Here is a scenario -I know that no one bothers replying so I am not expecting any feedback!
You are driving somewhere and along a quiet stretch of the road you see this...
What do you do?
Here is a scenario -I know that no one bothers replying so I am not expecting any feedback!
You are driving somewhere and along a quiet stretch of the road you see this...
What do you do?
I posted this over at the AOP blog and it equally applies here so...
I was asked so I will respond here.
"I heard you were working on two other books concentrating on UFO abductions and aliens when are they due out?"
Simple answer: yes, I was working on two other books and did all the research to guarantee that what went into print was accurate and not sensationalist crap like you find in most UFO books theses days.
Never. Is the response to when the books would appear. There are four heavily researched and referenced books that I have already published and those include some never or hardly ever seen before seen photographs. I think the sales amount to one copy of each book and that despite the many thousands who have seen the posts and various publishing campaigns. Lying and grifting is the only thing makes money. Not facts.
The same applies to the "World mystery" books. I could complete at least another two of those to add to the five already published but sales of those existing are not even making me money (sales dried up about 3 years ago). Again, lying and grifting is all that sells and even including long 'lost' photographs and much more has not gotten any sales.
There have been 624128 views ( 32980 here at the AE CE3K blog) of blog posts and 35,000 views ( some 3960 for this blog) last month and with those kind of figures and world wide readership of people allegedly interested in this stuff no sales are BAD. It is why I gave up researching and posting long original articles (usually stolen by others to put on to their blog to get the credit any way) here. No feedback, no "Hey have you read this?" and no book sales.
350 pp
Fully illustrated containing photographs and maps
Beyond UFO Contact i the fourth book in the groundbreaking series looking at reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien-Entity reports from around the world and reassessing these. In addition there is a look at the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligences (SETI) and its relevance to the UFO phenomenon.
contents list:
Introduction: The Path of Counter-Actuality
1. Dionisio Llanca: Truck Driver, UFO Abductee and Human Guinea Pig
2. Aliens -What Can We Expect?
3. The Moreland Incident
4. It Is All Fake: Ufology Needs To Be Reassessed
5. Warminster UFOs and Entity Reports
6. Have Things Changed Since 1977?
7. The Beausoleil Cas -Even Aliens Like Theatre
8. The Pwca
9. Contact...with the Vegetable Alien
10. The Casitas Dam UFO Photograph and Entity
11. The Crystal Lake Encounter
12. The Humanoids at South Riverand the Luczkowich Encounter
13. Harrison Bailey
14. Sonny DesVerger
15. The UFO "Borderline"-The Imjarvi Skiers
16. Some Interesting Reports to Note
17. Dead Aliens in Photographs
18. Ufology, Government Cover Ups and Disclosure
19. The Reports That You Might Not Want To Look Into
20. Conil de la Frontera -a Credible Report?
21. Eighteenth Century Aliens?
22. Clearview Ranch
23. The Pat McGuire Case
24. Piero Fortunato Franzetta
25. The Silbury Hill Encounter
26. The Bridge Abduction
27. The Bagshot Heath UFO Incident
28. Lurkers and Alien Disinterest
29. What If YOU See Aliens Land?
30. So What Would YOU Do If You Encountered A Landed UFO?
£9. 50
Incredibly, despite contacting Ufologists in the United States none are in the least bit interested in the major UFO landing incident in 1973 at Eupora, Mississippi. My guess is that there is no money or TV coverage so of little value -and racism still appears to be involved.
However, having covered this subject and carried out long term research (50 years this year) I have ascertained certain facts that slap what Ufology takes as 'facts' in the face. Looking at the reports from 1954 we learn that there was no world wide UFO flap.
France as a country provided many of the reports and these are, in 70% of reports insufficient in any information and investigations were reading newspaper items. These were often sensationalised and meant to help copies NOT gather scientific information. It is almost unbelievable that Ufologists when they did bother to talk to witnesses 25, 30 and 35 years after the even had the gall to rage at newspaper reporters for "not gathering accurate or technical details".
The claimed 1965 and 1973 "world wide UFO flaps" are likewise full of cases that were never investigated and as with 1954 they include reports with totally insufficient details, misinterpretations and hoaxes (in one 1954 French case the landed UFO and "pilot" were clearly identified at the time as a driver and broken down bus but Vallee and Ufology still tout this as a genuine UFO landing). In the United States in 1973 if you were a "white" person who saw a pin-point of light moving across the night sky you were far more likely to have Ufologists tripping over themselves to talk to you than a group of "black" people who observed a UFO landing on a highway or observed a landing and entities approached them.
As the decades pass so those people pass on and their testimony is lost to history while the flim-flam bunko boys and gals of Ufology keep adding to and promoting the same 60-70 year old cases and most of them are explained (unless you are a Ufologist).
The myth of global UFO flaps is an invention of Ufology and a press-media willing to take anything sensationalist to get views (why bother checking any facts -the Ufologists do not).
This sitting on your ass and getting all information from newspaper clippings was not unique back then and is still practiced today -a "noted Ufologist" proudly bragged to me that he never goes out on investigations but checks newspaper and magazine articles and what might be said on TV. That in 2021 and at that point I severed links with the dilettante ( the very definiti0on of the term -a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.).
In the United States we have reports taken as landings, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and abduction dating back to the 1950s and these are quoted and repeated (often with people adding "extras" to the account) ad infinitum and yet not a single Ufologist went anywhere near the witness/percipient or even the location. The Kathy Reeves and Reeves farm is but one incident.
Common factors such as entity descriptions are often ignored because no one has bothered to look beyond "Three figures were seen" -in my books I have shown that there are some common descriptions but these have not been spotted or noted before. The fact that after three decades of the lies from Hopkins, Jacobs et al cases are "rebooted" to involve "Greys" and that includes the Betty and Barney Hill case which in no way involved entities similar to "Greys". As pointed out by veteran Ufologists who did take an interest in these reports "We never had reports of Greys before Budd Hopkins work" -Ann Druffel was one of those who spoke out but when a subject follows a trend that brings in more money facts are disposable items.
I need to point out that over the decades I have encountered all of this in the UK. Racism, mocking of percipients/witnesses in CE3K cases and even reports being destroyed because "We are having none of that nonsense". And, yes, one witness to a landing and "something got out, walked around it (object) then went back inside"was rudely insulted by an 'investigator' and refused to talk to anyone after that. Two similar cases saw the witnesses treated badly. In one case we know a group of youngsters who observed UFOs in an area also observed an entity. One UFO 'investigator' rejected the report because the witnesses were "kids" and a letter with details of the incident from the youngsters involved was 'lost' by another "noted investigator".
The biggest blunders amongst British Ufologists (I am aware they were not unique but I am referring to the UK alone here) was the inability to take in information or realise something was going on. In my files I have the reports (in Ufology that is usually a write up in a publication and 'serious reports' written by Ufologists are an embarrassment) where a couple observed a strange light (UFO) and later found unusual marks on their bodies. In others someone encounters an object and may recall seeing "someone" and there are side effects of a physiological nature. Others had their cars stop inexplicably and may have felt an "energy" or draining of their energy before their vehicles suddenly restart and they get on their way.
Here is the problem; not one supposed investigator noticed or questioned the apparent time discrepancies or witness confusion over time (as in the 1965 Wildman report). No one had the sense or imagination to work out Vehicle stop + UFO seen+ strange markings on the witnesses bodies after =a connection. Even after the Hill case came to light there was no "Oh, that sounds similar to such-and-such case -perhaps we ought to look into that again". No it was Vehicle stop + UFO seen+ strange markings on the witnesses bodies after =(at best) an oddity.
No one was claiming to have been abducted by aliens. But a natural sense of logic should make someone realise that a vehicle stop, a UFO and possibly an entity and confusion over time plus physiological effects equals a bloody connection. But, no, write it up for Flying Saucer Review or a journal and that's it. Job done. No longer a need to question or study the report. Ufology in the UK alone is full of dozens of such cases before the Hill case was even heard of in the United States let alone the UK.
One case from the Winter of 1957/1958 in the UK was reported on in a letter from the percipient to the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) who sat on it for a few years until there was a financial deal made with a newsstand publication who would select what cases they used and then BUFORA were jumping up and down all over this and I was asked to investigate over 20 years later by which time the percipient had moved to then Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and was no longer contactable. "Have you tried everything to find him?" I was asked by BUFORA. "Yes. Why did YOU not respond to him and make arrangements to have an investigator visit him years ago?" I replied. Silence after that.
Ufology is not about investigation and research to find answers to the UFO situation it is about self promotion and making money. If you look at how, unfunded, John Hanson has spoken to people in known and unknown (to Ufology) cases and how he has gathered extra information that was never known before you realise why his Haunted Skies books and Great British UFO Archive Centre are so important. None of this involves sensationalism and it certainly does not make Hanson any money and when asked if the Haunted Skies books are worth buying and why my response is simple. Yes, they are very worth buying and why -there were reports I had never heard of before and which had avoided the attention of mainstream Ufology. That makes the series valuable and, yes, I purchased every volume out of my own pocket.
I can state from personal experience that no one is interested in true facts -my own books are very hard to sell despite what they contain. Trash books that fill heads with fantasy and twisted truth are what are popular. Just as reports that involve possible time loss/abductions are ignored because no one wants to do the work -I think Hanson has probably outdone even myself on phone calls, letters and emails in follow-ups to reports.
Although discredited for some of his beliefs RAF Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding once stated that he had no doubt flying saucers existed but was only interested in hearing of new reports with technical aspects otherwise it was the same old same old. The reports that he said we should be looking at involve the so called "pilots" of the flying saucers because by studying those reports we might learn a great deal more about why they are here, etc. That was something the late Norman Oliver and many others believed and Norman once told me (in the 1980s) that my "tenacity in keeping up this work in the face of such strong negative reactions is inspiring" and my response was simple: "I actually want to find out the truth -even if it does make me enemies and poor!"
My files are full of lost reports and with the passing of each percipient/witness we lose one more piece of the puzzle.
the event occurred around Maubeuge, on the R.N. 2 (Paris-Brussels), between Avesne and Louvroil (Maubeuge), Michelin map #53, fold 6, and was the subject of an investigation by ufologists Bigorne and Mathieu.
One Saturday of November 1954, the Mozin couple had visited a patient at parents in Dourlers. About midnight, they were on the road back in direction to Maubeuge. The road was deserted, the weather was dry, rather frozen and it was clear. They drove at a good pace, when Mr. Mozin said to his wife: "Hold on, look at the gleams over there! What is it? You would say a serious car crash!" The gleam was at the top of a small hill at approximately 800 meters of their car.
While driving at 120 km/h, they quickly crossed this distance and arrived at the top of the small hill and from there they saw within 100 meters on the right side of the R.N. 2, a machine posed with an opened door, and inside the machine a "Michelin guy" appearing to move slowly on the threshold of this door.
The craft had the form of a sort of large shell and rested on feet. It had a white metallic aspect, of coated sheet aspect, and on the walls were visible, vertical lines at intervals of 10 cm.
The being was high of 1.20 meters approximately, very fat, with rolls around the arms and legs. Fitted with large boots, it had a bulky helmet, almost as broad as its shoulders, which made him a large head.
The seen light came from the opened door, and was diffused on the road. The interior was of an intense white, not dazzling. The two witnesses saw there what they supposed to be pipes, or large cables, which went down in the machine, with kinds of handles or switches.
The Mozins managed to begin their observation a hundred meters before arriving close to the object, where they passed in the immediate vicinity, i.e. to 4 or 5 meters.
The headlights of the car ceased functioning as soon as they were at a hundred meters, at the time when the witnesses saw the object. The engine did not stop. The driver then slowed down, and it is more slowly than it crossed the machine: at 70 km/h approximately. A hundred meters after, the headlights suddenly re-ignited without his intervention. Mr. Mozin stopped in the intention to go to see the strange object more closely, but due to the insistence of his frightened wife, he resumed his trip towards Louvroil and reached their home in Maubeuge.
The following day, a Sunday, going to Rheims to attend a fussball game with his friend Mr. Houssières (deceased, [in date of publication]), he stopped at the place of the landing to seek traces, and to prove to his skeptical friend that he had not dreamed. Three prints were visible, and in the center of the triangle which they formed, there was a carbonized round of 15 to 20 cm of diameter releasing an indefinable odor, reminding of benzine. The three traces were laid out on a circle of more or less 1.40 meters of diameter, and were in the form of half-circle, deep of 8 to 10 cm. The spacing of the traces seemed smaller than the diameter of the craft evaluated as of 2 meters. The craft was posed on a narrow space between the ditch and the road.
All the friends of Mr. Mozin laughed at what they thought of being an enormous joke, and the gendarmerie did not intervene.
The witnesses never forgot that night, it remained engraved for ever in their memory. Mrs. Mozin suffered from insomnia during eight days, and she still saw the "Michelin bibendum" at the foot of her bed. Each time that she saw a gas station with the Michelin advertisement she reminded her husband of their strange encounter.
The authors specify that the credibility to be granted to this account appears complete. The Mozina were known in their vicinity for "their kindness and their good moral and intellectual behaviour. They are simple people to whom a cat is a cat; and a flying saucer a flying saucer." They enjoy a very good sight and never had any serious illness.
Sixteen years afterwards, day for day, the witnesses acted their adventure for the investigators, who indicate that their account has notes of sincerity which would be quite difficult to fake. They became again astonished, curious or apprehensive and, on the contrary to her husband, the wife stated that she would not like to see that any more, as she had been so much frightened.
Mr. and Mrs Mozin were interviewed by André Darcheville for a radio broadcast of 1974 on the french national radio France Inter.
[Voice] - "We will begin the approach of the humanoïdes, thanks to found witnesses, who agreed to entrust their fantastic adventure at the microphones of France-lnter. So, Mr. and Mrs. Mozin who tell one of our reporters, André Darcheville, what they saw in November 1954..."
[M. Mozin] - "I was returning from Montournère. arrived at the "Belle Hôtesse", at the top of the coast, I saw very sharp lights on the roadside. To me, this was an accident. I was within two kilometers approximately of these huge lights: I thus accelerated. I descended the hill very quickly, to see the accident. Within a hundred meters, suddenly, my headlights die out! I was driving at 120 km/h. At this point in time I saw the being."
[A. Darcheville] - What did it look like?"
[M. Mozin] - "It resembled the bibendum of the Michelin publicity. A large helmet, large gloves, boots, a size of an average man. Its silhouette cut out in a door which made about 1 meter 80 high. Behind the door I saw like controls, sort of stems and electric wires. It should be said that all was perfectly lit, very white. You could see a in daylight. I thus passed in front of the machine. Fifty meters further, the light came back in the car. The headlights again functioned normally. A little further, I stopped because I wanted to go back there. At that time, I had a revolver on board. I said to myself: "We'll see." My wife started to shout: "No, I do not want to go there!" So, I continued. The following day, I was to go to assist a football game, in Rheims. I was the president of the U.S.M., here in Maubeuge. I was go there with a friend, a tobacconist. He died since, otherwise he would have testified. Before leaving I told him: "Yesterday evening, I saw a saucer!" He answers me: "It's not true!" "Good, since you don't believe me, I will show you while going to Rheims." We hit the road, and arrived at the place in the basin, we get out of the car. I show him the ground. Indeed, there were traces. "Looks at this: there are three naked feet, one there and another there and in the middle, that's odd!" My friend was amazed. "It's true, I lost!" he answered me."
[A. Darcheville] - "You did bet with him?"
[M. Mozin] - "I bet a bottle of champagne and a supper. And I won."
[A. Darcheville] - "Let's go back to this famous night. What was the shape of the craft of have seen?"
[M. Mozin] - "It had the shape of a cigar of three meters in diameter. The door in which the little man was seen had about a meter eighty of height. There remained a space of approximately fifty centimeters between the top of the door and the head of the being. This being, I saw him move. He was going to get out at the time when I arrived. It walked like this. He had difficulties moving. In my opinion, the objects which he had on him were very heavy."
[A. Darcheville] - "The inside was brightly lit I believe, did you see it well?"
[M. Mozin] - "The interior was illuminated with an exceptional strength. White, very white, like those chairs over there."
[A. Darcheville] - How long have you seen it?
[M. Mozin] - "It happened very fast, about fifty seconds."
[A. Darcheville] - "Mrs. Mozin, what impression did it make on you?"
[Mme Mozin] - "I was afraid! All that I can say, is that I was afraid! In the beginning, I believed in an accident, a terrible accident, inasmuch the lights were so strong. But when I saw the being, I was afraid! I did not sleep because of that!"
[A. Darcheville] - "And it is you who saw the being with the maximum of details since you were on the right side of the car, i.e. [the side] of the UFO?"
[Mme Mozin] - "Oh! Yes, I saw him well. I still see him when I close my eyes!"
[A. Darcheville] - "But, in the beginning of your vision, when you realized that this was not a car accident, what did you think of?"
[M. Mozin] - "I thought of a flying saucer! They were discussed at the time. A gate-keeper of the S.N.C.F. [National railway company] had seen a saucer landing on railroad track [See Quarouble Oct. 10.]. I thus thought of a saucer.
[A. Darcheville] - "Why didn't you want your husband to go back?"
[Mme Mozin] - "Oh! no, I didn't want to! I didn't know what was going to happen. Moreover since the car's lights had dies out! Afterwards, when the car's light came back, I said: "No, no! No way we go back there!"
[A. Darcheville] - Mr. Mozin, when did your engine start to function again?"
[M. Mozin] - "It never stopped functioning!"
[Mme Mozin] - "No, only the headlights went out."
[A. Darcheville] - "For how long?"
[M. Mozin] - "It's hard to say. During seventy to eighty meters. I had a new aronde. It was a fast car!"
[A. Darcheville] - "Without the headlights, did you get enough light?"
[M. Mozin] - "Oh! Much more light than if the headlights had functioned!"
[A. Darcheville] - "Were you alone on the road? No other car?"
[M. Mozin] - "No. I was alone at this time. At midnight, there were not many cars which were driving, especially at that time, when there were much less cars than now. It was twenty years ago! But we would have loved to meet another vehicle, believe me!"
[A. Darcheville] - "What was your occupation at that time, Mr. Mozin?"
[M. Mozin] - "I was a butcher."
[A. Darcheville] - "What were you doing so late on a deserted road?"
[M. Mozin] - "I had gone to visit to a relationship which had just given birth. We had started from Maubeuge after my work, around 10 hours of the evening. We returned around 11 and a half, midnight. It is at the return trip that we saw the "thing"."
I almost choked laughing. Jacques Vallee, the messenger of deception was fed up with "sloppy reporting and loose thinking". Wonder...