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Monday, 10 June 2024

1978 Deanne Kearns Encounter

Left: Deanne Kearns at Ord High School in 1981

Bob Gribble, founder of the National UFO Reporting Centre, wrote that: "Ten years ago  - October 1978: Deanne Kearns had a close encounter near Ord, Nebraska on the morning of the 9th. She observed a grey, metallic disc hovering 200 to 300 feet off the ground and, as she watched, a beam of light shot downward from the disc to the ground and two "things" floated down to the ground in the beam. 

They were five to six feet tall, looked around, took some samples of shrubs and soil, and then ascended back into the disc in the beam of light. The tenth grade student described the two "things" as being blackish-brown in color, their heads were blob-like, and they had tentacles on their sides. After about ten minutes or so, the disc shot straight up into the sky and was out of sight in a few seconds.

Kearns is described as a 10th Grade student so 15-16 years of age. Sadly the sources quoted present problems:

Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports;  1978 reports are as yet not online but I am contacting CUFOS to see if they have any more information.

International UFO Reporter, International UFO Reporter, CUFOS; I have gone through a lot of the online back issues but without an issue number at least it is a hard task.

Eberhart, George M., A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, Greenwood Press, Westport, 1980, ISBN:0-313-21337-2;  I cannot even find a reference to this online but if anyone has a copy and can check...please?

Hall, Richard H., The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, 2000, ISBN:0-8103-3881-8.  -this is now unobtainable (ie; I do not have £200/$200+ to buy a copy so if anyone can search the source if they have it -I believe CE3Ks start around p. 451

The NICAP Chronology, unsurprisingly, does not mention the report.

If anyone has read my books they will know that black entities are reported by rarely and were quite obscure until I stumbled on a number of cases so this one interests me a lot.

It is now 0200hrs and my eyes need rest!

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