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Monday, 6 May 2024

The 1980/1983 British UFO Report -Not Secret Either

  Circa 1977 I set up a study that later became known as "Grey Book" (from the grey colour covered note books used) and the Anomalous Observational Phenomena Bureau. Most people know that the study was set up at the sugge4stion of Sir Victor Goddard and Lord Clancarty and that other members of that circle supported the study. 

By 1980 I had come up with over 1000 pages detailing all aspects of UFOs (excluding CE3K) and defined two definite phenomena. One was Uninvestigated (by science) Natural Phenomenon or UNP. The other indicated, after many checks, double and triple checking of original sources, UFOBs -Unidentified Flying Object Built -ie seemingly constructed craft that bore no resemblance to anything known at the time or since.

The final report was given various names by different people. The Ministry of Defence simply referred to it as "Grey Book" (because it did not have "UFO" in the title.  Clancarty referred to it as The Hooper Report on UFOs and so on and so forth. Both Clancarty and Goddard referred to this as "The closest thing we will ever get in Great Britain to America's Project Blue Book".

In 1980 British Ufologists were offered a summary version and amongst those Ufologists were some very well known names. Every single one rejected the offer and one in particular suggested that it was all "very James Bondish" -which made no sense. No one in Ufology therefore got to see information and data that would have helped progress study of UFOs -but it was quite clear that 95% of those involved were mainly in the field to make money.

The report was turned into a manuscript and submitted to publishers who then had the Ms read by published authors to review and make a decision on publishing. Each reviewer rejected the Ms as "Not being up to date on Ufology" and one even referred twice to the fact that his own Fortean style books had not been referred to.  Also, the fact that the science was explained so that "the man on the street can understand it" -my mistake was in thinking Ufologists wanted to prove UFDO) reality and educate the public on it. In fact one very well known Ufologist and writer of anything that made money actually contacted British publishers to "warn" them about a "fantasy prone character peddling his theories as fact" (I was the fantasy prone character" apparently.

The truth was that Ufologists did not want anything that showed they had been sat on their backsides doing no research just fabricating and twisting facts for books and TV.

Had the Report gone out back in 1980 all of the names of the peers, etc., who backed it would have been known today. As it was the 1000+ pages was edited down to 550 after concerns over officially sourced material being used.  So a 1983 Report was made and, again, conclusions offered to Ufologists and rejected.

This Report will never be published. I am a lot older now and to edit this into a manuscript for publication would be a year's work and as that manuscript would be read by the same old published authors it would be against their interests to say "Yes".  And I already have self published books that do not sell so a year of work for a book that would not sell?  It needs a real established publisher and they are not interested without going to..."those people" to have it reviewed.

So, here are some quick snaps of some of the material in the Report and the bulky Report itself.

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