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Friday, 28 July 2023

The Abduction of Jacob Jacobsson, 1759: Some Comments On The "Abduction" Theory

A few points that need to be made will be familiar to those who have read UFO Contact? 

The house is referred to by some as the "UFO" but in a form created so as not to scare the boy. The little people are, "obviously", the aliens. On the other hand there are those who believe this was all fairy-folk and there is an end to it. 

People go missing all the time and the reasons for this are varied and not always out of choice 

So, without a detailed investigation of a report from 1759 it is difficult to know what caused Jacob to disappear for four days. He had not eaten or drunk water in four days -he admitted that his experience was mostly confused and forgotten so how does anyone  (including him) know that he did not drink water or eat berries, etc.?  This part of the account can be dismissed because there is no evidence that he did not eat or drink for 4 days and besides which a healthy young man could survive a week before growing weak from lack of food.

We then have the alleged encounter. Jacob is wandering off to do what he had to do and suddenly found a road that should not be there and then saw the house which he entered and it was the supposed encounter that shocked him back to his normal self. 

Or, perhaps, an altered state of consciousness which appear to be the cause of a number of alien entity encounters (see UFO Contact?

Considering the period involved and that this was a countryside setting even ergot poisoning cannot be ruled out however, no one else appears to have been noted as suffering from this so I think that can be ruled out.

I have noted in my books how people I know well have slipped into altered states during the day while out and about and that this state can continue for some time and they will explain who or what they saw and swear blind this happened. However, on coming back to a normal state can get angry when you insist that you told them about what you had seen -these people are not mad or insane but quite normal but prone to such episodes.  Those I have known no longer had such states of consciousness after their teenage years.

So, if the Jacobsson case is real, it is possible that he lapsed into such a state and then the non existent road appeared and house and he interacted with the small people all in his mind but to him very physically real. 

There is no need to jump on the other dimensional, fairy-folk or extra terrestrials and UFOs band wagon if this is a real case.

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