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Wednesday, 24 October 2018

This Is NOT A "Hobby" And It Is NOT An "Obsession" -UFO Funding

I was in a panic when two people actually contacted me over the CE3K/AE Project. It is such a rare occurrence that I had to remember how to respond.  :-/

Firstly, I have been doing this work -work- since 1974.  It is most certainly not a 'hobby' to kill a few hours.  Over the years UFO chasing has resulted in me putting myself into a lot of potentially dangerous situations (officially unofficial and otherwise) and were this a hobby then I have wasted 40 years plus of my life. Stamp collecting would have been more profitable (in fact, I sold what stamps and books I had to fund my work).

It is not an obsession -not in the way some define it.

What I am doing is looking at, potentially, the most important aspect of the UFO subject. And remember there are two defined phenomena -UFOB (seemingly constructed craft) and UNP (an undefined natural phenomenon).

Working alone and re-assessing cases and reports I am making a lot of headway.  I would like to spend even more time sharpening the definition and cause of UNP and most certainly actually be able to afford to do field investigations with regard UFOB -or both- reports.

However, money is the problem.  With UFO Contact? I was told, by those who know, that this would become the definitive work on the subject. Great, I thought, sales will support my work and daily living. After over a year -no sales.  Same with Unidentified -Identified.  Trash sells better.

So I was asked why I do not apply for funding.  It took me two hours to stop laughing.  Seriously, the whole reason why certain "gentlemen" backed the AOP Bureau and Grey Book was because they felt the work had to be done and HM Government were not going to carry out a study (some material from the eventual UFO Report was used by certain bodies however).

The very idea back in the late 1970s of a National Aerospace Commission was shot down in flames.  Despite all the work of the French gendarmerie and GEPAN absolutely no UK government or agency was going to fund serious UFO research.

The way UK ufology ufology in general has gone, no one is going to fund serious UFO research today. I wish they would but people with money like to invest only in things that make more money!

I explained this yesterday and I explain it here today so everyone knows.  There is no funding for UFO research. My work continues to make me poor!

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