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Sunday, 30 October 2022

Cindy Vodovoz talks about her alien abduction experience



Calling it a day. Almost used up a ream (500pp) of paper, 6th ink cartridge refill and then all pages into plastic protector sleeves then into their respective files.

Argentina has now got its own folder. As does Brasil.
Some of the folders are now bulging again.
I needed a bigger home for more shelves!

Saturday, 29 October 2022

The Alien Files: UFOs Under Investigation (Full Episode S1|E9)

Kelly Cahill talks about her alien abduction experience, Dandenong footh...

It's Expensive Being An Archivist-Researcher

 I have now, at 1930hrs stopped copying for today.

I have gone through all the Flying Saucer review volumes I have and copied all of the CE3K/AE reports for the archive.
I have gone through three quarters of a ream of paper so 250+pp and I had to carry out FIVE cartridge refills -if I had bought new that alone would have been £130+
Luckily the plastic page sleeves arrived today so now comes that terror of a couple hundred plastic wrapped pages wanting to slide all over the place. Plastic sleeves 300 for £10 So updating the archive has just cost £140+ ($140)
Oh, some countries will require...folders!!
You can see why I want to finish all of this by Christmas!
I thought seriously about this overnight and there is absolutely no way that I can scan thousands of pages so that copies can be sent to CUFOS, AFU... hard copy archive will have to find a British home. Same applies to all the other files.
Now... how do I make money out of this??

Friday, 28 October 2022

UFO researcher Raymond E. Fowler talks about the 1967 Betty Andreasson a...

Hopkins Archive, Mack and Jacobs

 At 0200 hrs this morning I completed transferring the Budd Hopkins/Intruders Foundation material to a folder.  I decided that I will add the David Jacobs material to the same folder for ease of access.

The one thing I did while transferring everything was read the pages (I do reviewing so I can speed read) and I just sat there for an hour or so after asking just what I could trust? At what point did Hopkins begin to deceive Ufology and colleagues.

I had one friend who helped Hopkins a lot and disseminated the private news updates at his own expense to "trusted investigators only". He also paid for at least two Cat-Scans (and back in the 1980s those were not cheap) to look for alien implants. "As he expected" I was told "none could be found" -in both cases, allegedly, the "abductees had 'dreamt' of the implants being removed the night before." Here was my problem: no negative cat-scans were made available and we had Hopkins' word (in private letters) that they had gone ahead. I believe my friend financed another cat-scan which found...nothing (again).

I do know that there were several high level persons who also paid for cat-scans that were negative -one was a member of a European royal family. Hopkins was getting thousands of dollars for cat-scans that we were told repeatedly had yielded nothing (not even paperwork or scans it seems).

At one point, in a "do not tell anyone but people you trust" letter, but revealed that he thought a government agency was at work and helping aliens remove implants and (not in print but over the phone to my friend) Hopkins wanted to make this known "in case something happens to him".  

This all caused me to ask my friend whether he was sure Hopkins was on the up-and-up? I was told that of course he was as his work was "peer reviewed" -something we later learnt was a lie.  To me this had all the red flags of a scam but I could not possibly be right about that as all of the big names in Ufology supported Hopkins while getting their photos taken with "the man of the hour".

Most people look at the reports while I tend to look at everything and at every angle. I saw interviews with some of Hopkins's abductees and really came to realise that they were probably not have "physical experiences" but, again, I kept telli9ng myself that Hopkins would have spotted that.

And if Hopkins was up to no good how was it that Jacobs was getting similar results? Being an archivist and interested in the people involved not just the story I soon found photos of Hopkins and Jacobs palling it up at conventions and events. People were generally asked to leave the two men alone as they swapped their findings and new aspects they had come across and to which no one but they were privy to. At that point, on hearing all of this, I could feel myself sinking to my knees. That explained why Hopkins and Jacobs came up with the same stories but to make sure Jacobs pushed his theory while Hopkins pursued  his so that there were two camps of believers. Faulty or questionable hypnosis techniques only helped. It was Hopkins and Jacobs who conferred and decided that millions were abducted by aliens each year -and that it was a generational thing. Jacobs evangelically shouted that "You didn't just see a UFO -YOU WERE ABDUCTED!" Hopkins joined in this major piece of deceit.

Hopkins and Jacobs at an Intruders meeting (c)2022 respective copyright owner

More worrying is that people led to believe that they had been abducted were pushed into further emotional turmoil because they believed their own children were being violated by "the Greys".  That is unforgivable.

There was a glimmer of hope because John Mack was an academic and prize-winning psychologist so his work would be to academic standards and peer reviewed. With other work over the years I had learnt never to trust academics and their claimed standards but Mack was a big international name. He had a lot to lose if anything was "shaky".  

Mack and Hopkins at an abduction conference. (c)2022 respective copyright holder

Then I heard that Mack and Hopkins were very pally and with Jacobs, too. Still, Mack had professional standards to uphold. But here were a trio of men who were exchanging information and accepting no checks to prevent cross-contamination of cases. The professional way would have been for each to not chit-chat and share but each continue their work and at a point each present a paper for peer review and the accuracy of the work could be assessed.

I read his books but then looked at how he interviewed children in the Ariel School event. Then I saw his interviewing the well known (it was proven at the time) Mexican hoaxer/contactee Carlos Diaz and pronounced him a seemingly sincere and honest person. Not only does it appear that Mack had carried out no background checks (if he had then he ignored the facts) but there are two choices as to why he declared Diaz "genuine":

1.  Because Diaz was pushing the loving aliens worried about our world, as was Mack so it supported his own beliefs. Gullible. Which would not make him very good at his chosen profession.

2.  Mack was lying to push his own pet theory of a cosmic awakening.

Neither of those is good.

Along with the video recording of Carol Rainey, Hopkins was condemned.

Jacobs -well, I think we all ought to be aware of what happened there but -condemned.

Looking at the video footage and other factors I have to, and I cannot emphasise how much I hate doing this, declare that either Mack was a gullible fool or perverting the evidence to fit a pet theory. That condemns his work.

There were a lot of other things filling my mind until at about 0330 hrs I decided that what was done was done and the thought that any one of these men, particularly Hopkins, could have been dealing with a person(s) who had a genuine experience and turned it into a mind game fantasy sickens me. Not because I was initially taken in (many still are) but that people were put through all of this while the High Priests of Abduction took the celebrity and money and occasionally trotted out a pet abductee.

Ufology should be ashamed.

Thursday, 27 October 2022

The Budd Hopkins and Intruders Foundation Archive

I just placed the Budd Hopkins and Intruders Foundation material into a temporary folder. Contents of the folder are:

IF paper: The Case For UFO Abductions as Physical Events (12pp)

MUFON Symposium (1984) paper The Hauntings of Kitley Woods -An Ongoing UFO Saga

MUFON Journal (?) 1986 A Childhood Abduction?

Letter with updates 7th October, 1985

Debbie Jordan -Hypnotic Session transcript 4th October 1985

The Cape Codder (Orleans, Mass.) 12th August 1986  The Cosmic Connection (article with Hopkins)

Private Correspondence and update from Hopkins via Lindy Whitehurst 6th November 1985

MUFON UFO Journal no. 293  September, 1992  The Linda Cortile Abduction Case by Budd Hopkins

IF The Bulletin of the Intruders Foundation Vol. 1  no. 1  Fall, 1989

ditto                                                                 Vol. 1 no. 2

ditto                                                                  Vol. 1  no. 3  1991

ditto                                                                            Vol. 1 no. 4  1991

Correspondence with Hopkins  Oct-Nov 1995


I have moved correspondence with my friend L. T. Whitehurst to the file along with Jacobs correspondence and the Project Damocles folder.

Alien Entity -CE3K FB Group

United States Files now updated from 9-11 Folders

 While awaiting more plastic page protectors I have tried to sort out the United States folders as some were at the point of bursting.

There are currently 11 folders:

Historical -any alleged claims up until 1949










1980 -

Although 1980 on is sparse that is because I am dealing with cases not from Hopkins, Jacobs, Mack, Carpenter and others. I should note that having been a supporter of Hopkins I do have a bunch of his MUFON talks in print plus a lot of IF (Intruders Foundation) newsletters so that side of things is not ignored and are still part of the overall archive and may need to be moved into a 12th folder for ease of access.

Hopefully by Christmas of this year I should have acquired as many summaries or case notes as I can and after that will only do an occasional archive update.

From one bulky file (see below) to 11 more organised ones is a lot of work (unfunded I may mention).

“A World Without Humans: The Charlie Hewitt Encounter” | Paranormal Stories

Even with a basic knowledge of sleep paralysis, altered states and psychology this case can be torn apart. A trained psychologist would shre...