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Friday, 13 December 2024

If You Are Going To Write or Video Blog On The Subject -DO Some Research First


There are certain blog posts, but mainly You Tube videos, that are so promising but are only seemingly "in depth" to those who have no idea. 

The lack of any real research on the topic of on board experiences/ "abductions" is glaringly obvious and the grasping at straws to explain away a case.  Mentioning that Dr Leo Sprinkle may have "introduced two little men" and so influenced a percipient to include this in their testimony to introduce that angle in an hypnotic session is slanderous.

I have often been accused of being a debunker when I am a sceptic and follow the evidence. I found out a decade before it was touted around on the outskirts of Ufology, that Budd Hopkins was guilty of evidence tampering and corrupting testimony. Ditto David Jacobs and even, and it took some digging, John Mack.  Men I had championed and in Hopkins' case even contributed to his work financially.

Anyone who has read the first of the CE3K/AE books, UFO Contact? Looking At The Evidence For Alien Visitation, will know that I looked deeply into not just alleged on board experiences but also those involved in the investigation of them.  It did not paint a pretty picture.

I concentrated on Dr. Leo R Sprinkle at one point since, if I could prove he was proceeding somehow in a way that altered or added to testimony then I could start to dismiss cases he had worked on. But it turned out that he was the only prominent person in these cases who could not be faulted.  He was a professional psychologist rather than a Ufologist and throughout his career his primary concern (criticised by some in Ufology who wanted the "big breakthroughs") were the percipients. I have read some of his archived interviews and at no point does he add or suggest things. The transcripts in his official archives -typed from recordings my someone other than Sprinkle- are, honestly, very dry and could be considered boring (if not for the subject).  If you want to find fault in a case then Sprinkle is not it.

Then there are aspects of on board cases (or "abductions") that are used to indicate "something off" and if you know the subject, and I am in my 50th year of studying it, it is like a giant flashing neon exclamation mark.  It shows that the person mentioning or writing about these aspects has not carried out any real research but are picking and choosing from online work or works of less than credible standards. This I have gone into before so I will not bore on it again.

One aspect in these cases, whether it involves a family group or group of friends (and it is interesting that the multiple percipient cases are always dodge around) we hear of someone spotting an odd light or "light on a very low aircraft" and then there is a physical "bump" of the car (as though going over speed bumps) or the electrics cut out -often both.  One person will recall looking around to the passengers and finding one missing but then (with distorted time) double checking, find that person/child is now present.  It is an aspect that even many Ufologists are unaware of because they even ignore the whole "Grey syndrome" and would sooner chase around for months after a light in the sky.

We then have quotes or interviews with "veteran researchers" who are in the main either borderline debunkers when it comes to CE3K/AE cases or state: "I've been in Ufology 30 years and I still don't understand what these little men reports are about".  Honestly, if you have not looked at any CE3Ks in 30 years you are NOT a researcher/investigator and if you say "I still don't understand what these little men reports are about" you are a triple dumb ass because not all reports are of "The little guys" and if you are really, truly convinced that UFOs are constructed craft of some type who or what do you think operate/control them -Benny the Bookworm?

If you are going to stick your nose and blow hot air or write crap at least act like you have a brain and RESEARCH the subject and not by reading trash books by known grifters and fakers.

My first book was intended to totally debunk (with evidence) these cases and I dug into the Ufologist and debunkers claims and counter claims and the results were a shock to me. No, we do not have 100% evidence of any sort of visitation and as Michio Kaku has stated before: anyone on board any such object should try to steal something that we can at least analyze.   What we have are strong anecdotal evidence: multiple percipients, physiological and psychological effects, physiological evidence as well as, in some cases, confirmation in some way (observation usually) by one or more independent observers.

I chose some of the best for the book series and all are fully referenced. They are there to be peer reviewed or followed up on by credible researchers not the chuckling "oh isn't it all so silly" self claimed "veteran researchers".

Friday, 6 December 2024

Terence McKenna interviews John E. Mack on the alien abduction phenomeno...

UAP, Drones and Our Nearest Solar Systems

We are learning more and more that the universe is older than we thought before.  We are learning more about hominid species that walked the Earth well before we ever thought.  

So if we have been misjudging things based on lack of knowledge up to this point then it makes logical sense that if intelligent life exists beyond our solar system then it might be much older than we imagined and if no human mindset there is no reason why it would have destroyed itself. 

Again, that is the negative human mind thinking itself the epitomy of intelligent life.  Therefore as we are a destructive species that enjoys killing itself and the planet it is on any other life form will do the same. Professor Brian Cox is an exponent of the "They all killed themselves" blather which is a good indicator of FAR Syndrome (Fear of Alien Reality).

Decades and many, many millions have been spent looking out into deep space for a signal so old and far away that it will get someone a Nobel Prize but they need not worry that living alien life exists any more.

The "efforts" to look at nearby star systems has been somewhat lacking. If our Sol system is in the right place in the Milky Way (that isn't a thing but some astronomers do mention that)  then how about our neighbours?

Forget all the grifters and "drone UAP" stories and think about this in a logical way.  When UFO activity first started getting seriously noticed in the late 1940s and there was (there really was) discussion amongst some astronomers and scientists who followed the loose principles of Science and gathered information and analysed reports the main possible sources of origin were Mars and Venus. Our knowledge of the Universe is just toe-dipping at the moment but in the 1940s/1950s Mars and Venus were all we really knew to an extent.

Some astronomers did point telescopes in the directions of our planetary neighbours but then things changed.

The fanatics worshipping "space brothers" appeared and turned the whole subject of flying saucers into one of (as we know from all the available historical documents) right wing, racist belief -come on: tall, blue eyed, blond haired super human entities were the Aryan dream.

Suddenly anyone trying to take the subject seriously had the contactee and space brothers thrown back at them and wanting to keep their jobs and salaries....they withdrew. We know that the intelligence community kept and keep an eye on UFO reports and if they did not they would not be worthy. As one military man once told me: "Remember Pearl Harbor. We don't want any 'Pearl Harbors' from space!"

Also, UFO reports were good to hide secret aircraft development or even get "the enemy" to believe that you had something far in advance of anything in their arsenal (and the United States and Soviet Union took in a lot of Nazi scientists working on German research programs so....).  Confuse the enemy. Warn witnesses that they need to keep quiet and quite a few did only revealing decades later that they believed what they saw was advanced US aircraft and it was their patriotic duty to keep quiet.

I know that certain agencies kept (and keep) an eye on UFO sightings as I used to exchange reports with a member of one agency up until the mid 1990s.  UFOs are useful to the military and intelligence community in so many ways.  If you know UFO history you will be able to pluck from a list of examples (or you could buy the Haunted Skies UFO Encyclopaedia and get educated).

It makes logical sense that, with the Universe the size it is, that the first place to look for "Them" is close by. In the 1960s on as TV programme that looked at flying saucer reports Carl Sagan stated that "intergalactic travel" would take too long and therefore regular UFO reports showed that we were not dealing with alien visitation. Oddly, Sagan stated that there was no reason Earth might not have been visited in ancient times -which leaves you scratching your head a tad.  But then we know from people who were close to him that there were UFO cases that puzzled him but he was not allowed to talk about due to the work he undertook with certain agencies. The late Stanton Friedman stated in an interview that Sagan could not explain some cases but persisted as a skeptic in public. That is a whole other story.

The point is that Sagan, who was a very bright person and not an academic dullard always referred to the vastness of intergalactic travel.  Publicly, that was that but no one asked why intergalactic when our own galaxy has millions of stars?   Smoke and mirrors.

If Starlink satellites can be sent up in droves then why has no one sent up a large number of similar satellites but designed to spread out into the solar system with the task of simply looking for any intelligent signal or, as some have suggested, alien probes hidden in the asteroid belt?

Why have all efforts not been concentrated on our nearest neighbouring systems which makes far more sense unless, of course. you have FAR Syndrome?  Odd lights are more likely natural phenomenon (UNP) and other sightings, single witness cases, we have to have careful with.  But good, clear day time sightings and particularly multi-participant encounter cases are something we need to look at in more depth.

The Hill case is over 60 years old and even then not the first such encounter (just the first big publicised US case). Travis Walton-that is over 40 years ago. Why keep concentrating on those cases and the fake "Grey" phenomenon when there are cases out there with far more to offer?   Thomas Mantell was not shot down by a UFO -he died as a result of making mistakes. Why do the grifters and Ufologists keep bring up these cases?

In my books I have looked at lesser known cases but good solid ones (nothing is 100% as for that we need a stolen alien artefact from a craft) which I looked at and tried to explain but when you have multiple percipients and physical evidence its pretty hard to explain.

Should we be probing our own system for (possible) alien probes?  Yes.

Should we be concentrating our search for alien intelligence in neighbouring solar systems?  Yes.

The question is why aren't we?

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Earth The Lost Contacts -The Truth Behind UFOs?


Binding Type
Paperback Perfect Bound
Interior Color
A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm)

There have been many claims of UFO landings and encounters with alien entities since 1947 and while some such as that of Betty and Barney Hill and Travis Walton may be well known they were not the first and certainly not the best incidents. Encounter claims are a world wide phenomenon and not confined to the United States. After 50 years of the CE3K/Alien Entity Study, For this fifth book looking at CE3K/AE reports Terry Hooper has chosen some of the best and least known reports as well as some that might be known but adding much detail; Aveley, Ewloe, Kingfield and others deserve to be better known as does the case of Elsie Oakensen, Bronte Lloyd, Chapters include:

The Buckfastleigh Mystery

The Jose C. Higgins Close Encounter 1947

The 1973 Onilson Patero UFO encounter/Abduction Case

Villa Santina 1947

Pontejos Santander Spain -6th January, 1969

The Näslund and Nilsson Encounters

Mrs. Church and the Green ‘Japanese’

Never Trust Child Witnesses?

Starry, Starry Night -The Silbury Hill Encounter

The 1977 Lindley, New York UFO Incidents

The Boy Who Encountered Creatures At Vilhelmina

Just The Daily Drive Home From Work

The “Is That It Then?” Reports

The Bronte Lloyd Lost Encounter

The Puchetta Encounter

Ronald Wildman: A Man “Muddled Up About Time”

The Kingfield Enigma

The Lorry Driver

What Was At The Window?

The Multi-Witness Abduction That Did Not Happen -But It Did

The Shamrock Cafe Abduction -The Best UK Case?
Lynda Jones: The Abduction Ufology Knew About -Sort Of

What Happened At Black Brook Farm?
The “Mince Pies” Martians

There Was Missing Time and more

If you want to read factual, researched accounts rather than fiction then this book will educate you on these contacts -many ignored by Ufology, mishandled or plain ignored.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

The Manhattan Alien Abduction | Official Trailer | Netflix

This case was PROVEN  a hoax -it was the case that killed Budd Hopkins credibility -he KNEW it was fake and he did the facts and it is even documented on this blog.

This just shows how far down the scammer hole Ufology has gone.

The Alien Encounter That SHOCKED The World

I almost choked laughing. Jacques Vallee, the messenger of deception was fed up with "sloppy reporting and loose thinking". Wonder...