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Friday, 20 December 2024

"Flying Saucer Review created the term Humanoid"

The Humanoids was an October-November 1966 special issue published by Flying Saucer Review. It was later released in book form.

Why do I mention this? Well, I have just hear (again) on You Tube stating that up until 1966 entities in UFO reports were called "aliens", "Little Green Men" (basically only when such reports and reports of UFOs were being dismissed), "Martians",  "space people" and "bug eyed monsters" -again, the term comes from pulp sci fi and BEMs -bug-eyed-monsters and would only have been used dismissively.

The Lorenzens and APRO started using the term "Occupants" as it was neutral and avoided stating that the entities were "Operators" (another favourite term) just in case some other system controlled the craft they were flying around in. Operators and Occupants were becoming more acceptable if anyone in Ufology dained to discuss the cases.

I have now heard for the fourth time that FSR created the term which was then used by Ufology. This shows such a lack of knowledge on the subject or at worse just picking terms to make it seem like they know what they are talking about. Even after The Humanoids it was not a term widely used.

And FSR did not "create" the term. It was in use a very long time before flying saucers were erven around.

 A humanoid (coming from English human and -oid "resembling") is a non-human entity with human form or characteristics and was in use during the 19th century. By the 20th century the term came to describe fossils which were morphologically similar, but not identical, to those of the human skeleton.  This is fact.

Entity is possibly the best and most neutral term and one I have used since the mid-1970s. But I am willing to bet there are a lot of non-readers who use You Tube to educate themselves who wil;l now quote as fact "FSR created the term "Humanoid" in 1966"

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