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Sunday, 23 July 2023
Saturday, 22 July 2023
Thursday, 13 July 2023
Sunday, 9 July 2023
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
It is important to at least record what can be found
It appears that I need to make clear something that I made clear previously...and previous to that time as well.
No, the CE3K/AE archive has not been dumped. It has not been destroyed and it has definitely not been picked up by the AFU in Sweden! The archive is hard copy -paper based and the idea of scanning everything was halted in its tracks when it was realised to scan and store digitally it would take around 5 years or more working every day.
The work basically stopped as with no sales of the books there is no money coming in and without money (you cannot do much without money) copier paper, ink cartridges (which are not cheap) and other material needed cannot be purchased. It is purely a matter of money but then unless you want to fake and push UFO crash retrieval stories no one is interested.
Even yesterday I discovered a report I had never heard of before. It is quite obscure and has a High Strangeness aspect to it. The final page count comes to 30 pages so at the moment I have temporarily stored it on a flash drive until it can be added to the United States archives.
Being totally up front and honest I can find and evaluate reports but nothing new can be printed and added to the files which means things get messy and as internet pages/sources seem to vanish on a regular basis it is important to at least grab what can be found.
Monday, 3 July 2023
Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Monday, 26 June 2023
The STRANGE case of Sarah Adams part 2) The turn
Intelligent life may be more common than we thought

Date: 26th July, 1965, Location: Carazinho, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil This is based on a report by the Brasilian UFO group S.B.E.D.V. ...
I have to say that I had thought European UFO groups might be far more cooperative than those in the United States where there is no interes...
I know of a Spanish Ufologist who was once 100% behind UFO reality and the possibility that the origins were extraterrestrial. He now dec...