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Thursday, 23 September 2021

Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story

 I do not make any claims for the Varghina incident, in fact it changed in detail so much after it hit the UFO press that it became a whole different case!

I found all of this on disc so include it as "a bit of a read"


Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story Updated,

by the Ufologists

This article was originally published in the brazilian “Revista UFO” (UFO Magazine), Special Issue #13, July 1996, edited by CBPDV (Centro Brasileiro para Pesquisa de Discos Voadores - Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research), Editor A.J.Gevaerd.

This is a short version , kindly summarized and translated from portuguese by P.H.Andrade, with the help of his brother, Carlos.

This article is updated until July 1996. First submitted on August 9 th, 1996.           City of Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil

The researchers’ Secret Investigative Diary on the Case - by Vitorio Pacaccini and Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues.

Part 1 - by Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues.

The Saturday that the ET capture took place, January 20th ‘96, I wasn’t in Varginha. The day after, Jan 21st, I arrived at about 10: 30 a.m. and received a call from a storekeeper who owns a shop in the center of the town, Mr. Milton. He asked if I had knowledge of what happened the day before and told me that “... some girls had seen a weird animal, something like a little monster”.

That same night, as I realized that the rumour was already spreaded throughout the city, I called Milton again to get further details. An employee of his shop would have more information. She knew the people that had seen the strange being.The girls live at Rua Tapajós [ Tapajós Street ] , Varginha, to where I went. I asked a near storekeeper if she knew the girls, she said so, adding that "she had also observed the movement around that area regarding the case". This lady said she was friend of Luisa (the girls’ mother) and that she was told the girls arrived at home scared, that afternoon. They were screaming, crying and shaking. They had seen something very ugly.

Above: the three sisters

Meanwhile, the rumours continue to spread through the city. Some people said the creature had been captured and taken to the "Hospital Regional" [Regional Hospital], that it had a big belly, seemed to be pregnant, and made a noise, like if it was crying.

FIRST WEEK OF INVESTIGATIONS - I began to investigate and was helped by a friend, Sérgio, director of TV Princesa, a local TV station. We’ve got access to a boy that said he was present at the capture. But his words didn’t make any sense, he was too childish, and very confused. We also have got access to a woman, which runned away the moment we approached her. Her husband tried to convince her to give us some info, but she refused.


Finally, we found the girls and took their testimony. They were two sisters whose mother, Mrs.Luisa, received me a little suspicious. I identified myself as an UFO researcher and lawyer, and explained my interest in the situation. I’ve got extremely impressed with what they told me, specially the older girl, Liliane, 16. When she was telling me what happened, she burst into tears.Then, I asked them to introduce me to the third witness : her friend, Katia, 22, that also cried when we met.

I asked them to take me to the place where all had happened. They told that when they were in the middle of that pathway, they saw a strange being squatted in the ground. To Valquíria, the younger, “that appeared to be a giant ox heart”. They realized that it was something out-of-this-world, when they returned to the street and went away, running.

After hearing all the story from her daughters, Luísa returned to the place to see if she could find any evidence, but she didn’t. Luísa felt a strange smell, very strong and impossible to be compared to anything else. The following days, I kept on talking to them, and asked them to repeat several times what they had seen.

AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL AT THE HOSPITAL - This procedure is common in researches, because it helps to find contradictions in the testimonies. Meanwhile, the rumours continued to spread, increase, and gained consistency in Varginha. The whole city started to comment on the story. In Varginha, there are three hospitals, however the rumours converged only to the Regional Hospital.


It wasn’t possible to be sure of anything, specially about which hospital would be involved with the fact. Everything was obscure, until I managed to talk to a nurse of Regional Hospital (which name cannot be revealed, in order to preserve her safety). She was very reluctant to receive and talk to me until, finally, she accepted to be interviewed. She revealed that, on Sunday, January 21st, a strange movement occurred at Hospital Regional . The fact involved physicians coming from out of Varginha, the Military Police and Army vehicles. However, she didn’t speak a word about the Fire Department. One of the hospital sections , according to our source, was closed for some hours, in order to avoid the access of employees, patients and visitors. She also said that, on Monday, January 22nd, she was called, together with other employees, for a meeting at the director’s room. According to her testimony, the director said that all that movement should be ignored, because "it was just a training for the doctors and military personnel".

According to this witness, the meeting culminated with the following statement from the director : “Here in Varginha there are people who like to deal with “cool” things, I mean, supernatural, strange ... It is probable that these people will look for you, specially that lawyer, Ubirajara. To these people, you must deny everything. I mean , do deny”.

Later, I spoke to a former pupil of mine, who said she had been at the hospital entrance hall that Sunday, by 10: 30 p.m., together with a friend of her. She asked the receptionist if it was true what the rumours said about the “little monster” received at the hospital. The employee confirmed , saying that the being wasn’t there anymore, because it had been removed to another city hospital, the “Humanitas”. So, the women went there, too. Now, they were attended by a nurse who told them the following : “You cannot go inside to see ‘that’ and, even if you could, I wouldn’t advise you to ... you wouldn’t like to see it”.

The same time, some parallel witnesses, which live in Humanitas region, said they had seen troops movements at the lateral gate. This was everything I knew then. It was necessary to have stronger evidences. So I tried the military area, firstly Commander Mauricio, from the Military Police. When I met him, I identified myself and explained the situation. I asked him if he had knowledge of the rumours that the MP was involved in the capture case. His answer was negative.

He, then, offered to check it out , and verified that there were no records of such occurrence. Even thus, he asked me to contact him again, because perhaps he would find something. The next day, as it was scheduled, I called Commander Mauricio, but he didn’t attend me. I made about 50 phone calls to the quarter, but wasn’t attended. So I began to feel that something was wrong. They were hiding something.

A friend of mine managed to talk to a policewoman that was on duty at Saturday, January 20th, receiving the emergency calls, thru the number 190 [the police number] . She revealed there were some calls : “In fact, some people called saying that they saw such a little monster, but we thought they were kidding and we didn’t give attention to them”.

SEEKING THE FIRE DEPARTMENT - Me and Sérgio looked for the local Fire Brigade and we were received by Captain Alvarenga. The moment we identify ourselves, he got the bulletin of ocurrences for Jan. 20th, in order to ‘prove’ there were no requests for the capture of a strange animal, or something. He simply had a deffensive attitude regarding us.

During the interview, I excused myself and made a brief pause to drink some water, at the end of the corridor. I saw there two firemen talking, speaking loudly and fluently, as if they were making fun of me : “Yeah, it should be a giant frog”, one said. “No, it should be a demon, ha ha ha”, completed the other.

We followed to the Forest Police, where we were received in a very different manner. Their captain was friendly and said he likes Ufology. He stated that the Forest Police weren’t called at that occasion, but put himself on the line to share any further information.

We came back again to the nurse. She spoke with her colleagues in the hospital and, although they hadn’t seen anything, they were all unanimous in state that there were a strange movement that day.

Meanwhile, the information that a strange being appeared in Varginha had already taken the local media. All the local press, newspapers, radio and TV stations had already covered the case, although I had my doubts about spreading the case in the [brazilian] national media. Nevertheless, due to the difficulties of the investigation and the big cover-up, there was no other choice than calling the national media. Only this way we could pressure the authorities.

The same occasion, I was interviewed live at the request of Globo TV Network (local branch) . Everything was going normal. In the middle of the program, however, something we weren’t expecting happened. The reporter took two faxes from over the table and talked : “We just received right now a communication from the Fire Department and another one from the Regional Hospital, denying everything. These two institutions say they weren’t called and had no involvement with it”. Part of the Fire Brigade fax did the following statement : “This corporation communicate the people of Varginha that was NOT called to capture an extraterrestrial”. This was said in the middle of the news.

I said, firstly, that I never affirmed the captured being was alien. I ' ve said only that it was an unknown and strange being. I’m very careful with the words.I made use of that chance and said that the UFO cover-up is such a thing that exists all over the world and started a long time ago.

After this interview, I decided to call the national media. I called the ufologist Irene Granchi, in Rio de Janeiro, who contacted the journalism production of Globo TV Network [Note from translator : Globo TV is the major brazilian TV network]. Since then, the case blew wide open in the [brazilian] media.

At the end of the second week of investigations, I called “Revista UFO” [UFO Magazine] and let them know the facts. In the third week, a researcher from Belo Horizonte (up to then member of CICOANI - Centro de Investigação Civil sobre Objetos Aéreos Não Identificados - Unidentified Aerial Objects Civilian Investigation Center) made contact with me. It was Vitorio Pacaccini. Since then we established a partnership in the researches, that now lasts over four months.


Part 2 - by Vitorio Pacaccini

Before the Varginha Case appears in the media, I didn’t know Ubirajara yet. At first, I was investigating the case for CICOANI and had already contacted some people I knew from Três Corações, MG [State of Minas Gerais] in order to gather information about the case, specially at ESA (Escola de Sargentos das Armas - Army Sergeants School). This happened in the beginning of February. On Wednesday, in the carnival week, I received a call from a source who said that “it was time to the jaguar to drink the water”. In our language, it means that some important witness was about to talk.

The name of the witness, by now and for a while, cannot be revealed. I don’t want to put anybody in jail or harm people’s lives.


So, on this Wednesday, I went to a friend’s home where he introduced me to the first witness. After some minutes of conversation, this military began to speak about the subject.

FIRE FIGHTERS ARE REALLY INVOLVED - Everyone in Brazil knows that when there is a problem with animals, like a wild beast escaping from the Zoo, for instance, the Fire Department is called. However, the first phone number that comes to one’s mind in a danger situation is 190 (the police number). So, we’ve concluded that firstly the police were called and then, they forwarded it to the Fire Brigade.

According to our source, in the morning of January 20th, the Fire Dept. phone was ringing over and over. It was people informing the appearance of a weird animal in a certain region in Varginha, and requesting some attitude, to catch it. It is important to emphasize that these phone calls started very early that morning, between 7 and 8 a.m., consequently before 3 p.m., when the girls sighted the creature.

In the occasion, the man in charge was Major Maciel, who would have sent four men to check the situation. These firemen, at the moment they arrived there, called the major thru the radio and asked him to go there too, once the case was much more complicated than it seemed before. “Major, you’d better come here, Sir . Even the Army is already here”. So, the Major followed to the place, approximately at 10,30 a.m. .

When they reached there, the capture had already been done. There were some people, including children that throwed some stones towards the creature The four firemen caught the being with a net (similar to that used to catch dogs). They were using common gloves, but were afraid of radiation. The creature didn’t show any reaction, staying totally apathetic and letting himself to be caught. It made a noise similar to the bees buzzing. It was put in a canvas-covered box and transported by an Army truck.

This witness is extremely trustworthy, knows everyone in the Fire Department and got access to several classified information. However, he is very afraid of revealing what he knows even to his closest people, due to the dangerous situation.


According to the description, the creature had sticky skin (seeming to have put an oil on the body), red eyes, big head with protuberances, long and thin arms, short and thin legs, big feet and a big salience at the abdomen. It had no kind of clothing, as well as no apparent genitals. In the ESA truck that conducted the being, there were two seargents and one major, all of them with ‘gaúcho’ accent [Note from T.: gaúcho = somebody who was born or lives in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul] . All these information were given in a 45-minute interview. The witness was emphatic, saying that the Fire Department command had knowledge of the whole operation, and that Captain Alvarenga simply lied when he said he didn’t receive any notification.

All of this reveals that somebody is lying in this case and it seems that it’s not the witnesses because they wouldn’t gain anything with it.

I made contact with other military witnesses from Três Corações in secret meetings. One of them, by the way, went to my house at 3 a. m. together with his wife. He explained to me how the Army’s Secret Service works. It has a very-well-implanted unity in the city, with people taking turns over and over, in order not to be recognized. These “S-2”, as they are known, blend with the civilians, often use mustaches, long hairs, drive old cars and behave as civilians.

This one that came to my house said the capture had been extremely favorable to the Army, because it happened in a weekend (when ESA stays practically empty, only with guards) and also due to the fact that the secret service members could enter or leave at any time, without giving explanation to anybody. Inside ESA, there is a shed where the S-2 works, surrounded by enormous security. Even the quarter’s officers have no access to that place.

We’ve had a good support from the media, which is trying to show the facts as they are. If the media, or I should better say, part of it, like Luiz Petry (director of “Fantástico”) [“Fantastic” - brazilian popular TV show, aired by Globo Network] , didn’t run for it, seeking information, everything would have finished with no explanation.

UFOs FLYING OVER SOUTHERN MINAS GERAIS - While the Varginha case blew wide open in national press, it began a big UFO wave over the region. Cities such as Varginha, Alfenas, Boa Esperança, Três Corações, Bandeira do Sul, São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Campanha and many others were taken by unidentified objects sightings. The population noticed that something serious was happening and several people came to us reporting sightings, contacts or recent news about the capture.

At that time, end of February, I met an old friend that I hadn't seen for a long time. He knew a military that was involved with the capture operation. We managed to meet him and heard his report. The more he revealed, the more everything became incredible. This military man gave the names of people directly involved with the case : Colonel Olímpio Vanderlei and Sergeant Pedrosa. The interview with this eye witness of the facts was made by me and ufologist Marco A. Petit , AND RECORDED IN VIDEO as a guarantee of proof. In this tape, we ask the witness if there is the possibility of somebody attempting against his life, and he said so .

More witnesses are discovered. Later, we managed to contact another military witness. He was very reluctant in speaking with us, but when he realized the subject was already spreaded, he got courage to tell what he knew. For his surprise, nobody at ESA knew anything, because there was a disinformation operation inside the Sergeant's School itself. Talking with us, he described the fact exactly the same way that the other did before.


Only few people inside ESA know details of the operation. Everything there is top secret. The school's military contingent is over 3.000 men and, for sure, about 98 % of them don't know anything.(...) There are also other military witnesses which confirm the information we have. We know two people that have been directly involved with the catch and transport of the being. Obviously, they cannot be identified, because their lives would be in danger.

NAMES OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED - After we placed together all the information on the case, we obtained the names of military personnel directly involved with the case : Lieutenant-Colonel Olímpio Vanderlei, Captain Ramires, Lieutenant Tibério (from the Army Police) and Sargeant Pedrosa. We also know the names of the three drivers : Corporal Vassalo, Soldier Cirilo and Soldier De Mello.

They met a Lieutenant from S-2, who arrived in a white brown Volkswagen (Fusca-type) and stopped beside the "Paes Mendonça" supermarket, in Varginha. This lieutenant sent all of them, by Fusca, to the Humanitas Hospital, where they did some kind of secret operation.

Arriving at the hospital, there was a wooden box tied on two trestles, and one of the S-2 agents was carrying a camcorder. The other military men received orders to take their jackets off and were forbidden of using voice recorders, cameras or camcorders. At that time, Military Police and Fire Department vehicles have been seen at the hospital's entry yard with six men, as well as two men from the Army's secret service and some physicians.

The dead creature was put inside the box, which was closed by a plastic canvas and placed into the truck. The truck body covering have been strenghtened in order to really hide the being. At that time, specially on January 22nd, the whole city was commenting on the strange ESA trucks' movements. It was impossible not to notice that... everyone commented and the rumours increased.

The convoy's route to Três Corações was easy. Reaching the city, there were already policemen waiting and holding the traffic. It seems that the convoy's drivers didn't know what they were transporting. One of them, in his testimony, said he thought it was a burnt man, a suicide, or something. He also said the creature had a terrible bad smell. Because there were three trucks involved, we suppose that, maybe, there were three creatures. But this can't be said for sure.

By 4 a.m., the same convoy followed to Campinas, where - according to our sources - the creature have been necropsied. At this time, there have been a meeting with some officers, when it was emphasized that all this operation was secret, classified and all must be kept in silence.

The soldiers arrived at Campinas by morning. Even an Engesa-type Jeep, war model, was used in the convoy, among other military trucks. We don't know yet exactly to what military unit in Campinas the convoy was destinated. Reaching the destiny, the box took another direction, which is still unknown.

We have concluded that they transported the creature to Campinas in order to put it on the hands of a professional from Unicamp [University of Campinas, a well-recognized brazilian university]. According to our investigation , this professional is one of the most respected legists in Brazil and internationally known. We have got access to this information trough a scientist of Unicamp, whose name must remain anonymous. This scientist even said he went to Varginha, where he picked soil samples and local vegetation from the place the being was sighted. Thus, it became obvious that the creature had been taken to this university. There are no doubts that Unicamp is involved in the case.

Our scientist talked to some teachers, close people who often visit his house, and knew that there are orders from the [brazilian] government, not to speak a word about the subject. As they told him, the head of the university is also oriented to keep this operation secret. The sources, that are reliable, say that the legist physician Badan Palhares (who is responsible for important necropsies, like the Nazi Joseph Mengele one) did the first necropsy in the creature.

Regarding to the number of beings captured, it's still obscure. Analyzing the probabilities, we can say that there are at least two beings : the first was captured at 10 a.m. by the military forces, and the second was sighted by the girls at about 3 p.m.

We already know how the first creature was captured, at 10 :30 a.m., involving the Police, the Army and the Fire-Fighters. But what about the second ? How did it happen ? As the witnesses revealed, it occurred at about 8 p.m. that saturday, and it involved, this time, the Military Police secret service [Note from T. : also known as "P-2"] and the Fire Department. This capture was much more discreet than the first, because the military arrived in plain clothes and using civilian cars. The creature was in an area near the woods, where the military surrounded and caught it.

This information came from a well-known lady who lives in the city, member of the Varginha's "high society", that heard that a police soldier had caught the creature. This being would have been taken to the closest local medical station, where the doctor that was on duty advised them to take him to the hospital.

AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL IN TWO VARGINHA HOSPITALS - There are evidences that the captured creature, for some reason, have been taken to the Regional Hospital. But the men in charge of the operation must have concluded that that place was too central and not safe, deciding to take the being to a better place : the Humanitas Hospital, which is more well equipped and is located in a region far from the center of the town. This hospital lies beside a little peripherical road, which leads directly to the "Fernão Dias" Highway [Note from T. : which links Belo Horizonte to São Paulo]. It made the transportation very easy and discreet.

ARE THEY RIGHT ? - A source we have in Campinas said that Brazil is under strong pressure, warning that we may be sat over an atom bomb. According to his testimony, the whole capture and cover-up process goes deeper and deeper, beyond we can imagine So, we ask : (...) are they right ? Will it be true that some kind of battle between alien and military forces had already happened ? Shouldn't be the Army the right channel to deal with this matter ? And shouldn't be this whole operation classified ?

From our point-of-view, they could share with us the information they have. We'd love to help them, but it seems to be impossible.

What if an UFO crashed in my yard, who am I supposed to call ? Obviously, the first thing I would do was to call the military authorities, because that's their job. As a matter of fact, we are concerned because we're reaching the conclusion that the Varginha Case is only the tip of an iceberg.

On the other side, the right to know must be respected.

AN ALIEN IN VARGINHA ? - There isn't in ufology's alien classification a being with such characteristics like that of the one saw in Varginha. That's something important to the world' s Ufology. This emphasizes the possibility of a genetically adapted creature, whose aim was to do some operation among us, terrestrials.

It is very likely that the Varginha ET was some kind of animal created only to conclude a mission, which is still unknown to us. Or perhaps it would be some kind of probe, patrol, or monitoring of the human race. Ufology's classification is something relative.

The classification has a wide variety, but much of it is due to the different interpretations made by the people who describe and draw the beings.

Two reporters here from Varginha were searched by a person who identified himself as the-cousin-of-a-son-of-a-military-man-from-ESA. This military's son would have got access to a film made at ESA showing the creature (or the creatures) and showed it to his cousin, who offered to SBT [Note from T.: SBT = Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão - Brazilian Television System, the second major TV Network in Brazil] for 70.000 reais [or 68.000 U.S. dollars]. Since then, the price have been reduced. There had been a negotiation process with SBT, involving the SBT board of directors in São Paulo, in order to get the movie. The young boy visited himself the local SBT station, but they didn't reach any deal. Some time later, he said it wouldn't be possible to do it, because some people were suspecting of him and he was in life danger.

This coincided with the fact that, on the same week, a Varginha citizen, with a good reputation in the city, came to us. He said that his 16-year old daughter and her school friend - daughter of a policeman from the M.P. - would have watched a "horrible" film that her father brought home. It was about the captured creature. As the girl's father realized the situation was dangerous, he vanished with the tape ...

We know this tape exists, and for obvious reasons : witnesses had already informed us that in the capture day one of the military men was using a camcorder. We have had many evidences that this film is here in Varginha.

What the other (brazilian) UFO researchers think about the case -

Editor A.J. Gevaerd : UFO Magazine went to the 14 th Brazilian Congress on Scientific Ufology, which took place in Curitiba, PR [State of Paraná], last June 6-9 1996, in order to gather some impressions from the researchers about Varginha case. See what these researchers think about this subject.

Irene Granchi - The case presents a new angle in UFO research. I believe in its authenticity, because I interviewed the three girls who saw the being and they're NOT lying. I' ve been known ufologist Ubirajara Rodrigues for many years and I trust his work and seriousness.

What we have here are many circumstantial evidences. Thus, we realize that the case is very well documented with these evidences. Regarding UFO cover-up, I think the military authorities don't have the right to do this, because we live in a democracy.

Varginha Case is bigger than Roswell - by Reginaldo de Athayde

The Varginha Case is one of the most important UFO cases ever happened in the entire world. I see we have something superior to what happened in Roswell. I hope our friends, researchers from Minas Gerais state, join the other ufologists in order to get what we always desired : to prove the reality of UFOs, the existence of these mysterious objects that come here to visit us.

Case increases Ufology's credibility - by Claudeir Covo

Without any doubt, Varginha Case is the case number one in Brazil. The seriousness that the researchers are showing when conducting the information and the work itself increases the credibility of Ufology. If we consider only the quantity of information already compiled, the richness of details and the several witnesses that have already appeared, we see that this case let Roswell very little."

The Roswell Case took about 30 years to become known to the public, while Varginha's leaked out at the first days. The researches are very well conducted, with several military testimonies in our hands, besides many contradictory authorities statements given to the press. This proves there is a cover-up process. These military witnesses had the courage to trust in the researchers, revealing what they knew and secretly recording it in video, giving important details ".

Varginha Case : There is still a lot to be said - by Edson Boaventura Jr.

It's the most important case of Brazilian Ufology and also worldwide, due to its implications. I'd say that even Roswell cannot be compared to Varginha Case which is bigger than it. I say this because I know that what have been shown by the media is only a short part of what exists. There is still a lot to be said, but this haven't been done yet because some details, if revealed, could identify the military witnesses. Because of this ethical reason, the researchers involved in this investigation are NOT revealing all the information they have. " .

Once I'm very close to the investigation, I see that the research is well documented, with testimonies of civilian and military witnesses that prove what happened on January 20 th and on the following days. Even now, several months after the case, there are many details still coming up to the surface, as many other witnesses gain courage and start to reveal what they know to the researchers "


The strangest aspect is the alien physiology - by Ricardo Varella Corrêa

The most important in this case are the little details connecting information from different sources, which are checking to each other. For instance, the ammonia-like smell felt either in the place the girls sighted the being, either in the city's Hospital. We also have to consider the great movement of military vehicles which is not common."


However, the strangest aspect is the creature's physiology, different of anything else ever seen. It is strange, because what we know about ETs is that they are very independent and, sometimes, even aggressive, whereas the Varginha creature had no reaction, seemed motionless. This had never been reported in the entire world. An hypothesis that is being considered by the ufologists suggests that the creature is some sort of 'animal-probe' , put in Earth to gather some information."

The military involvement in Varginha Case - by Marco Antônio Petit

I had knowledge of this case thru the media. Since then, I made many contacts with researcher Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues, who informed me it was really serious, involving a very strong cover-up operation. I' ve been in Varginha twice. There, I confirmed that this was the most important case of the Brazilian Ufology. I had the chance, one of the times, of being face to face to one of the military witnesses, who was directly involved with the operation. His testimony was extremely striking, showing the richness of details that involved the being capture. We have to support Pacaccini and Ubirajara's work, in a definitive way, because this case is unique. "

To our happiness, there are military people who are NOT liking and disagree with this cover-up process. They're looking for us spontaneously, in order to say what they know.We know for sure that many things are gonna happen as the case unfolds."

There are also EVIDENCES OF A RECOVERED SHIP in Varginha - by Rogério Porto Breier

In the beginning, I heard about the case thru the news gathered by GUG [GUG - Grupo Ufológico do Guarujá - Guarujá (in State of São Paulo) Ufological Group]. On May 1996, I had the opportunity to go to Varginha. I thought it was too early to call theses creatures as aliens, because there were no evidences they had came from a ship."

Now, there are also evidences that a ship have been recovered in the place. I think it's very likely, because only two or three days after the girls have sighted the being, Bandeirantes TV AIRED A REPORT on this subject : some people would have observed the RECOVERY OF A CREATURE FROM THE WRECKAGE OF AN OBJECT CRASHED in Varginha. This report fell into forgetfulness. It would be interesting if the ufologists checked it out, because nobody spoke a word about this anymore.

Alien have been autopsied by a Unicamp team - by Eduardo Mondini

I'm close to the investigations, helping Ubirajara and Pacaccini with information from Campinas. We're verifying the involvement of Unicamp (University of Campinas) and of IML (Instituto Médico Legal - Institute of Legal Medicine), and we suspect specially that the legist Badan Palhares have been heading the necropsy studies on the creature. We have no doubts that the ET have been brought to Unicamp and then autopsied. "

We managed to contact the IML and the Army's quarter in Campinas, but both authorities deny the exhumation. However, we found a military from Campinas who allegedly saw a document over his commander's desk, proving the ET had been in Campinas. We got with an employee of IML the information that on February 20-26 1996 there had been military movement inside IML, in the Army's private drawers, in order to get a body in or out there. "

Varginha Case : the beginning of a new era in Brazilian Ufology - by A.J.Gevaerd , Editor

The Varginha Case is a breaktrough in Brazilian Ufology. To our happiness, it happened right there, in Varginha, Minas Gerais, involving two researchers that, besides serious, honest and very dedicated to Ufology, live and know deeply the southern Minas region and its people. What if it hadn't occurred in Varginha ?

The Varginha episode is a clock bomb whose wick was lit by these brilliant researchers. A bomb that put on alert all the brazilian UFO community. Never, in all Brazilian Ufology history, the researchers have been so united, from South to North, seeking together the same truth. This truth, when totally known, will change the face of Ufology itself and the way we look to the UFO Phenomena."

On the other side, this will be also the first step towards a global change of consciousness regarding this subject, perhaps starting here in Brazil, the birthplace of so much richness - among them Ufology.

Firemen deny involvement in the Varginha ET Capture - by UFO Magazine team

The statements from Vitorio Pacaccini and Ubirajara Rodrigues, saying that the Fire Department captured ETs in Varginha (MG) [State of Minas Gerais], contradict the word of Pedro Alvarenga, commandant of Fire Department's 13 th Company, who said the corporation wasn't called to attend local ocurrences on January 20th 1996. The commandant affirmed that, because they work in public areas, they wouldn't manage to hide the case from the press or the ufologists. He also said that the researchers are trying to involve the Fire Department, the Military Police and the Army with the fact. He claimed that "it would be impossible to hide the case. The emotional aspect of the men involved would change, because it's not a usual capture, and there have not been any change."

However, Ubirajara and Pacaccini assure they have military witnesses who confirm the fire fighters' involvement attending an occurrence at about 10 :30 a.m. that day in Jardim Andere. According to the witnesses, the firemen arrived at the place with four soldiers in a fire-engine. They found a weird creature in the place and the Army observed closely the whole operation.

The commandant stated that "that Saturday, I wasn't in the quarter. The name of the Fire Dept. has been involved in a casual way, I don't know, but I think there was no truth regarding this." Captain Alvarenga said the witnesses are not military at all, because "if they would, they'd talk something to the press. Even the population would ask for more facts and evidences that everything really happened". But, according to the ufologists, if the witnesses reveal their names, they would be risking their jobs and harming their lives. Besides, Ubirajara and Pacaccini recognized the witnesses' credentials.

The press tried to take photos and to obtain interviews, but the firemen resisted. The commandant tried to justify it, blaming Rede Globo [Globo TV Network], because they did a story on the subject. According to Captain Alvarenga, the Fire Department didn't want to expose itself, in order to avoid complications with the media. "The things complicated because the day people were talking about this creature, it had been a corpse exhumation in the city, and the victim's family thinks the own police killed the boy".

However, according to a fax received on May 24th, from the Institute of Legal Medicine, which is subordinated to the Minas Gerais State's Secretary of Public Security, the body indicated as belonging to José Maria Misael Filho, 23, was exhumated in the Institute, which in fact is located on the Regional Hospital premises. It is written in the official report that the necropsy has been made on January 30th, in other words, more than a week after the witnesses affirm they saw the movements in the hospital.

Alvarenga denied the Fire Department participation in the transport of this corpse and said that "the fire fighters unit of Tres Coracoes is closer to the Army, therefore it may has been called to some operation with ESA or to transport the victim".


CONTRADICTIONS - We said to the commandant that what he was telling us was strange and contradictory, because before that interview we had made contact with Mr. Adilson Usier, director of Regional Hospital, who affirmed that the Varginha Fire Department had participated in the corpse transport. Captain Alvarenga, then, said it was a mistake of Mr. Usier.


According to the commandant, "the ufologists involved with the research of this case, Ubirajara and Pacaccini, are imagining everything and making use of the situation, trying to put their names in the media". Pacaccini defends himself : "I'm a very respected person, either in my profession either in my private life. I've never needed the ufological research to promote myself ". The same we can say of Ubirajara.

Risking life to investigate the Varginha Case - by Vitorio Pacaccini

Many people who didn't believe in anything about UFOs started - at least - to suspect of something wrong after the case blew wide open. Everything is becoming very controversial. We know, for instance, that after we've made that press conference mentioning the names of the military involved with the case, military officers have already came from Brasília to Varginha. Nobody ever imagined the things would reach this point. Even within the armed forces everything was hot-like-fire. The officers were crazy to know who had spreaded information that was not to be spreaded. One of our witnesses asked not to talk to us again, because was afraid of being "eliminated".

Our phone lines and the lines of other brazilian ufologists are electronically bugged. We 've received a recent confirmation of it, from secure sources. We are afraid that something happen to us.

It is much likely that the phone line of CBPDV [ Centro Brasileiro para Pesquisa de Discos Voadores - Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research, which edits brazilian "Revista UFO" - UFO Magazine, Editor A.J.Gevaerd ] is also bugged, because everyone knows that the ufological information always converge to this magazine. The ufologists only now are realizing the seriousness of everything. We have always condemned the worldwide UFO cover-up plan and the Roswell case manipulators, but we had never faced before constituted powers, national and close to us.


SECRET OPERATION - I know I'm not lying about this case, I am absolute sure of what I am saying and the truth must be revealed. There isn't in the Brazilian Constitution one single article that prohibits the ufological research and that's enough reason for us to continue.


If there is the possibility for us of being sat over an atom bomb, what about the future of ufological research, that had been fighting against this secrecy for over 50 years ? (...) Everything have always been done in absolute secrecy. However, to our luck, this time the information have leaked out. We know the situation here is very delicated, but this is NOT gonna stop or hinder our investigation.


Military-vehicles-and-planes movements described by witness - by UFO Magazine team

Lawyer in Varginha and a former military, Mr. J.C. (initials are fictitious, his real name cannot be revealed) witnessed the military movements in the city the same week the girls sighted the creature. "After the girls had seen the creature, almost nobody noticed, but there were VASP planes [Note from T. : VASP : a brazilian airline company] over Varginha, in a very low altitude. I also saw the Army combing the area, there were a lot of military people in the place. Nobody noticed anything".

J.C. described the planes that flew over the city as being two F-5. He said they were NOT in the natural formation, they were in some attack formation.

However, the most important fact witnessed by him was the presence of Army vehicles near a wood (close to where the researchers affirm the ET has been captured). He was passing there and saw a truck carrying about seven soldiers. He didn't know what would be the intention of these men there : "They were walking around the area, combing the way. They wore green campaign uniforms (camouflaged). (...) Some of them were in plain clothes and they walked in groups of two. More people also saw them, I wasn't the only one to see. They disappeared mysteriously, I think they realized that they were been watched".

Some days later, J.C. heard in a bus stop near to his house [in Jardim Amélia II neighborhood, Varginha] some people commenting on the story. These people said that in the same day he heard the planes, they heard the sound of three shots that seemed to be rifle shots. A person who J.C. knows have more details : "At the time I was going down the street, I heard the shots, I don't remember which time it was. They went out the woods with two sacks, but this I didn't see. As they told me, it was campaign sacks." According to the lawyer, one of them was motionless, but the other was moving, it seemed that it had something alive inside it. Soon after this operation, the trucks vanished. Some curious people tried to comb the place, but they didn't find anything. It all happened at about 10 : 30 a.m..


TAKING A SHORT-CUT - But J.C. reveals that this was only the first catch operation. According to his testimony, there was a second one, which took place between 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. that same day. When he was leaving his office, early that afternoon, he saw a truck leaving the city and stopping at the opposite side of an earthwork short-cut.

UFO and alien sightings continue in Varginha - by UFO Magazine team

On April 21st 1996, at 9 p.m., Mrs. Therezinha Gallo Clepf, 67, a housewife, sighted a strange creature at Paiquerê Restaurant, which lies in the Zoo-Botanical Woods of Varginha (MG), where she lives. We've been in her house so as to interview her : "I was in a party in the zoo restaurant and I went out to smoke a cigarette in the porch, and saw the creature in the porch's parapet, only from the neck upwards". She affirmed for sure that it wasn't any zoo animal.

Mrs. Therezinha became very frightened, and freezed, staying this way for about five minutes, looking all the time to the creature, without making any gesture.

GOLDEN HELMET - According to her story, the difference between the creature she saw and the one observed by the girls was the helmet she saw covering the creature's head, which stopped her (from) seeing the ears and horns that probably it should have (based on the girls' description). The rest was similar : the being had also dark brown skin, bright and oily, a rounded face, red eyes, and didn't have cheeks, nor beard, mustache or nose, and, on the lips position, it had only a cut.

Mrs. Therezinha was close to the creature, about four meters long, according to her. Still today, almost two months after the incident, she is afraid of sighting the alien again.

Some days after Mrs. Therezinha had seen the ET in the zoo, five animals were found dead in the place, and the zoo biologist, Dr. Leila Cabral, don't have an explanation for such deaths. An examination was made in the animals and, in the result, it is reported that " ... in the stag, the reason of death suggests the presence of caustic toxic substance (...), the other animals have completely unknown causes" . The medical official report just suggests (doesn't confirms) the presence of this kind of toxic. There is no real reason for the deaths of the other four animals.

VARGINHA : CITY VISITED BY UFOs - Varginha is located 300 km [or 186 miles] long from Belo Horizonte, in the southern Minas Gerais region [Brazil]. It has about 110.000 inhabitants. The city is situated in an strategic point of ufological activities, where there are constant sightings and close encounters of many kinds.

The Southern Minas is internationally known as a region inclined to extraterrestrial activities. Cities close to Varginha, such as São Tomé das Letras, Três Corações, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Pouso Alegre and others, also present countless records (...). In the last months, the number of cases increased frightfully. In practically all the cities of this region people are seeing flying saucers. The objects appear publicly, being seen by many witnesses at the same time. In some cases, they let themselves to be filmed or photographed.


WHO BELIEVES IN THE VARGINHA E.T. ? - João Ubirajara Nogueira, engineer, owner of "La Neve" ice-cream shop, located in the center of Varginha, organized a poll between February and April 1996, with the following question : "Do you believe in the Varginha ET ? ". In this period, there have been interviewed 1910 people; 1530 people answered "yes", they believe in the ET, 330 said "no", and 50 didn't answer. In other words, more than 80 % of the city's population believe that something happened in Varginha and it wasn't from this world.

Witnesses receive offer of money to deny the story - by UFO Magazine team

Editor A.J.Gevaerd : Mrs. Luisa Helena da Silva is mother of Liliane and Valquiria. On April 29 th 1996, at about 10 p.m., 4 well-dressed men went to her house with the purpose of bribing her, with money and goods, if their daughters deny the whole story, belying their previous account.

Luisa Helena da Silva : " I cannot say who are these people who tried to bribe me, because I 've never seen them and I don't know them either. But I know that, on a Monday, about two weeks ago, they came here at 10 p.m. . I don't know why they came in the evening, I think it was in order to nobody recognize them in the street. I don't use to receive visits this time of the day. They were four men, all using dark sneakers and suits. Two of them apparently had 40 years old and the others were youngers. Two of them were white and two were brown. One of the whites was too white, it seemed to be a russian. They didn't seem to be military. I thought, at that moment, that it could be police people, but I don't think so. What I know is that these men, for sure, are not from Varginha. But two of them had the accent of the Southern Minas region."

BRIBERY ATTEMPT FAILS -Only me and three of my daughters were at home : Liliane, Valquíria and Fernanda, the younger, who was already sleeping. They clapped hands in front of the gate. Valquíria went to attend and said that there were four men outside. (...) While I was in my bedroom changing my clothes, they went into my house, didn't wait to see if they could or not, they came and entered, invading my house. They spoke my name, as if they already knew me, saying that they want to "chat" with me and with the girls about the ET they have seen. They said that that time was the only time they could be here and asked me to lock the gate because it was a private conversation and I couldn't receive any visit. I've got afraid but, anyway, Valquíria went outside to lock the gate."

I asked if Ubirajara have sent them here. One of them said that they had nothing to do with Ubirajara and that I should forget him. After they have heard the girls, I asked them who they were, they told me that it wasn't of my business. They asked my daughters what were their dreams, which was my job, how much was my salary, where my husband worked and if the house was mine. They wanted to know which was my major concern and if the girls were working.

If I gave my word that I wouldn't speak anything about their visit - specially to Ubirajara and to Pacaccini - they would make an excellent proposal to me. They said they were "the gold mine that we have never thought to have". They said they knew I was poor. They made an offer to me, saying it was irresistible, that they didn't wanna buy me, but that this help was millionaire.

I have no quietness anymore, because after the interview I gave to "Fantástico", I don't know what can happens. As I was afraid, I gave them my word. They said they wanted me to come with my daughters, and nobody else, to talk in a TV station, not at that little local station, but in a bigger station outside of Varginha. I should belie everything, say the girls had never seen anything, and some more things I would have to rehearse with them. They said they would pay cash.

I became so puzzled that I didn't ask how much was it. They only said that I could buy a house, pay my debts and stop working as a maid. I became so nervous and worried ... I asked if there wasn't a phone number I could call another day to give the answer. I said I had to think. They didn't accept and said they would come back.

After we appeared in "Fantástico", talking about the bribery attempt, I'm sure that they will come back. Pacaccini knows about my [situation of] life and if somebody appears with some help, of course I'm gonna thank. But I wouldn't let my daughters lie, specially regarding this very serious matter. Even being so humble, they are NOT gonna lie. They speak the truth from the heart, there are a lot of people involved ... ".

For now, I'm still working in the same job, but I heard a conversation that it will last only for this month, because there are a lot of people calling to my work. I don't know how they found out the number, it seems there is a person who watches us, it's too much nuisance. I'm working and then people start calling to my work, asking to talk to me. To be honest, my life turned into a hell after everything happened.".

Media has an important role in the case - by UFO Magazine team.

Nowadays, the means of communication have a regulating role in our society. They control the flow, quantity and quality of information to be spreaded. Several episodes of History were directly influenced by the media. In Ufology, it's not different : the means of communication, specially at this end of century, are essential to a reeducation on this subject.

Nobody can indulge oneself in keeping an information only for one's own. The world have changed. So as Ufology.

Ufology is becoming more and more accessible. There are news coming from everywhere, and it is impossible to ignore it. One great example of this is the Varginha Case which, once spreaded through the mass media, have created great controversy and aroused the public interest for criticism, information and even jokes. However, the most important in this Varginha Case's exposure was the reaction of the institutions that, according to Ubirajara and Pacaccini, are involved in the capture operation of two biologically non-classified beings.

As they realized that their secret activities could be detected at any moment, certain members of the Army, Fire Department, Military Police, health service and universities had a defensive attitude. In other words, they showed much more concern than they should ... To Ubirajara Rodrigues, this was the result of a pressure that only the press could make against the authorities : " We have to admit that the media is the major ufologists' weapon. If we didn't pass everything on to the media, the case would be stagnant ... At the moment we realized that the things were getting dangerous to us, we soon gathered the [major brazilian] ufologists and decided to divulge everything through the media".

Pacaccini, without any fear, affirmed I am not afraid of saying that the worldwide Ufology owes a lot to people like Luiz Petry, producer of "Fantástico", who is producing the program's reports with an incredible seriousness".

However, the researchers haven't revealed yet all the information they have. There are a lot of details about the case that need to be cleared up and publicly said, but this haven't been done yet due to security reasons, specially the witnesses' security. They assure that, when the right time comes, everybody will have access to all the information on the creature secretly captured in Varginha.

Last News on the Varginha Case - published in the brazilian "UFO Magazine", Issue # 45, August 1996 - (some passages).

Ufologist Claudeir Covo : Although the military and civilian authorities deny everything, several sources have decided to talk. One of these sources affirms that a local farmer killed one of the beings with a gun.".

Another source said he saw a lot of military people on plain clothes, tracking the little Jardim Andere woods, in Varginha. One of these men would have shot, for three times, an alien creature in the chest, killing it almost instantaneously. The gun would be a FAL-type [FAL - Fuzil de Artilharia Leve, or Light Artillery Rifle] . These situations are still under investigation; we do not have yet recorded testimonies of military sources about these firings, but the investigation is ongoing ".

Which right the human beings (civilian or military) would have to murder alien beings ? What is foreseen in the Brazilian Constitution ? What about the other countries' legislation ? Looking thru the religious side, what says God's Laws, or the Ten Commandments ?

Ufologist Marco Antonio Petit : Recently, new information [on Varginha Case] started to arise, including the one who says there are metallic fragments of a crashed space ship, which documents this mysterious aspect of the case. This material may be connected to the UFO sighted at daybreak of January 20th 1996, because it was releasing something that seemed to be smoke, and it moved slowly. ".

We live the last moments of a process that will put our Humanity face to face with a reality that we may not be prepared to face. Fifty years of lies may lead a considerable part of the population into an abyss (...). Something very important will happen in the next years and the Governments must assume their responsabilities, while they still can do something, because time is running.


Do YOU believe a UFO crashed at Varghina?

I do not

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

July 1965 Milnthorpe Cumbria

   In July 1965, late at night couple and their baby son were making an overnight journey when they pulled over for a cigarette break at a rest area near Milnthorpe, Cumbria.

   It was during this break in their journey that the couple noticed behind a nearby dry-stone wall, an intense red light which appeared lens or domed shaped. Within this light were seen three small creatures which seemed to be giving off a slight green luminescence. The entities were described as having large, round staring eyes and a long nose that looked like a "small elephant trunk" with a mouth that appeared as just a slit. Their heads were large and almost a turnip shape and their bodies were round with hands with digits that were not seen clearly. No definite muscle tone or bone structure was seen, and they did not appear to be wearing any clothing.  Two of the three entities had their arms held out in front of them as though gesturing.

   The entities appeared to be some 15 feet from the car and in front of the wall when the object's brilliance was noticed.  It was reported that the couple became frightened and drove off without seeing the entities depart. They later felt silly for reacting in a frightened manner as they had gotten the impression that the entities had meant no harm.

   That, sadly, is it. There was no accompanying illustration of the entities that had been shown to the witnesses and approved and none of the object seen. We do not even know where they stopped; Milnthorpe is a village in hilly country and there is the B5282 road and A5 running around it. If this had happened in France during 1965 it would probably have led to a lengthy report.

The following are the facts as presented by  Cumbria John Hanson  Haunted Skies vol. 2  p  262

David Sankey, BUFORA

“The Sunday News and Star newspaper, Carlisle, ‘The Close Encounter kept secret for 31 years’, related an account investigated by BUFORA representative David Sankey, on behalf of a couple who were driving along the A6, between Beetham and Milnthorpe, Cumbria.  They were forced to pull in, due to bad weather, at 10.00 am, one winter’s morning in 1965.  after a few seconds they noticed what appeared to be a luminous red dome, its lower half obscured by a dry stone wall, about 25yds away from their car, next to which were stood: ‘three slightly luminous small figures standing in the front of the wall, slowly making their way towards us. Two appeared to have their arms outstretched, while the third had its arms at the side.  They had turnip-shaped heads, with round staring eyes.  As the creatures approached us, we panicked and drove on’”

I did message Sankey but there was no response -something that is quite common in Ufology. Thefollowing illo was by myself to help visualise the event.

c 2021 T Hooper-Scharf

Truck Driver, Alien Abductee and Human Guinea Pig -Dionisio Llanca

  All material (c) 2021 Terry Hooper-Scharf  This is taken from the chapter of the same title as this post in Beyond UFO Contact: Aliens from Mind, Time & Space

   For me the story of Dionisio Llanca sums up how badly percipients in UFO encounters can be treated and often used to make money and/or be guinea pigs and not necessarily to gain evidence of “UFO reality.”

Above: Dionisio Llanca c. 1978 © respective copyright owner

   Dionisio Llanca was a skilled truck driver born in Ingeniero Jacobacci, Rio NegroArgentina. On Saturday, 27th October, 1973, he got out of bed and hung around his uncle’s house for a while before they later had dinner with his uncle, Enrique Ruiz. Llanca’s Dodge 600 truck that was fully loaded with construction materials ready to be delivered to Rio Gallegos, a long trip in itself. Leaving the house at around 00:30 hrs, he noticed that there was a problem with his back tyre; however, he decided to wait to deal with it later. People have questioned this but there are numerous stories of drivers ignoring a vehicle fault to “deal with later.”

   The trip to deliver his load would take around two days but on the route to Rio Gallegos, the tyre pressure got really low under the weight of the heavy cargo and there was then only one option; to get out of the truck in the, in the dark, and attempt to fix the problem himself. It was around 01:15 hrs and so Llanca pulled off of the road on a rather isolated road and began changing the tyres.

Above: Llanca at the scene of his alleged abduction, © respective copyright owner

   According to Llanca:

     “I braked the truck on the shoulder, got down, took out the jack and the

     tools and began to change the tire. The road was completely deserted. All

     at once the road was illuminated with an intense yellow light that seemed to

     be about 2,000 meters distant. Because of the color I thought that they might

     be the headlights of a Pugeot and continued with my work. A few seconds

     passed and I had my shoulder to the light but it became so bright that it

     lighted the whole area. Now the light had changed to a bluish color similar to

     an electric arc welder. I tried to get up but could not rise; I had no strength,

     and a strange thing – – my legs would not respond. I was on my knees.

     wanted to get up and look towards the woods that grew along one side of the



     “Then I saw a great thing in the form of a plate suspended in the air at some

     seven meters altitude, and three persons at my shoulders looking at me. I

     tried once more to get up but could not. The paralysis became total and I

     could not even talk. The three beings stood looking at me for a long time,

     perhaps five minutes. They were two men and a woman. The woman was

     between the two men. I believed it was a woman because of the form of the

     breast and the long hair, blonde, reaching to the middle of her shoulders.


     “The men were also blond with shorter hair in back. The three were about

     the same height, one meter and 70 or 75 centimetres, and dressed in the

     same manner: single piece smoky grey coverall suits well fitted to the figure,

     yellow boots and long gloves reaching to the middle of the arm of the same

    colour. They had no belts, nor weapons, nor helmets nor anything else. Their

    faces were like ours except for high foreheads and elongated eyes, like the

    Japanese and a little tilted. They talked among themselves in a language

    impossible for me to understand. They had no vocal inflections but sounded

    like a radio badly tuned with chirps and buzzes.


Drawing of Dionisio Llanca encounter by APRO staff artist Norman Duke ©N. Duke


Above: Fabio Zerpa (4th December 1928 – 7th August 2019) who investigated the Llanca case and published a book on it.


     “One of them grabbed me by the neck of my sweater and lifted me

     firmly but without violence. I tried to talk but my voice would not come

     out. While the one held me up another put an apparatus in the base of my

     index finger on the left hand. They looked closely at the apparatus. It was

     like a razor but had a small tube. They applied it to me for several seconds.

     It did not hurt. When they left I had two drops of blood on my finger, then

     I passed out.”

   Llanca had observed two of the entities take two “tubes” –one was attached to a high-tension cable while the other was placed into a small lake.

   It was around 03:00 hrs when Dionisio woke up between two parked cars in the backyard of the Sociedad Rural Bahia Blanca which was approximately 9 kilometres from the location where he had seen the object and been approached by the entities. Llanca, however, could not recall a single thing about the experience or anything about himself and so he started to walk, but soon passed out. When he next woke up he started to follow Route 3 but was disoriented. As he wandered along he asked anyone he came across how he could get to a police station. Luckily, a driver seeing him wandering in the road realised that something was wrong and Llanca was at risk of being struck by vehicles and so stopped to pick him. He eventually ended up in a local police station and from there was taken to the Hospital Espanol; this because the policemen though he was intoxicated.

   Doctor Ricardo Smirnoff from the Hospital Espanol examined Llanca and noted:

     “The subject has no visible injuries, but refuses to be touched on the

     head as if he is having a profound ailment located there. There is also

     a barely unnoticed abrasion on his left eyelid.”

   One can only imagine the turmoil Llanca was going through as the amnesia continued and he was constantly crying and asking in what city he was. It was then decided that he should be moved to the Hospital Municipal. It was on 30th October, at 10:00 hrs, that Llanca woke up in the hospital with his memory fully restored.  The first thing that he did was look for a cigarette and see what time it was but his cigarettes and watch were missing but it was noted that he still had his 150,000 pesos. He now fully recalled the UFO experience but he more worried about his truck; the police informed him that they found it parked on a roadside in Villa Bordeu, approximately 18 kilometres from the town of Bahia Blanca. It was also discovered that a few meters away from the truck a pylon was damaged.

   The team led by Fabio Zerpa (a well known Argentine ufologist) contacted the company that supplies power to Bahia Blanca and they noted that on Sunday, 28th October, between 02:00 to 03:00 hrs, there had been an unusual increase in electricity consumption and this coincided with Llanca’s encounter; but does not necessarily mean that there was a connection. The case investigation by Fabio Zerpa eventually led to his book El Reino Subterráneo.

Above: Charles Bowen Flying Saucer Review Editor

Above: Gordon W. Creighton Flying Saucer Review consultant, later editor

   Dr Eduardo Mata, a psychiatrist examined Llanca and concluded that he was “quite normal” but was shocked an ill prepared for the attention following the publicity concerning his encounter –that he had not initiated it has to be noted. Again, Ufologists seem to have contacted the press. The Rio de Janeiro newspaper, O Globo (17th February, 1974) had a tape recording of the “hypnosis and truth drug sessions” involving Llanca by Dr. Eladio Santos –at which Dr. Mata was present. The calming voice of Dr. Santos is noted but:

   “By contrast the voice of Dionisio Llanca was grave, monotonous

   and tired.  His breathing was affected, and he was panting at times.”

   Part of the session reads:

Santos: “Tell me what you did on October 27, after midnight?

Llanca: “I leave the Esso Filling Station on Calle Don Bosco. I have a punctured tyre. I am going to change it.

Santos: “On what road are you?”

Llanca:”Avenida 3.”

Santos: “What are you doing now?”

Llanca: “I am changing the tyre…a light comes…yellow…like the headlights of a Peugeot”

    (Note: at this point his voice becomes “feeble” and he feels a great tiredness –a profound fatigue.)

Llanca: “…who… are… you… people? What… do… you… want? No… Please…don’t do anything to me…you can take the truck and my money.”

Santos: “Whom do you see?”

Llanca: “Them…two men…and there’s a woman too.”

Santos:  “How are they dressed?”

Llanca: “In silvery clothing, closely fitting the body. And boots, and gloves.”

Santos:  “What is the colour of the gloves?”

Llanca:  “Yellow. Orange-yellow.”

Santos:  “Do they speak to you?”

Llanca:  “No. I hear a buzzing noise, like bees in a hive, or like a badly tuned radio.”

Santos:  “Do they threaten you?”

Llanca:  “No. One of them approaches me, and touches my hand with an instrument.”

Santos:  “Does it hurt?”

Llanca:  “No.”

Santos:  “What is the instrument like?”

Llanca:  “Like an electric shaver.”

Santos:  “What are they doing now?”

Llanca:  “They are carrying me…where are they taking me?”


   Llanca was taken by a beam of light along with the two entities into a strange place with a floor that looked the colour of lead and a rounded window.  Unfortunately, even checking the FSR account, the next part is unclear as we are told that “there were many instruments there” which we assume is meant to be control panels, etc. but then; “…a boat, two television sets and a radio. In one of the TV sets he could see the stars” which is confusing. This case has never been fully translated into English but we can presume that by “TV sets” Llanca meant monitors of some kind which makes more sense than Earthly TV sets. The radio, again, is explainable when Dr. Santos continued his questioning but “boat”?

   When asked by Dr. Santos whether the entities had spoken to him, Llanca replied that only the “radio” spoke to him in Spanish. Familiar in these report accounts is the fact that the place he was in was lit up by a yellow light. The female entity was then seen to put on a black glove and approach and then touched him; at this point in the session, Llanca raised his hand to his forehead in an attempt to cover his left eyebrow.  He then flinched and “passed into a state of profound lethargy.” This seems significant since Dr. Smirnoff had noted that: “There is also a barely unnoticed abrasion on his left eyelid.”

   When Llanca came out of this state of lethargy his first memory was:

      “I’m falling…falling slowly into the corral. They said they will return

      for me. I feel cold. I reach the Avenida and start walking along it…

      Who am I? Who am I?”

   Dr. Mata had some doubts about the investigation:

     “When listening to the first tape one gets the impression that some of

     the questions carry, implicit in them, their own reply.  This was correlated

     later when we put the conducting of the hypnosis entirely under Dr.

     Eladio Santos.”

   In effect, Dr. Mata was stating that he felt the whole process had been contaminated by initial errors which meant that they “could not attribute 100% veracity to what Llanca said.”  Dr. Mata noted, however, that none of this detracted from Llanca’s previous recall which had “been entirely consistent.” Which seems clear enough but some might be confused by Dr. Santos’s when the O Globo reporter asked whether Llanca was telling the truth:

     “He is speaking his truth…At the beginning I was most sceptical, and

     at the moment there is only one thing I can say to you: when subjected

     to tests by methods which in normal practice are acceptably sure, such

     hypnosis and Pentothal, Dionisio told what he thinks he experienced.”

   This type of statement confuses they layman who probably thinks that this means Llanca was imagining it all. In fact, it is expressing an opinion, based on his experience, that Llanca is telling the truth but Santos was not there on the night and so saw none of what his patient experienced. To make this clear, when Dr. Santos was asked he:

     “…revealed that Llanca had been given an exhaustive psychiatric

     examination, and that there was no evidence that he had been

     lying, even though his statement may not be sufficiently valid for his

     claim of having made contact with extraterrestrial beings in a space-craft

     to be taken as the established truth.”

   The psychiatric analysis of Llanca’s personality “eliminated any possibility that he could be a hoaxer.”

   What this all means is simple: Llanca did not show the type of personality of imagination to make up such a story and carry it through cleverly hoaxing everyone.  He was just a normal person more interested in his everyday life. It means that people have to decide for themselves whether they believe the account. The power company noted that power surges are not unknown and have various causes.

   As for Llanca, he disappeared and nothing more was heard from him until the newspaper La Nueva Provincia (Sunday, 8th December, 2013) published a kind of update:

"‘If it happened again, I would not tell anyone. It did much harm, I was slandered and used. In these past 40 years I have been hospitalized for different emotional and health problems in hospitals in Rawson, Mendoza and Buenos Aires.’

“Dionisio lives hoping that no one learns about his past in the southern city, where for four years he has worked as a manager in a gas station.

“His incognito life made it difficult for La Nueva Provincia to find and contact him. In fact, several of his relatives were unaware of his whereabouts or whether he had actually died. Other relatives mentioned that after that experience, the man became a kind of nomad.

“The truth is that he only had telephone conversations with one of his brothers, who recorded the number from which he received the call, and only passed it on after consulting with Dionisio, to see whether the newspaper interview was possible. The only person who knows his past in his current environment is his boss.

"‘A while ago her (his boss’s) daughter read of my case on the Internet and asked me about it. I had to tell them all but with the promise that they would not tell anyone, because the truth is I do not like to remember it.’

"‘In the year 1976, tired of being injected with pentothal, called the truth serum, and the problems that generated with remembering everything I decided to escape’ he says.

“His escape into anonymity took him to places he never imagined. He had spent a total of two and a half years in hospitals in MendozaBuenos Aires and Rawson.

"‘My skin was falling off all over my body and at times both eyes reddened and it looked like I was going to go blind. The doctors told me I had indications of exposure to radioactivity’, but the worst part is that occasionally he saw the light of the UFO" he says.

“Even today, every time he washes his hands, a small hole in the finger is noticed. He also claims to have a mark on his left eyelid which is seen most clearly when his face gets wet.

"‘In all these years many things have happened. If I were to tell them all I would not finish. The reality is that I still find it puzzling, in fact I was getting to know what happened for about 25 minutes when I was in the ship, but I did not want to be part of more experiments.’

‘Well, buddy’…you can tell as if to say he does not want to keep talking. Before hanging up the phone he returns to say that despite having reached 65, he has not yet found any sense, a reason for what happened and that keeps him awake at nights.”

   In 1980 Flying Saucer Review published a lengthy article on the Dionisio Llanca UFO abduction case (Gordon Creighton and Charles Bowen, “The Extraordinary Case of Dionisio Llanca and the Ufonauts” FSR vol.26 no. 4, November, 1980: pp. 2-10).  Since that time bits and pieces of the article have been used online –however, most modern Ufologists seem to have no idea about the case.

   The usual questions asked is “What happened to Llanca?” and “Was the case ever proven not to have happened?” along with the usual “Where is Llanca now?” I hope this chapter answers all of those questions. There are things we need to look at, though.

   Firstly, based on the FSR account and what I could find in books or, rarely, online, I looked at the fact that he was on a long, boring journey at night and if not a hoax then the theory that this was a dream state experience –Llanca wandering about later on could indicate this but there are problems.  He was obvious confused and dazed but still asked anyone he came across how he could get to a police station and we have no information on what responses he got but, if the police thought this, members of the public might also assume Llanca was drunk so ignored him. If he had been struck and killed by a vehicle on the road we would not even know the name of Dionisio Llanca –luckily, a motorist stopped to help him. 

    Amnesia following a dream state is not, as far as I am aware, normal. Llanca also seems to have been in some form of shock with the constant weeping, etc.  However, one might say that his problems started when someone contacted Ufologists and the newspapers. It is very clear that all Llanca wanted to do was get back to his truck and normal life while no one seemed to really be that interested in his needs or how they could help him (it seems).

   Llanca was treated as a “guinea pig” and hypnosis and Pentothal to try to open up his memory has many problems even if administered by medical professionals. One might assume that medical professionals having checked he was physically and psychologically fine would send him home with a future appointment date to see how he was going and whether there were any lasting effects. Reading the reports it is almost as though everything was done to just see if he was just lying.

   I need to point out that FSR and its Editor -Bowen- and contributor later editor -Creighton- were very prejudiced in how they described someone. In the main if you were someone from a country in South America you were ill educated, semi literate if literate in any way. In report after report from the 1960s on it is over stressed just how "primitive" /"ignorant"/ "illiterate or ""introverted" witnesses were. In the case of Llanca the term "a savage" was used several times in the FSR article.  This is, in fact, a form of ethnic prejudice and I made very clear that this attitude was unacceptable in a letter to the publication (no one responded). 

   How “ignorant” Antonio Villas Boas was; hardly able to read, he would not be able to understand anything in articles about UFOs etc, etc, etc.  This was a lie. It was known by Bowen and Creighton (Creighton doing the translation work) just how literate Boas was (as detailed in UFO Contact?) and he rose to a very prominent position in the community. In the 1975 FSR report on (Oscar A. Galindez, “The Anthropomorphic Phenomena at Santa Isabel” vol. 21 no. 2, August, 1975: pp. 11-16 and vol. 21 nos. 3 & 4: pp. 16-21) we read of the semi literate and introverted workers (all of them apparently). One wonders whether these were descriptions given by Galindez or “interpreted” by Creighton in his own words.

   Boas was no dope but this is FSRs legacy: everyone from a Latin American country is a dope unless they are persons of high standing in which case their credentials were fawned over and then came "Why would they lie with so much to loose?”

   I think it fair to write that, in Llanca's case, he was not highly educated but was certainly no dope. He would be put in the class of person who has a certain routine and life-style and never really veers from it (oh, being ill educated he is, as FSR points out, obviously, a lazy so-and-so). Why repair that tyre and make more work for yourself? He would not be the first driver I've known who did this! Llanca was/is basically an everyday working person in 1973.

   It was claimed that "despite the time, he says he still wears marks on his body" and I believe that quote is from 1980 but I had no definitive source until the La Nueva Provincia item.   According to rumours reported by  an FSR correspondent, Llanca’s family shunned him because "he would not work" -he had been pulled into some financial deal that was not that rewarding for him and a personal relationship seems to have suffered.  In fact, it looks as though Llanca was suffering some form of post traumatic stress. This quote says everything and echoes the words of many other alleged UFO abduction percipients:

       "If that night happened to me again, I wouldn't tell anyone. It did me a lot of  harm, they defamed and used me,"

   Was Llanca abducted by aliens? We can forget the alien cover story of being here to help Earth because I have never really given that credibility and some doubt was cast on early hypnosis used on him ("question that offered the answers").  The problem is that this could have been some altered state experience because there was only one percipient but if Llanca suffered from exposure to radiation we have to throw that idea out. In fact, this exposure to a form of radiation is a quite common aspect of these encounters and we have to ask how a truck driver changing a tyre was exposed to radiation on a quiet stretch of road in Argentina

   Others were seeing UFOs in the area at the time? That adds some additional information but is coincidental evidence only. By inference, it seems that in the La Nueva Provincia item, the words of Llanca may reveal that he has recalled more of his experience: “In all these years many things have happened. If I were to tell them all I would not finish.” Some might think that this means he is indicating that he is a multiple-abductions victim but that is reading a lot into his words. That “occasionally he saw the light of the UFO" does not necessarily mean that it was the object involved in his encounter –it could be a misidentification of something more earthly but abductees do tend to display paranoia to a degree but post traumatic stress can explain a lot of after-encounter sightings.

   There is a twist, in Ufology there has to be. In The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial (Omnigraphics Inc.m, 1997: pp. 299-300) Jerome Clark writes:


      “The magazine article and subsequent newspaper pieces based on it

      mention physicians and psychologists who supposedly had investigated

      the story, but when Argentine ufologists tried to check for themselves,

      they found that the story was an invention put together as a money-making

      scheme. It is not clear if either Llanca or the medical experts even existed.”

   This is odd. First “they found that the story was an invention” then “It is not clear if either Llanca or the medical experts even existed” –now that is nonsensical.  They proved the case to be a hoax but are unclear on whether the doctors or Llanca existed. It sounds to me that no proper re-investigation was carried out.

  1. Did Fabio Zerpa, a prominent Ufologist on whom I can find no dirt or reports of him faking cases, not exist then?  He investigated and spoke to Llanca and what of his UFO team –did they or didn’t they exist?
  2. Was La Nueva Provincia also carrying out a hoax because if it was then it did not come up with much new sensationalism to sell the story?
  3. Who exactly did FSRs correspondent, Jane Thomas who travelled with Pedro Romaniuk from Buenos Aires in October 1974 talk to? They spoke to neighbours and others who knew Llanca (this is where a fair bit of defamation of Llanca came from) so did two people who, at the time, checked into the report make it all up? Did Thomas and Romaniuk exist?
  4. Who then is the person in photographs identified as Llanca?

   We would need to accept that everyone was in on the hoax, including people who did not know each other or have any contact with reporters.  We also need to assume that the “Ufologists” carried out a thorough investigation so we have to ask:

  1. How long after the event did they carry out their checks?
  2. Did they consult any register of medical professionals in the area?
  3. Did they check with public records re. a registration of Dionisio Llanca’s birth or housing records
  4. Did they check the street named as being where his (named) uncle lived and ask neighbours?
  5. Did they check with Zerpa (he died in August 2000 so was certainly alive when Clark wrote the book and that was after the “re-investigation”)? Clark says he went by info he was sent so did not carry out any personal investigation but passed on incorrect information to the English speaking Ufological world.

   We have to be cautious because Ufology has many problems including people grudges, for one or more reasons including disputes with other Ufologists or who are following a debunking agenda. This is very common and a great deal of time wasted on it. 

    I remember in the 1970s a supposed UFO landing with a number of entities being seen at Llanerchymedd in Wales. I knew the two UFO groups involved in looking into the reports but rather than cooperating they fought. I was “piggy-in-the-middle and was receiving phone calls from each as well as reports and both contradicted the other and included insinuations about the other “fabricating reports”. In fact, as I pointed out to them after quickly checking, they had both delivered incorrect reports because a local military exercise was taking place.  How do I know? Well, I picked up the telephone and asked the RAF if anything was going on in or near Llanerchymedd. The RAF man told me that there was not but added “The Army are on exercise in that area, why do you ask?”

   There was an FSR follow up (Gordon Creighton “The Case Dionisio Llanca in Argentina” vol. 30, no. 2, 1984: pp. 25-26) in which Creighton notes how FSR was chastised in an Argentine UFO publication (UFO Press no. 19, January-March, 1984) for not correcting the record after their findings of which neither Creighton or Bowen had been aware of because they had never been sent to them! Creighton back-pedalled by resorting to ethnic slurring again and stating that, based on the information received, Bowen had obviously published the account that Creighton had translated in good faith. Creighton asked that UFO Press be kind enough to furnish him with the new evidence. I checked volume 30 and 31 but cannot find anything else.

   Creighton did note that in recent years in the United States and elsewhere some credible UFO incidents had been investigated again and reclassified as hoaxes by “Ufologists”; these re-investigations in fact turned out to be fabrications themselves. This became common and still is to an extent with debunkers calling themselves “Ufologists” so that their work carried credibility.  I cannot find out much about UFO Press and it was certainly not a publication mentioned by my Argentine contact at the time, Hector Oswaldo Deambrosi (it does not take long to fake a UFO publication).

      Dionisio Llanca would now (2020) be 71 years of age. It can only be hoped that he has/had found it possible to carry on with his life away from prying Ufologists and journalists. 


       If he existed.

       It is Ufology that does not exist.

Supposing Just ONE Encounter Report Was Genuine?


 Apparently, I did not realise this until I checked the date, over three years ago I asked any blog reader (and there are a lot of you) who had read or knew of a report or article about someone who had encountered a UFO and entities as a one off experience to get in touch.


In fact, I know from having spoken to a couple people that when reporting such incidents thaey were told that they were probably lifelong abductees. They pointed out that they were not and that this was a one off incident. They were told again that they WERE lifelong abductees because all ofvtheresaearch pointed to this in "every" such incident even if only a landed UFO and entities seen but no interaction. They were given the option of being put in touch with a "specialist abductees group" or their report could not be looked into.

Above: Betty & Barney Hill

This is exactly what I predicted would happen well over 20 years ago in articles and posts and later in my books. There are many credible accounts of UFO/entity encounters from 1950 up until the time everyone went "grey abductions" crazy. Look at Euporia, Mississippi in 1973 where racial prejudice reared its ugly head; local investigators chasing up any and every UFO incident but refusing to look at a multi witness incident on a U.S. Highway -because those witnesses were "black" -MUFON still refuses to even consider the case.

Imagine that you genuinely see a strange craft land and entities emerge -there is no interacytion but after a couple of minutes the entities re-enter the object and it leaves. You report it and you are told you were abducted. A dashboard clock may well tell you that you can account for every minute but as David Jacobs stated in his UFO evangelical style -"You saw a UFO and it vanished: YOU WERE ABDUCTED!" no question about it. Are you seriously going to have to go through all the messing around and state you were abducted just to get somone to take yourreport seriously....or do you back away and keep quiet?

What surprised me, because you are never told this but have to dig to find out, is that many percipients or witnesses in these events would never have been known and we would know nothing about the Betty & Barney Hill, the Liberty, Kentucky incident or many others if it had not been for ufologists exposing these people to the press or betraying confidences for their own gain.

Think about that. The Betty and Barney Hill account and all the extra evidence surrounding it -taken  to the grave or a family secret. The 1976  Mona Stafford, Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas abduction event -unknown and taken to the grave (I believe Stafford was still alive as of 2020). Even the Walton case would not be known had it not been for the actions of Ufologists at the time. 

above: Stafford, Smith and Thomas

In fact, after writing my last book dealing with the subject, Beyond UFO Contact: Aliens from MindTime & Space (2020), I sat down and looked at the reports, both abductions and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, from 1950-1995 and realised that  at a rough count over 50 we would not know about if Ufologists had not broken confidential agreements with those involved. The figure is probably higher and it is a sad fact that many persons reporting such events were never even spoken to by investigators after 30 years  and when some were those self righteous lazy clod-hoppers had the audacity to chastise reporters and newspapers for bad reporting! Absolutely no "If an investigator had gotten his lazy ass out of a chair and bothered we would not have been quoting incorrect facts for over thirty years" oh no. Everyone's fault but their own. So after 40, 50 and 60+ years many of those percipients are no longer with us. We've lost testimony. Eupora would today be classed as a major incident but decades on not one witness (that is still alive) has been spoken to.

Here is another fact worth considering; I know of several incidents where news got out and reached ufologists and the shameful behaviour of those 'truth seekers' made the witnesses withdraw and we lost testimony -one 'investigator' told me that the witness to a landing was obviously a "UFOnut" because he claimed "something" left the landed objkect. In another series ofg events at a quarry in the UK ufologists let the localpress and media know what was going on -this led to witnesses seeing chuckling TV presenters and reporters recounting their "tales". One witness to a landing refused outright to speak and workers at the quarry had told the BBC that if their mocking reporter returned he would be sent for a flight over the edge of the quarry.

Above: Maurice Masse

There are cases in which someone hides, observes a landing and an entity gets out and after a minute or so re-enters the object which takes off but they are no longer in hiding but standing out in the open and a brief encounter was obviously far more involved and years later this was indicated, however, the secret went with them to the grave. M. Masse at Valensole, France was a similar case. When you realise that a straight forward narrative that should go from A to E does so but misses out B, C and D, you can ask why but the person involved will either say they were 'mistaken' or "No. I am never going to say what else happened". 

How many witnesses/percipients have encountered something but seeing all the TV and You Tube trash decided that they are "not getting involved in that crap!" or just accepted it as Bob Taylor did after his encounter at Livingstone as "It happened. You get on with your life"?  This is a line repeated by a number of percipients whose lives were shattered by an encounter but afterwards (in some cases suffering physical and mental trauma) decide that it happened and they have to get on with their lives.  How many have decided this that we do not know about because fiction has taken over from fact or because they do not want to be known as "another one of those crazy UFO abductees" (even if they aren't?

Hopkins and Jacobs along with others has made it almost impossible for someone to report a brief encounter and with MUFON there is the fear that personal details (supposedly confidential) might be sold on?

I am not a debunker and never have been. I am a sceptic and I look at the evidence and assess cases by evidence or by making a decision as to how credible someone is. That should be clear from my books.  Until I actually encounter an alien spacecraft I cannot state that aliens are landing on Earth. Even going by what percipients state I cannot say that but if everything points to them not lying and there is back-up evidence such as unconnected observers, etc all I can state is that they seem genuine so it is then up to readers to decide extraterrestrial or not. 

above: Marius Dewilde

But we need the testimony because it cannot all be dismissed by genuine debunkers who insist every single observer is "mistaken" or "suffering an altered state" (which they clearly do not understand) and if the accounts are genuine....

"Flying Saucer Review created the term Humanoid"

The Humanoids was an October-November 1966 special issue published by Flying Saucer Review. It was later released in book form. Why do I me...