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Monday, 27 February 2023

John E. Mack | UFO Physician | Life, Death, & Personality

There are some good points here but also a stuffed shirt attitude. Mack believing in alien-human hybrids did NOT mean or involve "lizard people" which clearly shows this fella has a limited knowledge of the subject. 

What struck me was that he reverted to the old sleep paralysis explanation for all alien abductions. Yes, in the case of the Hopkins created "Greys" narrative there are many reports that indicate sleep paralysis.  However, how would sleep paralysis explain away the alleged abduction of three women driving home at Liberty, Kentucky?  How would it explain away the Hills case. There are many other examples where sleep paralysis does not work. Again, it shows the man's lack of knowledge and understanding that alleged alien abductions are in fact rarer than most believe.  

I was also shocked that he never dealt with altered reality states for which there is a lot research (not Ufological but medical professional). Also, if you read my book UFO Contact? I explained what I have termed "Ruth Syndrome" and this is not based on one case but there were a number being looked into by psychologists and described in print. This explains a large number of UFO abduction claims and I am preparing a brief post on this.

Again, however, Liberty, Kentucky and the Hills alleged encounters cannot be explained away as "Ruth Syndrome". There are a core of cases in which there are secondary and third party observers to a UFO at the time of an alleged abduction and in the same area/time. There are also radar data. There are signs of radiation sickness to varying degrees as well as other effects -psychological, trace evidence and so on.Although these are not 100% evidence of alien-human interaction they are evidence that something took place that we cannot mundanely explain away.

A farmer out for a walk on a cold damp morning and hundreds of miles from any nuclear facility let alone hospitals or facilities  where there may be radioactive materials stored is very unlikely to be exposed to radiation and suffer radiation sickness after being found semi conscious or in a state of mental/physical shock. And if the person(s) who found that farmer also observed what appeared to be a solid constructed craft (as opposed to a light phenomenon that may be unknown at this point in time) leaving the we say "altered state" or "Oh, that was sleep paralysis!"?

Yes, I believe John Mack was gullible in his beliefs and I think Hopkins and Jacobs fed him what they knew he wanted to hear. However, he was also a very poor researcher on the subject. Well known hoaxers were "genuine" because "Why would he lie?"

The High Priests of Alien Abductions have all fallen badly yet are still praised as pioneering champions. Budd Hopkins -discussed on this blog before for his stacking the decks with false evidence and even presenting a hoaxer as a genuine abductee after he knew she was not. Jacobs..he lost the plot completely and I am unsure whether he actually believes what he writes and says or does so as it is a money maker and it also helps him with his sexual fantasies (as noted on a number of blogs and videos).

I really had hopes that I could prove Mack was just being misrepresented or misquoted but the more I see and hear I find he was not. So an analysis of Mack and his career are fine  but to sit po-faced and dryly misrepresent alleged alien abductions then discredits the presenter. But in the world of Ufology where the hucksters are constantly promoted even after being exposed....let psychology show itself up.

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