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Sunday, 8 October 2023

Answering A Couple Questions


I was asked two questions and not even on this blog.  

I was asked whether I had any more CE3K/AE books working on.  Well, I did have two but stopped working on both. They would have been original research and investigation and fully referenced and not based on fantasy or a scam as most current UFO books are.  However, more people ask me whether there are other books in the works than buy those already published.

The sales for the books already published bring in less money than buying a book costs. So there is, based on this, no interest in the subject. The fantasy scammers and Skinwalker Ranch, "disclosure" and 'alien fragments' are far more popular and make the scammers rich.

So no more books as I have four big books out there already.

The other question is why I am not posting as much to this blog as I used to. My response:

1) lack of interest. There have been two comments since 2015 (well, one was a thumbs up). I have asked readers over and over to forward any new cases they hear of but not a word.

2) the theft and use of original work by other bloggers and this has been going on for a long time. I even had to remove some of my original illustrations as people were using without permission and credit -that is called copyright theft or theft of intellectual copyright. The responses from these bloggers is usually to just ignore my email and keep using the illo. Annoyingly, these thieves start getting praise and credit for 'their' work -my work. So I am not spending hours on posts to have material stolen.

3) total and utter lack of cooperation by Ufologists. I have had a lot of cooperation from the AFU in Sweden but from the United States, Australia, Europe etc -nothing. I have actually provided material to researchers in these countries free of charge.  Just because you have a You Tube channel and claim to be trying to push "scientific research" while actively debunking does not make you credible.

Ufology is a social media/fantasy live action role playing club. Scamming and lying replaced real investigation and research decades ago. If you deal with facts and prove cases are actually solid then the "big boys" do not like that because it reveals how many lies they told and what truths they twisted.

Jacques Vallee, Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, John Mack were joined by others including George Knapp and (later) Lou Elizondo. The people who make Ufology a joke while getting rich is a long list.

I have proven with this blog and my books that people out there have no serious interest in the subject. It's all about joining the fanatical fan base of an established fraud and giving them a lot of money.

Hope that answers the questions.

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