in the late 1970s/early 1980s that was still UK Ufology's response to these claims. This witness, Mrs C., was in the passenger seat of a car driven by her husband, in 1978, when a large headed type entity appeared in front of the windscreen of the car. So clear that Mrs C. could make a detailed drawing later. But at the time she looked at her husband who claimed to have seen nothing other than his wife look at him oddly. She was not looking dazed, sleepy or staring ~just looked normal. All time accounted for so no "abduction"
Aliens? Psychological? You only find out via investigation. For all i know these two ladies are still percipients in events. Though both felt they could talk freely to me, they were being called names and facing some hostile comments from "respected Ufologists" and one eventually turned to the Church while the other just broke off contact.
In 1958, a man driving near Bristol (UK) was involved in a vehicle interference case and there was missing time involved. He contacted BUFORA in the 1970s as things still bothered him. I received his appeal for help years later as "You are interested in these things, aren't you?" As it turned out the man had, by then, moved to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe now and stood by all he had written but having been ignored that was it. No longer interested.
I coined a term "UFO Time Lapse" ~though in some cases no object was sighted but all the details seemed very similar to those in cases where objects were sighted. I asked BUFORA to adopt this term in the late 1970s (1978 I believe) since there was, as I pointed out, a good few of these events being reported. No. Norman Oliver seemed the only Ufologist interested in the term being applied!
When, in the late 1970s, I took over as head of Research and Investigation for the British Flying Saucer Bureau (f. 1953) it also led to my eventually reviving and updating the old Flying Saucer News to The UFO News Bulletin. I found that Contactee George Adamski was still help up as a credible percipient in alien contacts. About as credible as Arthur Bryant in my opinion back then. But I discussed Alien entity cases and the look of horror on some faces!
There was a case that I later made the cover item ~I took time to draw and re~create the scene as described by the percipient. Handed the magazine in to be printed and a week later got my copy: the cover had been removed by BFSB Committee "order" and replaced with a photocopy of the BFSB symbol. I was not told about this and when it happened a second time I quit. No more publication because no one else had the skills to produce it.
When I asked about old cases I knew the BFSB had "looked into" the files were suddenly "Somewhere. Not sure where" for about five years. The BFSB did not want its 'reputation' to be tainted by this silly stuff.
The final straw came after a talk I gave on Close encounters of the Third Kind at a BFSB meeting was interrupted several times as it was pointed out that, "unlike Adamski these persons have furnished no proof" and "But we know from what Adamski told us~~" I quit the BFSB!
Ufologists over and over again ad nauseum talk about non existent "Ministry" cover ups or "suppression of cases by government bodies" yet have done exactly the same since the very first days of flying saucer 'investigation'.
Major (Retd) Donald E. Keyhoe's National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP) ridiculed or explained away AE cases. The list goes on and even James and Coral lorensens Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) obfuscated some cases. In the UK I found only Norman Oliver to be seriously interested in the investigation of these reports.
After Budd Hopkins and the whole missing time furore we have "Greys" everywhere but it took until the mid 1980s before the UK latched on and then it was hip and cool to follow this trend. The UK suddenly had Greys seeping out of the woodwork. Anything or case before 1987 became a "screen image" by the Greys. It was Greys. All Greys. Then Insectoids...and Reptileans..and hybrids and...blah blah blah.
Back in the 1970s I had an idea, Lord (Brinsley) Clancarty and even Sir Victor Goddard thought it had merit. I knew people involved in all sorts of radio work and some had detected odd signals not identified at that time. I had even sat in cars at 0300 hrs as mobile radios were tuned in to scan certain frequencies. So why not get a network in the UK listening for unusual signals or even sending out "message" signals into the ether? The network could be built on as it went along but we would have an unofficial CETI (Communications with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) project that could concentrate on certain known anomalies. Then I was told "no". It seems that certain people high up in astronomical circles thought it was "deplorable" that a "bunch of amateurs" do this type of thing. Back then, if "Sir" whoever objected the Old Boys Network swung into action.
There was a funny side to this. Apparently, someone had complained that I was "Like bloody Quatermass!" (the UK TV sci fi horror series of the 1950s). On a train journey to get to RAF Brize Norton in the 1980s I was going through papers when a group of airmen got into my carriage. They noticed the UFO material but didn't say much. At the next station a Group Captain I had met before and he looked at me and then at the younger men: "Watch yourselves, Professor Quatermass is here!" he said loudly. The airmen had no idea. However on a few other occasions I was referred to in a joking fashion as "Old Quatermass".
I have hefty files on AE/CE 3K accounts from around the world and they were scoured long ago for any non humanoid cases that seemed to have credibility. few did. Some were outright hoaxes or explained in other ways ~which original sources, such as Flying Saucer review, knew were hoaxes yet promoted over the years as genuine. Even the 1958 "Scottish Landing" turns out to be a hoax by FSR or one of its associates yet is still cited as genuine to this day.
SETI and those "in the know", always said any aliens would not look like humans. Would look anything but human. But in the last decade or so many now say the humanoid form may be some kind of galactic standard form. Which is why I never gave up looking at any reports and found a few of great interest. However, one case that had high strangeness and involved an AE type not recorded before or since took place in 1973. And it was dealt with by the Allen Hynek created Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS). Pay dirt ~this elite organisation was on the spot. Except, as I found out a few years back, the report was not investigated because no one could be bothered. Seriously.
And when cases crop up or are thoroughly investigated do Ufologists join together to look for more information in a scientific way ~ie. do they look for back up information both pro and con a case? Only when you look at all possible explanations and exclude them do you have a case worthy of note. But, no, it's name calling, back~stabbing, even lying from one Ufologist to another and often a percipient is stuck in the middle of this. "This testimony does not conform with what Budd Hopkins or Dr Jacobs ascertained so its a fake!"
Ufology as a whole is not scientific. And every year since 1998 (?) we have heard from the same old same old media faces that "Full disclosure will take place this year/next year!" Still waiting. Ufologists need to practice full disclosure of how they mess things up ~not all of them because there are credible investigators out there~ and base things on personal bias rather than based on facts.
Since 1975 I have been looking at AE/CE3K reports and I will continue to do so, yes, even keeping an eye on current abduction work, because that is how you come up with a seemingly genuine report. One to build on. One that may prove the earth has had the occasional extra terrestrial visitor and that is what science needs. A case it can dig into.
I have a mind. I want to find things out. The weirder or stranger the claim the better because that makes my mind work and, you never know, one day.....
There are certain UFO Alien Entity cases that stick in my mind. I've thousands -hundreds from the UK- of reports washing about in my brain so why would certain cases stand out from others?
Firstly, there is a factor that a case gives details of a trend that Ufologists only become aware of many years later.
If you take the 1957 Antonio Villas Boas case from Brazil -the account has many similarities to cases reported in later decades. It is claimed by some -I do not give one jot what any 'Fortean' writes, especially using the name of Charles Fort which the man objected to, they tend to not be very bright and often change their accounts of cases to fit a current theory- that AVB took some details of his alleged abduction from an account published in an earlier periodical. Or, with Forteans, there tends to be almost a silly school boy attitude because sex was involved. Everything else is "just a silly story -he says he had sex with an alien! tee-hee-hee. snicker!"
A few years later, Eugene Browne, living in Northern Ireland claimed a similar experience. But he reported it privately to Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Lord Clancarty) and Contact UK. He wanted no big publicity just to tell what happened. I was shocked, in the 1970s, to learn Contact (UK) could not find the full report. I suspect it was binned by someone.
There is a long list of similar cases before the Betty and Barney Hill case and before 1970s abduction research and hypnosis began in the United States.
Firstly, AVB stuck by his story until he died. He was, according to one investigator, a "good Catholic" so not confessing to a lie is a big sin. Ignoring religion, Boas did not go on to write books or do TV shows or make continued claims. It was the Ufologists who kept the story going and, when they could not disprove it, they mocked the account. If there were similar accounts around the same period (1956-1958) then alleged researchers should have gathered all the details they could and then saw if there were similarities or factors not publicised that each abductee reported.
Eugene Brown's account is similar. John Keel discovered, quite by accident, very similar cases from the United States from men. He also discovered similar accounts from women. This was all before the 1970s regression session of witnesses reporting missing time or, as I called it in a BUFORA Journal article way back when "time lapse incidents".
The Pascagoula, Mississippi, 1973 abduction of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker was, of course, part of what became known as "1973 -The Year Of The Humanoids". Both men stuck to their stories. In recent years it was revealed that the police secretly recorded the two men, left alone in a room together, to "catch them out" but all they got was the men confirming the accounts.
Kelly-Hopkinsville, Kentucky, 1955, incident. To the very last everyone stood by their story and alcohol was ruled out. Of course the police didn't believe the account (well, it seems some did -even Prof. J. Allen Hynek seemed convinced) because a family were reporting firing at 'little green men'!
Marius DeWilde's, 1954 encounter in France was at a time of similar sightings. Even to this day, despite every attempt to destroy his reputation (what he later went on to believe has no real significance on the actual event and physical trace/physiological evidence.
News reel of DeWilde.
Jessie Roestenberg sighting of 1954 -very ably presented in Haunted Skies volume 1- is another case. It was a straight forward sighting. No claims of cosmic messages. That was it. Mrs Roestenberg reported what she saw and stuck by it. WHY? If it were a hoax or publicity event then she really failed because she sought no publicity. Unlike the later Cynthia Appleton case, a psychological one, Mrs Roestenberg actually saw a psychiatrist who pronounced her non-delusional. So what could she gain? Nothing.
The 1952 Flatwoods, Virginia encounter, though many have tried to explain it away, but it is still one of the first and most interesting -and noteworthy- Alien Entity cases. In recent years, as with Roswell, Aurora and even Kelly, the events have been turned into parades and tourist events to help local economies. No problem with that. My problem comes with the 'researchers' who have totally bastardised facts and details and write books about "the Flatwoods Monster" and how it is still seen. Ignore all of that and go straight to sources by people who investigated -Ivan T. Sanderson being the first there.
If you read all the 'experts' today who cite "this" or "that" disproving a claim then you are struck by two things. Firstly, most were not born until, at best, the 1960s so only got into Ufology in the late 1970s or early 1980s so had no first hand knowledge and never investigated and have NEVER spoken to the witnesses.
Secondly, many are snatching at things written by others decades after the event by people who were not the investigators and in a number of cases do not even mention that some of the -the- top UFO investigators, including those working with the USAF, thought the cases were genuine. They even ignore the fact that in some US cases there are USAF reports or reports from law officers who strongly believed accounts (but "sure as hell ain't saying so publicly!").
Yeah, let's ignore that. Oh, there was a similar case reported in a magazine a year before? Proving the later case a hoax? HOW? There was a lot of "UFO" activity. We dismiss it all because we just do not believe the silly alien story.
Which leads me on to a couple of other points. From 1974 on the only accounts I heard that were accepted by UK Ufologists of "alien encounters" involved "space brothers" -Venusians, Martians, Saturnians -yes, I read all the contactee books including The Scoriton Mystery based on the hoax story of Arthur Bryant's 1965 encounter with aliens which was almost instantly proven fake but never stopped the books!
Even in the 1980s, while editing the UFO News Bulletin for the British Flying Saucer Bureau, I had a cover censored without any forewarning. The cover featured an illustration pertaining to an entity encounter in the North of England. An old BFSB logo cover was used instead. I was told "it's not in-keeping with the BFSB" and it was pointed out that had it been a typical Adamski type alien there would have been no problem.
Until the 1980s there was only one serious investigator of Alien Entity cases in the UK. One person whom BUFORA had to ask to compile the UK section of US researcher Ted Bloechers Hum-Cat (Humanoid Catalogue) but then not credit. And whom Contact UK passed reports on to for investigation and other groups published articles from on the subject. Me. I have all the magazines still -SUFOIC Newsletter, MIGAP Bulletin, BUFORA Journal, PUFORG and CUFORG newsletters and so on.
No one wanted to look at these "nut-job" accounts. It took a few years before I could convince BUFORA that there was much more in these Time Lapse cases than "just miss-reading a clock" but even then it was "Well, what can we do about it?"
We had the fakers, George Adamski being by far the best con-man who managed to convince some very high-placed people that he had been in contact with aliens and flown around in flying saucers. This was the man whom, even in the 1980s, veteran British Ufologists believed over straight forward accounts from normal people who made no wild claims. Just reported what they saw and that was it.
Of course, there was also the hoaxer Dino Kraspendon...this could be a very long list so I'll just say -go read about contactees.
From 1952, with the first flying saucer group in the UK, right up until when Budd Hopkins' book, Missing Time, hit the shelves in the 1980s, "if it wasn't space brother it's fake" was the catchphrase.
At one point, I decided to look at any possible reports of non-humanoid creatures associated with UFOs. As a young astronomer I was always told: "If they are real aliens they do not look like us -they won't even be humanoid!" Of course, these days, many involved in SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) and Exobiologists are stating that two arms and two legs might well be a "norm" for intelligent extraterrestrial lifeforms. But I wanted to look at the non humanoids.
In Some Things Strange and Sinister I took 13 cases (Strange Aliens From Outer Space). These had all been reported by Jim and Coral Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organisation (APRO) and others. Reports had featured in the APRO Bulletin and, specifically, Flying Saucer Review (FSR)-seen as thejournal of Ufology. I listed the cases and made a call for serious re-investigation.
But I decided that the re-investigation needed to be done by myself because otherwise how could I know an alleged investigator was not trying to feed me bad info?
Only two survived thorough investigation. Two others were old and trying to find investigators who had access to information or files that I could check was a failure. I contacted veteran Ufologists who had archives and had investigated cases and provided me with English and original text. What I read and heard was a shock.
All the cases, other than those noted, proved hoaxes or psychological in nature or never happened. My reaction was -well, I can't write what it was other than total disbelief. I was told over and over that accounts FSR had published in The Humanoids (FSR Special and later book) as well as FSR itself were known to be hoaxes or false accounts at the very time they were publishing the translated reports. No follow-ups stating "This is a proven hoax" -even into the 1980s FSR maintained the accounts were genuine.
Was someone at FSR deliberately keeping facts out of the translations made? Why? To prove a point or theory? Accounts cited by Jacques Vallee in his books also proved to be non-events: unlike Vallee I checked sources and the French Academy of Sciences (the source quoted in some cases) -no such events recorded.
It seemed that everything I had been reading was turning out to be false. It reminded me of something an RAF officer once said to me: "Why on earth would the Air Ministry/Ministry of Defence want to try to disrupt 'Ufology' in this country? They could do no better than what the Ufologists are doing!" And he was so right.
In all the old UFO guides the most common type of alien entity encountered was the short, dome-headed type. Over the years, since the books of Hopkins proved inspirational to every TV show from X-Files to Dark Skies and beyond, the original sketches have been redrawn to look more like "The Greys". This is interpretation by artists taking too much licence from TV and movies:the original witness/investigator sketches must be adhered to -I've even seen the Kelly A-Es redrawn as Greys.
Take a look online -just google "Alien Greys" and you'll see many different renderings of "Greys". So no consistency there.
Yes, we would all like to think these are quirky reports from "nut jobs" -good for a laugh or even to take details from their accounts for use in cartoons, gaming, comics or TV and movies because, when it comes down to it, most humans think we "are it" -many just do not want to think of these things as real.
John Mack told me he believed the accounts he had heard. David Jacobs told me that he very seriously worried not just for the futures of his children and grandchildren but that of Mankind and we even discussed certain ideas that were highly controversial when put to other researchers privately. Budd, I am afraid, seemed to go off the deep end -Sight Unseen seemed to see him leap to conclusions that evidence did not back-up. But his pioneering work in the 1980s, unintentionally, became "pop culture iconic" -not really what he wanted.
When we come to "abductees" reporting seeing aliens before birth and even more fantastic claims I have to just shrug. Ann Druffel adequately explained the whole "missing foetus" (Missing Foetus Case Solved, MUFON Journal no. 283, November 1991) said to be experienced by female abductees who are pregnant then not and no foetus is present leading to the belief that "They took it!" It is sadly, in fact, not that uncommon and does not involve any aliens.
There have been so many books, magazine articles, internet images, TV shows, movies and much more featuring "Greys" and abduction accounts. A "check-list for alien abduction symptoms" often features and contain common things that put together and add the words "Alien Abduction".....
The 1991 Roper Poll estimated some 3.7 million Americans had probably been abducted but this figure has been up-dated by some to 4+ millions. "Chariots of the Gods, man. They practically own the goddam planet!" as one movie character put it!
Not just adults abducted but their children...their parents...their grandparents...their great grandparents...generation after generation. Groups abducted en masse. No. I do not buy that. And one big problem is the "abductee Help Group" -they meet, they discuss their abductions and many suddenly hear of other things and..."I think that happened to me!"
It is also common when you tell someone claiming to have been abducted that you cannot say with even 90% certainty that their abductors were aliens from another planet to get specific reactions: one is the abductee often angrily exclaimng "This happened to ME! I KNOW they were aliens!" and then they develop their own theories or beliefs and gods help anyone disagreeing or say "But---"
The other reaction is that some will suddenly believe this is Hellish evil. They find religion and become "born again" (I won't comment how, in the context of their abduction claims, ironical that is).
Each individual is different. I have even met and talked to as well as examined reddening of the skin caused "by" an encounter. I had the experience of a friend in the 1970s who had a mental and physical breakdown. Physically he recovered but when told he was being released from hospital...I could not believe what happened overnight -his skin was dark, reddened and skin flaking. He looked as though he had been burnt. His doctor explained that it was "psychosematic" (today covered by psychodermatology).
You can find people with sore inflamed skin around the eyes, mouth, on arms, torso and face -some looking really nasty but involving the mind and body not UFOs. All of this contributes to false 'evidence' and it is why I always talk to people that contacted me -one woman saw -vividly- an alien head hovering in front of the car windscreen while her husband was driving and he saw nothing. Two cases presented themselves to me involving life long "alien" visitations -the Mrs H and Mrs JC cases and both were dismissed by one UFO group after another. It would be interesting to see what has happened to these women since the 1980s but I never heard from them after one UFO group badly treated them.
The early cases, those that got only brief coverage but were unaffected by the whole Hill abduction or later Greys phenomena -those are the ones we should look at. Those may not be very sensational but the original accounts and sources are where we might learn a lot.
From "I think about certain cases" this has turned iinto a long ramble but I hope you get the point? ALL IMAGES (C) THE RESPECTIVE COPYRIGHT HOLDER
In his 1998 book, The Threat, Jacobs uncovered disconcerting reports about aliens' plans for the future of Earth. He reported that a "change" is coming; a future when very human-like hybrids would intermingle with humans in everyday life. "Soon we will all be together," the aliens said. "Soon everyone will be happy and everyone will know his place."
This book examines a disturbing phenomenon that Jacobs began noticing in 2003. The alien integration action plan has kicked into high gear.The incidents of alien abductions have accelerated as have occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life. A silent and insidious invasion has begun. Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and into your workplace. They have been trained by human abductees to "pass," to blend in to society, to appear as normal as your next door neighbor.
This book illustrates in detail the process of alien integration into society and the strategy and support structure that has been developed to make this happen seamlessly. While he is not certain why they are doing it, the final chapter of the book will provide some chilling possible answers as to why they are here and what they want to accomplish.
Jacobs is a careful researcher who has investigated more than 1150 abduction events experienced by more than 150 abductees. This book focuses on the experiences of thirteen abductees.
David M. Jacobs is an American historian and recently retired associate professor of history at Temple University specializing in 20th-century American history and culture. Jacobs is also well known in the field of UFOlogy for his research and authoring of books on the subject of alien abductions. Visit him at
"David Jacobs has spent his career as a history professor at a major university, and--what matters most of all--he backs his claims with an impressive mass of evidence.…Jacobs treats his subject with ethnographic depth and detail, but without academic ponderousness." --Thomas E. Bullard, PhD, board member, Center for UFO Studies and Fund for UFO Research and author of UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery
"Once we accept the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs and that the beings can act purposefully as rational beings invariably do, it is only a small step from UFO phenomena to the co-residency of the two species. It is this logical consistency that makes Walking Among Us constantly grip our imagination with such vengeance." --Young-hae Chi, D Phil, faculty of Oriental studies, University of Oxford
"Walking Among Us is a chronicle of human experience that contradicts every current theory about the universe that we think we live in. Jacobs' human observers have experienced a concealed reality that is literally next door to some of us, and that he believes is about to interact, secretly and insidiously, with the rest of us. Walking Among Us explains why extraterrestrial UFOs are here, who is aboard them, and what they are doing. To put it mildly, the evidence from the people that Jacobs has interviewed shows that the extraterrestrials are up to no good. You will find Walking Among Us hard to put down. If enough of us read and pay attention to the evidence in this book, we might be able to avoid the disaster that its evidence portends." --Don C. Donderi, PhD, associate professor (retired) of psychology, McGill University, Montreal, author of UFOs, ETs, and Alien Abductions
"David Jacobs has written an extremely important book about UFO abductees and the meaning of their abductions." --Ron Westrum, PhD, emeritus professor of sociology, Eastern Michigan University
You know, I once defended Jacobs in an article that Fortean Times refused to publish. It was after Peter Brookesmith wrote a typical sat-in-a-chair Fortean attack on Jacobs' work. Just look online, Brookesmith tends to write a lot of attacks on cases or peoples work that others then correct him on.
Anyway, as with Budd Hopkins, whom I supported publicly -and in other ways- I felt that it was very important that their work be monitored and encouraged and peer reviewed by other researchers. I defended Budd in print a few times, too. You see, we need to assess what we can and from what knowledge we gain and move on from there.
I had doubts creeping in regarding Budd's work and I know Ann Druffel has suggested that it might be possible that some form of accidental telepathy might be at work -the percipient under hypnosis picking up what the hypnotist is thinking, hence Hopkins outlook on what "They" were up to differed from what Jacobs felt "They" were up to,or even what John Mack thought. I am not saying that telepathy is rubbish for various reasons, but I do not think this is what is going on here.
Druffel in How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction (1998), notes how, pre-Hopkins and Whitley Streiber there were no "Greys" (she does get rather piqued that the English spelling "Greys" seems to be used more than the American "Grays" spelling!). Yes, there were small, large headed entities but not "Greys" -in fact, it amazes me how Greys are represented in art or witness sketches: they are all Greys but with differences. Ufologists don't tend to point this out. Even old cases are now represented as involving Greys when they were never described as such.
And here is another thing: Betty and Barney Hill were not abducted by Greys. We have Ufologists and witnesses stating "They were Greys exactly as shown on Streiber's book cover" (Communion). The problem is that I, and a few other serious researchers, do not believe Streiber is doing anything other than selling and promoting a profitable series of books. Fiction. So,these abductors look like an imaginary alien on a book cover...though witness drawings then start differing.
But all those UFO abduction cases in the past not involving Greys were all "screen events" -false mental images designed to hide the great alien mastermind abductors -The Greys.
Except now, according to Jacobs, the Greys are probably some form of hybrid worker. This could get confusing.
We have, according to Jacobs, the burly reptilian security aliens who look a lot like the reptilian alien captain, Gorn, from the original 1960s Star Trek TV series, and in recent years cameo guest in The Big Bang Theory. The witness drawings look like him. But these guys are subservient too. Maybe or maybe not some hybrid form -who knows!
Then we have the Hybrids who look part human but still mostly unusual and alien looking.
Then there are the ultimates. The Hubrids who could pass for human. They are everywhere. They command you to come move their furniture as you are heading off to shops and you forget about it and turn up at home hours late but no one pays that much attention. Jacob notes that one alleged abductee showed him a photo of the Hubrid attached to him -standing right next to him in the photo. But the photo is not reproduced.
The real masterminds are....the Insectilians. Giant preying mantis type creatures and it may be the Greys are hybrids from these or another species this point I had to sit back and take a breather.
Oh, and the nasty aliens like to beat up abductees who talk to Jacobs. And they threaten all kinds of things -killing family members and so on. Arrange for Jacobs to have an 'accident' or just make him vanish. No.
When I read Sight Unseen by Budd Hopkins I realized he had been duped. Not some secret government plot to discredit him. He had been conned pure and simple and as each new chapter unfolded I realized that his credibility had gone.
On reading Walking Among Us it was clear that Jacobs had gone over the top. I checked out a few videos from MUFON and other conferences plus an online live interview. Jacobs tells us that UFO witnesses "say they stopped to look at this bright UFO in the sky then, suddenly -it's gone. Shot away at incredible speed!" Jacobs gets very excited because he knows the truth: "No. It didn't! What happened was that you were abducted!" But it is worse, Jacob tells us that we shouldn't "even try to fight back because they are so far advanced we cannot do a thing!"
So, everyone who sees a light in the sky is an abductee. Fifty or one hundred people watch a UFO and they have all been abducted? According to Jacobs yes. Jacobs and Hopkins, the Wise Men of abduction research, sat down and were happy to estimate that 2% of the Earths human population had been abducted. So, 2013 human population was around 7.125 billions so 2% means one hundred forty-two million five hundred thousand people on Earth are abductees. And if you marry an abductee and have kids THEY will become abductees.
And Jacobs repeatedly states that these "experiencers" are fifth columnists. They are helping the aliens to out-breed and control humans. More than one has stated this but Jacobs is being irresponsible because he not only writes this but says it at UFO events and online interviews. If we look at the US and the number of guns there, not to mention people who have mental health issues or who seriously believe what Jacobs is saying then a target has been pinned to everyone who has claimed to be an abductee. How long before some gun-toting idiot decides "action needs to be taken" to save his/her kids, grand children or the human race? And, sadly, it will happen. Jacobs tells us how abductees state they are "above humans" and are trained to control those other humans, to herd them, come The Change. So, why are these important abductees, such as Kara Turner, allowed to die from cancer,strokes, heart attacks or other human maladies? According to Jacobs because there is such a large stock of abductees the aliens can move on to. All those quotes about the book. Crap. Simplest way of putting it. What "evidence" has Jacobs' work unearthed? Somebody found a scratch or cut on themselves and "I'm pretty sure it wasn't there yesterday..." Bruises -ditto. "Implants"? Not one single alleged "implant" removed has proven to be anything than organic material -nothing alien and, yes, I am including those bunko-men who, if genuine medical doctors, should be investigated and prove their case or be struck off. "Wow. Look at the radio signal coming off that thing!" Same stupid con played by TV "ghost hunters" with their "scientific equipment". So, what "evidence" is there? Ann Druffel put the whole "missing foetus" myth in the bin back in the 1990s. Being announced pregnant but then not being pregnant -false result,is not rare. It is why pregnant women get scans these days. Nothing from the "missing foetus" syndrome has ever stood up to scrutiny and the worst thing is that we only have the "experiencers'" word that any of this happened. Experiencers go into "altered states" prior to abductiuons. One instance demonstrates this ( emphasis mine. pp. 55-56): "I conducted the following session with Betsey without hypnosis. She had so many sessions with me that she had learned to place herself back into an event and to remember consciously and accurately what had happened to her. This session took place using Instant Messaging. Often, our messages crossed each other in cyberspace..." I read this and had to re-read it three times. Betsey had "so many sessions with me" and she could put herself back into an event. I wonder how many times is "so many" and do I really need to point out that this is going beyond any medical guidelines on the use of hypnosis?
In fact, as Betty Hill herself pointed out, Dr Benjamin Simon, a highly accredited psychologist with a very honorable record and who made ground-breaking -provable- treatment for traumatized patients, and who conducted the hypnosis sessions with the Hills, warned and was concerned that untrained people with no real understanding of what they were doing would increasingly turn to hypnosis if "alien abduction" was mentioned. His fears are alive and well and hypnosis is being used more and more by Ufologists who seem to have no idea just what they are getting into. Oh, and on page 8, para. 3, Jacobs has the audacity to write that although Dr Simons was "talented and experienced, (he) did not know about abduction phenomena and its attendent memory problems." This is the arrogance of the evangelical Jacobs who notes how one abductee, between 1999-2007, had weekly sessions for over a year and recalled 100 events and was able to delve into them more deeply! And regarding the use of hypnosis: "Learning comes from trial, error, and experience" and goes on to make sure that everyone knows he is the undoubted expert in this matter. It is utterly unbelievable. And another thing, while internet messaging with Betsey she had to stop as she was getting "that feeling" -meaning that she was about to be abducted. For all we know, Betsey could have been eating cookies and sipping on coffee whiling away the time until her TV program started. This is NOT gathering evidence. Jacobs seems to be almost playing with experiencers and is certainly not helping them as he interprets what they are telling him because only he can sort out the truth. He dismisses -ignores- commonalities between Contactees and Abductees (p. 9), though in some cases there may be the same cause because he knows better.
Abductees not being told of the aliens' planet(s) of origin nor of the ultimate aim of what they are doing and to Jacobs this is "hard evidence" that it is not all psychological because if it were the abductees would tell us all of that. But Jacobs book shows that abductees are told what things are leading up to if not the end event itself and some have been told about alien planets if not their planetary name (which would still prove nothing).
Jacobs (p. 17) notes that abductees can be as normal and unstable as non-abductees. In fact, Jacobs, and those who have allegedly read his work, do not seem to pick up on the fact that it contradicts itself in many areas. And I think his breakdown and analysis of the alien types just got so hysterically ridiculous that "the cat-in-the-hat" might have been included. "No apparent heart or lungs" and no noticeable waste or reproductive organs. I had to say "WTF" out loud. How does he know there aren't? Lungs and hearts are internal organs and in some cases it is believed the aliens are wearing all-covering outfits so how on earth are abductees -"controlled and seeing only what "they" want them to see" going to check for an anal cavity, penis or vagina. Oh, perhaps someone ought to ask "Can I see your "junk",please?" Now, Gort and the hybrids or whichever, are determined to "securing silence" I really have to point out that this is Jacobs third book? He talks allover the place on abduction. He hypnotises (though he is obviously -and this is scary- has his own definition of what hypnosis is, though with "abduction specialists" you'll find they all use hypnosis but all define what hypnosis is in varying ways!) many abductees -hundreds of times and even conducts sessions using Internet Messaging. But the aliens threaten injury, beatings and death to silence abductees -who next day contact Dr Jacobs to tellhim what happened. I'd like to break here and speak to our alien overlords if I may? Hey, guys -kill the abductees that are talking -you got millions of others to spare. Oh, and ground the abductees from using the internet or car. Seriously, you are not giving this a lot of thought, are you? And why don't you just kill off the abduction researchers -heart attack here. Stroke there. Come on. And, please, I'm not being silly but, you and your hybrids and hubrids have total, unchallengeable control over human minds and can warp and break the laws of physics...and you've been doing this on Earth since at least the 19th century? What are you the mental rejects? Back to Jacobs. "No evidence" of an alien language and that makes you wonder what all the symbols are that abductees see? Or the book mentioned by Betty Hill -or what other abductees have----damn. Sorry, I forgot, only Jacobs KNOWS.
Aliens can mind-scan abductees to see what they have been doing since the last abduction. They can "upload" information to abductee minds -even though they can only remember some of it. Hybrids scan abductee minds and control them -as do hubrids. So why, after generations, are the ultimate end product, the super mind hubrids such dumb-asses. Seriously, they do not know how to rent an apartment and when they do they live there as a group (are the special needs?). They need help with getting furniture they bought back to their apartment. These super intelligent, mind controlling hubrids are such dumb-asses that they cannot drive a car or own one -they mentally command an abductee to stop what they are doing and drive to transport things. Money. These super intelligent folk cannot understand the decimal system of currency (we really have not, as a planet, attracted the galaxy's finest).
Taught EVERYTHING from when little hubrids and as they grow up and reach adulthood mental retardation sets in. Now, and I began to despair at this tripe, the "caretaker hybrids", who went through the whole contact with a human female, etc., as in all the female abduction accounts, who have mind-scanned blah blah blah abductees do not know what parents are or what they do. Here's something else. They have no idea that the United States is the United States or that there are different see what I mean by the Galaxy's dimmest? Abductee Paula's experiences are all in keeping with her school experience, younger kids and keeping order amongst them. And these super superior dim-wits have no idea what music is or how it has made. Do they not have internet access -it's all on there! Here is an idea for our alien overlords: to maintain secrecy of your not very secret project to replace the human race (oops!) and stop abductees breaking the strict silence and secrecy: steal their computers and laptops and look all this stuff up and that way you'll stop abductees internet messaging all the secrets to Jacobs. Oh, and you won't be paying the internet bill even -the abductee will! Ah, it seems that hubrids are the successes of generation after generation of breeding and refining so that they may take over the Earth....but no one has taught them to read or write? You can see how absurd this is? And there are examples of Jacobs using leading questions. Have I mentioned that abductees kids are a great threat? Yep, all part of the scheme to subjugate humanity so pin a target on them little bastards, too...I think that's what Jacobs is saying. Well, no he is not saying that just laying it on pretty damn thick that abductees feel they are above humans and will control us for their masters "come the day" and their children will also be at their sides. And gradual take-over because, as Jacobs has stated over and over again like some evangelist on a super high: these aliens are totally unstoppable. "Don't even try -nothing you can possibly do!". Their technology to enter buildings undetected. Control human minds. In an hour they could send "Greys" or whatever into every single military or governmental facility and mind control every human there and disarm the military and control politicians. Absolutely no one anywhere can stop them.
This is what Jacobs seems to not realize. No,they are taking more than a century to rape or have their females impregnated -or female abductees being raped by male abductees- and abducted many millions to breed super intelligent half-wits. In 1898 the Greys or Insectalians or whatever the hell they are could have taken over the Earth. Full stop. And Jacobs, and again, those who have allegedly read his work, cannot see just how absurd all of this is? How one thing contradicts another? That it is just sheer nonsense? Movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The X-Files, Dark Skies, The UFO Incident, Invaders From Mars -TV, movies, comic books, pulps going back to 1900 all have elements of what these experiencers /abductees report. But, I guess Jacobs will tell us, that is what They want us to think. The screen images -images mentally created by large-headed super intelligent aliens with no real grasp of human emotion? Star Trek, the original 1965 pilot, ""The Cage", was not shown on TV until 1988. However, it was used in a two part story "The Menagerie" in 1966. It contains the short, dome headed, super-intelligent aliens who don't quite understand humans and use "screen images" to create various scenarios. Many of the abductions cited by Jacobs have elements of even cult TV series such as The Invaders. It goes on and on. In a letter to me, some years ago now, Jacobs told me that he feared for the future of his grandchildren. At the time I guessed that there must be even more to be revealed than was in The Threat. I was wrong. This book, and not to mention Jacobs statements in public, is proof of nothing. Lead the witness in the right direction because "you have to interpret what they are telling you means" (!) and you'll get what you want. The abductees seem to have experiences that correlate with their normal lives and employment and it is easy to say that accounts "agree on these points" but what do they not agree on? And why is Jacobs not pointing this out? If there were ever a case that proved why peer review is vital it is this book and Jacobs work. It is a potpourri of contradictions and fantasy and there is absolutely not one piece of hard evidence or provable fact. There is evidence that Jacobs has no understanding about the use of hypnosis or how it should be used and of leading questions and egotistical arrogance that really took me by surprise. I have no doubt that some of his "subjects" genuinely believe these abductions and events are happening -though many do say, as in Kara Turner's works, that they are not sure whether what they are experiencing is real or a dream or an altered state. But if you are going to go into this to simply collect abduction stories -do not. David Jacobs is/has not helped these people but seems to have encouraged them to go further -internet messaging should never ever be used to fill in gaps or allow a subject to put themselves into a "relaxed state" to find out more. It is unethical and non-scientific. Abductees or experiencers need long term help and from properly qualified, psychologically trained professions who will not say "Let's try hypnosis -that works!" These people, I do not believe, are being abducted by aliens or beings from"Magonia" or parallel dimensions and used as breeding machines or whatever. They are NOT mentally ill -but they do need to learn how to cope with what is happening to them and once they understand they can learn to control.
This is part of a bigger problem in Ufology today. Abductee researchers and hypnotists who suddenly realize THEY are an abductee or experiencer. In fact, in the last year I have encountered more experiencers involved in UFO 'investigation' and collecting abductee reports (by the dozens each year) than I have the old time plain and ordinary UFO investigation and researcher. This does not call for more tests to prove pet theories on piezoelectric or electro-magnetic phenomena nor "imaginary abduction tests". This calls for serious study by psychologists because we are now seeing -excluding the fakes and Wannabees"- thanks to better communication and the internet, something that has probably been going on for a very -VERY- long time and kept mostly hidden until modern UFO abductions meant more people felt easier to speak out. They certainly do not deserve to be targeted as potential threats to humanity and all that might entail. I was expecting to find out more and see how Jacobs' work had progressed. I was left stunned at what I found.
I need to explain WHY I think Budd Hopkins and John Mack got it wrong and why David M. Jacobs has gone just plain crazy on alleged alien abductions.
I'll not go into great detail as that is in my next book From Beyond Time & Space but....
Everyone who sees a light in the sky is an abductee. Fifty or one hundred people watch a UFO and they have all been abducted? According to Jacobs yes. Jacobs and Hopkins, the Wise Men of abduction research, sat down and were happy to estimate that 2% of the Earths human population had been abducted. So, in 2013 the human population was around 7.125 billions so 2% means one hundred forty-two million five hundred thousand people on Earth are abductees. And if you marry an abductee and have kids then those kids will become abductees.
Utter bull-shit. I have observed 'UFOs' at fairly close proximity on several occasions (I am not talking about alien craft here) -the same thing hundreds of thousands of other observers have seen and which Jacobs and Hopkins call "UFO sightings".
On the first occasion I was packing my suitcase to go on holiday when I saw the quite large object. I was also watching a movie on TV -fumbling for my camera in the case I turned and object was gone. The scene in the movie was still playing out and my clock showed less than a minute had passed. I "saw a UFO" -and was NOT abducted
On two consecutive Saturday nights I stepped from a bus in the country area I lived and looking up, some distance off was a "UFO" -same colour, shape, etc., each time. I thought I needed to get the bus driver as a witness but as I turned I tripped, looked up. Object gone. So walked across the road and into where I lived and hardly three minutes had elapsed. The second time the object vanished as I turned to ask the driver the time and point it out. Again, 10-15 seconds. I saw a UFO on two weekends and was NOT abducted
When I lived in a block of apartments and had my best ever view of a "UFO" and observed it for around ten minutes I was not abducted. How do I know? When the object first appeared I had the radio on and the 05:00hrs radio news was on. The radio was on the window shelf next to my clock. The University clock tower chimed 05:00hrs. I noted times for movements the object made and also kept an eye on the horizon as it was dawning. I can account for EVERY minute of the sighting.
On other occasions -ditto.
I have interviewed so many people who saw UFOs -some hovering over their houses, in the streets outside their houses or passing near their cars. Because I had heard of what I termed "Time Lapse" cases the one thing I always asked about and focussed on was duration of sighting. It is the most basic question you ask to offer possible explanations (aircraft, satellite, meteors etc). No very odd periods of time missing. In fact, times were confirmed in many cases by other witnesses or family who stated "He arrived home same time as usual but a bit shaken". These UFO witnesses were not abducted by aliens.
Above: The First Men in the Moon(1919) is a black-and-white silent film, directed by Bruce Gordon and J. L. V. Leigh. The film is based on H.G. Wells' science fiction novel The First Men in the Moon(1901). A Grey plus other large heade, large eyed creatures and...a lizardman?
I talked to pilots -military and civil. Some carrying passengers on their aircraft. They saw UFOs but were not abducted by aliens. Even in the 1970s and 1980s if an aircraft did not respond it was investigated by people on the ground or interceptor aircraft. UFO sightings and every minute accounted for because the pilots wanted to know WHAT they had seen and knew if they reported the event they had better have everything written down including times.
You see how Jacobs' theory -or "it is a fact"- falls to pieces. Go through UFO literature. Jacobs is quite literally throwing everything out the window because, as he states he is the "only one" who understands what is going on.
Aliens can mind-scan abductees to see what they have been doing since the last abduction. They can "upload" information to abductee minds -even though they can only remember some of it. Hybrids scan abductee minds and control them -as do hubrids. So why, after generations, are the ultimate end product, the super mind hubrids such dumb-asses. Seriously, they do not know how to rent an apartment and when they do they live there as a group (are they “special needs”?).
They need help with getting furniture they bought back to their apartment. These super intelligent, mind controlling hubrids are such dumb-asses that they cannot drive a car or own one -they mentally command an abductee to stop what they are doing and drive to transport things. Money. These super intelligent folk cannot understand the decimal system of currency. If they can float abductees in and out of buildings in cities why can they not move furniture in that way? Why buy stuff for the house when you can just ‘abduct’ it from a store and put it straight into your home?
We really have not, as a planet, attracted the galaxy's finest.
Taught everything from when little hubrids and as they grow up and reach adulthood mental retardation sets in.
It falls to pieces and despite Jacobs screaming at us I am afraid that if you keep insisting that Mr Floppy the pet bunny rabbit is in fact a rhinoceros and there is an end to it....well, Mr Floppy is not the problem.
But then we have an even more ludicrous angle.
A gradual take-over because, as Jacobs has stated over and over again like some evangelist on a super high: these aliens are totally unstoppable. "Don't even try -nothing you can possibly do!". Well, no, a gradual generation by generation slow build up to taking over the Earth really does not make sense at all. Not using even the worst logic going.
Their technology to enter buildings undetected. Control human minds. By-pass or stop security alarms, CCTV and even cameras. Their craft can move about invisibly, cross the vast reaches of space, pick up cars and large trucks and no one other than the abductee knows this is going on. Well, I would guess that within an hour they could send "Greys" or whatever into every single military or governmental facility and mind control every human there and disarm the military and control politicians. Absolutely no one anywhere can stop them. “We are in control. This is our planet now. You are….” I think you need to put your own words there –“slaves”?
This is what Jacobs seems to not realize. No, they are taking more than a century (in fact over two hundred years) to rape or have their females impregnated -or female abductees being raped by male abductees- and abducted many millions to breed super intelligent half-wits.
In 1898 the Greys or Insectalians or whatever the hell they are could have taken over the Earth. Full stop. We had hot air balloons, a few airships, Gatling guns, Gardner guns, breech-loading artillery, some Iron-clad naval vessels…still a lot of cavalry. Basically, we were not even very well organised ants : we had one empire fighting or struggling against another in the name of a queen, emperor, king or despot. What you might call a “walk in-take over” scenario. But no.
More "oposition" -US Gatling guns -1898 Spanish-American war
Jacobs, and again, those who have allegedly read his work and support it, cannot see just how absurd all of this is? How one thing contradicts another? That it is just sheer nonsense?
Here is a bigger nail in the coffin. the period 1914~1919 was a perfect time to "take over". Primitive technology but...The influenza or flu pandemic of 1918 to 1919, the deadliest in modern history, infected an estimated 500 million people world wide–about one-third of the planet's population at the time–and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims.
The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was more than 41 million: there were over 18 million deaths and 23 million wounded, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history. The total number of deaths includes about 11 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians.
In other words that period saw the human population at its weakest having lost 38~68 million from the global population.
The silliness of this generational abductions piffle falls to pieces even more. also, Jacobs asserts that "They" do not want us to know what they are doing. That is why abductees memories are "suppressed". Some abductees talk to Jacobs and the big bad lizard alien security guard turns up in their house and beats them. Right. Also, for a secret agenda...well, like I wrote before, we are not attracting the universe's brightest. Hundreds of alien abduction books. Thousands of magazines with article revealing all the details, many hundreds of TV shows around the world dealing or looking at alien abduction. TV and movies using the information for fiction. This is how dumb the entire thing is. Kill Jacobs. Kill any abduction investigators. Kill anyone revealing the truth. Super advanced aliens could do that and make any death look accidental. I was a big supporter of Budd Hopkins (even have a personally signed copy of one of his books) and also of Dr Jacobs. I countered many magazine articles that attacked their integrity and work. So I have never been against the alien abduction idea. Now it has become silly.
Roswell alien craft crash. Never happened. "Foil and a rope" in the FBI telegram that kicked this all off. Not good for interplanetary travel really. What Roswell debris is held in the US National Archives and has been filmed? Exactly what the telegram stated. No craft, no alien bodies just a huge money spinner. Aurora UFO crash. We know that was a newspaper hoax to try to revive a dying town. It was a hoax and proven to be a hoax. Money spinner.
Flatwoods 1952 landing (go look it up) has become so distorted since the 1990s because it is a money-spinner. To hell with the actual real incident let's make stuff up!
The same old faces popping up on TV telling us the "truth" about UFOs are feeding us lines and making money and securing their places as "personalities".
What is going on regarding abductions is sticking out in the literature like a ten feet high sore thumb. But either those involved are blind, ignorant or just do not want that truth. This is what I will be looking at in the book.
Fiction has taken over from fact. People love the fiction: millions being abducted, government cover ups and Disclosure (after 16 years of "Next year" I think it fair to say there is no such thing as "full Disclosure" coming -of what?) and every ghost story involving evil dark entities, demons, the Devil (he is very busy apparently) and so many claimed, by alleged paranormal 'experts', portal/entrances to and from Hell that you are less likely to find the toilet door in your own house.
We need to get rid of the things that purely obfuscate...everything. There may well be occasional visitations by aliens but who would know? We need to push this "Greys" nonsense out of the way and those people continuing to promote it need to be treated for what they are. Frauds. Delusional or really unaware of what they are really dealing with.
And the genuine "abductees" need help and support and are NOT "crazy". Ask Ruth.