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Monday, 22 October 2018

The Work Progresses....

It is rather strange that, for the United States (when I have asked), the Hynek Centre for UFO Studies
has supplied me with case files.

I have received assistance from GIEPAN in France, cooperation from Belgium and France, the AFU in Sweden has been of invaluable help at times and even cooperation from Spain and Germany.

To date, in the UK, I have asked the following whether they will contribute to the CE3K/AE project since, when complete, it will be available to all ufologists:

British UFO Research Association -asked three times not responding
Contact UK -again asked but not responding
Ron Halliday/UFO Scotland -asked and waiting to see.
David Hodrien and Birmingham UFO Group -asked. Refused flatly.

There are others but I am trying to be as diplomatic as possible.  It just seems to be that UK groups consider the reports theirs and that is an end to the matter.  BUFORA, Contact (UK) and Scottish ufologists I would still like to see contribute reports because this aspect of the subject is very important.  We need to sort out the hoaxes, psychological or questionable and get to the those cases that seem (as far as we can be certain) genuine.

I started looking at and studying these reports in 1974 and in all that time I have never once revealed a witness/percipients real name or details.  From 1977 on I worked on Grey Book and I also began acting as a UK police forces exotic fauna consultant -working with police forces you get checked and you also acquire a great deal of information that could make a lot of money. I never would and a lot of the material gets burnt with me :-)

The point is that in 40+ years no one has ever had reason to question my integrity so if that is what worries people: it should not.

In the last two weeks I have come across a cluster of four abductions over a one month period in a small village in England.  I have also started seeing results while updating the project.  i would much sooner this was a joint project with UK and non-UK ufologists.

I won't appeal again because after all this time it seems pointless.

If you read with and believe that you have encountered a UFO and entities then please get in touch. Your sightings do not just have to be recent as my files officially start at 1900!

Thank You

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