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Sunday 13 October 2019

It's blurry...been "enhanced" but science will accept the image as being evidence...we aint talking UFOs

Well, I notice that standards are being maintained.  Not a single comment on any of the posts despite some of them attracting thousands of views -and it goes without saying that some of those people are taking items (including my original comments) and posting them as their own.

I get fed up posting free content (I have books you can buy to support the ongoing work) but I'm sat here waiting for the grim reaper so have some time to waste.

A proto black hole in our solar system could be what people have mistaken for Planet 9 (before Pluto's demotion, Planet X). You check the comments on 'news' sites like Yahoo! and you see some of the biggest pile of garbage and lobotomised hysteria it is possible to find in one place.  On this blog, intended to foster discussion or questions....nothing.

As it stands I do not think that the proto black hole theory is anything but that. Astronomy calls for lots -an incredible amount at times- theorising on things that "might be" if another theory is correct. Over 4000 exo planets have been discussed and we have all the nice "artists impressions" of these that astronomers and scientists use in lectures.  Most will say "This is Exo planet AABB.  Now we have never seen what it looks like.  This is just an artist impression."  In which case you really should not be using imaginary paintings but the actual image (IF you have one) of AABB -which as best is a tiny dot.

Astronomers and scientists used that famous "artists impression/concept" of what Oumuamua looked like.  And then they screech at the public and news services "That is NOT what it looked like!" and give us another artist impression of "what Oumuamua might look like".  Because no one ever saw it.

"Ifs"/"Buts"/"Might"/"If the theory is correct then it might explain" are every day astronomical scientific words.

this is a typical image released with the discovery of an exo planet.

Here are actual photographs/images of exo planets

The exoplanet HIP 65426b has recently been discovered using the SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument)

There is some controversy over whether the planet seen in this image exists. Read here for more.]

How do we know these are exo planets?  We have to take the word of scientists that their calculations are correct and truthful....oh and "We peer review" which in itself can lead to nasty arguments and people being outraged that their pet theories are being shoved to one side.

On the 10th April, 2019, NASA released the first image of a black hole.  Apparently a lot of reporters were underwhelmed!

In a historic feat by @EHTelescope & @NSF, a black hole image has been captured for the 1st time. Several of our missions observed the same black hole using different light wavelengths and collected data to understand the black hole's environment. Details:

Hmm. Here is the problem: grainy images of objects millions of light years away accompanied by unproven theories -we will never visit these planets- are taken as fact.  However many "observers" may be involved where is the proof?  It's an image.  Often an enhanced or "touched up"/altered image and we have to take astronomers' word of what is shown?  Yet they will argue on points and even challenge each other but it comes down to this: you HAVE to accept their word.

Think of the astronomers in the past humiliated, laughed at and who had -at best- careers ruined because they proposed that the Moon and Mars might have some type of water or ice -that it might not be simply confined to Earth. Those who had the same treatment over claims about Mars. Or how about those who observed and wrote for decades on there being a large planet beyond Pluto...look how many minor planets we have found so far.  Don't forget that 20 new moons were only recently discovered in the solar system.

Now look at it this way (let's be Devil's Advocate): a couple driving along a lonely road observe a strange light moving around the night sky.  The said object lands just ahead of them.  It ;later transpires, though they do not want to believe this themselves, that they were taken aboard what we would call a UFOB -a constructed non terrestrial craft. At the same time a local air force base detects a UFO on its radar and there are interceptors sent to check.  Miles from the couple (who are unseen due to distance) witnesses in a car see a UFO that eventually takes off.  They may or may not see or hear the interceptors.  The air force is contacted after the couple report the UFO to investigators and it is found that an "unknown" was tracked.  Checking reports made on that day the people who saw the object from a distance are found to have reported it.  Everything matches./

For astronomers and scientists that is not evidence. Only blurry, enhanced images from light years away count.


There are possibilities.

1. Scientists and astronomers will think they will be called failures because aliens are visiting Earth occasionally and they didn't know or

2. The possibility of real live aliens coming to Earth actually terrifies these people for various reasons.  If you are an ass-head like Dr Brian ("I'm a celebrity") Cox then you believe that all intelligent life in what even he graciously concedes is a vast universe, is dead.  We (humans) are it.

3  Astronomers and scientist will quote "the vast distances involved in space travel" which they then authoratively claim "Would make it impossible for aliens to visit the Earth"  Well, this is what we used to call "utter nonsense" or "talking out of your ass".

Firstly, these people have never contacted an advanced alien civilisation  let alone studied the type of space craft or technology they used.  Judging everything by human technological standards is so pointless.  Just as they may very well not use radio signals they may be centuries ahead of us in technology -had humans not killed off scientists with "outlandish theories" and warred with each other for centuries think where we might be today -technology is developing and increasing and I remember what it was like in the 1960s when you  were either well enough for a private landline telephone or had to visit the local phone box -and join the queue!  Today you can call anywhere in the work from your sofa.  Not to mention tweets and instagram or Face Book and even cook a meal in minutes instead of 30 minutes to an hour after preparation.

It takes one Elon Musk to have a team that decides "A" simply does not work and shrug and decide to try "D" instead and...a new way to travel in sp[ace is developed and from there others will jump in and add to the development.

When I was a young we were promised homes on the Moon by the 21st century.  Greed, war and corruption led to all of that stopping but what if the Apollo missions had continued?  I never even imagined that one man who lead a team that put a red sports car with astronaut dummy into space.

Distances and propulsion methods are things that we can guess at what might be developed but there is no human being on this planet who has any idea of what type of propulsion system or travel method any alien life might use.

The distance response is silly talk at best. and the other response of "We would detect them in our solar system" is shot down in flaming dust -our Near Earth Object detection system missed four large asteroid close passes....we more or less accidentally detected Oumuamua and we've found 20 new moons (they did not "just appear there") and there may be more, we have found minor planets beyond Pluto and there could be more including the giant (possibly) Planet 9.  When asked why they have not detected all of these before the answer is always the same -the size of the solar system, orbits and so on. So even a battle ship sized interstellar craft could 'sneak through'

4. There is the arrogance that, as in science fiction movies, scientists would be the first to be contacted but why any advanced civilisation should want to contact backward scientists is open to conjecture. Aliens would be detected or contact us via signals yet when there are unusual signals they are immediately described as (just check online when it comes to SETI) "Anything but aliens".  True space is very noisy.  The AOP Bureau's Franklyn A. Davin-Wilson dealt not only with Near Earth Objects but also "Signals from space".  "The music of the spheres" as an expression should have added to it "The music of the spheres, nebula, quasars and intergalactic space".  Scientists and astronomers could simply state: "Everything must be ruled out before jumping to the conclusion of alien signals" but they do not.  "It's never ever aliens" is the line you hear over and over again: it ios totally unscientific to rule something out completely because you do not want it to be.

Fear and unscientific.

This is shown in even recent responses to questions about alien life and UFOs where "Little Green Men" is used in the subject response title.  That displays a very retarded attitude since "LGM" was the favoured phrase to ridicule reports in the 1950's and 1960's -every time you see it used you know that you are not dealing with a scientist who can be trusted to undo his own zipper when he goes to the lavatory let alone discuss UFO reports. It also shows that dogma is at play: Scientist A's professor was ridiculed when he mentioned flying saucer reports and so he ridiculed anyone who mentioned UFOs. It is a closed mind and bullying combined and astronomers and scientists are such sensitive little things that they cannot think for themselves and, worst of all, they might be made into a joke or lose out on those free junkets.  Better to say nothing and just look like a moron.

I did write that I was playing Devil's Advocate and I do know that there are scientists and astronomers with an interest in UFOs -which all scientists should have but tend to shy away from speaking or discussing the topic.

Could you imagine an Elon Musk financed UFO study and investigation group rather than one by that fella hands out dozens of anti disclosure contracts and tells no one anything  (you know who I mean)? We are staring out thousands of light years into deep space and paying our own solar system not as much attention as it needs

Two interesting articles:
Life found on Mars in the 1970's

Looking for sub-surface life on mars

There is an argument that says we ought to spend far more investigating our own solar system and sending out signalling probes that move around it.  I agree.

But while astronomers and scientists accept grainy/blurry images from deep space and roll the D&D dice to decide which exo planet might or might not have life (and we'll never know either way) but refuse to seriously look at UFOB or alleged CE3K (Close Encounters of the Third Kind) cases they are not really looking for extraterrestrial life.

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