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Sunday, 8 October 2023

some notes: Kelly Cahill & Peter Khoury talk about their UFO abduction experience in...

I have heard all of the objects to the Cahill case. Interestingly enough I found a site that believed 100% that Cahill did not exist and it was a press hoax.  "In one photo she has short hair and long in another. In one interview she looks young and another she looks much older which proves this is AI created and a hoax".  

Uh, the incident was the 1990s so Cahill would look younger in interviews or photos from the 1990s/early 2000s. And she wears her hair up and slightly tied back or hanging loose.  The arguments are very low IQ and seem to be from people out of touch with reality -how do they act if their partner/wife has her hair tied back one day and hanging loose the next? Do they point and shout out "You're AI!!!"

The UFO group in Australia who investigated this case has all the information but refuses to release it even now. This is not a "collect an abductee report" club. If the evidence is there then it is important to humanity.

I read Hair of the Alien and it was eye opening. Firstly the hair -it was 1 in 1000 rare human condition or alien so Chalker went for alien (time to roll the eyes). Khoury seemed to suffer from sleep paralysis (I've studied this and I also suffer from it) and possibly altered state? He is not an alien abductee but if he wants to be who am I to argue. Also, Chalker does not reply to email messages or Face Book messages so getting information from him is...impossible.

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