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Monday, 20 February 2023

Rayna Ryan talks about her alien encounter experiences, 1983 / 1989

From what is said it sounds that Rayna lapsed into an altered state during which she 'saw' -and it WOULD seem real to her- the aliens before going back to stir her beans. The second incident is clearly sleep paralysis.

Japanese case of an alien abductee's life changing UFO encounter, 1979

Monday, 13 February 2023

You Never Asked...

...but I will explain why I am not doing long, original post any more.


1. I got fed up with people stealing and using my original research and giving no credit just taking a lot of credit or their research  stealing.

2. After 2 decades I just cannot be bothered posting and getting absolutely no reactions or comments. Enough people read this blog but no one comments. No one is interested enough to but any of my books or even support the ongoing work.

That covers it.

You get what you get and I hope what you get here does keep you entertained and educates you.

A pity that the so called new elite on You Tube do not actually bother doing any checking and are quite willing to state they know nothing of CE3K/AE cases but jump head first into the  debunking and silly comments.

"Flying Saucer Review created the term Humanoid"

The Humanoids was an October-November 1966 special issue published by Flying Saucer Review. It was later released in book form. Why do I me...