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Tuesday, 16 April 2024

The Witnesses and Their Stories Will Be Gone


So far this blog has had 35,824 views. Considering it is a blog on a very specialist aspect of UFOs that does not resort to sensationalist or conspiratorial hyperbole that is a decent number. 

Having written that how much more "sensationalist" can you get than accounts of people who believe that they encountered strange entities from ...where ever? I have absolutely no doubt what-so-ever that the 'old' style CE3K incidents still take place. I do not believe that they ever stopped but the problem was that the hypno-abduction 'researchers' threw Ufology (willingly) down a totally erroneous avenue. The facts did not matter because UFO groups wanted the publication and membership monies and they hopped from one fad to another and when each was exposed -from "rods", "orbs", "Greys"-they simply moved on to the next.

People who contacted MUFON for instance were dismissed -just read all the literature including from MUFON- unless they were willing to accept that they had lost time and been abducted: even if they could account for every minute of the event.  The disgraced David Jacobs evangelically yelled in an interview to add emphasis that everyone reporting a UFO did not just see a UFO -"They were abducted!"    

If someone driving or walking along a quiet road observed a UFO landing or having landed and entities nearby then the natural thing for them to do, having seen the UFO circus, was to be quiet. Get on with life. Have people make fun of you and ruin your life/work and others want to twist what happened into something that never did...hmm. Hard choice?  

The truth is, as I have pointed out here and in my books, is that maybe 90% of all such reports have never been investigated. The Kathy Reeves/Reeves farm case -never investigated because the assigned investigator could not be bothered travelling to carry out interviews.  Of course, the Eupora, Mississippi multi witness report was never investigated despite CUFOS and Ted Bloecher repeatedly asking the local investigators to do so because...the witnesses were "black". We have seen letters from witnesses destroyed because "they are UFO nuts -this stuff is bilge!"

 Them we have the shameful situation of Ufologists in the United States, Europe and UK faking CE3K/AE encounters for reasons they will not reveal after decades or to waste another researchers time and make them a figure of fun.  

Some cases I have come across have never been investigated or publicised. I know of several where there is vague recollection of an object and entity but it's just a memory the percipient has put to the back of their minds and gotten on with life. After 20, 30 or 40 years do I have the right to unlock what might have happened and put them through hell simply to add another report to my files?  There are unethical people who call themselves 'investigators' and on receiving a report go straight out with a pet hypnotherapist to "open up lost memories" -ethics are something they have never heard of. They will also only publish the accounts in their own words "to hide the identity of the witness. Allow me to be blunt: that is bull shit. 

You allege that you have interviewed an anonymous abductee or witness and uncovered "so much" with your pet hypnotherapist but you will not give the account in their own words to keep them anonymous. That is a nonsense. I have no doubt that these "hundreds of reports uncovered" every month/year are fake. There is no review of the data or discussion of a case with someone who can double check the details and confirm that the account is genuine. In any scientific or serious research study that is material that cannot be accepted by anyone but the gullible.  I could put out 10 water tight CE3K reports and I could even add a few scrap items as part of the 'evidence'. You HAVE to accept those cases as real and accurate because I say so.

As the years go by so we lose more and more of the original witnesses in these cases and whether any from the 1950s are still alive seems doubtful. Even those from the 1960s and 1960s may now be dead. That is a massive loss of data but Ufology does not care -no money in it. 

If anyone reading this knows genuine investigators in Mississippi or other parts of the United States who can look into CE3K cold cases let me know. The same applies for Europe or anywhere else in the world -the files are crammed with reports from newspapers and magazines that were never investigated  and if we leave it any longer...the witnesses and their stories will be gone.

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