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Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Update 11 01 2023

I was asked why I have posted no updates. I do believe I explained that in a previous post but really there is not much to report. The photo below shows the CE3K/AE archives from a few months ago -now that space to the left is crammed full of folders.

And that was it.

Sadly, with no book sales to bring in money to continue the work everything has ground to a halt. Archive work like this does not get financial backing so when the pockets are empty things just stop.

Obviously with the AOP Journal and books not selling the idea of writing another book is far from something I want to do and Ufology is so far gone at the  moment I do not think it is interested in serious research just the latest fake UAP spin or Vallee created money-spinner. 

So that is your update, Mike.

Thursday, 5 January 2023

The Brooklyn Bridge UFO | The Weirdest Story You'll Ever Hear A Brief Note

Are we re-writing Budd Hopkins' history now so that he was a kindly old gent who got taken advantage of? 

He KNEW Cortile was LYING and he KNEW she was faking evidence 

He was FAKING and "stacking the decks" when it came to alleged alien symbols and he and Jacobs knew exactly what they were doing. 

That makes him a fraud

Let's cut this bull-shit and tell the truth...unless of course you have not thoroughly researched your subject?

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Leah Haley talks about her UFO sightings, crash and alien/military abduc... A Few Notes

I have no doubt that Leah Haley is sincere in her belief and that this has been reinforced by hypnotic sessions and dubious practices.

Look at the account; Leah and her brother spot a "UFO" one day -we'll use the term but as the witnesses were children it might have been something we could identify today; they do not discuss the matter for decades which reveals that it was not really that major an incident in their lives.

One day Leah thinks back to the incident and asks her mother about it but nothing until her brother arrives and here is what I would call the abduction inception idea (AII). Her brother recalls the UFO which is fair enough but he then goes on to tell her how he has watched TV shows, etc in which people who see UFOs are abducted and tells here more.

The seed is now planted and set into her thinking: why have they not talked about a UFO they saw as kids yet both remembered just never discussed?  Wait -people seeing UFOs and not recalling more have been proven to be abductees? If the person involved is of the right frame of mind then that little seed will begin the sprout roots -they will look at a scar they have had on their leg since a child and when the parent asked cannot recall how the person got said scare; it becomes a mystery. 

"OMG! I wake up around 3 AM!" This is not a mystery or UFO related and I have explained this waking at a specific time on this blog and in my books. It is natural. No alien influence involved but to someone who has that seed planted in their mind....

Jump to the hypnotist and that couch and you explain that you saw a UFO as a kid but that's all you recall and you have a mystery scar and you wake up at 3AM and then you are sunk. With David Jacobs he will tell you that you are a lifelong abductee, have been made pregnant and lost the foetus many times and that when you can't remember what you did on a certain date -you were mind controlled to do something then the memory was erased (usually the superior hybrids need you to buy a loaf of bread for them or show them how to flush a toilet as...well, they ain't the brightest in the galaxy).  Budd Hopkins would probably spin a good yarn out of this as even when he knew cases were fake he pushed them to international audiences -it's earning a buck or two, right?

In some cases you have "false pregnancies" (pseudocyesis).  People with pseudocyesis have pregnancy symptoms, but tests will confirm there's no pregnancy and most healthcare providers believe psychological and hormonal factors may cause it. Oh no, not if Hopkins and Jacobs or Carpenter were involved: the aliens got you pregnant then stole the foetus!

As I have noted before -if you talk to or listen to someone who believes that they have been abducted by aliens you will find the AII if you listen carefully.  It is the duty of the person taking on a case to not jump straight to a hypnotist and those who do are disreputable; you need to know your subject and having "read all the Hopkins, Jacobs and other abduction books" does not count. Neither does You Tube documentaries. The people and investigators behind all of those are disreputable at best and money grubbers willing to psychologically torture "subjects" with false memories at worst. 

It is a slow process and means getting to know the person involved and explain to them at the very outset that it may seem very real to them but there are explanations that do not involve UFO abduction. These are human beings and not cash cows to be milked for all their worth and then discarded.

We can see classic cases of AII with Karla Turner and Raymond Fowler and it is all documented in their own words and in their own books.

If we go by the anecdotal evidence, which is all we have, then it seems that there are genuine one off UFO abductions because many facts cannot be explained away and the fact that debunkers have had to resort to offering large sums of money to abductees to say they were never abducted proves a point.

 I believe that Dr Leo Sprinkle was becoming aware of the psychological implications as well as false memory and it is a pity that professionals such as he were pushed away in favour of untrained, unprofessional con men and amateur fantasy pushers.

Tuesday, 27 December 2022

CE3K and Why They Were One Reason I Left BUFORA


The British UFO research Association (BUFORA) was never a scientific research group. Franklyn A. Davin-Wilson devised a couple of early computer programs that BUFORA could utilise to make research easier and look for correlations. Every single time he presented the papers he was told "Maybe in the future as our funds are not sufficient" -I have the correspondence on file in the Davin-Wilson Archive. What was suggested was the simplest punch card method which BUFORA could begin with and build up its data base so that when it could get access to a computer (Davin-Wilson sorted that out but FBUFORA took a year to respond by which time it was too late) t5hey were set up.

From 1974 on I had been gathering and studying reports of contactees and others allegedly confronted by what were then termed "Humanoids", "UFONauts" and "Operators" or "occupants". I pointed out to BUFORA that in some reports there appeared to be "time lapses" or "missing time" and suggested that these needed further investigation. The usual "well the investigators are all volunteers and they can only do so much" or even "Shock of the situation may have made witnesses misjudge time" and Norman Oliver who had an interest in the matter told me that I could expect no less from BUFORA. Norman also thought that the term "Alien entity" was a good idea since it just meant a foreign (unknown origin) type being and did not declare ETH or any other theory.  BUFORA could not be any less interested in this since "it's a fringe aspect of UFOs and you are the only one looking into this" (yes, they actually totally ignored Norman's ground-breaking work!).

By 1975 I had given talks and written on these cases and by 1975 I had a fairly large data base of reports which BUFORA, again, were not that interested in.  Even Graham Knewstub, President of BUFORA tried to suggest more cooperation but BUFORA kept on stating that "landing and occupant cases were far too rare to dedicate research time to".

When Ted Bloecher was updating his HumCat (Humanoid Catalogue) he asked BUFORA if they could provide UK cases. BUFORA then got into a panic. They had no data base other than the odd report cited by Norman Oliver. Oh. They knew someone who had a data base of these reports! Me.  I was asked whether I could update the UK HumCat side of things and that I would get full credit plus a copy of thye updated HumCat when they received it.

Like a complete and utter moron I spent two weeks, between my daytime job, updating the UK section and presented the results to BUFORA three weeks before they actually said they needed it. I was told that I had done a "wonderful job and it would be noted".

Nothing.  Well, I say nothing but the talk I was told I could present to BUFORA on the subject matter was cancelled two days before it was due to be given. Norman Oliver checked for me as he had not even heard of the scheduled talk...apparently the ones in charge had simply done nothing then realised the talk was a week off but then waited until just prior to let me know it was off. But had never officially been on.

My invitation to the 1976 BUFORA Conference to meet and chat with Ted Bloecher was promised but...never turned up. Then came what can only be described as a "slap in the face" from BUFORA. After asking about the updated HumCat copy I got a copy of Bloecher's talk and when I looked at the intro and the thank you to all that had "helped compile the data" (me) guess who was not even referred to?


BUFORA did try to persuade me to forward my report files and I am guessing that was because they had taken all the credit but had none of the reports cited. BUFORA would not contribute to the cost of the  couple of hundred pages that needed copying (not cheap back then) and were unwilling to pay back postage charges (they even wanted Registered Mail!). I declined. And BUFORA then forgot the "silly" fringe reports. Years later, more than 100 UFO reports sent to BUFORA from a local flap arrived at 'research HQ'...and were lost.

Time and time again, almost like a "groundhog day", BUFORA failed to get a grip on research and investigation which was eventually proven to be non-existent. The then  president of BUFORA sent a letter to all Regional Investigation Coordinators that copies of new reports -all UFO sightings had to be followed up immediately- had to be rushed through and I thought "At last!" BUFORA were moving up more than a few gears but then I read on. A new commercial magazine "available at newsagents" titled The Unexplained was going to appear and BUFORA had "made arrangements" (payments for info?) and this was a great opportunity to publicise the Association and draw in new members. I had concerns: what information from reports was the publication going to get? Apparently a copy of the report forms with all the information on it. That would mean that witnesses who ticked for anonymity would have their data in the hands of a third party. I refused to take part even after being told that my position as "RIC" would be reconsidered and I told BUFORA to reconsider it then -I covered Dorset, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Bristol (Avon) and parts of South Wales as not only were there no RICs in those areas but not a single investigator! 

I quit. I put it all in writing and then carried on with my work. Six months later I received a letter from BUFORA asking if I might reconsider joining BUFORA as they had a high number of reports that could not be investigated. I impolitely told them were they could put the reports. From the early 1980s on BUFORA declined even more and reports were only of interest to fill books published by its "higher ups".

Not looked back since. I have asked three times now how many investigators BUFORA has and what itrs update procedures are. Fudgy responses is all I got the first time and after that -nothing.

As we have found out more and more over the last decade or so; big UFO organisations rarely carry out research and depend on filching work of individuals to make it look as though they are actively researching. Memberships -that draws in the money. In the UK it is likely not much.

“A World Without Humans: The Charlie Hewitt Encounter” | Paranormal Stories

Even with a basic knowledge of sleep paralysis, altered states and psychology this case can be torn apart. A trained psychologist would shre...