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Saturday, 27 June 2020

Disproving Alien Abductions Proves They Happen?

There can be very little doubt that the current Covid19 pandemic has proven that the pop culture alien abduction phenomenon publicised by the late Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs et al is all trash.

Now before you go on a raging moan about "bloody debunkers" I should point out that I am not a debunker but a sceptic. In other words You claim it then prove it. Every aspect of the (formerly known as) "The Grey abduction agenda" has fallen to pieces when looked at in any detail. Someone claims to have been abducted in a busy cioty park with no one noticing the space craft or aliens because "their technology enables them to 'cloak' and no one can see them".

In UFO Contact? I looked at "Ruth Syndrome" -this is not a name you will find in any medical book but one I used based on a fairly well documented case that was, I discovered, not that rare and other cases were known but never publicised- and I think that this explains many cases of "life long alien abductions".  Ruth Syndrome does not carry any stigma with it because....well, read the book!

With Ruth Syndrome you are looking at something that cannot be used to explain away incidents involving 2+ individuals. Nor can it explain away reports from persons who saw "a UFO" from a distance at the spot where an abduction was claimed to have taken place. It cannot explain R-V (radar-visual) reports at the time of a claimed abduction. It cannot explain away physical traces in the area of such an alleged incident.

When all of those factors are pulled together the debunker (a classic example being the late Philip J. Klass) goes for absolutely anything negative they can discover about a percipient. They had a conviction for an unpaid traffic, they have a criminal mind-set (even if circumstances at the time made them forget about the ticket) so lying about being abducted by aliens is nothing to them if they can make a few bucks.  If nothing negative turns up then you can offer bribesa to people who know the abductee to say they believe it was all faked or just say anything negative about them. Even offering the actual person involved money to recant their "story" -Klass was a perfect case study in these areas.  Klass was not above writing damning letters about someone to ruin (or try to) their careers over UFOs. Petty minded and vindictive he undoubtedly was and whether this was through fear that the accounts might be true or not only he could really say.  Of course, astronomer Donald P Menzel was also a debunker.  Yet these are the people whose 'facts' are quoted so often by astronomers when asked about UFOs (if they can stop the dopy grinning and snickering long enough).

Debunkers and Debunker-hangers on.

What a sceptic does is look at someone's claim and background. Okay, unpaid traffic ticket but any record of falsifying statements to the police or in general? No? Move on because genuine abductees tend to not want to publicise what happened publicly (that usually -99% of cases- comes about because of the ufologists involved) and certainly no such person has ever "made it rich" from their accounts.

There are physiological and psychological effects involved in many cases that can lead to long term physical health problems as well as psychological conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These should all receive long term support from ufology but do not: the only interest is in getting the most publicity and financial reward from a case. However, it is important that a percipient(s) past history is looked at: have they a history of seeing ghosts or strange lights or have they believed they could communicate with the dead, etc -factors that should raise red flags.

"Sex with ghosts" appears to have become a rather popular subject in recent years -a few cases turned up in the past such as when the Birmingham group UFOSIS asked for my opinion (in the 1970s I was the only person in the UK specialising in alien-entity and "CE3K" cases) on one such case. It is what led me to look into accounts in more detail.

In UFO Contact? I list cases that I consider have enough physical or anecdotal evidence to tell us "something" took place. Even -these are rarely accepted by me though I do note them- cases involving an individual encountering an entity but only because other people in the area witnessed an object as described or found physical traces at the site in question. The witness also tended to suffer from shock brought on by witnessing "something".

The point is that only the people involved in the incidents were involved in the encounters -they were the percipients. Not you. Not me. Even they cannot say where the entities they encountered came from -only what they might have been told. With no support over the years they try to piece things together to make sense of what happened. A lot of emphasis was put on the "star map" Betty Hill saw yet she made it clear that she could only remember parts of it -it was not a complete star map even if ufologists want you to think so.

An astronomer once said to me: "And what about the Hill alleged star map?" to which I responded: "What about it? One percipient saw it and made it perfectly clear that they could not recall all of it so it is not evidence"  He seemed rather annoyed -I think that was his big argument against the case. If anyone mentions the "Hill Star Map" to me -a debunker or ufologist- I tell them that it has no significance because it has no significance. Look at the other aspects of the case instead.

If I am honest then I have to make a declaration. I picked the "best" cases I could find and decided that once and for all I was going to disprove them all. There was so much information out there and some of it unpublicised and if I could prove Case A delusional, a hoax or even a joke gone wrong it meant it could be ignored as anything other than reference in future. I spent two years of intense research (I've been doing this since 1975 so I had a lot of records already) and on several occasions I was arguing with myself that I must have missed something.

One case I doubted passed my checks. No, no, no that was not right. Go back to the original source. Double and triple check it and any statements by the one point my sister (in another room) asked "What are you swearing about now?"  I was swearing because I could not disprove the account. I even went to the debunkers claims, most falling to pieces quickly because a lot of twisted truths and outright lies and misquotes were used.  I got the original case files where I guessed I would find all the red flags I expected. Nothing.  I tried every explanation I could come up with but by accepting them I would need to be going by things I made up that were not featured or mentioned.

What do you do if you try everything to disprove a case but it still passes -it cannot be shaken (even 50 years after the event)?  Well, I cannot say "It was aliens" because I was not there. Not even the percipients could say extra-terrestrials were involved but guessed that because it was the only thing fitting (in their minds) what happened. Certainly, decades later, no technology or craft as witnessed in these incidents has appeared and been identified as being man-made by the United States or former Soviet Union (despite the claims).

It has to be recorded as "Unsolved -Possibly Genuine" because that is what the known facts tell us.

I even went back to the very beginning several times. I scoured astronomical, aeronautical -any records I could (not referencing UFOs) to find something that might fit and offer an explanation: nothing. All the facts in cases put together -after separate examination- left me stumped. I had looked at everything from debunkers claims to claims by vindictive scorned ufologists and even the ufologists involved in the cases (and set a few records straight that they passed over). Nothing. In effect the final work was a failure as far as what I had intended it to be. If it looks like a cat, Behaves like a cat. Scratches like a cat then it is 100% confirmed to be a cat. We know cats. People have studied cats.

Scientists as a whole have not studied UFO reports and if they have, in many cases, it is because they have an agenda of some type. The French have a policy of investigating UFO reports as I detailed in Contact: Encounters With Extra Terrestrial Entities? wherein I also detail cases from other parts of the world some not having been puvblished in the English language before. That book, as well as Unidentified -Identified also let me focus in on seemingly unconnected sightings/encounters and "abductions" around the world -again many not publicised in English before and some quite obscure- whereion the descriptions of the entities involved match up to a high degree.

Almost 50 years after starting in this whole UFO business and becoming very sceptical I have now found myself -and I am not a ufologist- confronted by reports that seem to defy explanation. If asked "Do you believe that these people were abducted or encountered aliens?"  I would have to respond:

"In many cases those involved do not know who or what they encountered. In some cases they are led to believe that they have encountered aliens -as they were told by the entities. In many cases itis the only explanation they think fits what happened to them. I was not there. I have never encountered an alien life-form. I am left with cases that have no apparent rational explanation. Youeither accept what percipients claim or do not. I was not there."

Not a cop-out statement really as it explains how things stand.

It is reported that a number of claimed alien abductees have died during the current pandemic. Their 'alien' abductors just letthem die. "They" are here to help us but do not step in when a pandemic hits and many, many thousands die?  Seems to be a very disinterested attitude.

All of the evidence we have seems -seems- to suggest that if any aliens are abducting humans then they are one off events.  However, based on the study I carried out, it seems very likely that there are many cases not reported for fear of ridicule or because those involved have seen how ufology and the media treats those who come forward and how "confidentiality" is thrown aside when media publicity and money rear their heads.

Eupora, USA, 1973: multiple witness observed landing of one object while another object hovered. The near landing (?) involved an entity sighting and a description of it I have not come across before. All on a US Interstate at the height of a UFO "wave". A case any reseracher would wantto get into or investigate. UFO investigators were in the region but never investigated. All the known observers were "black".  In 2019 MUFON became insulting and flatly refused to even look into the event as a cold case. No TV coverage. No media of any money in it. A known of but totally lost multi-witness event.

That is what ufology is.

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