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Thursday, 20 October 2022

Summer 1954, St. Priest-Taurion, Haute-Vienne, France, Marie-Louis M.

illustration from cover of Lumieres dans la Nuit

 In 1980, ufologist Gilles Magne published his report on an observation in France, in the west of the village of Basse-Gorce. The witness was Mdme. Marie-Louise M., born in 1897 and deceased in 1977.

In the summer of 1954, in good weather and with a clear sky,  between 12:30 and 13:00, the observer made her daily walk which was necessary following a hemiplegy attack that struck her three years earlier. Despite the partial paralysis on her right side left side was able to move normally and allowed her to make daily walks of 4 to 5 kilometers.

Mdme. M was on a dirt track less than 500 meters from her house, near the Croze small-holding, at the level of an hedge and in view of the cross roads of Mazeau and Croze, when she suddenly saw a flattened half-spherical object, very shiny and hovering at the far end of a row of spruce trees and a meadow.

Astonished by what she saw, Mdme. M described the scene to her mother after returning home.  She noted that the object was a thing of flattened form, but round, "lenticular", and very brilliant, but which nevertheless had a red dominant color with orange and yellow: the colours being spread out in juxtaposed stripes. She repeated this description often to Gilles Magne later.

The object did not touch the ground itself but rested on a kind of tripod. It could have been 1 meter to 1 meter 50 above the ground, near the first branches of the fir trees, its size being comparable with that of a large car. It was about fifty meters distant from Marie-Louise M.

While looking at the object she also observed two entities that appeared to be busy collecting something from the surrounding meadow (samples?). Amazed, she did not move from the edge of the pathway and it does not seem that the entities noticed her.

Questioned more in detail on these "beings", she always stated that they were very small, of 1 meter or less in height and with a very bulky head and of grey metal colour; the investigator could not determine whether this was because the entities wore helmets or not.

After a few minutes the entities, who seemed to be carrying vegetation samples,  went under the UFO. The object then rose while "shaking" until arriving at the top of the spruces and then left at a very fast speed without making a sound.

It is said that Mdme. M did not have the curiosity to approach the landing spot and so no details were known about any possible tripod markings in the ground or evidence of the entities activities.

One has to wonder whether, since the observer was said to have been amazed at what she saw, it was not lack of curiosity but the fact that she was semi paralysed on one side of her body so not up to clambering over a meadow or, if she had to, retreat quickly.

This is a rather mundane and non-sensationalist report. There was no seeking publicity and apparently the story was constant and did not change, as you might expect if fabricated. In these cases we have to ask whether we accept the accounts based on so little information. The thing is that this kind of report was (is?) common. A landed UFO seen, entities gathering samples (we assume) then re-entering the UFO which takes off. No one grabbed and dragged screaming for an examination aboard a UFO.

The investigator met the woman several times and if he came away with no doubts about her account then...genuine?

"Rencontre rapprochée de type 3 en été 1954, Haute-Vienne", investigation report by Gilles Magne, in the ufology magazine Lumières Dans La Nuit (LDLN), France, #196, pp 26-27, June / July 1980.

Our Nearest Planetary Systems and Some Thoughts


According to the closest star to Earth is a triple-star system called Alpha Centauri. A mainstay in science fiction for…a long time now!

A Hubble Space Telescope image of Alpha Centauri A (left) and Alpha Centauri B (right). (Image credit: ESA/NASA)

The two main stars are known as Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B and form what is known as a binary pair. They are “about” 4.35 light-years from Earth. The third star is called Proxima Centauri or Alpha Centauri C, and it is “about” 4.25 light-years from Earth which makes it the closest star after our own sun.

Alpha Centauri A and B are on average about 23 astronomical units from on another which is a little more than the distance between the sun and Uranus. The closest the two stars ever come to each other is 11 astronomical units and the two stars orbit a common center of gravity every 80 years.An astronomical unit is the average distance between Earth and the sun, which equals 92,955,807 miles or 149,597,870 kilometers.

Proxima Centauri is about one-fifth of a light-year or 13,000 AUs from the two other stars, a distance that makes some astronomers question whether it should even be considered part of the same system -don’t worry the astronomers will argue about that amongst themselves for decades. It is thought that Proxima Centauri may be passing through the system and will leave the vicinity in several million years, or it may be gravitationally bound to the binary pair. If it's bound, it has an orbital period around the other two stars of about 500,000 years.

To the naked eye Alpha Centauri A and B shine as one which makes them the third brightest "star" in our night sky. The two separate stars can be seen through a small telescope, making the system one of the finest binary stars that can be observed. Proxima Centauri is too faint to see unaided, and through a telescope it appears about four diameters of the full moon away from the other two.

Alpha Centauri A, which is also known as Rigel Kentaurus, is a yellow star of the same type (G2) which is what our own sun although slightly larger. It is three times closer to Earth than the next nearest star like our sun.

Alpha Centauri B is an orange K1-type star slightly smaller than the sun. Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf about one-eighth the size of our sun. The system is in the Southern sky and is not visible to observers above the latitude of 29 degrees north, a line that passes near Houston and Orlando, Fla. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Alpha Centauri system is easy to find because the cross-piece of the Southern Cross (from Delta to Beta Crucis) points the way. Its right ascension is 14h 39m 41s and its declination is minus 60 degrees 50 minutes 7 seconds.

People will always, or should, ask whether there are any planets in the system -after all we hear so much about far more distance systems with exo planets. Well, in August, 2016, astronomers announced that they had detected an Earth-size planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. The planet, known as Proxima b (they pulled all the stops out on deciding on that name), is about 1.3 times more massive than Earth, which suggests that the exo planet is a rocky world. And the fact that Proxima b is a relatively small distance from Earth makes it a particularly appealing target for scientists. The planet is also in the star's habitable zone that is just the right range of distances from a star where liquid water can exist on the surface of a body. Proxima b lies just 4.7 million miles (7.5 million km) from its host star and completes one orbit every 11.2 Earth-days.

On Nov. 14, 2018, astronomers announced the detection of a planet candidate circling Barnard's Star, which lies just 6 light-years from the sun. Only the three stars in the Alpha Centauri system, located about 4.3 light-years from us, are closer solar neighbors. Barnard's Star is a red dwarf about one-sixth as massive as Earth's sun and just 3 percent as luminous. Astronomers think Barnard's Star may be about 10 billion years old — twice as old as our sun.

Barnard's Star is so dim that things would get very cold out in the exo planet's neighborhood. Astronomers estimate Barnard's Star b's surface temperature at probably minus 275 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 170 degrees Celsius).  Barnard's Star b is about 3.2 times more massive than our home planet, making it a "super-Earth";  a class of world significantly larger than Earth but smaller than ice giants such as Neptune. Super-Earths are among the most common planets in the Milky Way, but we don't have any in our solar system.

If -if-  this exo planet ends up being confirmed, and that seems very likely, then Barnard's Star b still will not be the nearest exo-planet to Earth as that distinction goes to Proxima b..

It has to be remembered that these are only exo planets that we know of and there may be others in these systems. Inhabited planets? We have no idea but there are other systems "close" to our own and the question is always the same when you think about it logically.

The James Webb telescope cost $10 billion and looks out into deep space so far and we know that it is unlikely that we will ever get as far out as .5% of the distance viewed.

Hubble 'only' cost $2 billion.Why has no device been sent into space to more closely study our nearest neighbours?

Does that not make far more sense especially with SETI programs?

The 21st century has brought us mini yet very sophisticated satellites and Starlink consists of many satellites released in one go so why has no one bothered designing something similar -small probes heading out toward our nearest neighbours and able to send back images (we can send a satellite to follow another to film it smash into an asteroid after all) while at the same time trying to detect signals and broadcast a signal?

People, especially the debunkers who do no real research, keep stating the "vast inter-galactic distances involved in space travel and that this rules out alien (UFO) visitors. Carl Sagan stated that distance was the greatest problem.

Well, inter-galactically, yes. I agree but the nearest solar systems are always ignored. "WE cannot ravel that distance therefore no alien civilisation can!

We actually had the technology to get to the Moon. By now we should have sent a manned flight to Mars but we just could not be bothered whether for political or financial reasons while at the same time having military, weapon development and Black Budgets running into far more than the paltry $10 billion that the James Webb cost.

An alien civilisation may be far more interested in science than warfare and put all of its efforts into space and planetary exploration. Depending on the age of the civilisation its technology may make Proxima Centauri to Earth a "short side journey".

I doubt I will see it in my lifetime but if Bigelow is really that interested in finding alien life then he has the finances and ability to launch a program not looking for “dinobeavers” or chain-smoking werewolves.

Talavera le Real Air Force Base Entity Encounter

The first English language account of this case appeared in the of Flying Saucer Review (Vol. 23 No. 5m, February, 1979). This was a case in which the percipients were paralysed during an apparent alien encounter that took place on 12th November,1976 at the Talavera le Real Air Force Base.

The Talavera le Real Air Force Base Alien encounter as depicted in a more kids war comic style

The case involved the appearance and disappearance of a strange, glowing humanoid entity; one that seemingly appeared to defy logic and physics as it faced the barrage of gunfire from the soldiers involved. The Talavera Le Real Air Force incident is one of the most detailed and remarkable on record and at the time was either slapped down as a fantasy (and FSR should have been ashamed of itself for publishing the story -they did worse) or at best a hoax. I recall the jokes about this case which, I was told to my face, 'proved' how made my work was on the subject.

Worse was what I learnt from some Spanish Ufologists who loved nothing more than to debunk every single sighting and ignore facts. I was told -and I believe that this even went into print- that the case was a hoax with details found 'conveniently on public transport. I was told the soldiers involved could not be found and it was doubtful that they existed. In many cases it seemed almost as though there was jealousy that someone else had gotten the report. Links will be given at the end as usual and I encourage the reader to visit Callabodetroy as that site has a lot more extra information.
The incident entered the public arena in FSR courtesy of UFO investigator Juan Jose Benitez.
The incident unfolded at just before 0200 hrs when two Spanish soldiers, Jose Maria Trejo and Juan Carrizosa, were on sentry duty at the “fuel stock zone” when they heard a sudden strange sound that immediately caught their attention. They described it at first as sounding like “typical radio interference” which suddenly changed to an “acute, penetrating whistle” that was “so piercing” it caused significant pain in their ears.
The men were now alert to the real possibility of an intruder (if a noisy one) and began to check their surroundings; the whistling sound continued for around five minutes before suddenly coming to a stop. The men then undertook a search of the perimeters but found nothing untoward and there were no signs of a breach of security. The checks carried out the men probably considered it odd but nothing of great concern until just moments after their patrol, the bizarre whistling sound began once again. They would describe this second whistling as being “so sharp and so penetrating” that they feared it would drive them mad or that their “ear-drums were going to be ruptured”.
A map showing where the incident took place

A map showing where the incident took place

The ear-piercing whistling continued for around five minutes before suddenly ceasing but when the sound came to a stop a bright light was immediately visible overhead lighting up a large part of the ground below it. This unnerving glow lasted for around 20 seconds before it vanished, returning the area back to darkness.
Shortly after this a third soldier, Jose Hidalgo, joined the men and with him was one of the military Alsatian guard dogs. Hidalgo had also seen the bright glow and was preparing to conduct a tour of the perimeters of the base. The two soldiers agreed to join him, and on their way made their way to the hut where the guards and the corporal slept and woke Corporal Pavon and inform him of the potential situation unfolding. He would immediately ordered a full search of the area and as the three men and dog set out the area was still and quiet as was normal.
The search was quiet and uneventful and the three soldiers took a certain amount of solace from the fact that the guard dog was calm. As they were approached the next sentry box things changed and they noticed a “whirlwind” of sorts begin around them and this bizarrely only affected (it seems) the area where the soldiers stood. The sudden wind made them ready their weapons. Each man stood as still as possible listening and scanning the area for signs of an intruder.

Above: Soldiers José Manuel Trejo and Juan Carrizosa with the same wolf-dog who, on the night of 12th November  discovered the “intruder”

They then heard the sound of breaking branches and unleashed the dog which immediately ran toward the area where the noise had come from. The men waited, watching and expecting to hear barks and snarls when the dog located whoever, or whatever, had made the sound. All they heard was silence. After a short time the dog returned but appeared spooked or frightened and seemed to be staggering “as though (it was) sea-sick”.They eventually coaxed the dog into investigating the area in question several more times but on each occasion it would come back to the men “whimpering” and eventually circling around them which is something guard dogs are trained to do to indicate danger.
By this time the levels of alertness and anxiety of the three men had risen dramatically: something was going on -but what?
After a short wait one of the soldiers called out in an attempt to get a response from whoever was hiding in the shadows. The guard dog was by now snarling at the unseen presence while continuing to circle the three soldiers.
Then, things changed once again.

Talavera La Real Airbase
Suddenly, Trejo experienced a bizarre “sensation” that there was “someone” behind him and was so spooked that cold shivers went right through his stomach. At the same time he also noticed the glow of a green light in his peripheral vision. Automatically, he turned to face the green glow. In front of him was a 10 feet (3m) tall humanoid figure at an approximate distance of 50 feet (15m) from where he stood. The other men had also turned to face the figure and one would later recall that this strange figure seemed to be made up of many different small points of light. They would further describe it as having extremely long arms and a small head in comparison to its body. It also appeared to wear some kind of helmet. Although all of the soldiers felt sure the figure was on the ground, none could recall seeing its feet or legs, almost as if its lower body was without legs.

Considering everything else that had happened before this must have been terrifying.

Trejo, who was by far the nearest to the figure was at first unable to move through shock and fear but, after gathering his thoughts, raised his rifle and prepared to shoot. Before Trejo could pull the trigger of his weapon he found himself unable to move as a piercing “weakness” permeated his body. He would later recall that this sensation only began when he “tried to press the trigger” of his rifle. It was almost as if, he would suggest later, that “the being had guessed my intentions”. He felt himself falling to the ground but before he did he shouted out to his fellow soldiers: “Down! They’ll kill us!” With that, Trejo fell face-first to the ground, now unable to speak and having problems seeing. Behind him, though, Carriozosa and Hidalgo were preparing to fire their own rifles.

As Trejo lay face down on the ground his two comrades prepared to fire their rifles and then did so -firing between 40-50 rounds between them. The men were then amazed as the figure simply vanished into thin air within seconds.
Once the entity had vanished both Carriozosa and Hidalgo rushed toward Trejo to ensure he was not harmed but at the same time the strange, ear-piercing whistle sounded out once more for around 15 seconds. Then, complete silence took over.
Although he was largely unhurt, Trejo had an intense bruising type of pain in his chest (despite not having fallen on it or being struck there). This would last for approximately 20 minutes before easing off and then ceasing altogether.

By this time it seemed that almost the entire base had heard the gunfire and had rushed outside ready to confront whatever intruder might have gained entry to the base. The men did their best to explain what had happened to varying levels of disbelief.

Several hours later, in daylight, a unit of around 50 men conducted a thorough search of the area. However, not only was no evidence of the apparent entity’s presence found but not a single cartridge case was discovered in the area the soldiers had fired their weapons. Given that they fired around 50 shots -and their gunfire had alerted the base- some if not all should have been discovered. Shell casings should have been littered everywhere. Everyone who had been alerted had been so by the gunfire and a later analysis of the men’s rifles proved that they had indeed been fired when they said they had.
To state "even stranger" for the next factor in all of this would be an understatement. The entity had been standing in front of a wall and yet not a single bullet mark was discovered on it and even if good at aiming their weapons some bullets should have missed the figure and struck the wall. In fact the two soldiers were certain that at least some of the barrage should have hit the wall.
The entire unit, including the base superiors, was mystified as to the incident.

Several days after the incident, Trejo’s vision began to worsen to such a degree that he could barely see. He would ultimately be transferred to the military hospital building where he would lay largely unresponsive for around 24 hours. At first, it appeared as though he was recovering and was discharged from the sickbay but less than a week later he seemingly relapsed into sudden ill health and was transferred to Badajoz Hospital. He would remain there for 10 days while doctors conducted several tests and examinations on him ranging from eye and hearing tests to blood and stool samples, and various X-rays. However, nothing out of the ordinary was discovered.
Trejo was eventually discharged from the hospital and returned to duty but, again, after several days the mystery illness returned, beginning with him temporarily losing his sight. Although his vision would return, the overpowering unwell feeling didn’t leave him and on 30th November, he was transferred to the Hospital del Aire – the Air Force hospital in Madrid.
Many more tests and examinations were carried out on Trejo during his time at the hospital but doctors could find nothing physically wrong with him other than a “nervous maladjustment” - likely down to the terrifying encounter. After several weeks, he was again released and it appears whatever had been troubling his physical health, was over.
Ultimately, the soldiers were mystified as to what they witnessed that night but they were certain that “all three of us saw it”, adding that “the thing was something very much like a man, but very tall”.
The events and what was behind them remain a complete mystery. As do such details as to what happened to the cartridge cases and why there were no bullet marks in the wall behind the strange creature. As Benitez writes in his summary of the case there are many similar cases on record where “figures have appeared – generally of a human form – presenting a totally non-material appearance, and with an intense illuminous radiation around them”.

What do we make of all of this? If we assume that this encounter happened, and it does appear that it did, then what factors here are familiar from other reports?

1) The "glow" or object. We are not sure whether the glow was actually an object (I hate to write this) "uncloaking" the "re-cloaking" or even some kind of transportation device (see my end comments on alien technology)

2) The sound heard -there have been numerous sounds heard prior to, during or after a UFO encounter and in some cases may be created by a natural phenomenon. In cases where there is clearly seen what appears to be a constructed object of some kind then it is assumed to be created by that. In this case there appears to be a sound -light-entity connection.

3) The reaction of the dog -the staggering, dazed or other affects on dogs in particular are recorded from many cases over the decades so is nothing outside of a "normal" encounter. The fact that the dog still performed its trained duty to circle (protect) the men and snarled seems to suggest -suggest- that there was no intention of harm but to "slap its nose" and warn it off.

4) The physical paralysis -particularly as someone intends to fire a weapon has also been recorded in past cases involving police officers, farmers, etc. and in some cases were made too hot to hold or to heavy to hold. Had "they" even made a casual study of humans then there would be no need to "read minds" to know that if a human raises a gun in your direction they are or might fire at you. In this case Trejo was closest so we have no idea whether it was that proximity to "it" that caused his collapse or an intentional "pacification" of him by the entity. If the latter it seems odd since the other men fired 40-50 rounds at the entity and had no effect. This leads to the idea that there may have been some form of force or energy around the entity (based on the description) and Trejo -as many before him in UFO encounters- just got too close see 7 below).

5) The height of the entity -approx. heights of 2.50-3m are not unheard of. Sadly, Ufology and its almost religious fervor to jump on the latest band wagon meant that, for many (even alleged veterans) there have only ever been small "Grey" aliens which is not the case and while some may be "rebooting" old cases to include Greys it does not hide all the recorded past reports. There have been reports of entities ranging in height from 6 feet (1.8m), 7 feet (2.13m), 8feet (2.43m) as well as 9 feet (2.74m) and 10 feet (3 m). It makes a certain logical sense that "aliens come in all shapes and sizes" (theoretically).

6) The luminosity of the entity is, again, something noted before and the question as to what this glow could be answered in various ways -an alien form of extra vehicular activity protection from germs, etc? Maybe a way to protect themselves? We have no idea and I refer you to Arthur C. Clarke's statement further on.

7) The physiological after effects on the person standing closest to an object/entity is another noted circumstance. There are reports of entities in or next to landed objects that wave an approaching person away or even quickly leave before an observer gets too close -when waving someone back fails even a red light beam has been shot at their feet as a warning. Again, these later physiological effects may be due to some deliberate actions but we do not know. We just know that getting too close to a UFO -or entity- is not a good idea.

Seven factors that tally with other encounters over the years and it must be remembered that Spain in the 1970s was not a place where three soldiers could perpetrate a hoax on duty let alone discharge 40-50 rounds and escape very serious consequences. Three troopers "having a jolly" can be ruled out and then we have to ask why no one is allowed to view the military report or listen to the taped interviews with the men.

Again, if 40-50 rounds of ammunition were discharged -it was proven that they were through the base personnel hearing them and going on alert and checks of the rifles- then a percentage of the rounds should have struck the wall in question. The soldiers themselves are positive that some should have. And yet no marks. 40-50 shell casings had vanished and the idea that the three men picked up all the casings quickly in the dark is somewhat ludicrous.

What was the purpose of this appearance on the base? The suggestion that there may have been missing time is not credible.

Was it a military test of advanced equipment to see whether it was effective -the three men and dog being test subjects? Again, highly unlikely. Neither the Spanish nor any other military had any type of device that could do this or, after 46 years we would know about it.

We have to accept that something happened so was the figure some kind of holographic projection? If it was and was therefore not affected by gunfire then how did it make the bullets and casing vanish? Was it watching before making its appearance then why? This is where we can go into wild speculation and totally ignore two basic facts if this was an alien encounter:

1) We have absolutely no understanding of any particular alien intelligence or how their minds work, what they were doing here or what this meant (apart from gathering bullets and casings).

2) According to the late Arthur C. Clarke: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" We have not openly encountered alien technology therefore not studied it and so our observation of such would be akin to showing members of a no contact Amazonian tribe a mini drone and displaying the images its camera catches on a laptop.

The Talavera La Real encounter happened at a time of other UFO/entity activity in Spain but, again, we can only speculate on any possible connection.

A full summary plus photos and documents can be found here as well as testimony from some of those involved years later:

There is also a full summary here as well as a look at other encounters in Spain at the time:

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Cynthia Hind

 Info adapted from NOUFOR

Cynthia Hind ( - 2000) was born and grew up in a remote part of the North-west Cape, in Namaqualand, South Africa and received her initial education at Good Hope Seminary. She attended Cape Town University in 1942, studying for a B.A. in English and a minor in Psychology. Before completion of her degree in 1944, she joined the South African Women's Army Air Force (W.A.A.F.), where she served three years in the Movement Control and Radar section until the end of World War II. She married an R.A.F. pilot and went to live in Northern England for eleven years where her two children, a son and a daughter, were born.

Cynthia and her husband, Norman (an engineer), emigrated back to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in 1957. With her father, the three started a furniture factory in Salisbury (now Harare) where Mrs. Hind was a director in the company and responsible for buying all fabrics. After building their furniture factory up to the largest in the country, they sold it in 1983, allowing Cynthia to devote herself full time to pursuing her free-lance writing. Although her interest was mainly short stories and articles Cynthia had an interest was aroused in UFOs and the paranormal.

Hind visited the MUFON offices in Quincy, Illinois after joining MUFON in 1974 in the dual role of Representative for Zimbabwe and Field Investigator. In 1981, she was the featured evening speaker at the MUFON 1981 UFO Symposium held at M.I.T. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where her paper was titled "African Encounters: Case Investigations". She was also appointed Continental Coordinator for Africa in 1981, a position she faithfully held in MUFON's global organization until her death.

Hind's first UFO book titled UFOs - African Encounters was published by Gemini, Salisbury, Zimbabwe in 1982. Some of her best UFO investigations in Africa have been published in the MUFON UFO Journal over the intervening years. When an important UFO case warranted, she did not hesitate to fly or drive to the site and carry out a full scale investigation, with the assistance of local qualified scientific advisors.

Hind was a member of the Soroptimist, serving as President of the Harare Club in 1979-1980, and National President of Zimbabwe in 1984-1986. Starting in 1988 as Editor of UFO AFRINEWS, she had mailed her newsletter worldwide to interested people. Hind published seven newsletters from 1988 on and various articles on UFOs published in Australia, Brazil, Britain, France, South Africa, U.S.A. and Zimbabwe, including the MUFON UFO Journal.

Hind contributed chapters on African UFOs to the following books: UFOs 1947 - 1987, edited by Hilary Evans and John Spencer; Phenomenon, edited by John Spencer and Hilary Evans; The UFO Story 1990, edited by Timothy Good; and UFOs - The Definitive Casebook by John Spencer.

Her last book, UFOs Over Africa, was published in June 1997. It sums up a lifetime of work spent in careful investigation of a host of the most unusual cases, including the strange appearance of silvery-suited aliens and unique light phenomena at the La Rochelle estate, the abduction chronology of two Johannesburg women and, for the first time, tells the complete story of the Ariel school UFO landing with first-hand accounts by over a dozen young students. Many cases highlighted feature Cynthia Hind's special extended-interview technique.

The UFO Afrinews series of booklets were first published in July 1988 and the final copy (No.22) published in July 2000 before her passing. This eminent researcher - the leader in Africa - passed away during the latter part of August 2000 and, according to the press reports, she  ("like so many other UFO researchers") was a victim of cancer. She is survived by her two adult children who live in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Her husband, Norman, died in 1986.

Antonio Ribera i Jordà 1920-2001

 Information from Spanish Wikipedia. all photos (c)2022 Respective copyright owners

Ribera was a renowned Spanish writer , ufologist , translator and submariner and was/is considered the "father" of Spanish ufology. He published numerous books on the subject of UFOs and was the co-founder of the Center for Interplanetary Studies (CEI) in Barcelona ( 1958 ). He became interested in the UFO phenomenon in the summer of 1947, when news about "flying saucers" began to appear in the Spanish press for the first time. It is in these years that he begins to write his first books, both poetry, theater and essays, publishing books such as Terra de somni ( 1949 ) or El comte d'Arnau ( 1951 ).

Ribera with French Ufologist Aime Michel -uncredited

He was invited as a speaker at numerous international congresses both in Europe and America , dedicated to UFO issues , he also founded the now defunct magazine Horizonte  in addition to collaborating with various parascientific magazines, such as Mundo Desscrito, Karma 7 , Lumières dans la nuit , Flying Saucer Review among others. He also collaborated in various cultural and social magazines and newspapers such as Pont Blau La Nostra Revista, Tele-Estel, Xarxa or Avui . 

He was a member of the Catalan PEN and the Association of Writers in the Catalan Language (AELC) .

He is considered a promoter of underwater exploration, being one of the founders of the Center for Underwater Research and Recovery (CRIS) ( 1953 ), publishing numerous outreach works on the matter. In 1975 he led the first Spanish expedition to Easter Island ( Operation Rapa Nui , 1975).

He spoke six languages, dedicating himself professionally to the translation of books (more than three hundred), especially English works into Spanish. She wrote more than seventy books, 4 on topics as varied as ufology, science fiction, scuba diving or poetry.

In 1990 he received the Creu de Sant Jordi , one of the highest distinctions awarded by the Government of Catalonia.

Ribera was the victim of hoaxes perpetrated by other Spanish Ufologists and an especially well known individual. Up until about ten years ago I was unaware that Spanish Ufologists were constantly feeding 'fellow researchers' in Catalonia false reports. The Monster of Vizcaya was one case.  Even fellow Spanish investigators were fed hoax information and it seems to have been a main pastime.

Ribera being willing to accept CE3K/AE reports made himself a target and, of course, there was jealousy at the fact that he was the face of Spanish Ufology. 

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien Entity Books: The truth Is In HERE!

Just to make it clear as I am aware there are certain persons in Ufology who have NEVER read these books (I know as I see the orders) claiming that these are debunking books. They are not.  You may be very surprised at what you read and based on the evidence.

530 pages
illustrated with maps, photographs and more
A4 format

Since 1947 it has been claimed that UFOs/flying saucers are evidence of aliens visiting the Earth.  Since the 1950s claims of encounters with landed craft and alien beings were talked about but not taken seriously.

In the 1960s the subject of UFO abduction was a "slow-burner" until the whole "Grey" abduction phenomenon and claims made by researchers such as Budd Hopkins, Prof. John Mack and Dr David Jacobs and Whitley Streiber.

But is there evidence to back up any of the claims -and what about those encountering Alien Entities but who were not abducted?

Are these people all hoaxers, psychotic or suffering from some other mental illness as some claim?

Are those people who were exposed by Ufologists against their wishes, people who wanted to report what happened and then just get back to their everyday lives -thrust into the media glare against their will?

And if US authorities were so interested that in one case at least they broke into the home of two abductees and this was later proven -why?

Why did a hard core of these people never want publicity or to make money from what happened to them?

Above all, why did a major UFO landing incident take place on a US Inbterstate road in front of a large number of observers (all willing to talk to investigators) never get investigated? If it were not for a radio presenter interviewing and taking notes we would know nothing of the case -it would be labelled "insubstantial".

James and Coral Lorensen -the Scopolamine Kids; using a very notorious "truth drug" on alleged UFO witnesses and selling stories to newspapers.  An investigator (a veteran) showing a witness images of "aliens" encountered in other cases before any memories were retrieved.  Worst of all, the constant "pissing competition" and breaches of trust between UFO investigators.

2017 is the time to assess the past evidence and look at the faults within Ufology.

Not everyone is going to be happy -debunkers or ufologists.

Praised by Dr Mark Rodheiger of the Centre for UFO Studies and, below, John Hanson of the Haunted Skies Project and Colonel Charles Halt the officer involved in the Rendlesham incident.

220 pages
perfect bound
Fully illustrated with photographs and illustrations
£20.00 (excl. VAT)

The follow up to the comprehensive book "UFO Contact?" The Author spent 1974 to 2018 specializing in the investigation and research of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) and alien entity cases; the former involving an Unidentified Flying Object and the latter, apparently, involving none. Previously unreported cases as well as 'lost' cases are looked at as well as the possibility that some percients suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after their encounters

A must read for those with a serious interest in UFOs Some of the contents:

 The Nottinghamshire UFO Crash of 1987…or 1988                                     
 The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ and Berwyn Mountains ‘UFO’ Crash Retrieval   
 Strange Pennsylvania Entity Encounter                                                         
 UFO Abductees and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome                               
 The UFO That Landed On A US Highway                                                     
 My Encounters With The Men In Black                                                         
 A Previously Un-noted Alien Entity Type                                               
 Early 20th Century UK Close Encounters of the Third Kind                       
 Close Encounter with a Boggart                                                                      
 Some Odd and Unusual Cases                                                                         
 Rosa Lotti and the Happy Entities                                                                  
 The Strange Case of the Woollaton Gnomes and the Mince-pie Martians 
 What Happened on the Isle of Wight and at Felixstowe?                             
 The ‘Lost’ Belgian UFO Landing Case                                                        
 Strange Aliens from Outer Space?                                                              
 Encounter with Black Aliens and Landed UFO                                 
 Preliminary UK CE3K/Alien Entity Catalogue        

Profusely illustrated with photos and maps

The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) says that we may have to wait many thousands of years before any signals sent gets a response if they are detected.

The real SETI may already have established the there is alien life –and it has been visiting Earth for at least 70 years.

Once the mass of reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity encounters are sifted there remains a strong core of cases that defy logical explanation and suggest that these encounters have resulted in physiological effects and post traumatic stress.

Terry Hooper-Scharf of the CE3K/AE Project has led research into these reports for over 40 years and in this work takes a look at rare or obscure reports as well as cataloguing encounters from Germany and Portugal and focuses in on correlations in the reports and how the Dandenong (Kelly Cahill) encounter could be the best case ever reported.

Have the serious investigators and researchers looking into UFOs been unearthing better evidence of extra terrestrial life and contact with humans than established SETI ?



350 pp

Fully illustrated containing photographs and maps


Beyond UFO Contact i the fourth book in the groundbreaking series looking at reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien-Entity reports from around the world and reassessing these. In addition there is a look at the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligences (SETI) and its relevance to the UFO phenomenon. 

contents list: 

Introduction: The Path of Counter-Actuality 

1. Dionisio Llanca: Truck Driver, UFO Abductee and Human Guinea Pig 

2. Aliens -What Can We Expect? 

3. The Moreland Incident 

4. It Is All Fake: Ufology Needs To Be Reassessed 

5. Warminster UFOs and Entity Reports 

6. Have Things Changed Since 1977? 

7. The Beausoleil Cas -Even Aliens Like Theatre 

8. The Pwca 

9. Contact...with the Vegetable Alien 

10. The Casitas Dam UFO Photograph and Entity 

11. The Crystal Lake Encounter 

12. The Humanoids at South Riverand the Luczkowich Encounter 

13. Harrison Bailey 

14. Sonny DesVerger 

15. The UFO "Borderline"-The Imjarvi Skiers 

16. Some Interesting Reports to Note 

17. Dead Aliens in Photographs 

18. Ufology, Government Cover Ups and Disclosure 

19. The Reports That You Might Not Want To Look Into 

20. Conil de la Frontera -a Credible Report? 

21. Eighteenth Century Aliens? 

22. Clearview Ranch 

23. The Pat McGuire Case 

24. Piero Fortunato Franzetta 

25. The Silbury Hill Encounter 

26. The Bridge Abduction 

27. The Bagshot Heath UFO Incident 

28. Lurkers and Alien Disinterest 

29. What If YOU See Aliens Land? 

30. So What Would YOU Do If You Encountered A Landed UFO?




£9. 50

1973 –Year of the “Global UFO Wave” 
1973 –The “Year of the Humanoids” 
1973 –The year of the Pascagoula alien abduction claim 
1973 –Several witnesses observed two Unidentified Flying Objects: one temporarily landed on a US Interstate road while the other hovered close-by. An entity appeared from the landed object. A car driver approaching from the opposite direction stops, turns his/her car and races off. This is classed as a Major Incident in Ufology. 
1973 –a driver observes a landed UFO and entities and opens fire with his gun when he felt threatened. A High Strangeness account. 
Neither of these cases was investigated despite requests for local investigators to do so. Even in 2020 the idea of opening up either as a cold case was flatly Rejected by America’s ‘top UFO investigation’ group. 
Reports now probably lost to history. 
1973 –a year in which UFO reports from African-Americans were frowned upon and ignored. Nothing has changed.

“A World Without Humans: The Charlie Hewitt Encounter” | Paranormal Stories

Even with a basic knowledge of sleep paralysis, altered states and psychology this case can be torn apart. A trained psychologist would shre...