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Tuesday, 28 February 2023

"It's Standing there right in front of you: an alien -why can't you see it??"

 "There! Right there over by that tree -how can you not see it?!"

The investigator looked. He squinted. He could see nothing even though it was a clear, bright evening but the person with him was definitely concerned about what he was seeing -his face and body language showed that.

The man relaxed but still looked in the direction pointed out to the investigator. "It's gone. Just suddenly vanished"

Another investigator was talking to a percipient in a UFO encounter when the man went pale, stopped talking and stared at a spot near a table in his living room. "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" the investigator asked. The man replied: "Over by the table. One of them materialised -look!" There was nothing there so the investigator got up and walked to the table and the percipient told him the entity was in front of him and so the investigator held up his hand and asked "How many fingers am I holding up?" The man leant to one side "I can't see -it is in front of you" It was, apparently, a solid figure that the investigator could not see and every time he reached out to where the percipient said the entity was it simply moved out of the way. Suddenly there was a flash of light and the entity was gone. The investigator saw nothing.

In both of these cases the percipients were held in high esteem in the local community, held good jobs and had normal family lives and one had even asked his doctor to help him see a psychiatrist. He did. The percipient was perfectly normal.

A woman going about some house work goes to take some washing upstairs to an airing closet and looks as the sunlight coming through the landing window. Distracted by dropping a pair of socks she notes the sunlight was now blocked. Looking up to the top of the landing she saw a tall, human looking entity dressed in an all covering silver suit and "fish bowl" type helmet. They stare at each other for about a minute before the woman asks "Who are you?" The entity turns and vanishes. This happens on several occasions in different parts of the house. The woman had no history of mental health issues and after a while the entity stopped appearing. This was no mere apparition -the entity had blocked sunlight as well as objects behind it from her sight.

A couple driving a long a road in the UK at around 2130hrs one fine summer evening encounter no real traffic and their conversation is in short bursts. The woman looks out through the windscreen of the car and there, solid and blocking out her view, were the large head and shoulders looking in at her as though studying her. The veins noted on its large head could be clearly seen and there was movement. She turned to her husband who was still casually driving, checking his rear view mirror and obviously not seeing anything in front of the windscreen. The woman looked back and the entity was still there but not long after simply vanished. The woman looked at her husband: "What was that?" she asked him. He looked at her with a puzzled expression: "What was what -was it an animal in the road?" It turned out he had not seen the entity. The woman was perfectly normal and her husband had never questioned her mental state before. In private he stated: "If my wife says she saw something then she saw something -I just have no idea why I didn't!"

In the United States a woman hears an odd sound from outside her home so goes to check and on opening her porch door sees a brief flash of light. then, at the corner of the house she sees a 7-8 feet tall hairy humanoid -Bigfoot. Again, a perfectly sane and normal woman.

A person living in a fairly modern build home begins to hear the sound of foot steps moving around it but he/she is the only person in the house. Then there is the sound of conversation -quiet and nothing can be made out of what is being said. A small light is observed one night but it vanishes in a second or two. This scenario encompasses a number of reports from around the world and in some (but not all) the person involved may find themselves paralysed -in bed or while sleeping in a chair or on a sofa. They may also see some vague shape. When they suddenly find themselves able to move the event gets less clear in their mind.

In the latter cases the paranormal fraternity with their years of experience of watching You tube paranormal (fake) shows and reading trash paranormal books will explain that the house is haunted. No one else affected? Then it is a spirit "attached" to the person involved. Of course, since the 1990s there have been no traditional ghosts -it's all demons, hostile spirits, gateways or portals to Hell and so on and so forth. The person involved is now going to be put through mental trauma because wholly unscientific and untrained people who just love to dress in all black tell them this. 

The Ufologists, learning qualifications the same as the paranormal folk (who they look down on as "poor relations") , will explain that like many, many thousands -possibly millions- of people have undergone an alien abduction experience and has probably done so since a child and, oh, "do you by any chance have a scar from childhood you cannot remember how you got?" That person will now have their lives ruined and, as with the paranormal people, once the report and details are sorted so the articles and ("oooh, I hope") the book written or "investigation video" posted.... interest lost even though the "If anything new happens let us know" line is always given.

Of course you have the Ufologists "We need to get you under regression hypnosis -it's safe and very scientific" and then the situation, for the person involved, goes down the toilet. "You ARE an alien abductee but their mind block is so tight we cannot find out what happened!"

None of the people involved are "mental cases" -you even think that then you need to leave the fringe field you are involved in. There was a very well studied case in the 1970s -an American woman living in the UK- and the woman involved thought she was going insane. As it turned out some American psychologists had also had similar cases. Tests at a university proved that what the woman saw as a solid entity WAS to her solid and blocked out anything it passed in front of. But there was nothing there.

To go over what I termed "Ruth Syndrome" would take a few very long blog posts. However, I have given all the references and other factors in my book. Ruth Syndrome does not mean that every alien abduction, Bigfoot or "ghost" sighting are "all in the mind". The experience is confined to one person and their mind and reality. The husband driving the car never saw the entity but noted how shaken his wife was. The Syndrome also encompasses what the tabloids and media like to call "ghost sex cases" -I was consulted on at least two of these in the 1970s. 

These people are not fantasy prone characters either. What we are seeing is the brain creating a reality and the cause(s) are not yet known and not everyone has these events and we always like to say that someone, or some peoples, minds are "wired different". Betty and Barney Hill -not Ruth Syndrome. The three women in the Liberty, Kentucky case -not Ruth Syndrome. It is easy to employ this explanation for a debunker who has not actually looked at a case as a whole and that is their own particular level of ignorance.

What we need to do is realise that there are many psychological or psycho-physiological explanations for Entity encounters and those need to be ruled out. We then need to look at whether Ruth Syndrome might be involved.

Mrs A observed a UFO and then encountered an entity and after that encounter everything was back to normal.  Several neighbours spotted a strange light near the percipient's home and a large flattened area of grass was found outside the home. That is a physical event and not what you might want to incorrectly term an "altered state of consciousness" and it certainly is not Ruth Syndrome. 

You sort out which cases are which -and I think in many cases an altered state of consciousness and Ruth Syndrome- then you can concentrate on the ones where there is actual physiological and even trace evidence. If you clump all of the reports into one category then it is a case of Bad Data Input =Bad Date Output.  This is why UFO cases are such a mess; no one has bothered separating hoaxes, natural phenomenon, misidentification and so on all are clumped into the category of "UFO".  When I did just this reports research, analysis and separation back in 1980 it was very clear on the first day that so much was mixed up.

Look at M. Maurice Masse at Valensole, France. Perfect candidate for Ruth Syndrome. You then find out that there was physical trace evidence and other unusual activity in the area at and around that time.  That rules out Ruth Syndrome.

above: Maurice Masse at Valennsole

above: the Marius Dewilde encounter

Marius Dewilde had an encounter that could have been altered state or even Ruth Syndrome and yet there was physical evidence that something had taken place. Again indicating that something happened in the real world sense (I deal with the Masse and Dewilde cases in my book and explain why I believe that Dewilde did encounter something -Ufologists and debunkers ignored evidence so that they could easily explain the case away).

I doubt very much whether my books or work will change Ufology which is geared up to support money making hucksters who bring UFO organisations and conventions money and a lot of TV coverage.  Thomas Mantell was NOT shot down by a flying saucer: fact. The UFO hucksters state he was. They know he was because they just read a UFO book and it's what the media likes to call a "sexy story" -it sells and the public will believe anyone who is credited as "veteran UFO researcher" because they want that hit of fantasy in their lives.

Whether British "Big Cat" investigators, ghost hunters, Bigfoot hunters, Ufologists or any other fringe field 99% of those involved have no real knowledge of their subject but they say the right thing to TV and news people.

When it comes to UFOs the data needs sorting. That will never happen.

When it comes to alleged cases of alien abduction it needs to be established which are physically real in the sense of being solid objects and entities encountered and which are physically real in the sense that some people are "wired a different way" and only they see or interact with this reality. Not any form of mental illness or "kookiness". Just as some people see music as colours and some people can go into sensory overload when there is a smell that others hardly notice these are all normal human beings.

Monday, 27 February 2023

John E. Mack | UFO Physician | Life, Death, & Personality

There are some good points here but also a stuffed shirt attitude. Mack believing in alien-human hybrids did NOT mean or involve "lizard people" which clearly shows this fella has a limited knowledge of the subject. 

What struck me was that he reverted to the old sleep paralysis explanation for all alien abductions. Yes, in the case of the Hopkins created "Greys" narrative there are many reports that indicate sleep paralysis.  However, how would sleep paralysis explain away the alleged abduction of three women driving home at Liberty, Kentucky?  How would it explain away the Hills case. There are many other examples where sleep paralysis does not work. Again, it shows the man's lack of knowledge and understanding that alleged alien abductions are in fact rarer than most believe.  

I was also shocked that he never dealt with altered reality states for which there is a lot research (not Ufological but medical professional). Also, if you read my book UFO Contact? I explained what I have termed "Ruth Syndrome" and this is not based on one case but there were a number being looked into by psychologists and described in print. This explains a large number of UFO abduction claims and I am preparing a brief post on this.

Again, however, Liberty, Kentucky and the Hills alleged encounters cannot be explained away as "Ruth Syndrome". There are a core of cases in which there are secondary and third party observers to a UFO at the time of an alleged abduction and in the same area/time. There are also radar data. There are signs of radiation sickness to varying degrees as well as other effects -psychological, trace evidence and so on.Although these are not 100% evidence of alien-human interaction they are evidence that something took place that we cannot mundanely explain away.

A farmer out for a walk on a cold damp morning and hundreds of miles from any nuclear facility let alone hospitals or facilities  where there may be radioactive materials stored is very unlikely to be exposed to radiation and suffer radiation sickness after being found semi conscious or in a state of mental/physical shock. And if the person(s) who found that farmer also observed what appeared to be a solid constructed craft (as opposed to a light phenomenon that may be unknown at this point in time) leaving the we say "altered state" or "Oh, that was sleep paralysis!"?

Yes, I believe John Mack was gullible in his beliefs and I think Hopkins and Jacobs fed him what they knew he wanted to hear. However, he was also a very poor researcher on the subject. Well known hoaxers were "genuine" because "Why would he lie?"

The High Priests of Alien Abductions have all fallen badly yet are still praised as pioneering champions. Budd Hopkins -discussed on this blog before for his stacking the decks with false evidence and even presenting a hoaxer as a genuine abductee after he knew she was not. Jacobs..he lost the plot completely and I am unsure whether he actually believes what he writes and says or does so as it is a money maker and it also helps him with his sexual fantasies (as noted on a number of blogs and videos).

I really had hopes that I could prove Mack was just being misrepresented or misquoted but the more I see and hear I find he was not. So an analysis of Mack and his career are fine  but to sit po-faced and dryly misrepresent alleged alien abductions then discredits the presenter. But in the world of Ufology where the hucksters are constantly promoted even after being exposed....let psychology show itself up.

Long interview of Dr. John Mack with 2 girls who witnessed a creature fr...

Never seen this before and it is different o how presented in texts. 

Mack is more or less leading the narrative and at points the girls look and sound like they are having fun and actually exaggerating. The one remaining High Priests of Abductions is proving to be as flawed as Hopkins and Jacobs. 


Saturday, 25 February 2023

Walter Rizzi talks about his alien contact encounter in the Dolomite Mou...

"UAP Skinwalkers -The Evidence"?


As I have posted before; there is no financial support for the Project therefore other things take precedence. No one buys the books or the magazines so without that meagre income anything comes out of my pocket and my pockets are empty. E. M. P. T. Y.

The fact that certain "profile" Ufologists have decided that a debunking attitude is the way to go does not encourage me much. Despite them visiting this blog (yes, I know they do) they publicly still mock or dismiss CE3K/AE cases and still pull the "No idea what all this little guys stuff is all about" line.

It is notable that rather than use everything they have to look into specific cases (I am fed up of pushing the Eupora, Mississippi case at these people) and seeing what they can dig up and what might be credible cases they spend 95% of their time looking into, trashing and blogging and making videos about Chinese spy balloon UAP (one and I think it very unlikely even that was a spy balloon but the US government push the narrative and an eager media push out more crap.

Oh, and Lu Elizondo and Mellon -who were never credible to start with and everything since then has proven no credibility and typical huckster behaviour -I do not believe US Counter Intelligence is even pulling the strings. It has all been an outright con and money spinner from day 1. However, just last week there were 10 more blogs and more than that videos on You tube on how Elizondo and Mellon are fighters for UAP UFO disclosure while all the evidence says the opposite. Con men. Another batch of videos state that Elizondo and co. are running a con.  No really unidentified craft footage has been released so why, after all these years are people still cheering on con men?  Why are people still screaming out that they are con-men? Ignore them and look at actual UFO cases   where you can talk to witnesses and carry out a real investigation.

And that perennial favourite con of the gullible -Skinwalker Ranch. We know that, like the equally mythical Marley Woods, not one shred of evidence has appeared or been made public in 20+ years. Just fantasy stories for the weak minded.  That the same people involved with Elizondo and other cons are involved or were involved should speak volumes.

Credible -or seemingly credible- researchers have lost any credibility by constantly harking back to the ranch and what a big con it is and how much money is being made from it.  

All of the attempts to spread lies and control the narrative have worked. "Skinwalker" is now added into everything and even alleged Bigfoot sightings are highlighted as "a possible skinwalker encounter" -even classic alleged Bigfoot vocalisation cases. People are hooked mon fantasy fiction with George Knapp like others having to admit that "There is no solid evidence" for any of this. But with the support of money making organisations such as MUFON both Skinwalker and Marley are still talked about and believed to have been "scientifically proven".

Elizondo and Mellon come on the scene and straight away "We call them UAP not UFOs" and every Ufologist drops their pants and all their videos and posts are now "UAP" not "UFO". Every dumb-😐 followed the moron over the cliff because they were told to. People who never showed any interest in UFOs suddenly ($$$$) "developed an avid interest in UAP" (but never UFOs). Some even then start toting ecommerce and other recognised scams -which has what to do with "UAP"?  "UAP photo"/ "UAP video" and rather like the hucksters and morons who rebooted every close encounter case to involve "Greys" everything is now UAP from city light reflecting on cloud cover, aircraft lights, flares, parachutist displays involving attached flares -everything is UAP including a sea buoy!

Sceptical researchers have found it easier to now become debunkers and take that stance while promoting new research bodies or archives. Why? If they are debunking and not even willing to do the research what is the point -so they can claim to have so many collected files? Wasn't that what happened on Face Book when the great pastime was seeing how many 'friends' you could collect (sadly the way LinkedIn has gone)? No credibility.

These people have the files to hand -again I know because I checked- with original letters, statements and so on. Why and How am I expected in one brief contact with these people supposed to impart 50 years of research and investigation into CE3K and AE cases where I have provided so many findings and made research breakthroughs?  My first book, UFO Contact? is a place they can start at and build from but I can tell you now that I am no longer sending out free copies of a huge book that 'researchers' say they have received and then...nothing (oh, one copy turned up on Ebay so that shows how sincere a 'researcher' someone was).

The con men are celebrated at UFO events and paid big fees to appear despite everyone knowing that they lied to, covered up UFO cases and deceived Ufology. Work that one out. Well, the fact that the event organisers know the weak minded will pay to see these people is the obvious reason.

Ufology has achieved nothing -nothing- since 1947. The "glamour boys and girls" keep popping up to tell their lies and how they have uncovered yet another UFO crash which, luckily, is so far back there will be no credible witnesses. That will get a documentary or series not to mention the book deal and, of course, the high paying UFO convention gigs and TV appearances.

Those who pushed for organising Ufology in the 1950s were kicked out, had their reputations sullied and worse -by Ufologists. In the 1960s the same applied. I saw first hand how this was all repeated in the 1970s then the 1980s and 1990s and when the internet became common that was used by anonymous people to tell more lies and promote their particular ego trips or chances at celebrity.

In the 1970s I was identified as a Commander in the Royal Navy (Intelligence) and then there was proof that I was actually a Flight Lieutenant in the RAF (intelligence) and in the 1980s I was apparently flown down to the Falklands by RAF Hercules aircraft (another Ufologist actually adopted that story for themselves) to look into UFO sightings. That particular little lie was spread by Eric Morris and he even admitted it to others. Oh, of course, I was also a Lieutenant in the British Army. How offended was I? Very. Why couldn't I have been a Captain at the very least rather than ranks that carried no weight?

Of course, some involved in the fictitious Berwyn Mts (Wales) UFO crash, despite being sent my full Cv and with my history in Ufology going back to the 1970s being documented in UFO publications as well as write ups on talks I gave I was still called "a person claiming to be a Ufologist living in South Wales who I suspect is an intelligence agent or patsy". Every single thing provably a fantasy in this person's head (incidentally, he was so angry because he demanded -demanded- that I turn over all documents/files and materials I had on the Berwyn Mts UFO. A rather not good Welsh UFO group continued to post these fantasies despite having the same Cv submitted to them. The truth is not as "sexy" as a pack of lies.

I have seen confidential information on witness reports left lying on convention tables with no one supervising who saw what. I have heard and spoken to people who had two UFO investigators turn up at a primary school in the 1970s demanding to have access to talk to three children who saw a UFO. They were barred from the school and the "police had words with them" -in 2023 you would be arrested and questioned for trying to push past teachers to talk to kids without a legal guardian present.  The same investigators turned up at a distraught teenagers home after she had had a close encounter with 20+ members of their UFO group. There appears to have been further harassment but the girl had a mental breakdown and the other two percipients were protected by their family and have not spoken out to this day.

I have seen people attempt to get organisations instigate basic computer data analysis programs only to be told (over 15 years) "Oh, we'll look into that when it can be afforded" -where was all of the membership money going?

I was once listening to three Ufologists talking about a percipient in a case (a 30 year old woman -married) and how she was "probably looking for some action" and even worse. Once then stated, with others chuckling away to the idea: "I hear the investigator is on to a good thing there and I don't blame him if he can get into her pants!" At this point I was all for thumping up all three (my temper was not as smooth as it is today) but I said "Oh, you mean _________?" and got "yeah. That's her" as a reply. I pointed out that that she was a married woman, her husband was a very nice man and wanted to get to the bottom of what happened and had been present at all meetings" it still did not click in their tiny minds what I was saying but one added that apparently the woman and investigator had private meetings at "his place" (know what I mean?). So, I said loudly and clearly so that anyone within ten feet (3m) could near me: "You bunch of ------. I am the only investigator in that case and I have met the woman at her home with her husband present. She has visited where I live and I can assure you that both my grandparents were very capable chaperones. If you care to put anything you said into print I will sue each of you for every ------ penny you have" I waited but there was no response so moved on.

I have heard first hand all the sexist comments from British Ufologists (both the known scumologists as well as the "nice guys") and I have heard the appalling racism  as well. the one thing I was told by the late Norman Oliver was that if I raised the subject of Betty and Barney Hill I should expect "a lot of nastiness" in comments. I did raise the subject and,k yes, I heard the disgusting racist remarks not just in the 1970s but also the 1980s and 1990s and if you think that is all gone in the 21st century you are kidding yourself.

I once asked a senior Ministry of Defence man -off the record- whether the Ministry had ever interfered with or attempted to disrupt British Ufology. I remember him bursting out laughing and saying "Oh, as if we would ever need to! Have you seriously looked at what those people are doing?" Well, yes, but I know that, in front of the third person present, he would not lie but maybe side step.  He was spot on of course, and even where it was known that certain Ufologists were being used rather like William Moore was but for other reasons to spy on ufologists and lie about cases, there were reasons.

Back in the early 1980s, at a height of terrorist alerts and the Cold War, certain UFO groups were going out at night to hide and keep an eye on RAF bases, take photos and even take photos of staff entering and leaving and taking car registration numbers. In a lot of countries that would get you arrested and detained.  Why were these people doing this? Because either a 'UFO' had been reported near the base (ie an aircraft) or they had been told there was something UFO related going on. 

After a low fly incident over Merseyside the local UFO group became a complete pain in the ass to authorities and at one point even "secretly recorded" their entering a police station and demanding facts and the truth from a desk sergeant -who had them kicked out. How a low fly incident developed into a 'major UFO incident' I still cannot fathom out even having re-read the material the other day.

U.S. air bases were also targeted by Ufologists who got so mixed up with the then Greenham Common anti nuclear protests that some were involved in "incidents". That quite rightly attracts official attention. As did all the attempted spying on RAF Rudloe Manor ("The UKs Area 51" yeah, another one)

Llanerchymedd, Wales, 1978. Back in the 1970s there supposedly a UFO landing and entities were seen and there were two UFO groups at each others throats and I was the person in the middle trying to soothe things out. I checked and found out that there was a military exercise at the time and this would explain what was reported. I then had to smooth things over again as one group thought that I was siding with the other but I reiterated that I was independently forwarding fact. In 2023 the Llanerchymedd case is still being cited as a UFO (ie "extraterrestrial" incident -rather as the 1980s Nottinghamshire ball lightning case is still be touted as a UFO incident despite every fact uncovered).

Ufology does not need to be led astray by any official body. Ufologists have lied and faked reports going back to the late 1970s at the very least and have even been caught admitting this but refusing to say why and which cases which makes any case from 1977 on suspect. UFO groups allow and promote the liars and fakery -Eric Morris openly admitted in the 1990s how much he had been faking from abduction cases, cattle mutilations, fake documents and more yet he was applauded when a guest speaker at UFO events.

Why do I not work with a recognised UFO organisation? Which one has been untainted by fakers, fraud, racism, sexism and even paedophile scandals? It is no good stating "I am a serious researcher/member and what those people get caught doing is nothing to do with me" because IF you are a member of that group then it has everything to do with you if you financially support it or promote your work through it. There are probably individuals, not living in a fantasy world, around the globe carrying out serious research and yet have no way to get the results/findings out through a credible source.  I still do my work, unsupported, and my fully referenced research results are in my books where they can be peer reviewed -checked and discussed.

It is the only way that it can be done and maintain credibility.  However, it does not pay bills or help finance continuing work.  However, the now debunkers as well as con merchants do get funded. You work that one out.

Maybe my next book, and previous ones, should be retitled to include the fake words "UAP Skinwalkers -The Evidence"?

“A World Without Humans: The Charlie Hewitt Encounter” | Paranormal Stories

Even with a basic knowledge of sleep paralysis, altered states and psychology this case can be torn apart. A trained psychologist would shre...