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Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Entity Types, Patterns in Reports and Report Credibility

 I started this work in 1974.  I started accepting that all the reports were genuine and mainly because Ufologists said they were.  Then I looked into the matter and found that maybe 2% of cases involved an Ufologist talking to a witness. "Investigation" meant cutting news reports out of newspapers and magazines and judging reliability by those. 

Out of the many thousands of reports on file maybe a couple hundred are worthy of looking into and I have. Multi-witness or multi-percipient cases are more reliable due to numbers but (even with single witness) cases how do you explain that they went out to pick berries, encountered an entity and the person was found collapsed or in a state of nervous shock?  How about physiological effects looked at by doctors? Radiation out in the countryside or physical ground traces?  How do you dismiss independent reports from people who had no encounter or knowledge of one and yet they reported an object rising from the encounter area and shooting off into the sky or people who heard strange noises and missed the object but found the witness?

Forget Hopkins and Jacobs and their buddies and the Greys who then became Tall Whites or Reptilians or whatever is being claimed now.  Since 1947 what analysis has there been of reports -reassessments?   The Ted Bloecher and David Webb HUMCAT I had assumed from all that Ufologists wrote and said was an actual physical catalogue of reports rather than index cards. Great work but where was the analyses and delve into the reports?

I have thousands of reports on file and over the years I have identified consistent entity type descriptions as detailed in my books.  There are aspects of encounters that sort the seemingly genuine from the hypnogogic, hypnopompic or altered state cases (these latter cases are far more common than we might think).  I find cases that were 5-6 lines and open up files. 

It has been stated more than once that I have the most complete archive of these cases in the world. It is just a statement of fact not ego.  I hear from Ufologists and others who can be bothered investigating incidents and they ask whether I have any reports matching ones they are looking into. I help when I can.

All of this while national and local UFO organisations refuse to cooperate or take the reports seriously. My archive will be passed on eventually but will remain in the UK.

If you want incorrect details, lies or twisted fantasies stick to You Tube or the various blogs. If you want a good solid base to build on... I have books.

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