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Saturday, 18 September 2021

CE3K/AE Study Project Report No. 001: 1973 Eupora (Mississippi) Multi-Witness UFO Landing Event






1973 –Year of the “Global UFO Wave” 

1973 –The “Year of the Humanoids” 

1973 –The year of the Pascagoula alien abduction claim 

1973 –Several witnesses observed two Unidentified Flying Objects: one temporarily landed on a US Interstate road while the other hovered close-by. An entity appeared from the landed object. A car driver approaching from the opposite direction stops, turns his/her car and races off. This is classed as a Major Incident in Ufology. 

1973 –a driver observes a landed UFO and entities and opens fire with his gun when he felt threatened. A High Strangeness account. 

Neither of these cases was investigated despite requests for local investigators to do so. Even in 2020 the idea of opening up either as a cold case was flatly Rejected by America’s ‘top UFO investigation’ group. 

Reports now probably lost to history. 

1973 –a year in which UFO reports from African-Americans were frowned upon and ignored. Nothing has changed.

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