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Tuesday, 6 June 2023

The Mann family talks about their UFO encounter & alien abduction experi... UPDATE

The Mann family encounter case has been largely proven to be false. Or at the very least so badly handled that it lost credibility and even some of those involved believe the account is false (see John Hanson's excellent Haunted Skies (volume 8) for an accurate write-up.

The total mishandling of this case and the dubious use of hypnosis (which should only be used to help percipients suffering mental stress) shows just how ill equipped British Ufologists were for such cases and sadly this has not stopped. No lessons have been learnt and there is still one Ufologist who travels to first meetings with alleged percipients in encounters with a hypnotherapist to carry out regression hypnosis.

There is no code of ethics or conduct in Ufology in the UK or elsewhere.

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