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Thursday 3 December 2020

Aliens Are We Alone: Does Alien Life Exist? | Alien Documentary | Reel T...

What Do Alien Civilizations Look Like? The Kardashev Scale

Aliens biology: How much do we know? | Michio Kaku, E.O. Wilson, & more ...

Michio Kaku: Would Aliens Destroy Us? | AI Podcast Clips

Michio Kaku: What Would Aliens Look Like? | AI Podcast Clips

36 außerirdische Zivilisationen existieren in der Milchstraße (2020)

"reports of beings were more common during the 1970s"


Swedish Ufologist Clas Svan wrote:

      “Reports of beings in connection with UFO observations are as such

      very rare for Sweden, even though I describe a few in this book. But

      there are also cases where people say they have seen an unusual person,

      without any “spacecraft”. For some reason reports of beings were more

      common during the 1970s than they are today. Then the witnesses’ reports

      were of a more physical nature, if one can describe it as such, and took

      place on roads and out in nature. Stories which for me are more interesting

      than today’s more psychologically oriented reports where hypnosis and

      therapy groups helps amplify a supposition rather than get to the bottom

      of it.”

I have been looking around but anyone know of old style CE3K reports from anywhere? Unfortunately, I am encumbered by the language barrier but if you have an online link or any details please let me know by either PM me on the Face Book page or leave a link in the comments section.


Wednesday 2 December 2020

World In Action on UFOs 'I know what I Saw'

1960s Emma Funk UFO abduction -USA

 Another request that will probably fall on deaf ears but...

Does anyone have information on a late(?) 1960s abduction case involving Emma Funk(e)?

If so please get in touch.

Thank You

Monday 30 November 2020

A Statement on My Position on UFOs etc

I have, for many years now, stated again and again and again that Ufology needs to produce technical papers citing cases and evidence and that these could then be peer reviewed. This has led some to point the finger back at me and ask "Why haven't you done that?"

I have done exactly that. I have published technical papers on my study of canids, wild cats and my name is also on papers co-authored by people from universities.

When it comes to the paranormal, "sea monsters", Sasquatch and historical zoological mysteries then they are in my various books and are all fully referenced and I have assessed reports/cases which can all be peer reviewed. I never expected to make money from my books (I have not) because the whole purpose was to get the properly investigated and researched cases "out there" because no official body is interested in anything outside of their confined boundaries. The books, because of the research put in, found long lost images and photographs not published anywhere in 100 plus years.

With the UFO books the same applies -fully referenced and containing some images -again stated to have been lost decades ago. Organisations such as the Centre for UFO Studies in the United States received free copies -as they will copies of the AOP Journal. Those will be stored for reference (I assume).

No one is interested in publishing papers on these subjects so each chapter of each book is a paper but they have all just been combined under one cover.

All my work is put out there and I even publish occasional details to show that I am not making money from this -I am confident that I will never make back the thousands I have spent on this work in over 40 decades.  I receive no funding (which is why a lot of work has crawled to a halt) so no money.

I am an open book -as is my work (except when it comes to witnesses) and am often asked how I can live with that. I live with that because I have nothing to hide like a lot of UFO groups.

When it comes to the CE3K/AE work I am asked why I do not state, if I believe the testimony of some percipients, my belief on where "they" come from. We have the testimony of witnesses who, in some cases, have been hounded and subject to unsuccessful debunking attempts.  We have the physical and physiological as well as psychological effects on witnesses. People see objects with entities then they use the term "craft" which, logically, makes sense. I do occasionally use that term but normally I will use "object" out of choice.

Despite all of this, showing that something is happening, there is nothing showing or indicating where "they" come from.

Despite what I might theorise I cannot state a point of origin and the big problem is that if you start thinking "These could be coming from a parallel dimension" then you will start looking for evidence along those lines -subconscious or not. Ditto "They are extra-terrestrials". I see my job, unless I am privately theorising, as being to check and reassess cases and reports and as shown in my UFO books give a credibility rating: True. Fake. Insufficient.

There are unexpected twists as the work has led to unearthing trends and more and in UFO Contact? I noted the importance of "Ruth Syndrome" (my term) which has important implications not just for Ufology but also the paranormal, cryptozoology fields, etc.

I do not shout "Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis" or promote other theories.