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Friday, 25 December 2020

La Fenomenologia Hamanoide en la Argentina

One item I have in amongst the various CE3K/AE books is La Fenomenologia Hamanoide en la Argentina -The Hamanoid Phenomenology in Argentina compiled by Roberto E. Banchs and publihed in 1977 by the Servicia de investigaciones Ufologicas (Ufological Research Service).

It is a 60pp booklet cataloguing 46 CE3K reports from 1950-1975 and an evaluation of these. Sadly, it never got translated into English and my Spanish is pretty poor.  The booklet was published at around the same time period as the Webb and Bloecher 1973 The Year of the Humanoids and BUFORA publishing Ted Bloecher's papre presented at a conference titled Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 

At the same time my own paper on the subject was rejected by BUFORA as bing interesting but there was o little interest in the subject that it "could not justify the expense". To be fair that was BUFORAs standard response to anything like this. Howver, they did ask me to update the Bloecher HUM CAT (Humanoid Catalogue) UK section. I put the work in and heard no more...a year later I was told Bloecher was quite happy with the material that BUFORA took full credit for -my name was apparently removed from copies.

TRhis booklet will be added to the South America folder for posterity.

1900-1999 UK Reports Breakdown


Another day sorting the UK files out (yes, I know its Christmas Day but I don't do Christmas). Files are bulkier and last night...actually, it was 0120 hrs so this morning...I did a quick check of the reports.

Remember that these stats are not 100% complete and cover 1900-1999:

Explanation Number
Hoax 38
Worthy of Note 18 (highest rating)
Insufficient 96
Misidentification 1
Psychological 82

The Insufficent cases contain some interesting reports but not enough detail to draw any conclusion on. Considering that some of these were handled by UFOIN, BUFORA and even Contact UK 'investigators' this is pretty dire. It means that around 25% of the 96 reports could be mentioned but DO NOT provide even basic evidence.

Hoaxes, again, not surprising. Some of these were carried out by Ufologists including people such as Eric Morris (as I have the evidence and his "in your face" confession I can name him) and even some of those around Arthur Shuttlewood at Warminster but Shuttlewoopd was NOT a hoaxer.

Misidentification refers to the Gotherington Gargoyle case I investigated.

Psychological is an all-encompassing term here and cases include sleep paralysis and hypnagogic/hypnopompic states as well as semi religious contactee types and fantasy prone people. Just a casual glance should show any real investigator what is at play yet in many of these cases the "material" was good for books and articles so why spoil that?

From 1900-1999 only 18 Worthy of Note cases. This includes the 1994 Silbury Hill case although no physical evidence is involved but it was a multi witness case.

The problem is that UFO investigation was always a "club business" and those looking into CE3K/AE reports were either thinking from the very outset that the reportee was "a nutter" or, because no Contactee elements were present (ie tall, blue eyed, blonde haired space brothers) the report was a hoax.

When everyone jumped onto the "Its all psychical phenomenon" band wagon things got worse.

Remember that up to the 1990s there was still a BIG belief in frauds likle Adamski. There still is.

The Isle of Sheppey "Space Ape" case of 1979 I investigated and I even received confirmation from the RAF of an "unknown object" having been picked up by radar at the time -when I went to check the file, kept at a central report keeping point, the RAF letter was gone. I was told by the man overseeing the reports, Peter Tate that he had destroyed the letter "Its all Ufonutter stuff". This was the second time that he had destroyed evidence. I took all my reports back.

As far as I am aware my files are the largest in the UK dealing with CE3K/AE reports. It would be nice to get6 Ufologists to cooperate on the project but many who are interested in the subject only accvept Grey abduction cases -I was told by the Birmingham UFO Group boss that he gets 100+ new abduction cases each month.
If some of the older cases on file could be re-investigated we might learn more.
The possibiulity of that happening is probably zero.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Number of CE3K/AE Reports

 My files have 854 "reports" recorded in them from around the world.

There are many more to add to these files.

These exclude the whole "Grey Abduction Syndrome".

I have read most books on the latter and as for other reports not recorded yet that I have read...probably in the hundreds.

Some not in files have been recorded in my 4 books as well as the AOP Journal.

Out of 854 I would say 10% (and I am being very generous here) or 86 reports are "sufficient to make a judgement regarding.  Out of these probably 10-12 are of sufficient High Strangeness to use as testimony.

There are reports of Sasquatch intermixed with CE3K reports. Despite what you may have seen on You Tube or read in some sensationalist book Bigfoot/Sasquatch does not come from a flying saucer. We have local legends of ghosts and other "supernatural" things mixed in with UFOs. Why? There is no connection between "ghosts" and UFOs. Any sort of "cryptid" creature you can think of is pulled into UFOs at some point.  Including hoax alien videos does not help. 

For decades the same 1954 'UFO wave' reports have been repeated but very few have ever been investigated -some had to wair 20-30 years before Ufologists spoke to witnesses/percipients. Amongst those reports never investigated is this one:

12th October, 1954  Teheran, Iran.

A disc-shaped object came very close to the ground in a densely populated area. Chasim Faili, one of those who witnessed the incident, screamed when he thought he was going to be kidnapped. A crowd gathered and the object took off. The entities involved were said to be small and dressed in black.

A landing in a densely populated area and those allegedly interested in these things just took the press report and that was it. A lost report and not evidence of much. Certainly it might have been had someone bothered getting off of their backsides.

There is a report of two UFOs being seen near an area and there were roughly 100 observers to this one followed up. I could go on and cite one multi-observer CE3K incident after another and each would be followed by "no investigation undertaken."

What research and investigation is being carried out into these reports byUfology? In four books I have noted trends and much more that seems to have by-passed Ufology which either ignores CE3K/AE reports or jumps onto the alien abduction craze because it brings in money. Ufology has wasted 73 years since the "Birth of Ufology" in 1947 and it has come down to scandal ridden UFO organisations and "pop TV" with slick UFO conmen.

Ufology will never be the science it pretends or wants to be. Its biggest names are as guilty of very poor research and adding false data to Ufology as the "I deal with 100-150 new alien abduction cases a month" morons.

Who cares? NOT Ufology.

Monday, 21 December 2020

Australia and New Zealand Files Up-dated 21/12/2020

 I started at 1100hrs and it is now 15:58 hrs and the New Zealand and Australian CE3K/AE folder got a lot bulkier.

Running out of document wallets and had to do 2 ink cartridge refills.

Oh, and saved items to a flash drive though not even 1% of files have been scanned for an archive yet.

Saturday, 19 December 2020

To those no longer interested: goodbye.

 I set this blog up in 2015 and to date have made almost 300 posts and there have been 6,900 views and one comment.

As with the Anomalous Observational Phenomena blog I have seen original post over and over taken and used by others as 'their' work.

I did ask people to support the ongoing work -buying one of the CE3K/AE books gives you something and at least I get something.

From 25th December, 2020 this blog will be private and if you want to see posts you will need to ask to be considered a blog member.

I count rant and rave like a lot of other people but my time is precious these days and I am taking action to not waste any of it.

There you go. From the 25th on you can visit all the other blogs that offer unresearched or fake posts. Everyone had five years to support the ongoing work.

To those no longer interested: goodbye.

Friday, 18 December 2020

CE3K/AE UK Files 1-12

 Finally managed to get the UK files sorted out into smaller "volumes":

1. Historical -1949

2. 1950-1959

3. 1960-1965

4. 1966-1969

5. 1970-1973

6. 1974-1976

7. 1977 Jan. -June

8. 1977 Jul.-Dec.

9.  1978

10. 1979

11. 1980-1989

12. 1990----

The 13th file involves "Dead Aquatic (Humanoid) Creatures [DAC] and involves reports from the UK -Canvey Island as well as historical UK cases but also includes the Kilwa, Tanzania report.

Once I get some time I can start updating them and the bulky UK CE3K/AE File Summary.

It means that all the reports are easy to get to and no more trawling through bulky oversize file folders. 

If you know of any UK reports please get in touch so that I can include them in the archive -you can message me via the Face Book page.

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Beyond UFO Contact...almost here!

 I have just finished the final editing on my fourth, possibly final, book on Close Encounters of the Third Kind or CE3K. Each book has looked at classic as well as little known cases but each is analyzed and all the sources are fully referenced so others can also look into them.

I look at how Ufology has treated percipients in these UFO encounters and if I can dig up new material I will.

Before Skinwalker Ranch there was Clearview. Never heard of it? Well buy the book and you will. UFOs, CE3Ks, Bigfoot and cattle mutilations.

Harrison Bailey -rarely reported on but Ann Druffel used the title “Harrison Bailey and the Flying Saucer Disease”. Controversial case and with a hiont of racism aimed at Bailey. In a very chunky chapter I look at the case and, in my opinion, finally give a conclusion and it should wake up a few Ufologists.

There are little known cases as well as cases that are often misrepresented online. There are over 320 pages so there’s a lot to read.

That includes a look at what official policies therte are shhould a flying saucer land, the position of the United Nations Out Space Affairs office and I answer the question; “What would YOU do if a UFO landed in front of you?”

There’s a smattering of SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) too.

Book should be available soon!



Anyone have any information on this report? If so either PM me on the Face Book group or :

Thank You

From some newspaper clipping, it appears that near Dunmow England, on October 25, 1989, in the evening, three men were riding their motor bikes along an isolated stretch of road when they saw a bright orange light hovering over the area and a fiery orange dome shaped craft hovering over a nearby field.

One of the men was able to see a figure that appeared to be moving around inside the dome.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020


 Anyone with hardback copies of The Warminster Mystery and/.or More UFOs Over Warminster?

I'm looking to try to get a scan of a photo that appears in one of them -PM me if you have the books.

UK CE3K Files Updating

 Finally managed to dump most of the large UK CE3K folders to smallere ones -1977 is in a larger file as it was a peak year and 1981- is for future updating.

oh joy! Now I can go straight to a folder to look up case details,
No photo description available.

"Flying Saucer Review created the term Humanoid"

The Humanoids was an October-November 1966 special issue published by Flying Saucer Review. It was later released in book form. Why do I me...