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Friday, 13 September 2019

Just a Note

I just spent two hours writing a lengthy post as a follow up to the last one and my laptop then shifted to another page altogether.

Lengthy post lost.

Sadly, with a rapidly dying laptop and no book sales it seems pointless trying to even attempt lengthier posts.

If anyone wishes to contact me they should go to the AOP or AE CE3K face book pages and message me there.

Charles I. Halt (b. 1939) is a retired United States Air Force colonel and a former deputy base commander of RAF Bentwaters, near WoodbridgeSuffolk. After serving in VietnamJapan and Korea, he was assigned to Bentwaters as deputy commander. The Rendlesham Forest incident of late December 1980 occurred shortly afterwards, and he was an important witness to events on the second night of sightings.

Why do I mention this?

Look who has my book  -Charles I Halt

530 pages
illustrated with maps, photographs and more
A4 format
Paperback: List Price:£20.00 £18.00 (excl. VAT) |You Save: 10%Prints in 3-5 business days

Since 1947 it has been claimed that UFOs/flying saucers are evidence of aliens visiting the Earth.  Since the 1950s claims of encounters with landed craft and alien beings were talked about but not taken seriously.

In the 1960s the subject of UFO abduction was a "slow-burner" until the whole "Grey" abduction phenomenon and claims made by researchers such as Budd Hopkins, Prof. John Mack and Dr David Jacobs and Whitley Streiber.

But is there evidence to back up any of the claims -and what about those encountering Alien Entities but who were not abducted?

Are these people all hoaxers, psychotic or suffering from some other mental illness as some claim?

Are those people who were exposed by Ufologists against their wishes, people who wanted to report what happened and then just get back to their everyday lives -thrust into the media glare against their will?

And if US authorities were so interested that in one case at least they broke into the home of two abductees and this was later proven -why?

Why did a hard core of these people never want publicity or to make money from what happened to them?

Above all, why did a major UFO landing incident take place on a US Inbterstate road in front of a large number of observers (all willing to talk to investigators) never get investigated? If it were not for a radio presenter interviewing and taking notes we would know nothing of the case -it would be labelled "insubstantial".

James and Coral Lorensen -the Scopolamine Kids; using a very notorious "truth drug" on alleged UFO witnesses and selling stories to newspapers.  An investigator (a veteran) showing a witness images of "aliens" encountered in other cases before any memories were retrieved.  Worst of all, the constant "pissing competition" and breaches of trust between UFO investigators.

2017 is the time to assess the past evidence and look at the faults within Ufology.

Not everyone is going to be happy -debunkers or ufologists.

Praised by Dr Mark Rodheiger of the Centre for UFO Studies and, below, John Hanson of the Haunted Skies Project and Colonel Charles Halt the officer involved in the Rendlesham incident.


Smaller format version:Pages 530 Binding Perfect Bound Paperback Interior Black ink &white  Weight 1.05kg  Size 18.9 x24.59cm£18.00

Second Book in the series

220 pages
perfect bound
Fully illustrated with photographs and illustrations
List Price:£20.00 £18.00 (excl. VAT) |You Save: 10%Prints in 3-5 business days

The follow up to the comprehensive book "UFO Contact?"

The Author spent 1974 to 2018 specializing in the investigation and research of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) and alien entity cases; the former involving an Unidentified Flying Object and the latter, apparently, involving none.

Previously unreported cases as well as 'lost' cases are looked at as well as the possibility that some percients suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after their encounters.

A must read for those with a serious interest in UFOs

Some of the contents:
 The Nottinghamshire UFO Crash of 1987…or 1988                                   
 The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ and Berwyn Mountains ‘UFO’ Crash Retrieval 
 Strange Pennsylvania Entity Encounter                                                        
 UFO Abductees and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome                             
 The UFO That Landed On A US Highway                                                   
 My Encounters With The Men In Black                                                        
 A Previously Un-noted Alien Entity Type                                                   
 Early 20th Century UK Close Encounters of the Third Kind                     
 Close Encounter with a Boggart                                                                      
 Some Odd and Unusual Cases                                                                       
 Rosa Lotti and the Happy Entities                                                                
 The Strange Case of the Woollaton Gnomes and the Mince-pie Martians
 What Happened on the Isle of Wight and at Felixstowe?                           
 The ‘Lost’ Belgian UFO Landing Case                                                      
 Strange Aliens from Outer Space?                                                             
 Encounter with Black Aliens and Landed UFO                                         
 Preliminary UK CE3K/Alien Entity Catalogue 

Third Book in the Series
These cover everything from UFOs and Close Encounters of the Third Kind to encounters with unidentified humanoid creatures, ghosts, poltergeists, mysterious and unidentified creatures at sea, on land as well as bizarre carcasses washed ashore.  Loch Ness, Sasquatch, previously thought lost photographs of a city in the sky and others.

And if you want to concentrate solely on alleged alien abductions or encounters then UFO Contact? (receiving some praise from the Centre for UFO Studies) and the follow up, Unidentified-Identified are the books you need

Contact! Encounters With Extra Terrestrial Entities?

Format  A4
Black & white
Profusely illustrated

The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) says that we may have to wait many thousands of years before any signals sent gets a response if they are detected.

The real SETI may already have established the there is alien life –and it has been visiting Earth for at least 70 years.

Once the mass of reports of 

Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity encounters are sifted there remains a strong core of cases that defy logical explanation and suggest that these encounters have resulted in physiological effects and post traumatic stress.

Terry Hooper-Scharf of the CE3K/AE Project has led research into these reports for over 40 years and in this work takes a look at rare or obscure reports as well as cataloguing encounters from Germany and Portugal and focuses in on correlations in the reports and how the Dandenong (Kelly Cahill) encounter could be the best case ever reported.

Have the serious investigators and researchers looking into UFOs been unearthing better evidence of extra terrestrial life and contact with humans than established SETI ?

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Five Books That Might Just Answer The Question "Why are UFOs Here?"

  530 pages illustrated with maps, photographs and more A4 format B&W Paperback:  £20.00 Prints in 3-5 business days   http://www.lulu.c...