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Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Harrison Bailey (1951) UFO Abduction, Reeves Farm (1965), Eupora (1973)

 I have to admit that I was a tad surprised that the Hynek Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS) had nothing regarding the 1960s Kathy Reeves/Reeves Family UFO incidents. Reading all the literature on the case -and there was not as much as I thought there might be- I asked CUFOS whether their file on the Rev. Harrison Bailey 1951 UFO abduction was available since Ann Druffel and another source noted a copy was sent to MUFON and CUFOS.  The file could not be found.

I forwarded my work on the Reeves case and after Beyond UFO Contact is published all my data on the Bailey case will also be forwarded. I will also forward everything to the AFU (Archive For the Unexplained). It took a year of asking around and coming up with nothing when it came to the Bailey case or trying to locate a photograph of him, before I spent two whole days of intense searching and -voila!

Harrison Bailey was villified by many Ufologists who simply wanted to dismiss him as a hoaxer and crank. Druffel drew her own conclusions and although I have a great deal of respect for her work (unlike 95% of Ufologists she studied and did great work on the subject) I disagree with her conclusions. The Bailey case gets a chunky wad of pages and I believe finally shows that he was experiencing what he claimed. That may sound enigmatic but the book is not that far away from release so if you are interested....

I have tried several times to get local news outlets in Mississippi interested in the Eupora (1973) case but nothing. I had assumed that somewhere in Mississippi there must be competent investigators not associated with MUFON or its scandals but, apparently, there are not.

Regarding the 1978 Buckfastleigh incidents everything has hit a dead end. The current pandemic did not help but I was hoping to hear more from those who knew the man (a possible UFO abductee) who was found by doctors to have undergone some back surgery -which he never had and that included scarring all dated back to 1978. Other leads have all drawn blanks so we know about the incidents and basic details but that is it.

As for responses to the CE3K/AE Study Project CUFOS where it can have been helpful and the AFU equally so.  Ufologists in general, however, not a word -and I am referring to those in Australia, Europe, the United States and UK. It is a far cry from the pre-internet days when Ufologists regularly exchanged publications and reports. The internet should have increased cooperation and reszearch but has instead been used for shouting about grudges and worse.

I hope 2021 sees abetter year all round.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Beyond UFO Contact


It may be wondered why I have titled the soon-to-be-published fourth book in my series on Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) and Alien Entity (AE) cases Beyond UFO Contact? The siomple answer to that is to state that I could publish book after book on the subject but they would just be collections of reports.

The books have been designed to inform people who are entering into Ufology, existing Ufologists and those outside of the field such as astronomwers on the facts in cases.

In UFO Contact? took a look at humanity and it's early radio signals and how far these had reach out into space ("If You Inviote People To The Party -They Just Might Turn Up").  I then looked at cases, some of them generally accepted within Ufology such as the Alan Godfrey 'abduction' and asked whether there were possible explanations -there were.  I then looked at the "classic cases" and some of those had been the subject of intense debunking for 40 or 50 years and I felt sure that once I had looked at the pro and con arguments I would be able to happily dismiss those cases and give good sound reasons for doing so. I am a screptic looking for evidence and npot a debunker. In fact, cases actually stood up to investigation far better than I could imagine.

One thing that was clear when I looked at the cases and delved more into the people involved was that there were some (meaning this could be quite common in certain people) subject to not quite altered states -they were fully awake and functioning yet things were happening to them. It is for the psaychologists to go into more detail but, based on what should be a famous cases (it was well documented yet even amongst paranormal investigators I found that it was not) I termed it "Ruth Syndrome" and it is far too complicated to really explain in a blog -the book is fully referenced.

I found that symptoms of post traumatic stress was common amongst alleged UFO abductees and that their experiences could not be categorised as psychological in any way -there were also physiological effects that could not be put down to being psychosomatic. These people try to carry on with their lives but their UFO experience has shattered their world view and the after effects never leave them.

Others had encounters not involving "abductions" but also suffered from symptoms of shock as well as some physiological effects. Although one can never know what is going on in another persons mind the attitude of these witnesses was "It happenred. Now carry on living my life."

If one thing became obvious it was the almost abusive attitudes of Ufologists in these cases. If percipients did not want to talk to them then they were told fairly clearly that what they had heard of their accounts would be leaked to newspapers. Even after percipients spoke to Ufologists their names and stories were "leaked" to the press or deals were done with The National Enquirer for some very shakey reasons. Jumping straight in with "alien type identikits" and hypnosis or, as far as APRO and the Lorenzens were concerned both hypnosis and scapolamene (the "truth drug"). The well being of the percipients appears to have never been seriously considered and once "the story" was completed the Ufologists moved on. The percipients were left with their traumas.

I also noted how some cases that might be important as evidence were never -in some cases- investigated such as Eupora, Mississippi and that led down a very dark path. It became quite obvious that minor reports from "white" witnresses were focussed on while major, multi-witness reports of UFO landings were repeatredly ignored because thpose involved were "black".  There were things that I already knew and, sadly, I was not shocked when I got confirmation.

UFO Contact? has been described as a "ground-breaking work" but I'd never claim that!

With Unidentified - Identified I also took a look at  "The Nottinghamshire 'UFO' Crash" which I investigated but despite other investigators agreeing with my conclusions, is today being touted as a "genuine UFO crash."  I slso look at the Llandrillo and Berwyn mountain reports. I also looked at entity reports from the United States, Italy, the Woollaton "Gnomes" as well as a former investigators claimed encounter with a "boggart" , my own encounter with "the Men in Black" and reports that no one else seems to have noted containing "black coloured" (as in negative 'colourisation').  A preliminary UK CE3K/AE listing is also included.

Contact: Encounters with Extra-Terrestrial Entities? Looked at the "Monster of Vizcaya", "Michelin-men" type reports, the official French space agency UFO investigation group, Portuguese CE3K reports, the Mindalore incident, the truly frightening side of a UFO encounter, post traumatic stress amongst UFO abductees, the Kathy Reeves and famil;y UFO case and a whole lot more including around 35pp on German CE3K reports -the first and most complete study to date.

A trend in these books is to find more information than has been previously recorded in certain cases -the Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS), for instance had very little on the Reeves case. There is also the call for a proper study, including opening Cold Case investigations of old reports. 

There are rare and hard to find photographs and illustrations and a huge chunk of the material has never seen print in the English language before.  Everything is fully referenced so others can carry out their own follow-up research.

Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is dealt with but an important aspect in all of the books is to give background information on the possibility of ETI as well as data on exo-planets and star systems closest to our own.

When it comes to Beyond UFO Contact there is the usual mix of reports that have been reassessed such as that of the Imjarvi skiers and I take a long look at the case of the Rev. Harrison Bailey who claimed a UFO abduction in 1951 and incidents after that: the findings will have a big impact on how these cases are treated -or should have a big impact. I return to exo-planets, SETI, what aliens might look like and what we could expect. Reports from Sweden, Norway and Finland that rarely get any reportage and what to do if you are involved in a UFO landing and CE3K type event -is there governmental protocol on dealing with these cases?

I will give more detail when the book is ready to go to print but it should be another eye-opener for many.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Aliens Are We Alone: Does Alien Life Exist? | Alien Documentary | Reel T...

What Do Alien Civilizations Look Like? The Kardashev Scale

Aliens biology: How much do we know? | Michio Kaku, E.O. Wilson, & more ...

Michio Kaku: Would Aliens Destroy Us? | AI Podcast Clips

Michio Kaku: What Would Aliens Look Like? | AI Podcast Clips

36 außerirdische Zivilisationen existieren in der Milchstraße (2020)

"reports of beings were more common during the 1970s"


Swedish Ufologist Clas Svan wrote:

      “Reports of beings in connection with UFO observations are as such

      very rare for Sweden, even though I describe a few in this book. But

      there are also cases where people say they have seen an unusual person,

      without any “spacecraft”. For some reason reports of beings were more

      common during the 1970s than they are today. Then the witnesses’ reports

      were of a more physical nature, if one can describe it as such, and took

      place on roads and out in nature. Stories which for me are more interesting

      than today’s more psychologically oriented reports where hypnosis and

      therapy groups helps amplify a supposition rather than get to the bottom

      of it.”

I have been looking around but anyone know of old style CE3K reports from anywhere? Unfortunately, I am encumbered by the language barrier but if you have an online link or any details please let me know by either PM me on the Face Book page or leave a link in the comments section.


"Flying Saucer Review created the term Humanoid"

The Humanoids was an October-November 1966 special issue published by Flying Saucer Review. It was later released in book form. Why do I me...