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Monday 9 November 2020

Ufology Needs To Get Into The Real World


 I think, before I let this blog go, I need to make my position clear on certain points especially since certain Ufologists keep telling outright lies (some of this may be due to mental instability on their part).

I do not believe that an extra terrestrial space craft crashed anywhere in Wales. Samples of material I had turned out to have mundane origins -as I noted in Some Things Strange & Sinister. Margaret Fry was fully aware of my explanation and I have the correspondence to prove this. Cover ups and a "not of this Earth" material claims were all her own and based on anything but fact.

I am an "MI5 stooge"/"Security Service plant". Again, pure fantasy. I hyave never been in any military ser4vice. I never held the rank of Commander in the Royal Navy nor of Captain or Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force and I was certainly not a Captain in the British Army -all to conduct a secret investigation into UFOs.

I have worked with people who have been in the military and other services just a I have worked with biologists, geographers, aeronautical engineers and astronomers. These are or were all private and unofficial.

I do not believe that either the United Kingdom or United States and certainly not Russia or China have ever had a captured/crashed extra terrestrial craft. What branches of intelligence services do and why is beside the matter. 

In my work on relic British wild cats the Royal Air Force were very helpful and communicative.  When it came to the case of the 'ghost lear jet' (Some Things Strange and Sinister) I receive above and beyond the standard response from the Ministry of Defence. 

When it comes to the subjecxt of UFOs all parties have been fairly straight on the matter and it is important to understand to constraints of the various riules and regulations at work. We have seen how a witness to a UFO sighting can have Ufologists barrage them with phone call, turn up on their doorstep or even get the press involved. Statring constantly that the MoD is using "the Official Secrets Act" to hide things is silly. The data protection act is quite binding -I know because I had to work within its constraints. 

Why is everyone surprised that, despite no defence implications, the intelligence services of various countries still maintain an interest and investigation capacity?  Defence and Intelligence agencies are there not to just prepare for any possible conflict to defend their respective countries.  Just because something (in this case not proven to be extra terrestrial) shows no hostility on a Monday does not mean that it will maintain that stance on Wednesday. "Remember Pearl Harbor!" is not just a war time slogan but has far deeper meaning and if you do not know that then study history.

Radar, satellite and many other means are used by the military-intelligence services to keep an eye on things and a snippet of information such as "The Russians are trying to find out what UFOs are" help in assessing things.  A great deal of equipment used is still unknown to the public (who probably do not care) as well as potential enemies.  Why won't anyone tell us what was discussed at defence oversight meetings? You have to be dense not to know the answer to that.

From the very outset of my own work in the 1970s, when everyone was paranoid and discussing how the MoD wanted to get at their reports, I made it very clear in public and elsewhere that what they needed to do was forward copies of reports to the MoD. I once shocked a UFO conference in the 1970 by announcing that "My work may be private but why would the MoD spy on me when all they have to do is ask for any data they were interested in?" What were Ufologists doing with that data other than putting it in newsletters? 

The Defence and Intelligence communities are not youyr enemies. They may use UFOs a a cover for aircraft or drone testing but that is to be expected.

Personally, I am very happy to see official interest in the conbtinued study of UFOs and my guess is that they know about as much as Ufologists -though some technical data/analysis would be beyond civil;ian groups.

There. I never believed that USAF or US Navy interest in UFOs had stopped (it was well known that it had never stopped) and no doubt in 10 years someone will reveal (again) that it is still ongoing.

Ufology and Ufologits need to grow up and look at the real world once in a while.

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