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Saturday, 11 May 2024

Pontejos Santander Spain -6th January, 1969

I have the following notes and images on this incident and they were sent to me by someone many years ago but with no source.  If anyone can give me details of sources in Spanish and English I would appreciate it as I do not usually like un-referenced reports.


At around 21:15 hrs Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of a small café owned by her family when she looked out the kitchen window and sees an intensely bright light but did not think anything of it.

Above: location of the incident

Maren continued with her work until her 25 years old daughter, Felicidad Fernandez Merino,  entered the kitchen and also looked out of the window and observing the light, asked her mother about it.  Her mother continued to ignore the light but Felicidad, thinking that it was something abnormal,  yells out to two other women, including a woman called Paquita. 

All three women then open the window and observe an incredible scene, on a field about 30 meters in distance, hovering about 3 meters from the ground they see a luminous square of four to five meters wide, intensely illuminated with a light of orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they see the silhouette of man walking about. Suddenly from the right another similar figure appears and walks towards the left side of the luminous square.

Above: Witness(?) sketch of the object and entities.

 Then from the opposite end of the square three more figures appear, thus making a total of five figures within the luminous square. By now the witnesses are totally fascinated and my source states that they shouted out to the figures. The women  were then joined by another witness; 35-year old Antonio. After watching what was going on Antonio told the women he was going to go outside the get a better look and at this moment the craft disappears from sight. 

Above: an artist's rendering of the scene

According to the observers the movements of the figures was somehow mechanical with arms straight down at their sides without any apparent joint movement. The entities were tall and very well built with normal features, chestnut-color hair and light skin. They wore dark or black, very tight-fitting coveralls with sleeves and turtlenecks. The observation lasted for about 5 minutes. Suddenly  a small shiny sphere descended from the middle of the air falling to the soil in a curvilinear trajectory and the  UFO also became visible again and clearly displaying the shiny square section and the sections of the object that had remained invisible to the witnesses thus far.   The object was an ash-silver colour, lightly fluorescent and half spherical dome shape. The object then ascended slowly and disappeared very quickly leaving behind a brilliant greenish trail that remained visible for about 15 minutes after the object left.

The case was investigated by Professor Manuel Pedrajo.

Some emphasis has been put on the object "vanishing" when Antonio said t5hat he was going to go outside.  Quite honestly there is no reason to believe that the entities "sensed" this and it seems far more likely to be just coincidental.  The sphere dropping to the ground seems to be the part that makes no sense. Are they saying that another object left the first and landed?   There seems to be very little online in English.

 In Spanish I have found Juan Carlos Victorio's Mysteries of The Air blog and  The Pontejos Incident (Cantabria) from  9th February, 2009 which seems to dismiss the sighting as being an observation of the Moon with cloud cover. Which is almost a stretch but the illustration of the entity from one source is dismissed as being a typical Adamski-like Venusian but with short hair but again this seems a stretch to explain the observation as  a hoax or "seeing what they were not seeing" and to back this up a link is provided to a BBC post on witness memory problems. The Moon and bad observations. 

It is also worth pointing out that the witness drawings of the object are said to be similar to another report and I will quote:

"The Santander group CIOVE published an article, The Observation of Pontejos (Santander), in its newsletter Tiempo y Espacio (year 1, no. 1, Nov-Dec. 1970), based on the research carried out by Manuel Pedrajo and Gonzalo Sanz Polidura. In the aforementioned work they show a drawing of the type of humanoid observed, clear influence of the Adamskian extraterrestrial (with short hair), and another of the UFO where the resemblance to the “flying saucer” of Lago Argentino (March 18, 1950 , possibly to journalistic fraud) is evident."

Above an illustration of one of the entities which might be embellished by memory

Well, "possihly" a journalistic hoax is often used to dismiss a report and I would have to ask for the evidence of a journalistic hoax?  Although I believe Adamski was a damned good conman followed by a lot of gullible people (even to this very day) the dismissal of the entity description is pushing it at best since Adamski's "space brothers" did not move mechanically.  The fact that Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos only managed to track down and speak to Felicidad is also no reason to dismiss the account.  Neither is the current position of a window in the developed building.

Did the Mysteries of the Air blog add any details to the report? No. It reproduces two pages from a book but these are not readable or saveable to try to translate. More effort is put into dismissing the report than giving details of it.  Does this mean that the blogger is calling into question Prof. Manuel Pedrajo's investigation?  Certainly Spain has had its fair share of Ufologists hoaxing other Ufologists not to mention attacking other Ufologists credibility (to be fair this happens everywhere in what is largely an undisciplined and often unethical field).

It is an interesting report worth noting but far more is needed to be able to categorise it as a Low, Medium or High Credibility report.

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