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Sunday, 4 August 2024

11th and 13th November, 1965: Mogi Guacu, Brazil

This case will be dealt with in my next book and as you will see it is a multiple witness event.

Coral Lorenzen describes several UFO sightings taking place in October 1965 and afterwards in Mogi-Guaçu, Brazil.

Around the middle of November that year, a strange object was spotted in the field adjoining the farm near Mogi-Guaçu, owned by Dario Anhaua Filho, a landowner and chemist. Several sightings were made of a landing or nearly landed object, and on the 11th, at 9 p.m., after Mr. Filho had gone into town on business with the mayor, Mrs. Filho saw a strange light.

Because of preceding sightings, the woman was afraid but nevertheless she walked to the farm gate followed by her grandson, and she saw the object sitting on the ground in a nearby field, with two small humanoid figures were standing beside it. One of them began to walk to and fro along the furrows in the field, picking up twigs, branches and leaves, which he carried in his arms. The other figure stood by the fence and seemingly watched the mare on the other side.

During this time, a truckload of shouting and singing people went by, whereupon the object moved away. As it moved one of the "dwarves" entered it quickly up a "green-colored tube," which suddenly had appeared on one side of it. When the truck had gone by, the object came back, and the same procedure of picking up plants, etc., took place again.

Another car passed, and the object switched off its light and moved away. During this second departure Mrs. Filho noticed that two similar objects were hovering in the sky.

The object then reappeared and landed again, and one of the little occupants turned on a green light which issued from an object about the size of a drinking glass, and an explosion was heard. Thereafter the object and the dwarves left.

The third occurrence was on the 13th and involved the bank manager who had been invited out to watch the curious proceedings, Filho, his wife and grandson, who all observed the strange goings-on.

The object came in after dark and landed about 400 feet from the observers and focused a bright beam of light upward. At the same time, the local sheriff and a police clerk, who had been traveling by car to Catagua, which is Senator Auro Moura Andrade's farm came close to the farm, stopped and witnessed the object hovering over the farm prior to its landing.

The bank manager was so excited at seeing the object that he dropped the camera he had brought along to take photographs, and could not find it in the dark.

The beings in this incident were described as about the size of a seven-year-old child seen from about a distance of 70 feet. One was wearing overalls, the other chocolate-colored pants and a gray collarless shirt. The third being had a squarish flat head and was wearing what appeared to be a surgeon's apron. All three, as well as the ship in which they arrived, glowed brightly and were viewed also by Father Longino Vartbinden, priest at Mogi-Guaçu, and by scores of police who had been called as soon as the object came, and observed it from a nearby farm.

The occurrences were investigated by professor Flavio Pereira, and Doctors Leo Godoi Otero and Renato Bacelar of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and turned over to APRO's representative Dr. Olavo T. Fontes of Rio de Janeiro.

 APRO Bulletin, APRO, USA, September-October 1966. p 8

 "Flying Saucers - The Startling Evidence of the Invasion From Outer Space", book by Coral Lorenzen, Signet Books publishers, pp 244-245, 1966.

 "Flying Saucer Occupants", book by Coral and Jim Lorenzen, Signet Books publishers, pp 192-193, 1967.

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