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Thursday 30 May 2024

Alien Civilisations and the Non Importance of Earth


I know of a Spanish Ufologist who was once 100% behind UFO reality and the possibility that the origins were extraterrestrial.  He now declares that all UFO encounters and sightings are 100% psychological or misidentifications. And he has no shame about declaring all of this online in a "private group" with all the other egotists and debunkers -and they will actually call themselves debunkers.

So what happened that made that particular ex Ufologist (seriously if you are "debunking" -a dirty word in most respectable fields- then stop calling yourself a Ufologist and pulling in all the attention you get claiming to be)?  Well, no mass landing or open landing and contact with Earth leaders. How prosaic of a mind must you have to spend 15 years or so investigating and then 20 years "debunking" everything (even by bending the facts) top start stamping your foot and having tantrums because there has been no such events?  Even more prosaic is the 'Ufologist' who proudly boasted to me that he does not carry out investigations any other way than by reading press reports and articles -"Why should I leave my comfortable armchair?"

I think that these people, and others like them, are just full of the human egotism. Ignorance also covers it. It is the egotism of self importance; we are human so what if we kill off thousands of species for 'fun' and are going about destroying our own planet between slaughtering millions in wars and crimes; it is OUR planet and it is OUR right to do whatever we want as the prime species. Which all means that any advanced civilisations in our galaxy are going to come flocking to good old Earth, right? 


Based on the calculations and our growing (but still miniscule) knowledge of planets and life as we know it added to the age of the universe now estimated -/+200) at 13.7 billion years it can be assumed (until we find them) that life is far from uncommon. In fact it could well be common but what form,s this life takes could also be varied from simple microbes to technologically advanced civilisations. What form might the advanced ones take -the ones that could build craft for inter-stellar travel? 

For decades I followed the principle that any alien life would be unfamiliar to us -the bug-eyed monsters and other forms that really would be "alien" to us. This was what all the experts in astronomy told us and so I looked at all of the alleged UFO landing reports and descriptions of entities. I focussed in on some of the non humanoid cases and, sadly, one-by-one they turned out to be hoaxes by Ufologists, reporters and others.  I carried on searching and found that even with physiological and ground traces as well as secondary witnesses good cases were being dismissed. Why? Because the person 'investigating' felt the description of the entities let alone some common farm worker having an encounter were "ridiculous".  

Even into the 1980sUfologists were destroying reports for similar reasons. One report piqued my interest as it matched similar reports that had not been known even in Ufological circles. So I asked the investigator for more details. There were excuses  but, in a nutshell, the original letter from witnesses had been chucked out. Another investigator openly wrote that, despite other UFO sightings in the area over a short period, an entity encounter involving several youngsters was thrown away because they were youngsters.

Oh, then astronomers and those involved in exobiology started stating that the humanoid form, with variations, would probably be the perfect form for advanced life in the universe. It was one of those "bang your head on the table" situations for me. Apply what Science says but then Science decides it is going to change its mind.

Take some headache pills and carry on now re-adjusting everything but still maintaining the old search type "in case"!

The truth is that we could very well have recognisably humanoid life forms with variations and even non humanoid life forms. Officially "we" have never encountered extraterrestrials but that is because for corrupt political reasons as well as the need for the top folk to continue the dogma that "God" created human life therefore we are it (along with some military fear that all they could do about "flying saucer" or UFO reports was sit on their hands) no one officially investigated CE3K/Entity reports. Quite honestly one of the biggest hurdles to this was Ufology itself where only tall, blond-haired space brothers were accepted (despite the obvious racist and religious overtones and money making).

People today still believe everything George Adamski said. And other contactees are also believed because even when their claims fell to pieces authors like John Keel were there to explain that this was all alien or ultra terrestrial deception. Our 'Ufologist' turned debunker has looked into some reports of CE3K that he declared were unexplainable due to all the extra trace evidence. He will probably now declare that he was taken in or influenced in some way into writing what he did..

Had Ufologists not totally ignored reports or simply wrote long articles based on incorrect press reports we might have had a great deal of worthwhile data by now. I still find it almost humorous that French and Italian Ufologists took 20-35 years to actually bother tracking down percipients/witnesses and declared with outrage how reporters had gotten facts wrong. It reminds me of a 1970s incident in which police were observing an alleged landing and I was driven to the spot early in the morning and I asked who had checked  things out to which I got the response from an inspector: "car theft and burglary we'll deal with -UFOs and aliens are your job". He was right. The number of times Ufologists have reported how they ran when they observed a "UFO"   is not a small number. Rather like "Ghost Hunters"Q who run when they think they have heard or seen a ghost!

I know that in the last 30 plus years the conmen have moved into Ufology. I once supported Budd Hopkins until certain things he stated as provable fact turned out to be neither provable or factual and it was obvious that there was either self deception or corruption at work. It was a very black day when I realised that deception was at work. Ufology did not care as it drew in more money for groups from TV and people wanting to see the men who had gotten to the 'truth' behind UFOs and the "Grey agenda". David Jacobs was another I publicly supported  and he even thanked me at one point for an article I had written in defence of his research. It turned out that neither Hopkins, Jacobs or any of the others involved in this business were having their findings peer reviewed and if there was no "Grey" involved the report was psychological or a hoax and because of that, from the 1980s until Hopkins and Jacobs were exposed (more than 30 years) so much was lost and even in 2024 MUFON and others are pushing the "Grey Agenda" and even re-booting old CE3K reports so that now they do involve Greys!

Had it not all been turned into conspiracies and money spinning then we might have some idea of what cases were genuine; even after I found that certain descriptions of entities separated by decodes and continents matched the response from Ufologists was dismissive and probably because there was no money in it and it would mean questioning the dogma and fakery that did make money. Also, if you were a "black" person then...good luck because you were not going to be listened to just dismissed.

Now our foot stamping ex-Ufologist and his pals (most of whom never accepted any UFO report anyway but calling themselves Ufologists gets them attention) as well as the conmen declaring UFO disclosure is coming in 2024...0r 2025 (it's been promised since 1999) and throwing out one fake photo after another fall into two categories: Type 1 the self centred egotist and Type 2 the couldn't care lees and are in it to make money.  There are those who seriously debate why aliens have not made a mass landing at Earth's capitol cities and they are at least trying to understand what is going on even if they are fooling themselves.

Earth -the epicentre of the universe. Well, not really.  Why would any advanced alien civilisation want to come to Earth to pen contact?  Are there not enough morally corrupt, hostile destroyers of their home worlds out there? First thing that would happen is that each government leader would offer a highly dubious version of their self importance and why they are "the go-to guy" and there will also be the "don't trust that other fella; they arrest and torture their own people and start wars for profit".  History shows this is how humans have operated since ancient times.

Why would any advanced alien civilisations be tripping over themselves to get to Earth? If anything all the reports show that there are casual visits to study flora and fauna and that on some of these occasions there is interaction with humans and possibly a standard cover story if asked why they are hear because they have studied us to a degree. To warn us against destroying our planet through war or ecological disasters that we are causing. Those are the main two big concerns and any study of TV/radio broadcasts would show that.  In a lot of cases there are very clear warnings for a witness(es) to stay back and "We are not interested in you -keep back!"  

In others we see the friendly conversation and offer to let someone look around inside the landed craft. "Would you mind if we carry out some tests?" and no memory loss is involved. In other cases there is a memory block -perhaps the trauma of actually meeting real live aliens was too much for the percipients (ala Calvin Parker or Barney Hill) and so the memory is blocked for all of those involved and, perhaps, that memory block is designed to not be permanent but gradually make the person aware of what happened?  The human psyche is a complex thing and is probably something an alien visitor does not fully understand?

I am, of course, referring to seemingly genuine encounters here and not long term or temporary altered states -and these are easily noted if the investigator(s) involved know what to look for. "The aliens are like giant caterpillars and come to Earth as we have great vegetation!" Now that would have more than a few rush around looking for all the reports of UFOs/entities seen in crop fields to prove there is "substance to the claim".

I think that people have to face it (I did long ago) that there may be a galaxy teeming with life but Earth is nothing of importance; we are not special enough to attract the attention of aliens light years away. Was Earth visited by aliens in the past? Well even the late Carl Sagan suggested that was a possibility.  Let's ignore the Von Danikens of this world  though as to them an Inca depiction of a round, sun-like object in a crop field is 'evidence' of alien visitation -not unless they depict giant caterpillars near the object 😄

Craft from other planetary systems passing through and wanting to see what is on this planet might just land and take soil, rock and vegetation samples before continuing their journey. Some may well want to check on animal life here or see how physically advanced the human race is. That's it. 

The majority of CE3K reports are brief and even that annoys debunkers!  The one thing I do know is that "UFO Waves" are false events that might be triggered by increased press/media interest but the 1954 "French wave" was a mixture of seemingly a few genuine reports mixed in with everything from a homeless man on a country road ("a Martian") to a man repairing a broken down bus ("UFO repair incident) and this also applies to the "World Wide Wave of 1973".  Alleged alien abduction incidents are rare and not in their "thousands" or "millions" (as per Hopkins, Carpenter and Jacobs).  "Grabbed and dragged aboard a UFO" could be how a percipient's mind is trying to remember things but getting confused based on all of the UFO trash videos and books out there that they have  seen and read.  

I ought to make it clear that I am not declaring that n o one has ever been dragged aboard a UFO -I was never present.  What I will make clear is that after 50 years of looking at these reports and digging into them I see a slightly different picture to that fed to TV, You Tube and the public by prominent Ufologists who have all been exposed at one time or another for fakery. FACTS are the only thing that  we should look at.

Do I claim all of these encounters reported involve extraterrestrials?  No. Now that is something that annoys a lot of people but let's make things clear.  There are alleged encounter cases that debunkers (often posing as just being "sceptical") have had 25, 30, 40, 60 years to tear apart and the only way they can even try is to invent 'facts' or quite clearly misquote or take a quote out of context and the fact that people like Philip Klass had to resort to offering substantial bribes for percipients to change their stories and say "it was all made up, folks!" speaks volumes.

Fact I: In these cases there are secondary witnesses to the UFO or even car chase by a UFO; there are physiological, psychological effects on percipients and even ground trace evidence. So from that we can say "something happened" because radiation exposure on a quiet country walk or drive is not likely. We can therefore state that something affected the percipients and environment in a way that defies any rational explanation.

Fact II: We have the accounts wherein the entities are quite obviously "not from around here" and that defies any rational explanation which means we now have two facts that are a puzzle.

Fact III: The percipients describe an obviously constructed object -a craft- the performance of which when it comes to speed, manoeuvres perform and witnessed by said percipients and possibly third parties defies explanation. What is described within these craft are similar in some ways but in others unfamiliar to things we know of. 

Putting it into perspective; if the United States or Soviet Union had these craft in the 1940s, 1950s or even 1960s then by now everyone would know about them as we eventually know about the last big "stealth aircraft" that either side produced. 60-70 years later we should all be able to board these "old" aircraft for a 10 minutes long Mexico City to Washington flight. We should have space stations and we should have Moon bases and much more. "How did we get this tech then?" someone shouts out of pure ignorance in the same way the frauds of ancient astronaut theories declare that "human beings were incapable of constructing the pyramids" (often quoting decades old information long since dismissed).

One senior military man once put it this way; had the United States had flying saucer technology at the end of World War 2 then there would have been no objection to General Patton's declaration that we should move on from Germany and eliminate the Soviet threat. The Korean War along with that in Viet Nam would have been over in a day.  Most people are still ignorant of the fact that there were jet fighters developed for use during World War Two. 

Take this from Wikipedia:

"...steam-driven devices such as the aeolipile were known in the first century AD, and there were a few other uses recorded in the 16th century. In 1606 Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont patented his invention of the first steam-powered water pump for draining mines. Thomas Savery is considered the inventor of the first commercially used steam powered device, a steam pump that used steam pressure operating directly on the water. The first commercially successful engine that could transmit continuous power to a machine was developed in 1712 by Thomas NewcomenJames Watt made a critical improvement in 1764, by removing spent steam to a separate vessel for condensation, greatly improving the amount of work obtained per unit of fuel consumed. By the 19th century, stationary steam engines powered the factories of the Industrial Revolution. Steam engines replaced sails for ships on paddle steamers, and steam locomotives operated on the railways."

The human mind sees something and has an idea and then comes the invention. Someone sees how much money and fame that inventor got and decides they can do better -push the invention to the next level.  Unrelated someone working on another invention finds that something is missing. The idea is great and the concept is sound but...  Then that inventor realises what the first two created would make his invention work. It does. And them someone else tries to improve it and there are secondary or third uses. No back engineering alien steam powered craft.

The point is, if we get rid of the fantasies created by certain Ufologists in these accounts, then what we are seeing is technology but technology beyond anything we have.  That is why any military would love a downed or captured alien space craft.  There has never been a crashed or captured alien space craft.

Now we have Facts I, II and III that we cannot explain away in a mundane way.  There is no hoax and most of the percipients declare the encounter to have been true to their dying day -including those who were devoutly religious and for whom a hoax or lie would need to be confessed to before "meting their maker".  Pumped them with scopolamine, wire them up to lie-detectors several times, hound them to the point of a nervous breakdown and the percipients will not change their accounts -when there are 2-4 others involved you normally expect at least one to break down and confess.

We have absolute proof -evidence- that alien space craft are visiting Earth. No. What we have is anecdotal testimony.  You may believe 100% that the percipient(s) are telling the truth and you can see no other explanation but even with physiological, psychological and environmental evidence it is not proof.  It is why physicist Michio Kaku states that any person finding them selves on board any such craft should throw aside morals and "steal something".  You can have Facts I-III but it will always be disputable. However, if you have a solid object -whatever it is- it can be analysed and put through various tests and the results will show factors pointing to the object having been created by a non-Earth technology. that is a hard slap in the face to wake everyone up. 

Those with FAR (Fear of Alien Reality) will stamp their feet and let off steam but any  scientifically investigated artefact coming up "alien technology" will prove the reality. This is why Jacques Vallee and Gary Nolan in my opinion do not possess any alien metal fragments.  Testing of the basic kind would take a day and then they will have proven alien technology and and that "UFOs are real". You claim you need a million or so to carry out the testing -you are scamming.  "This metal does not naturally occur on Earth -it is alien" I have read as a conclusion many times.   No, they do not "naturally" occur on Earth because the fragments were all alloys:

"The meaning of the term 'alloy' is a substance formed from the combination of two or more metals. Alloys can also be formed from combinations of metals and other elements. The properties exhibited by alloys are often quite different from the properties of their individual components."

The Earth is not the focus of a millennia long alien study. The Earth is not the current focus of attention for many hundreds of alien civilisations because we are not that important or worthy of interest except in a way a naturalist may find certain animals or birds of interest or a geologist a rock formation -curiosity.

There is nothing to be "disclosed" because no Earth government knows any more than the best type of Ufologist and that is why military do not want to admit they get UFO reports but they can do nothing. It is why scammers succeed.  The Milky Way may well be teeming with life but only some incredibly stupid race is going to invite humans to "join the community"!

All we can do is investigate, report and study and throw aside the ego.

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