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Sunday, 9 June 2019

The Appeals Still Open -any info welcome

Appeals made to newspapers that received no responses (rather like the Buckfastleigh appeal!)

Oxfordshire 1974

I am hoping that one of your readers may be able to help me get information on an uninvestigated UFO report from 1974. If one of the witnesses involved, who would now be in their 50's, or even one of the MoD Policemen who were one duty reads this I hope they might consider -in confidence- coming forward with their side of the account:

I am an author but also researcher and I have no interest in embarrassing or publicly naming witnesses.  My main aim is to determine exactly what happened that evening and that is all.

On the evening of the 9th October, 1974, two 13 year old boys entered the station office of the Ministry of Defence Police at the Central Ordnance Depot, Bicester, Oxfordshire.  Both were described as appearing to be in a state of fright.  It seems that a “thing”, resembling a large, hunched man, had followed them along the Ploughly Road from the village of Ambrosden towards Lower Arncott; a distance of a quarter mile (0.8 km).

   This “thing” was accompanied by a light in the sky; neither the object nor the entity made any noise.  The boys were so shocked that they had to be treated by the MoD police officers; a dog and handler were sent to check around but saw nothing. A doctor later diagnosed one of the boys as suffering from severe shock.

Bardney  1976

  I am hoping that one of your readers may have been or know someone who was a witness to some UFO sightings in Woodall Spa and Bardney back in the summer of 1976.  I believe that one or more of those involved moved to your area at some point. One wrote to a UFO investigator at the time:

'On Sunday afternoon boys are allowed to go to Bardney. In the summer term, 1976, about mid-June, we saw a "stick man" jolting along. It was black with a round head, not making any noise. It was about 15O yards away from us, and it was quite hard to see’.

  At the time the sightings were all dismissed simply because the witnesses were youngsters.  No attempt was made to look for any other reports in the areas and that was it.
   I would like to hear from any of the boys -especially regarding the Bardney sighting- in strict confidence. I am a researcher and my interest is in finding out what actually happened and to hope that one or more witnesses will come forward so that the record can be corrected and their accounts included in records.

Nottinghamshire 1979

On the 23rd September, 1979,  six or seven primary school children went for an early evening walk in Wollaton Park in Nottingham, when they were approached by what they described as "gnomes in small cars” .  This has become known as "The Woollaton Park Gnomes case".

At the time the children spoke to their headmaster who recorded what they claimed happened.  Those children would now be adults in their late 40's.  There was never any thorough investigation since "They are just kids" was the standard response but I would be very interested in hearing from any of those involved in confidence.  I am an author and researcher but my prime interest is really in getting to the facts and what happened.

Was it just a game the kids thought up or are they still willing to state that this really happened? As I said, all in complete confidence as I can imagine they might feel a little embarrassed (either way) but I would be very interested in actually hearing from one of those there at the time rather than read the constant inaccurate rehashing on web sites.

And, of course, Buckfastleigh

On the 3rd October, 1978, three teenagers left a youth club in Buckfastleigh, Devon. The trio were given pseudonyms at the time of Shirley, Mark and Paul.

Investigation procedures at the time as well as protocol on dealing with witnesses were not what they are today. 

We know that the trio observed a number of unidentified objects in the sky above the village and some unidentified figures on three occasions.  We might normally be cautious but a retired gentleman named Harry observed the objects himself after the nervous trio knocked on his door –his cats also behaved oddly.

The teens were traumatised and the girl identified as Shirley was said to have been most affected.

1978 seems a very long time ago now but I am trying to locate the teens and gather as much information about observations that evening as I can.  If they read this, or any family members do, then please get in touch. I cannot over-emphasise that I deal with witnesses in the strictest confidence and have done so for over 40 years.  My interest is purely for research and so I hope that the trio will consider getting in touch with me.

I can be contacted via email at or or via Face Book Messenger –Anomalous Observational Phenomena page.

If anyone out there reads this and THEY were one of the witnesses PLEASE get in touch.  If anyone knows the witnesses please pass this along.  We have lost so much real data that these reports deserve to be looked into.

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