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Saturday, 3 August 2024


I was slightly disappointed when I finally got to see David Webb and Ted Bloecher's HUMCAT (Humanoid Catalogue).  I was told by BUFORA when they asked me to update the British section of HUMCAT in the late 1970s, that it was a huge catalogue of CE3K reports so, yes, I was up to helping update it.  

It turned out that the individual at BUFORA was talking out of his flap-end.  I was never thanked for all the work and that was it.  Roll on many years and the Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS) helped me finally see the Webb and Bloecher 'catalogue'. It was no such thing. It is a collection of index cards as seen below.

It is a Card Index of Reports and not a catalogue. The former is what we would call it in the UK but the Americans call it a catalogue which in technical circles means a compiled listing of reports in publication form.

If you think "Oh, now that case is interesting and you want to get a not ask CUFOS as they only have some case reports and I am sending them copies of some I have that they lost (long story but the investigator took everything in one case -I outline this in the next book).

It is a good index but as I was adding some to my own file I realised I had cases Webb and Bloecher had not listed so one day the CE3K/AE Archive will one day be THE source file and where it ends up....

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