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Thursday, 5 September 2019

With so many enemies I guess I've made it in the world!

I find it rather interesting being the target of attempts to discredit me.  Cryptozoologists have faked at least six "big cat" reports -all forwarded to me anonymously- and all based in Devon.  I say no more.

Then we have the ghost hunters and "paranormalists" who cite my debunking of poltergeists -as any reader of my books or this blog will know I have seen poltergeist type activity with my own eyes and only when there are known hoaxers at work would I debunk.  I think those involved with the paranormal are missing the biggest explanation for 90% of 'ghost' sightings.

Then we have the Ufologists -both sat in their arm chairs collecting news-clippings and drawing conclusions based on some of the worst reporting around and those who have no idea what investigation and research means.  Aurora UFO crash -VERY WELL KNOWN HOAX but money spinner. Roswell -a fake story that was only picked up on in the late 1970s since which time at least 32,000 "sworn to silence" witnesses have come forward (I was being sarcastic with that 32,000 figure by the way). I could go on but the point I have made many, many times is that these pei=ople are ignoring genuine reports and accepting based on dubious eviodence the whole "greys abduction agenda".

I have, apparently, and that shows they have not read this blog nor any of my books, never come up with a single piece of credible evidence to discredit the abduction research of Hopkins or Jacobs. I have actually given plenty. Search the blog. But for Hopkins:

These four videos completely shred Hopkins' work while Jacobs' own words and behaviour shreds his. This is not an "earn a quick buck" game but a subject that should be treated as serious and of great importance -hence my disbelief and disgust that Ufologists and MUFON in particular will not re-open investigations into at least two major UFO Entity events with multiple witnesses.

They have the finances to carry out this work whereas I do not but still try my utmost.

So when I am told that bands of fakers and frauds such as cryptozoologists, ufologists and "paranormalists" are trying to feed me hoax reports and attack my credibility I have to respond with "so what?"  And believe me, I have had the debunkers -the real ones- try to discredit me.

With so many enemies I guess I've made it in the world!

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