I have given this blog all I can to get discussion and maybe exchange of information going this year and the responses?
I have posted items that you are not going to see anywhere else and, though a good few have been lifted and used by others as 'their' research nothing else has happened.
The post: "Did we just discover 24 alien civilisations" would be BIG news especially amongst those with a UFO interest. It received THE lowest number of views ever....8
The AOP Journal has gotten rave reviews and it's currently discounted and was published in October 2018....not one single sale.
Muy research is carrying on privately and will only be seen in my books.
This came from Johan Gustavsson of the AFU and if anyone has any information on this case please let me know -blacktowercg@hotmail.com
We recently found this somewhat intriguing abduction story in the Creighton archive at AFU.
It is a rather thoroughly described missing time story with delayed recollection of a typical abduction and some peculiar aftereffects. However as far as I can se the report is so far unpublished and have only been sent to Harry Challenger and possibly a few other researchers as well. The correspondence is attached below.
"To make a long story short the witness name is P--- E----- and he encountered a vertically oriented cigar shaped object in a wooded area in Shropshire in 1984. When returning home after the encounter he realized a whole day had passed. Later he recalled the typical abduction scenario during therapy sessions (no mention of hypnosis though) and some time later he started to develop some lasting physiological symptoms which he connected with the incident. The most prominent was that hes genitals shrunk and he became impotent but there where also more common effects such as nausea, rashes, loose of weight and hair loose. He later meet a woman named Zoyra on a number of occasions who seemed to know about the incident and the aftereffects without the witness having told anyone but hes therapist about it. "
The letters are dated in 2006 but the recipient is not clearly included in all sections of the correspondence.
One of the most bizarre accounts of UFO folklore involves an incident that allegedly occurred in Voronezh, Russia. This case was reported in the United States by the St. Louis Dispatch.
The story was originally published on October 11, 1989, in America, but its origin was the Russian newspaper TASS.
The report recounts the adventures of several young children who claimed to have seen a three-eyed alien with a robot escort.
The craft, according to eye witness testimony, landed on the outskirts of the city. Shortly thereafter, the tall alien appeared, and upon seeing the young lad, shot a type of weapon at him, causing him to vanish before the eyes of the other people around him.The alien was said to be about nine foot tall.
There are several important elements one must keep in mind regarding this extremely strange case of a close encounter. The original details of the case were brought forward by Genrikh Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, who gave details to the TASS agency.
Silanov stated that the media took an enormous amount of creative freedom with his report.
“Don’t believe all you hear from Tass,” he stated.” We never gave them part of what they published.”
I take this statement to mean that only a part of the news agency’s report was based on the facts obtained from Silanov.
The agency had informed the entire world that Russian scientists had confirmed that an alien spaceship carrying giants with tiny heads had landed in Voronezh, a city of over 800,000 people located about 300 miles southeast of Moscow.
They stated that as many as three of these giant creatures had emerged from the alien ship. The ship was described as a large, shining ball. These strange creatures were said to have walked in a nearby park, accompanied by a menacing robot. Ironically, TASS was the only media member to print the story in Russia.
In defense of the TASS account, Soviet reporter Skaya Kultura said that the agency was following the ”the golden rule of journalism.”The newspaper Pravda declined to print, or comment on the strange tale.
The TASS account also stated: “A boy screamed with fear, but when the alien gazed at him, with eyes shining, he fell silent, unable to move. Onlookers screamed, and the UFO and the creatures disappeared.”They saw a ”three-eyed alien” about 10 feet tall, clad in silvery overalls and bronze-colored boots and wearing a disk on his chest. “
“The reader must know everything.”
The TASS account stated that the UFO landed in Voronezh on September 27, 1989, at 6:30 P.M. Young boys playing soccer witnessed the event, stating that a pinkish glow preceded the descent of the unusual flying craft.
The pink glow became a deep red as it touched down. Most witnesses described the object as a flattened, disc shape. A crowd quickly gathered, and peered through a hatch that opened.
It was suggested that I put a question to readers of this blog. I have never had any kind of comment or reaction on blogs so I do not hold much hope on this one!
It is quite simple: which CE3k/Entity case do YOU think is the most authentic or that you would like to see far more investigation/detail of?
That is it. You just need to comment simply - just who was involved where and when ie: "Walters, Essex, 1973"
John Hanson has completed work on The Halt Perspective (book 2) and yesterday shared news about Volume 4 (new and revised) of Haunted Skies the UFO history encyclopedia.
I cannot recommend these books enough. I've been at this UFO game since 1974 and there are cases here totally new to me -because people have only reported them to John. Also there is a lot more updated info on old cases and fully illustrated!
Well I have spent 12 hours and more or less sorted out the German CE3K reports. Even those that had been translated into English needed tidying up somewhat.
It actually gives a much clearer picture of reports and the Lothat Schaefler case was the subject of a very full report and took place in 1977 -well before the whole Grey phenomenon.
I am sorry to say, however, that translating more foreign language reports into English is beyond me. I would like to know about reports from the Netherlands and Denmark though there seems far more on Finland than those two countries combined.
Again, if anyone or group can help please get in touch.
I get quite good help from the Centre for UFO Studies in the United States and, depending on the amount of time they have, the AFU in Sweden. That is it.
I ask Ufologists to help cooperate on a project all would benefit from (CUFOS will be receiving completed reports and cases they have little or nothing on at the moment) and I get sent 2-6 page reports in Spanish when I make it crystal clear I only know a few words...reports that turn out to be hoaxes because, it seems, Spain has never -NEVER- had a genuine CE3K/AE encounter.
From Germany (in 2015) I got a short report -well, a scan from GEPs journal as well as a lengthier case report -also scanned from their magazine. I am grateful but there are technical words that I do not know and cannot find references to anywhere and people use local dialects or slang terms that are meaningless gibberish in English (from 1977-2913 I heard every English accent going and some were a real struggle so imagine me sending a German exotic fauna researcher a report where local Cumbrian dialect is used to describe something)
The main reason everything is in a foreign language is because "There are no volunteers to translate" I did like the Spanish Ufologist "I don't have the time but when you have translated it I'll check it over". This is international cooperation at its best.
Two weeks to translate a Spanish hoax case, months struggling with French and longer with German.
People keep saying "use an online translator!" but Google etc are awful and I often have to resort to going back to language dictionaries. "V in a small squadron men had tail over east" is what Google translate came up with but the actual translation is: "There was no tail seen on the object as it moved to the east".
That said, 106 posts on this blog and absolutely not one word of feedback from a world wide audience.
I think that it says a great deal about modern Ufology. People will not buy serious, researched and referenced books on the subject just trash full of lies because the writers take them to be ill educated and "dumb".
And after a month and a lot of publicity not a single copy of the AOP Journal no. 1 has sold. I guess people prefer to get 'facts' from You Tube rather than read.
So here is the incomplete cover to AOPJ no. 2 that will not be appearing.