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Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Updated: Marley Woods and Ted Phillips -what is going on?

Let me make it very clear that if you are looking -scientifically- into the paranormal or unidentified phenomena of any type you are not a crank. If you are looking at UFOs in a scientific way you are not a crank.

However, there is a point when you can be said to have lost it.

Ted Phillips is a legend for his work on UFO physical trace evidence and I would have taken his word on anything because he had credibility.  I had to think long and hard after watching several long talks as well as hearing podcasts he has been on.

He recites the "classic" UFO trace cases of Delphos ("The Delphos Ring") and Langenburg, Saskatchewan, 1974. He has over 4,000 cases on his trace cases catalogue -photos, analysis, etc- and yet the same couple cases.  He will then go into the Skinwalker Ranch case and if you think George Knapp has given some wild versions of the same stories -Phillips goes one better.

We then come to his most recent ()decade or so?) work: Marley Woods. Odd lights, though absolutely nothing impressive filmed (it seems) just distance lights.  Tales of a very large, canid-like creature that is bullet proof and can walk on its hind legs (no, I am not getting mixed up and I am talking about Marley not Skinwalker) and a paw cast that looks wolf-like.

Cue the use of the term "portal" and the usual claims.

Now Phillips has been claiming that he believes UFOs and the paranormal are linked but also that the "flying saucers" of old have been "replaced" by orbs of various sizes and colours. He also claims that he realised one day that decades on these "little guys" (UFO entities) were described wearing the same type of clothing -their fashion had not developed.  Then it hit him that the reason the clothing may not have changed is because it is the "same day" to "them" -in other words: time travellers(21 minutes in):

Firstly, there have always been two distinct phenomena and one precedes Ufology by centuries. With today's reporting system everything and anything becomes a UFO so we cannot say there are no more "flying saucer" types being seen. I realised that there were two distinct phenomena with two days of cataloguing thousands of UFO reports in the late 1970s.

So what are people like Phillips doing?  If you study rabbits and combine that data with studies on horses you will end up with nonsense.  This is what these people are doing; combining two separate phenomena and adding in the other miscellaneous stuff like fakes and hoaxes and shrugging and saying "I give up.  this is completely beyond the laws of physics and cannot be extraterrestrial -it must be extra-dimensional!"

Now Phillips is concentrating on similar sites to Marley as well as a 'space ship'(?) embadded in a mountain in Czechia (formerly Czech republic)?

The natural thing to do is go through the catalogue and see which cases involve "orb-like" objects and which solidly constructed craft: you then have a data base for analysis on "UFOs" and the natural phenomenon.  You do not throw decades of work away and just say you think it might all be cosmic tricksters!

Phillips Physical Evidence data base has not been up-dated for years and the page for his trace group responses. A few years back I defended Phillips and his work -which really should be available for public and Scientific scrutiny -especially scientists like to see some hard facts from analysis so...who is checking all this data and the last time I saw Phillips with his data files they were crammed.

In the UK Geoff Falla's Vehicle Interference Catalogue contains 900 reports -including from pilots.

That is 4000 Physical Trace cases and 900 Vehicle Interference cases.

I decided to re-appraise Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien Entity (CE3K/AE) reports and found large numbers of these were still being promoted as genuine despite being known as fakes/hoaxes and misinterpretations for 30-50 years.  What I did not expect, especially when I put together UFO Contact?, was to find that there are some that cannot be simply dismissed -and that was when I took into account the attempts by debunkers.  It will take a lot of work to get through thec world wide catalogue but there are "solid" cases.

We have people keeping catalogues of physiological effects and Animal Disturbance cases caused by UFOs, however, most do not want to share -it is "their" data.

But there is enough evidence and it needs to be presented and peer reviewed. THIS is what science needs and this type of material needs to be peer reviewed: that is science.

I asked previously why Phillips had not gotten involved with Bigelow, the money behind the Skinwalker ranch investigation.  It seems that Bigelow made the offer but in no way or form would Phillips be allowed to share information or discuss the work.  Bigelow told him "Information only comes in" which raises questions about what Bigelow is up to.

Refusing a good pay cheque and smart office because he believes all information should be made available, is a very big plus point on Phillips' side.

Decades on I think everyone -including Science- needs to see the trace evidence not listen to old stories of Delphos or Langenburg.

Ufology is just very depressing and unscientific

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