I do not make any claims for the Varghina incident, in fact it changed in detail so much after it hit the UFO press that it became a whole different case!
I found all of this on disc so include it as "a bit of a read"
Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story Updated,
by the Ufologists
This article was originally published in the brazilian
“Revista UFO” (UFO Magazine), Special Issue #13, July 1996, edited by CBPDV
(Centro Brasileiro para Pesquisa de Discos Voadores - Brazilian Center for
Flying Saucer Research), Editor A.J.Gevaerd.
This is a short version , kindly summarized and translated from portuguese by P.H.Andrade, with the help of his brother, Carlos.
This article is updated until July 1996. First submitted on
August 9 th, 1996. City of
The researchers’ Secret Investigative Diary on the Case - by
Vitorio Pacaccini and Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues.
Part 1 - by Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues.
The Saturday that the ET capture took place, January 20th ‘96, I wasn’t in Varginha. The day after, Jan 21st, I arrived at about 10: 30 a.m. and received a call from a storekeeper who owns a shop in the center of the town, Mr. Milton. He asked if I had knowledge of what happened the day before and told me that “... some girls had seen a weird animal, something like a little monster”.
That same night, as I realized that the rumour was already
spreaded throughout the city, I called
Above: the three sisters
Meanwhile, the rumours continue to spread through the city.
Some people said the creature had been captured and taken to the "Hospital
Regional" [
FIRST WEEK OF INVESTIGATIONS - I began to investigate and was helped by a friend, Sérgio, director of TV Princesa, a local TV station. We’ve got access to a boy that said he was present at the capture. But his words didn’t make any sense, he was too childish, and very confused. We also have got access to a woman, which runned away the moment we approached her. Her husband tried to convince her to give us some info, but she refused.
Finally, we found the girls and took their testimony. They were two sisters whose mother, Mrs.Luisa, received me a little suspicious. I identified myself as an UFO researcher and lawyer, and explained my interest in the situation. I’ve got extremely impressed with what they told me, specially the older girl, Liliane, 16. When she was telling me what happened, she burst into tears.Then, I asked them to introduce me to the third witness : her friend, Katia, 22, that also cried when we met.
I asked them to take me to the place where all had happened. They told that when they were in the middle of that pathway, they saw a strange being squatted in the ground. To Valquíria, the younger, “that appeared to be a giant ox heart”. They realized that it was something out-of-this-world, when they returned to the street and went away, running.
After hearing all the story from her daughters, Luísa returned to the place to see if she could find any evidence, but she didn’t. Luísa felt a strange smell, very strong and impossible to be compared to anything else. The following days, I kept on talking to them, and asked them to repeat several times what they had seen.
common in researches, because it helps to find contradictions in the
testimonies. Meanwhile, the rumours continued to spread, increase, and gained
consistency in Varginha. The whole city started to comment on the story. In
Varginha, there are three hospitals, however the rumours converged only to the
It wasn’t possible to be sure of anything, specially about
which hospital would be involved with the fact. Everything was obscure, until I
managed to talk to a nurse of
According to this witness, the meeting culminated with the following statement from the director : “Here in Varginha there are people who like to deal with “cool” things, I mean, supernatural, strange ... It is probable that these people will look for you, specially that lawyer, Ubirajara. To these people, you must deny everything. I mean , do deny”.
Later, I spoke to a former pupil of mine, who said she had been at the hospital entrance hall that Sunday, by 10: 30 p.m., together with a friend of her. She asked the receptionist if it was true what the rumours said about the “little monster” received at the hospital. The employee confirmed , saying that the being wasn’t there anymore, because it had been removed to another city hospital, the “Humanitas”. So, the women went there, too. Now, they were attended by a nurse who told them the following : “You cannot go inside to see ‘that’ and, even if you could, I wouldn’t advise you to ... you wouldn’t like to see it”.
The same time, some parallel witnesses, which live in Humanitas region, said they had seen troops movements at the lateral gate. This was everything I knew then. It was necessary to have stronger evidences. So I tried the military area, firstly Commander Mauricio, from the Military Police. When I met him, I identified myself and explained the situation. I asked him if he had knowledge of the rumours that the MP was involved in the capture case. His answer was negative.
He, then, offered to check it out , and verified that there were no records of such occurrence. Even thus, he asked me to contact him again, because perhaps he would find something. The next day, as it was scheduled, I called Commander Mauricio, but he didn’t attend me. I made about 50 phone calls to the quarter, but wasn’t attended. So I began to feel that something was wrong. They were hiding something.
A friend of mine managed to talk to a policewoman that was
on duty at Saturday, January 20th, receiving the emergency calls, thru the
number 190 [the police number] . She revealed there were some calls : “In fact,
some people called saying that they saw such a little monster, but we thought
they were kidding and we didn’t give attention to them”.
SEEKING THE FIRE DEPARTMENT - Me and Sérgio looked for the local Fire Brigade and we were received by Captain Alvarenga. The moment we identify ourselves, he got the bulletin of ocurrences for Jan. 20th, in order to ‘prove’ there were no requests for the capture of a strange animal, or something. He simply had a deffensive attitude regarding us.
During the interview, I excused myself and made a brief pause to drink some water, at the end of the corridor. I saw there two firemen talking, speaking loudly and fluently, as if they were making fun of me : “Yeah, it should be a giant frog”, one said. “No, it should be a demon, ha ha ha”, completed the other.
We followed to the Forest Police, where we were received in a very different manner. Their captain was friendly and said he likes Ufology. He stated that the Forest Police weren’t called at that occasion, but put himself on the line to share any further information.
We came back again to the nurse. She spoke with her colleagues in the hospital and, although they hadn’t seen anything, they were all unanimous in state that there were a strange movement that day.
Meanwhile, the information that a strange being appeared in Varginha had already taken the local media. All the local press, newspapers, radio and TV stations had already covered the case, although I had my doubts about spreading the case in the [brazilian] national media. Nevertheless, due to the difficulties of the investigation and the big cover-up, there was no other choice than calling the national media. Only this way we could pressure the authorities.
The same occasion, I was interviewed live at the request of
Globo TV Network (local branch) . Everything was going normal. In the middle of
the program, however, something we weren’t expecting happened. The reporter
took two faxes from over the table and talked : “We just received right now a
communication from the Fire Department and another one from the
I said, firstly, that I never affirmed the captured being was alien. I ' ve said only that it was an unknown and strange being. I’m very careful with the words.I made use of that chance and said that the UFO cover-up is such a thing that exists all over the world and started a long time ago.
After this interview, I decided to call the national media.
I called the ufologist Irene Granchi, in
At the end of the second week of investigations, I called
“Revista UFO” [UFO Magazine] and let them know the facts. In the third week, a
researcher from
Part 2 - by Vitorio Pacaccini
Before the Varginha Case appears in the media, I didn’t know
Ubirajara yet. At first, I was investigating the case for CICOANI and had
already contacted some people I knew from Três Corações, MG [State of
The name of the witness, by now and for a while, cannot be revealed. I don’t want to put anybody in jail or harm people’s lives.
So, on this Wednesday, I went to a friend’s home where he introduced me to the first witness. After some minutes of conversation, this military began to speak about the subject.
According to our source, in the morning of January 20th, the Fire Dept. phone was ringing over and over. It was people informing the appearance of a weird animal in a certain region in Varginha, and requesting some attitude, to catch it. It is important to emphasize that these phone calls started very early that morning, between 7 and 8 a.m., consequently before 3 p.m., when the girls sighted the creature.
In the occasion, the man in charge was Major Maciel, who would have sent four men to check the situation. These firemen, at the moment they arrived there, called the major thru the radio and asked him to go there too, once the case was much more complicated than it seemed before. “Major, you’d better come here, Sir . Even the Army is already here”. So, the Major followed to the place, approximately at 10,30 a.m. .
When they reached there, the capture had already been done. There were some people, including children that throwed some stones towards the creature The four firemen caught the being with a net (similar to that used to catch dogs). They were using common gloves, but were afraid of radiation. The creature didn’t show any reaction, staying totally apathetic and letting himself to be caught. It made a noise similar to the bees buzzing. It was put in a canvas-covered box and transported by an Army truck.
This witness is extremely trustworthy, knows everyone in the Fire Department and got access to several classified information. However, he is very afraid of revealing what he knows even to his closest people, due to the dangerous situation.
According to the description, the creature had sticky skin
(seeming to have put an oil on the body), red eyes, big head with
protuberances, long and thin arms, short and thin legs, big feet and a big
salience at the abdomen. It had no kind of clothing, as well as no apparent
genitals. In the ESA truck that conducted the being, there were two seargents
and one major, all of them with ‘gaúcho’ accent [Note from T.: gaúcho =
somebody who was born or lives in the southern state of
All of this reveals that somebody is lying in this case and it seems that it’s not the witnesses because they wouldn’t gain anything with it.
I made contact with other military witnesses from Três Corações in secret meetings. One of them, by the way, went to my house at 3 a. m. together with his wife. He explained to me how the Army’s Secret Service works. It has a very-well-implanted unity in the city, with people taking turns over and over, in order not to be recognized. These “S-2”, as they are known, blend with the civilians, often use mustaches, long hairs, drive old cars and behave as civilians.
This one that came to my house said the capture had been extremely favorable to the Army, because it happened in a weekend (when ESA stays practically empty, only with guards) and also due to the fact that the secret service members could enter or leave at any time, without giving explanation to anybody. Inside ESA, there is a shed where the S-2 works, surrounded by enormous security. Even the quarter’s officers have no access to that place.
We’ve had a good support from the media, which is trying to show the facts as they are. If the media, or I should better say, part of it, like Luiz Petry (director of “Fantástico”) [“Fantastic” - brazilian popular TV show, aired by Globo Network] , didn’t run for it, seeking information, everything would have finished with no explanation.
case blew wide open in national press, it began a big UFO wave over the region.
Cities such as Varginha, Alfenas, Boa Esperança, Três Corações, Bandeira do
Sul, São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Campanha and many others were taken by
unidentified objects sightings. The population noticed that something serious
was happening and several people came to us reporting sightings, contacts or
recent news about the capture.
At that time, end of February, I met an old friend that I
hadn't seen for a long time. He knew a military that was involved with the
capture operation. We managed to meet him and heard his report. The more he
revealed, the more everything became incredible. This military man gave the
names of people directly involved with the case : Colonel Olímpio Vanderlei and
Sergeant Pedrosa. The interview with this eye witness of the facts was made by
me and ufologist Marco A. Petit , AND RECORDED IN VIDEO as a guarantee of
proof. In this tape, we ask the witness if there is the possibility of somebody
attempting against his life, and he said so .
More witnesses are discovered. Later, we managed to contact another military witness. He was very reluctant in speaking with us, but when he realized the subject was already spreaded, he got courage to tell what he knew. For his surprise, nobody at ESA knew anything, because there was a disinformation operation inside the Sergeant's School itself. Talking with us, he described the fact exactly the same way that the other did before.
Only few people inside ESA know details of the operation. Everything there is top secret. The school's military contingent is over 3.000 men and, for sure, about 98 % of them don't know anything.(...) There are also other military witnesses which confirm the information we have. We know two people that have been directly involved with the catch and transport of the being. Obviously, they cannot be identified, because their lives would be in danger.
NAMES OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED - After we placed together all
the information on the case, we obtained the names of military personnel
directly involved with the case : Lieutenant-Colonel Olímpio Vanderlei, Captain
Ramires, Lieutenant Tibério (from the Army Police) and Sargeant Pedrosa. We
also know the names of the three drivers : Corporal Vassalo, Soldier Cirilo and
Soldier De Mello.
They met a Lieutenant from S-2, who arrived in a white brown
Volkswagen (Fusca-type) and stopped beside the "Paes Mendonça"
supermarket, in Varginha. This lieutenant sent all of them, by Fusca, to the
Arriving at the hospital, there was a wooden box tied on two trestles, and one of the S-2 agents was carrying a camcorder. The other military men received orders to take their jackets off and were forbidden of using voice recorders, cameras or camcorders. At that time, Military Police and Fire Department vehicles have been seen at the hospital's entry yard with six men, as well as two men from the Army's secret service and some physicians.
The dead creature was put inside the box, which was closed by a plastic canvas and placed into the truck. The truck body covering have been strenghtened in order to really hide the being. At that time, specially on January 22nd, the whole city was commenting on the strange ESA trucks' movements. It was impossible not to notice that... everyone commented and the rumours increased.
The convoy's route to Três Corações was easy. Reaching the city, there were already policemen waiting and holding the traffic. It seems that the convoy's drivers didn't know what they were transporting. One of them, in his testimony, said he thought it was a burnt man, a suicide, or something. He also said the creature had a terrible bad smell. Because there were three trucks involved, we suppose that, maybe, there were three creatures. But this can't be said for sure.
By 4 a.m., the same convoy followed to
The soldiers arrived at
We have concluded that they transported the creature to
Our scientist talked to some teachers, close people who often visit his house, and knew that there are orders from the [brazilian] government, not to speak a word about the subject. As they told him, the head of the university is also oriented to keep this operation secret. The sources, that are reliable, say that the legist physician Badan Palhares (who is responsible for important necropsies, like the Nazi Joseph Mengele one) did the first necropsy in the creature.
Regarding to the number of beings captured, it's still
obscure. Analyzing the probabilities, we can say that there are at least two
beings : the first was captured at 10 a.m. by the military forces, and the
second was sighted by the girls at about 3 p.m.
We already know how the first creature was captured, at 10 :30 a.m., involving the Police, the Army and the Fire-Fighters. But what about the second ? How did it happen ? As the witnesses revealed, it occurred at about 8 p.m. that saturday, and it involved, this time, the Military Police secret service [Note from T. : also known as "P-2"] and the Fire Department. This capture was much more discreet than the first, because the military arrived in plain clothes and using civilian cars. The creature was in an area near the woods, where the military surrounded and caught it.
This information came from a well-known lady who lives in the city, member of the Varginha's "high society", that heard that a police soldier had caught the creature. This being would have been taken to the closest local medical station, where the doctor that was on duty advised them to take him to the hospital.
evidences that the captured creature, for some reason, have been taken to the
ARE THEY RIGHT ? - A source we have in
From our point-of-view, they could share with us the information they have. We'd love to help them, but it seems to be impossible.
What if an UFO crashed in my yard, who am I supposed to call ? Obviously, the first thing I would do was to call the military authorities, because that's their job. As a matter of fact, we are concerned because we're reaching the conclusion that the Varginha Case is only the tip of an iceberg.
On the other side, the right to know must be respected.
AN ALIEN IN VARGINHA ? - There isn't in ufology's alien
classification a being with such characteristics like that of the one saw in
Varginha. That's something important to the world' s Ufology. This emphasizes
the possibility of a genetically adapted creature, whose aim was to do some
operation among us, terrestrials.
It is very likely that the Varginha ET was some kind of animal created only to conclude a mission, which is still unknown to us. Or perhaps it would be some kind of probe, patrol, or monitoring of the human race. Ufology's classification is something relative.
The classification has a wide variety, but much of it is due to the different interpretations made by the people who describe and draw the beings.
Two reporters here from Varginha were searched by a person
who identified himself as the-cousin-of-a-son-of-a-military-man-from-ESA. This
military's son would have got access to a film made at ESA showing the creature
(or the creatures) and showed it to his cousin, who offered to SBT [Note from
T.: SBT = Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão - Brazilian Television System, the
second major TV Network in Brazil] for 70.000 reais [or 68.000 U.S. dollars].
Since then, the price have been reduced. There had been a negotiation process
with SBT, involving the SBT board of directors in
This coincided with the fact that, on the same week, a
Varginha citizen, with a good reputation in the city, came to us. He said that
his 16-year old daughter and her school friend - daughter of a policeman from
the M.P. - would have watched a "horrible" film that her father
brought home. It was about the captured creature. As the girl's father realized
the situation was dangerous, he vanished with the tape ...
We know this tape exists, and for obvious reasons : witnesses had already informed us that in the capture day one of the military men was using a camcorder. We have had many evidences that this film is here in Varginha.
What the other (brazilian) UFO researchers think about the
case -
Editor A.J. Gevaerd : UFO Magazine went to the 14 th Brazilian Congress on Scientific Ufology, which took place in Curitiba, PR [State of Paraná], last June 6-9 1996, in order to gather some impressions from the researchers about Varginha case. See what these researchers think about this subject.
Irene Granchi - The case presents a new angle in UFO research. I believe in its authenticity, because I interviewed the three girls who saw the being and they're NOT lying. I' ve been known ufologist Ubirajara Rodrigues for many years and I trust his work and seriousness.
What we have here are many circumstantial evidences. Thus,
we realize that the case is very well documented with these evidences.
Regarding UFO cover-up, I think the military authorities don't have the right
to do this, because we live in a democracy.
Varginha Case is bigger than
The Varginha Case is one of the most important UFO cases
ever happened in the entire world. I see we have something superior to what
happened in
Case increases Ufology's credibility - by Claudeir Covo
Without any doubt, Varginha Case is the case number one in
The Roswell Case took about 30 years to become known to the public, while Varginha's leaked out at the first days. The researches are very well conducted, with several military testimonies in our hands, besides many contradictory authorities statements given to the press. This proves there is a cover-up process. These military witnesses had the courage to trust in the researchers, revealing what they knew and secretly recording it in video, giving important details ".
Varginha Case : There is still a lot to be said - by Edson
Boaventura Jr.
It's the most important case of Brazilian Ufology and also
worldwide, due to its implications. I'd say that even
Once I'm very close to the investigation, I see that the research is well documented, with testimonies of civilian and military witnesses that prove what happened on January 20 th and on the following days. Even now, several months after the case, there are many details still coming up to the surface, as many other witnesses gain courage and start to reveal what they know to the researchers "
The strangest aspect is the alien physiology - by Ricardo
Varella Corrêa
The most important in this case are the little details connecting information from different sources, which are checking to each other. For instance, the ammonia-like smell felt either in the place the girls sighted the being, either in the city's Hospital. We also have to consider the great movement of military vehicles which is not common."
However, the strangest aspect is the creature's physiology, different of anything else ever seen. It is strange, because what we know about ETs is that they are very independent and, sometimes, even aggressive, whereas the Varginha creature had no reaction, seemed motionless. This had never been reported in the entire world. An hypothesis that is being considered by the ufologists suggests that the creature is some sort of 'animal-probe' , put in Earth to gather some information."
The military involvement in Varginha Case - by Marco Antônio
I had knowledge of this case thru the media. Since then, I
made many contacts with researcher Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues, who informed me
it was really serious, involving a very strong cover-up operation. I' ve been
in Varginha twice. There, I confirmed that this was the most important case of
the Brazilian Ufology. I had the chance, one of the times, of being face to
face to one of the military witnesses, who was directly involved with the
operation. His testimony was extremely striking, showing the richness of
details that involved the being capture. We have to support Pacaccini and
Ubirajara's work, in a definitive way, because this case is unique. "
To our happiness, there are military people who are NOT liking and disagree with this cover-up process. They're looking for us spontaneously, in order to say what they know.We know for sure that many things are gonna happen as the case unfolds."
There are also EVIDENCES OF A RECOVERED SHIP in Varginha - by Rogério Porto Breier
In the beginning, I heard about the case thru the news gathered by GUG [GUG - Grupo Ufológico do Guarujá - Guarujá (in State of São Paulo) Ufological Group]. On May 1996, I had the opportunity to go to Varginha. I thought it was too early to call theses creatures as aliens, because there were no evidences they had came from a ship."
Now, there are also evidences that a ship have been recovered in the place. I think it's very likely, because only two or three days after the girls have sighted the being, Bandeirantes TV AIRED A REPORT on this subject : some people would have observed the RECOVERY OF A CREATURE FROM THE WRECKAGE OF AN OBJECT CRASHED in Varginha. This report fell into forgetfulness. It would be interesting if the ufologists checked it out, because nobody spoke a word about this anymore.
Alien have been autopsied by a Unicamp team - by Eduardo
I'm close to the investigations, helping Ubirajara and
Pacaccini with information from
We managed to contact the IML and the Army's quarter in
Varginha Case : the beginning of a new era in Brazilian
Ufology - by A.J.Gevaerd , Editor
The Varginha Case is a breaktrough in Brazilian Ufology. To our happiness, it happened right there, in Varginha, Minas Gerais, involving two researchers that, besides serious, honest and very dedicated to Ufology, live and know deeply the southern Minas region and its people. What if it hadn't occurred in Varginha ?
The Varginha episode is a clock bomb whose wick was lit by these brilliant researchers. A bomb that put on alert all the brazilian UFO community. Never, in all Brazilian Ufology history, the researchers have been so united, from South to North, seeking together the same truth. This truth, when totally known, will change the face of Ufology itself and the way we look to the UFO Phenomena."
On the other side, this will be also the first step towards a global change of consciousness regarding this subject, perhaps starting here in Brazil, the birthplace of so much richness - among them Ufology.
Firemen deny involvement in the Varginha ET Capture - by UFO
Magazine team
The statements from Vitorio Pacaccini and Ubirajara
Rodrigues, saying that the Fire Department captured ETs in Varginha (MG) [State
However, Ubirajara and Pacaccini assure they have military witnesses who confirm the fire fighters' involvement attending an occurrence at about 10 :30 a.m. that day in Jardim Andere. According to the witnesses, the firemen arrived at the place with four soldiers in a fire-engine. They found a weird creature in the place and the Army observed closely the whole operation.
The commandant stated that "that Saturday, I wasn't in the quarter. The name of the Fire Dept. has been involved in a casual way, I don't know, but I think there was no truth regarding this." Captain Alvarenga said the witnesses are not military at all, because "if they would, they'd talk something to the press. Even the population would ask for more facts and evidences that everything really happened". But, according to the ufologists, if the witnesses reveal their names, they would be risking their jobs and harming their lives. Besides, Ubirajara and Pacaccini recognized the witnesses' credentials.
The press tried to take photos and to obtain interviews, but the firemen resisted. The commandant tried to justify it, blaming Rede Globo [Globo TV Network], because they did a story on the subject. According to Captain Alvarenga, the Fire Department didn't want to expose itself, in order to avoid complications with the media. "The things complicated because the day people were talking about this creature, it had been a corpse exhumation in the city, and the victim's family thinks the own police killed the boy".
However, according to a fax received on May 24th, from the
Alvarenga denied the Fire Department participation in the transport of this corpse and said that "the fire fighters unit of Tres Coracoes is closer to the Army, therefore it may has been called to some operation with ESA or to transport the victim".
CONTRADICTIONS - We said to the commandant that what he was
telling us was strange and contradictory, because before that interview we had
made contact with Mr. Adilson Usier, director of
According to the commandant, "the ufologists involved
with the research of this case, Ubirajara and Pacaccini, are imagining
everything and making use of the situation, trying to put their names in the
media". Pacaccini defends himself : "I'm a very respected person,
either in my profession either in my private life. I've never needed the
ufological research to promote myself ". The same we can say of Ubirajara.
Risking life to investigate the Varginha Case - by Vitorio Pacaccini
Many people who didn't believe in anything about UFOs started - at least - to suspect of something wrong after the case blew wide open. Everything is becoming very controversial. We know, for instance, that after we've made that press conference mentioning the names of the military involved with the case, military officers have already came from Brasília to Varginha. Nobody ever imagined the things would reach this point. Even within the armed forces everything was hot-like-fire. The officers were crazy to know who had spreaded information that was not to be spreaded. One of our witnesses asked not to talk to us again, because was afraid of being "eliminated".
Our phone lines and the lines of other brazilian ufologists are electronically bugged. We 've received a recent confirmation of it, from secure sources. We are afraid that something happen to us.
It is much likely that the phone line of CBPDV [ Centro
Brasileiro para Pesquisa de Discos Voadores - Brazilian Center for Flying
Saucer Research, which edits brazilian "Revista UFO" - UFO Magazine,
Editor A.J.Gevaerd ] is also bugged, because everyone knows that the ufological
information always converge to this magazine. The ufologists only now are
realizing the seriousness of everything. We have always condemned the worldwide
UFO cover-up plan and the
SECRET OPERATION - I know I'm not lying about this case, I am absolute sure of what I am saying and the truth must be revealed. There isn't in the Brazilian Constitution one single article that prohibits the ufological research and that's enough reason for us to continue.
If there is the possibility for us of being sat over an atom bomb, what about the future of ufological research, that had been fighting against this secrecy for over 50 years ? (...) Everything have always been done in absolute secrecy. However, to our luck, this time the information have leaked out. We know the situation here is very delicated, but this is NOT gonna stop or hinder our investigation.
Military-vehicles-and-planes movements described by witness - by UFO Magazine team
Lawyer in Varginha and a former military, Mr. J.C. (initials
are fictitious, his real name cannot be revealed) witnessed the military
movements in the city the same week the girls sighted the creature. "After
the girls had seen the creature, almost nobody noticed, but there were VASP
planes [Note from T. : VASP : a brazilian airline company] over Varginha, in a
very low altitude. I also saw the Army combing the area, there were a lot of
military people in the place. Nobody noticed anything".
J.C. described the planes that flew over the city as being two F-5. He said they were NOT in the natural formation, they were in some attack formation.
However, the most important fact witnessed by him was the presence of Army vehicles near a wood (close to where the researchers affirm the ET has been captured). He was passing there and saw a truck carrying about seven soldiers. He didn't know what would be the intention of these men there : "They were walking around the area, combing the way. They wore green campaign uniforms (camouflaged). (...) Some of them were in plain clothes and they walked in groups of two. More people also saw them, I wasn't the only one to see. They disappeared mysteriously, I think they realized that they were been watched".
Some days later, J.C. heard in a bus stop near to his house [in Jardim Amélia II neighborhood, Varginha] some people commenting on the story. These people said that in the same day he heard the planes, they heard the sound of three shots that seemed to be rifle shots. A person who J.C. knows have more details : "At the time I was going down the street, I heard the shots, I don't remember which time it was. They went out the woods with two sacks, but this I didn't see. As they told me, it was campaign sacks." According to the lawyer, one of them was motionless, but the other was moving, it seemed that it had something alive inside it. Soon after this operation, the trucks vanished. Some curious people tried to comb the place, but they didn't find anything. It all happened at about 10 : 30 a.m..
TAKING A SHORT-CUT - But J.C. reveals that this was only the first catch operation. According to his testimony, there was a second one, which took place between 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. that same day. When he was leaving his office, early that afternoon, he saw a truck leaving the city and stopping at the opposite side of an earthwork short-cut.
UFO and alien sightings continue in Varginha - by UFO
Magazine team
On April 21st 1996, at 9 p.m., Mrs. Therezinha Gallo Clepf, 67, a housewife, sighted a strange creature at Paiquerê Restaurant, which lies in the Zoo-Botanical Woods of Varginha (MG), where she lives. We've been in her house so as to interview her : "I was in a party in the zoo restaurant and I went out to smoke a cigarette in the porch, and saw the creature in the porch's parapet, only from the neck upwards". She affirmed for sure that it wasn't any zoo animal.
Mrs. Therezinha became very frightened, and freezed, staying this way for about five minutes, looking all the time to the creature, without making any gesture.
GOLDEN HELMET - According to her story, the difference between the creature she saw and the one observed by the girls was the helmet she saw covering the creature's head, which stopped her (from) seeing the ears and horns that probably it should have (based on the girls' description). The rest was similar : the being had also dark brown skin, bright and oily, a rounded face, red eyes, and didn't have cheeks, nor beard, mustache or nose, and, on the lips position, it had only a cut.
Mrs. Therezinha was close to the creature, about four meters long, according to her. Still today, almost two months after the incident, she is afraid of sighting the alien again.
Some days after Mrs. Therezinha had seen the ET in the zoo,
five animals were found dead in the place, and the zoo biologist, Dr. Leila
Cabral, don't have an explanation for such deaths. An examination was made in
the animals and, in the result, it is reported that " ... in the stag, the
reason of death suggests the presence of caustic toxic substance (...), the
other animals have completely unknown causes" . The medical official
report just suggests (doesn't confirms) the presence of this kind of toxic.
There is no real reason for the deaths of the other four animals.
VARGINHA : CITY VISITED BY UFOs - Varginha is located 300 km
[or 186 miles] long from
The Southern Minas is internationally known as a region inclined to extraterrestrial activities. Cities close to Varginha, such as São Tomé das Letras, Três Corações, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Pouso Alegre and others, also present countless records (...). In the last months, the number of cases increased frightfully. In practically all the cities of this region people are seeing flying saucers. The objects appear publicly, being seen by many witnesses at the same time. In some cases, they let themselves to be filmed or photographed.
WHO BELIEVES IN THE VARGINHA E.T. ? - João Ubirajara Nogueira, engineer, owner of "La Neve" ice-cream shop, located in the center of Varginha, organized a poll between February and April 1996, with the following question : "Do you believe in the Varginha ET ? ". In this period, there have been interviewed 1910 people; 1530 people answered "yes", they believe in the ET, 330 said "no", and 50 didn't answer. In other words, more than 80 % of the city's population believe that something happened in Varginha and it wasn't from this world.
Witnesses receive offer of money to deny the story - by UFO
Magazine team
Editor A.J.Gevaerd : Mrs. Luisa Helena da Silva is mother of Liliane and Valquiria. On April 29 th 1996, at about 10 p.m., 4 well-dressed men went to her house with the purpose of bribing her, with money and goods, if their daughters deny the whole story, belying their previous account.
Luisa Helena da Silva : " I cannot say who are these people who tried to bribe me, because I 've never seen them and I don't know them either. But I know that, on a Monday, about two weeks ago, they came here at 10 p.m. . I don't know why they came in the evening, I think it was in order to nobody recognize them in the street. I don't use to receive visits this time of the day. They were four men, all using dark sneakers and suits. Two of them apparently had 40 years old and the others were youngers. Two of them were white and two were brown. One of the whites was too white, it seemed to be a russian. They didn't seem to be military. I thought, at that moment, that it could be police people, but I don't think so. What I know is that these men, for sure, are not from Varginha. But two of them had the accent of the Southern Minas region."
BRIBERY ATTEMPT FAILS -Only me and three of my daughters were at home : Liliane, Valquíria and Fernanda, the younger, who was already sleeping. They clapped hands in front of the gate. Valquíria went to attend and said that there were four men outside. (...) While I was in my bedroom changing my clothes, they went into my house, didn't wait to see if they could or not, they came and entered, invading my house. They spoke my name, as if they already knew me, saying that they want to "chat" with me and with the girls about the ET they have seen. They said that that time was the only time they could be here and asked me to lock the gate because it was a private conversation and I couldn't receive any visit. I've got afraid but, anyway, Valquíria went outside to lock the gate."
I asked if Ubirajara have sent them here. One of them said
that they had nothing to do with Ubirajara and that I should forget him. After
they have heard the girls, I asked them who they were, they told me that it
wasn't of my business. They asked my daughters what were their dreams, which
was my job, how much was my salary, where my husband worked and if the house
was mine. They wanted to know which was my major concern and if the girls were
If I gave my word that I wouldn't speak anything about their visit - specially to Ubirajara and to Pacaccini - they would make an excellent proposal to me. They said they were "the gold mine that we have never thought to have". They said they knew I was poor. They made an offer to me, saying it was irresistible, that they didn't wanna buy me, but that this help was millionaire.
I have no quietness anymore, because after the interview I gave to "Fantástico", I don't know what can happens. As I was afraid, I gave them my word. They said they wanted me to come with my daughters, and nobody else, to talk in a TV station, not at that little local station, but in a bigger station outside of Varginha. I should belie everything, say the girls had never seen anything, and some more things I would have to rehearse with them. They said they would pay cash.
I became so puzzled that I didn't ask how much was it. They only said that I could buy a house, pay my debts and stop working as a maid. I became so nervous and worried ... I asked if there wasn't a phone number I could call another day to give the answer. I said I had to think. They didn't accept and said they would come back.
After we appeared in "Fantástico", talking about
the bribery attempt, I'm sure that they will come back. Pacaccini knows about
my [situation of] life and if somebody appears with some help, of course I'm
gonna thank. But I wouldn't let my daughters lie, specially regarding this very
serious matter. Even being so humble, they are NOT gonna lie. They speak the
truth from the heart, there are a lot of people involved ... ".
For now, I'm still working in the same job, but I heard a
conversation that it will last only for this month, because there are a lot of
people calling to my work. I don't know how they found out the number, it seems
there is a person who watches us, it's too much nuisance. I'm working and then
people start calling to my work, asking to talk to me. To be honest, my life
turned into a hell after everything happened.".
Media has an important role in the case - by UFO Magazine team.
Nowadays, the means of communication have a regulating role in our society. They control the flow, quantity and quality of information to be spreaded. Several episodes of History were directly influenced by the media. In Ufology, it's not different : the means of communication, specially at this end of century, are essential to a reeducation on this subject.
Nobody can indulge oneself in keeping an information only for one's own. The world have changed. So as Ufology.
Ufology is becoming more and more accessible. There are news coming from everywhere, and it is impossible to ignore it. One great example of this is the Varginha Case which, once spreaded through the mass media, have created great controversy and aroused the public interest for criticism, information and even jokes. However, the most important in this Varginha Case's exposure was the reaction of the institutions that, according to Ubirajara and Pacaccini, are involved in the capture operation of two biologically non-classified beings.
As they realized that their secret activities could be
detected at any moment, certain members of the Army, Fire Department, Military
Police, health service and universities had a defensive attitude. In other
words, they showed much more concern than they should ... To Ubirajara
Rodrigues, this was the result of a pressure that only the press could make
against the authorities : " We have to admit that the media is the major
ufologists' weapon. If we didn't pass everything on to the media, the case
would be stagnant ... At the moment we realized that the things were getting
dangerous to us, we soon gathered the [major brazilian] ufologists and decided
to divulge everything through the media".
Pacaccini, without any fear, affirmed I am not afraid of
saying that the worldwide Ufology owes a lot to people like Luiz Petry,
producer of "Fantástico", who is producing the program's reports with
an incredible seriousness".
However, the researchers haven't revealed yet all the information they have. There are a lot of details about the case that need to be cleared up and publicly said, but this haven't been done yet due to security reasons, specially the witnesses' security. They assure that, when the right time comes, everybody will have access to all the information on the creature secretly captured in Varginha.
Last News on the Varginha Case - published in the brazilian "UFO Magazine", Issue # 45, August 1996 - (some passages).
Ufologist Claudeir Covo : Although the military and civilian authorities deny everything, several sources have decided to talk. One of these sources affirms that a local farmer killed one of the beings with a gun.".
Another source said he saw a lot of military people on plain clothes, tracking the little Jardim Andere woods, in Varginha. One of these men would have shot, for three times, an alien creature in the chest, killing it almost instantaneously. The gun would be a FAL-type [FAL - Fuzil de Artilharia Leve, or Light Artillery Rifle] . These situations are still under investigation; we do not have yet recorded testimonies of military sources about these firings, but the investigation is ongoing ".
Which right the human beings (civilian or military) would have to murder alien beings ? What is foreseen in the Brazilian Constitution ? What about the other countries' legislation ? Looking thru the religious side, what says God's Laws, or the Ten Commandments ?
Ufologist Marco Antonio Petit : Recently, new information [on Varginha Case] started to arise, including the one who says there are metallic fragments of a crashed space ship, which documents this mysterious aspect of the case. This material may be connected to the UFO sighted at daybreak of January 20th 1996, because it was releasing something that seemed to be smoke, and it moved slowly. ".
We live the last moments of a process that will put our Humanity face to face with a reality that we may not be prepared to face. Fifty years of lies may lead a considerable part of the population into an abyss (...). Something very important will happen in the next years and the Governments must assume their responsabilities, while they still can do something, because time is running.
Do YOU believe a UFO crashed at Varghina?
I do not