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Thursday, 12 September 2019

"Our investigators are all scientifically based..."

I have, for several months now, been trying to find UFO 'investigators' in the United States (particularly in Mississippi) but it seems that none are interested in re-opening and looking into old cases that have barely been looked at.

There was a peak of initial interest from two who asked "Is this for a TV show as I'm sure I could make time?"  On the response "No TV show" was involved....interest was lost.

I am sorry to say that this seems to prove that there is no real interest in scientific study or investigation amongst ufologists.  This is the very reason why persons in more established sciences (people in glass houses should not throw sticks) can simply dismiss "ufology".

The folder I am holding in the photograph is far from complete a catalogue but covers reports from the United States from 1971-1974 which is a period that saw a surge of good reports that were either "investigated by newspaper clipping" or at a very low level.

After over four decades every time I hear a MUFON promoter or ufologist utter the words "Our investigators are all scientifically based and we gave data and investigate to the degree of police crime investigations" I now yell out "Bovine excrement!"  It is an utter and outright lie.

Face it, from 1947 onward all ufology has achieved is to isolate itself from science and authorities and to turn the investigation into a money maker for certain frauds.

"Flying saucer enthusiasts" NOT "Ufology" (and pretending it is a science)

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