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Saturday, 31 October 2020

Spanish CE3K/AE file

 Having updated the file for France and Belgium I found a couple other French reports so those were printed out and added to the file.  

Then came the updating of the Spanish file. I used up half a ream of copier paper, had to refill the ink cartridge twice (hence my black smudged fingers) as well as sort out printer jam but I have finally finished at 1900 hrs.

The photo hows the darker (plastic wallets with entries) older file pages. The cleaner chunk of pages are today's work.

Some very interesting reports, too.

Friday, 30 October 2020

Update -The Salamanca Incident | U.S. Intelligence Tracks CE3K Reports

I think that some of the rather pedestrian comments in this video need dealing with. If you have never dealt with the military or authorities on a regular basis then you have no idea what i going on. If you ever studied military or intelligence history then you would know how things work.

Blue Book closed and stated that there was no evidence of a threat by UFO to the defence of the United States. Both Dr J Allen Hynek and Leonard H Stringfield told my late colleague Franklyn A Davin-Wilson that Blue Book had not ended the US military interet in UFOs. We knew that. There were magazine articles and even book giving 'the' code name of thi project -all of them were incorrect because this was the Ufological rumour mill and look at "Disclosure" -every year since 1999 I've heard how "This is it! Thi is the year we get UFO disclosure!"  Nothing.

In 1958 Lt General James M ("Jumpin' Jim") Gavin had a book published: War and Peace in the Space Age. Gavin looked at -as the title states- war in the space age and did not touch on the subject of UFOs, however, as US Army Missile Chief he would have been aware and probably saw reports. I often wonder whether he actually considered the possibility of hostiles from space.

Let's just step back from all the UFOs used as cover-up stories for aircraft and mi9ssile teting or even for secret aircraft test flights that reulted in a crash. Even i9f someone in the military or intelligence services thought UFOs and flying saucers a heap of hogwash there was always "Remember Pearl Harbor" and what happened there ingrained into their thinking. What might appear to show no threat to the United States on Monday may well attack it on Wednesday.

Even adopting the "It's all a natural but unknown natural phenomena" stance the military or intel;ligence community would have to question certain cases: Socorro, New Mexico, 1964 like a few other cases, had physical traces left behind -and when M. Maurice Masse had his encounter at Valensole, France, a few months later there were physical traces and when Masse was shown a phopto of a model of the Socorro UFO he was very  excited because someone had photographed the object he saw....two objects that looked the same and left physical traces but seperated by thousands of miles.

Marius Dewilde had an encounter that left physical evidence at Quarouble, Nord, France in 1954. Official French investigators ran all the checks and tests. Unexplained. 

I could go on because there is the Linke case that took place in Germany that we know the Central Intelligence Agency noted as well as US Air Force.  Here is where the "explain-it-all-away" natural phenomenon falls flat.  As a young man I knew that lights flashing about the skies could be anything because they were just lights.  However, how could I dismiss reports of seemingly solid, constructed objects? One witness -hoax? Two witnesses -still possible hoax.  Several people observing the objects and traces left.

To me, the very first question had to be "Who is flying these things?" Most UFO groups or saucer fan I spoke to responded "We have no idea"...unless they were leaning toward the contactee stories.  Blond-haired, tall, peace-loving "Nordic" type aliens or even visitors from Saturn, Venus, Mars and Jupiter -even at that point in time (I note there are still followers of this trash in 2020) we knew that Venus and Jupiter would not have supported humanoid life forms. Our interest should not dwell on thi matter, however.

Betty and Barney Hill were mostly dismissed for various reasons including that they were "mixed race" -as far as I know, however, both were human!   You accepted the Adamski type aliens or shut up and I was never good at shutting up. Luckily, people like Norman Oliver existed in British ufology who were willing to look at these accounts sensibly.

I still had my doubts but in 1977, under the guise of "Project Fort" I gathered every UFO report I could find from newspapers, magazines, UFO journals and books and as this was by hand within the space of a week I had thousands of slips of paper with reports that needed categorising. In  three days something became very obvious. In fact so obvious that I went through the process of analysing the reports a second btime....then a third time.  The result were the same every time.

there were three clear categories:

1. Insufficient data and dubious reports -many of these.
2. Some form of unscientifically investigated natural phenomenon/na -what I termed UNP
3. Clearly seen and described and obviously solid, constructed objects. Even if I dismissed single witness accounts I could not do so with multiple witnesses -who in many cases were unconnected and spread over an area.

Obviously, for me, Category 3 was a problem. I had proven that noted Ufologists were not just faking or altering accounts to make things seen "UFOs" but they had for over thirty years carried out no analysis of reports.  This is why the results of my work seriously concerned me. Vallee, Michel and, yes, even Hynek (who had at least categorised encounter types but took it no further) had not gone through the process of taking all the reports and categorisiung them to come up with the same results as I had and yet they were in perfect positions to do so.

Category 1 could be dismissed since most of the reports were of stars, planets, aircraft lights or hoaxes.
Category 2 I found a huge data base of cases for.
Category 3 I tried and tried to find solutions for. 

My late colleague Franklyn had told me that for research you must never depend on one source: "Find a second source and see what it says. Then look for a third and a fourth and if you can always contact the person who made the report"  This is why cases in my books will often have multiple sources as references.

I looked at all the For and Against arguments in cases. Despite everything said about the Hills and their "motives" it seemed as solid a case as you could wish for based on the fact that only they were percipients.

In UFO Contact? I looked at the "Classics" as well as cases previously dismissed by Ufologists -mainly because they were not looking at or considering the psychological aspects involved. Reports were to be millked for publicity and profit -Dr R. Leo Sprinkle shines out as someone who was more interested in the people than profit.  The Lorenzens were happy to hypnotise away or pump someone with scapolamine. 

The one thing that came across in every case was the psychological stress percipients underwent and how, had it not been for Ufologists inappropriate action and breaches of confidentiality these people were just going to get on with their lives. 

Single alleged percipient could be dismissed. The who "Grey" hysteria coul;d be dismissed since those involved in 'investigation' were far from unbiased or even willing to "stack evidence" in their favour.

But this is the point: if you have these seemingly solid reports of strange craft that you know do not belong to you and certainly nothing to do with the Soviets/Russians then who do they belong to and just who/what is flying them?

Military/Intelligence are obviously going to ask those questions after looking at the reports and I have no doubt what-so-ever that there are cases they have investigated and talked to the percipients and, one hopes, they would at least give those percipients the help they need especially if neither party want the story getting out.

Even then it is likely that they would not know more than Ufologists.  I have known military people interested in UFO reports and who even discuss ones they knew of and we all asked the same question: Who? Where from? Why?  The fact is that the resources available to the military/intelligence community are far superior than anything a civilian Ufologist (or me) have.

Yes, I would love to see those reports but I won't.  However, it shows that the official bodies are doing what they should be doing: looking at all the reports to assess the situation. I would be far more shocked if I had been told these people were not gathering information and studying the reports!

It's [Redacted] produce some interesting videos but their agenda(s) and lack of real world knowledge seems to problematic at time: either you are just going to present facts with educated speculation that you can back up by citing cases or just leave the speculati9ng to the viewer.

Schoonaarde, Belgium (0008) 1t January, 1979

 One of the good things about Ufology in the 1970s-1980s was that most communication was by letter and whether it was Werner Walter in Germany, Rudy De Groote in Belgium etc we got to know of any pecial interests in the subject. Rudy, like Werner, knew that I wa interested in any and all reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien Entities.

In a covering letter with the Studiegroup Progressieve Wetenschappen's UFO Info publication for June 1979, Rudy said the Scoonaarde report ought to interest me and that omeone had volunteered to translate it from the Dutch (that in Belgium having some differences from the Dutch spoken in the Nederlands) for me. Sadly, nothing came of that and my smattering of Dutch is definitely no good to carry out translation work!

There is a brief summary in English at the rear of the publication -thi tended to be a standard with a lot of non English Ufological publication back then.

I have searched the internet but have not even found the report mentioned (it will be after this post has been copied!).   The following are the detail given:

"Schoonaarde   On January 1t 1979, between 8 and 9 o'clock (0800-0900 hrs or 2000-2100 hrs?-TH)Johan Van Boven (10) sees two large beings (Michelin type) walking in mid air. They wear a metallic, shining suit and helmet.  From the oppoite direction a flying saucer with two domes (as per Aveyron, France, 1967 -TH) approaches. Both figures climb a mall ladder on the ide of the craft, then the UFO flie off in the direction of Wetteren.

"The credibility of this case has not yet been established. A second boy, Dimitri Clinck (13), who also witnessed the sighting, gives a contradictory account. Moreover Johan Van Boven refuse to meet the researchers. All details collected have been given by his mother."

The UFO Info item covers pp. 5-16 and I believe this is looking at activity at the time since what is summarised could not posibly take up that much space.  Maybe one day someone can translate the full article.

We are not told what the contradictions in account are and a 10 year old may use different term to a 13 year old.  One might expect a made up account to be of a single domed flying saucer yet Van Boven describes a double domed object of which there are a few but even asking a Ufologist to name the cases might not yield the answers. So double domed is interesting.

Then we have that "Michelin type" decription. The events at Warneton wa 6 years before in 1974 so would a 10 year old know about the case or the outfits decribed?

Add to thi the fact that this is not the most sensationalist of reports and I am sure a 10 year old could have come up with a better story. As for his not meeting researchers well, he was a 10 year old boy and the sighting (if genuine) would have been scary enough so to meet adults he did not know would have been scary.

Johan would be in his 40s now as would Dimitri and it would be interesting to see whether they stuck by their accounts or could give more details.

CE3K/Alien Entity Reports from Belgium

 Updating the French CE3K/AE file has stopped for the moment so thaty I can tidy up the Belgian file.  Much smaller but some interesting reports. Sadly, not all well detailed (these I have marked "+") since back in the 1970s-1980 most communication were by letter and when it came to giving details for summaries such as Contact UKs UFO Register the space was restricted.  

If anyone has fuller report summaries thaty they can forward then please get in touch.

Report list:

0001   Spring 1935        Malines, Antwerp       +

0002   August 1946       Sint Niklaas, Antwerp   +

0003   9th Oct 1954      Nr Huy                          +

0004   20th Mar 1973   Tarcienne, Namur         +

0005   Dec 1973          Vilvorde, nr Brussels  

0006   7th Jan 1974      Warneton

0007   8th Jun  1974     Warneton

0008   1st Jan 1979       Schoonaarde  +

That is the total number of known (in English language sources) of reports from Belgium and it would be interesting to find out more details regarding 0001-0004 and 0008. If any Belgian Ufologist can help it would be appreciated.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

The French File Is is the German File!


Having been going through the AE/CE3K volumes I started updating the French file which is going to nee a seperate volume of its own. I even found an article I wrote around 1995 on Frnch cases -31 pages and 50 reports -all fully referenced. 

50 reports is looking rather lim now. If any French peaking Ufologist wanted work to dig into then I would say "Look at the reports from 1954" simply because the information on them is very slim and most were not investigated. If my French was up to the job then I'd be digging in.

France certainly has had some very interesting cases and some may well be classic cases of altered states.  The Aveyron incidents from 1967 are not even mentioned on the internet while others, such as the Cergy Pontoise hoax are --and still being called genuine!!

Now having said that, as I clearly showed in Contact, Germany has also had some pretty good cases though is seen as a country where only one incident has taken place (Linke).

How much could be achieved if there were several people working on this, however, this aspct of Ufology is till frowned upon unless you are a follower of Hopkins or Jacobs!

Thursday, 22 October 2020

We're All Human

 Yesterday's postings of various UFO abductee videos should have allowed you to see the difference between various claimed percipients characters.  There were the "Starborn" types and their attitudes and behaviour clearly fall into a type.  

"Debbie" -I have met a couple of people like her and to date I have found no accounts given by "Tom" or others. Debbie is always the centre "My friend" -"My daughter" and the emphasi always tends to be self-focused.

We have the Wiener brothers and I have given my assessment of the Alagash incident elsewhere

Travis Walton (and, no, I have not just left it with my conclusions from UFO Contact? as anything pro or con in the case that crop up I look into) is typical of the type that know they can do nothing to prove 100% that what happened did happen and so shrug and adopt the "It happened. Get on with your life". However, there is still a certain look in the eyes that when you see it you know that something is haunting them. In many cases these people are even afraid to smile or try to behave normally at events because it will be used against them.

Of course, it's very easy to say everyone falls into this or that type but they do not. You have to be aware of everything from body language, eye, mouth and other facial movements that reveal a person is being genuine or faking it. It does take a lot of covert people watching. Only experience is going to teach you but the videos I chose should be able to help you see what I mean.

One important thing never to forget is that interviews should be very informal and relaxed. Joke or see what you can spot in the room to start a conversation on. Even pet can get a relaxed conversation going. Remember that you are not talking to a "weirdo" claiming UFO abduction or an alien encounter but a human being who has had (possibly) a completely world view shattering experience.

And it is important that you listen and observe carefully but also do nbot raise eye-brows or give any other form of expression of incredulity. Keep the relaxed posture and just nod when required to show that you undertand what they are saying and mentally note points you want to come back to later -scribbling down notes whle someone is talking can be distracting and makes everything seem very official and formal. You have a tape recorder use that because it is small and soon vanishe as a distraction. 

Also, before you start any taping and have the person relaxed ask them if there is anything they want to add about their experience (before or after) that they do not want recorded.  In the case of the two girls at Oulton Marsh in 1978 the investigator was given information by the mothers while the girls were not present as it might be very embarassing if he were told in their presence.

It may seem that I keep on about this but these are people and not just a source of material for books or TV shows. There are certain things that you may be told that you can make notes on but should never include in general articles on the report.  I was once told by a witness, in hushed tones, that her menstral cycle had started earlier than expected after a UFO sighting that also involved three other people. There was no connection but the UFO experience was so outside her established world view (which included jokes about "nutters" seeing UFOs) that she had no idea.

I have spoken to people in the past who were told that seeing a UFO usually meant death followed. I explained that I had never read or heard of such a thing and that there were many local superstitions but these referred to "supernatural" things not UFOs in general. There is usually a sigh of relief -in two cases from Somerset in the 1970s I was asked whether what the witneses had seen was the "Devil' eye" -a local legend.  I put them at their ease. No laughing. No mocking. Just a simple response.  People still avoid walking under ladders.

And experience tells you that "People who stop and look down to their left when asked a question are lying" is not always true. 

We're all human.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

UFO abductees speak in Maine

'Alien in my backyard:' The UFO community still believes — and science i...

Alien Abductions (Documentary)

Alien Abductions (Documentary)

Allagash Abduction

Mainely Histories & Mysteries - The Allagash Abductions

Little Green Men | Kentucky Life | KET

The Alien Abduction: Pascagoula man says he had an encounter with aliens

Alien Abductees Find Solace in Support Group: 'You're Not Alone'

The Man Who Says He Was Abducted by Aliens | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Op...

People who believe they were abducted by alien spaceships | 60 Minutes A...

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Regret: Eupora, Mississippi 17th October, 1973

 THS: I was asked what my biggest regret was when it came to Ufology.  There are so many but not from my side of things. The racism, the lying, personality rivalries, faking of data to hype for books and the media. I could go on. However, THE biggest regret is that I am not based in the United States and that means that we probably lost one of the best multi-witness reports.

MUFON are not, as I have noted, a serious investigation body any more -it is a personalities ansd media money maker.  Unless there are independent investigators who can investigate personally and with no bias I think this case is lost. Even the local media were not interested (if you know any local newspapers that might be let me know -I may have missedthem).

Full details are in the book UFO Contact?

If by chance any media person (who can put out an appeal) or even UFO investigator in the Mississippi area reads this and can look into the report as a cold case please get in touch via the Face Book page messenger
Thank You

   What is  -or was-  seen during the best recorded and most significant UFO wave of sightings world-wide is, to many, just unknown. J. Bernard Delair of the old Contact UK produced a very detailed edition of The UFO Register summarizing what was known.  This was based on reports from newspaper as well as UFO periodicals (1-4).

   Let us suppose that you read that issue of The UFO Register in 1974, or later, and from all the cases cited there are a few lines detailing an alleged UFO landing and entity being seen, but an entity the description of which is unique. We were always told look for rare, seemingly genuine events where non-humanoid entities were reported. This was such a case.

For the past four decades this is the account cut up, re-edited and added to (AE -Alien Entity) :

   “Night time (no exact hour).  Two UFOs were observed near the above
   location (Eupora), by several witnesses in a car.  One object hovered in the
   sky overhead while the other landed on the highway just over 100 yards
   (103 m) from the car ; the car lights and engine now died.

   “An AE now appeared from the landed object.  This AE had to hold on to
   a handrail.  It had a wide mouth, flipper like feet and what appeared to be
   webbing between the legs.  Even more strange were the feather-like structures
   on its back which gave the impression of opening and closing when the AE

   “The AE now re-entered (?) the object which took off ; the car’s electrics
   then began to function again.”

    Between 1974-1980,  I wrote to the people who were supposed to have looked into this case.  No responses. Any and every new book or article (very rare) dealing with that period or AE / Close Encounters of the 3rd kind cases was checked. Same lines. No new details. I have scoured thousands of these reports that I have on file and checked many other sources. Nothing similar so the "craft" description and entity description.  They are totally unique.   But case details were far too vague.

   In 2015 I finally got in contact with the Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and Dr. Mark Rodeghier told me that, yes, they had the case on file and even provided me with the file.  I would like to thank Dr. Rodeghier for this.

   No investigation had ever taken place. Why? Even Ted Bloecher  states in the file that the case was deserving of investigation. The reason nothing was done?  No one could be bother -"It might turn out to be a hoax" based on the fact that the description and notes made by someone at a radio station at the time just didn't "do it" for someone.

   I checked everywhere I could, even on the internet, once I got the percipient's name. No claims of a hoax or a joke –no one had exposed the case as such at the time nor since. Nothing. Just constant cut and paste of the same lines describing the incident.   However, the whole point of investigation is to disprove or prove a case. A joke? Fair enough. At least investigators learn something more. But if seemingly genuine?  I leave that up to you.

   Ted Bloecher (for decades THE expert on this type of UFO incident) made a transcript of the interview by Jack King of the radio station  --King was the only person who talked to Patterson and he believed him.  I am going to quote the entire transcript as to cut and edit will not give the reader that feel of how genuine it all came across. We really ought to thank Jack King of WROB.

   We see that Patterson and his friends even went to the Eupora police to report the incident but were not treated seriously.

   A number of witnesses are named by Patterson and there was, at the time, the possibility that an appeal might have had the driver who did the U-turn and drove off when he saw the UFOB get in touch.  What of witnesses around the Highway?

   No investigators bothered to do their job.  CUFOS put me in touch with a veteran investigator who told me that, based on his “vast experience”, it was a hoax.  Why?  Because, based on his “vast experience”, it was a hoax.  He had, he told me, some great cases from 1973 that he had forwarded to MUFON.  The man seemed to not even be interested in seeing if Patterson did live in Eupora or still lived there or what could be found out –there are odds in favour of more than one of the witnesses name still being alive.  I have a suspicion why the report was ignored.

   On 14th  June, 1975, Ted Bloecher, then the US leading expert on CE3Ks, wrote to WROB, no doubt sensing things were going wrong.  He notes in the letter to Jack King that he had written to but not heard from the investigator and that the Patterson incident was one of possibly eight (8) CE3Ks on the night of 17th  October, 1973.  Bloecher  seriously felt this case needed investigation.

   Then, on the 7th  July, 1975, the local investigator wrote that   "I agree that the Early Patterson case should be followed up. I will make plans to visit that area sometime in the near future and talk to Patterson, plus any of the witnesses I can locate.  I will tape the conversations and forward a copy to you. If you have any specific questions I will be glad to include them."

   When Bloecher retired  from Ufology all of his files were donated to CUFOS and these show nothing further from either investigator involved. Had it not been for the radio station we would not know of the case.  Bloecher tried to get things rolling but those in place obviously had their prejudices which seems evident.

   With Eupora the blame for the mess lies firmly with the Ufologists.  That there was a lot of “UFO” activity that day is clear.

17th October

c. 14:00 hrs  Watauga, Tennessee
   A copper hued circular object hovered just above ground level while a 6 ft tall entity reached out of a doorway and tried to grab 2 children nearby. AE had claw-like hands and eyes that blinked. (8) Also note on 15th John Lane claimed that a blue coloured object landed by a road at Gulfport, Miss., and that a crab clawed entity tapped on one of his car windows. Could this be what Patterson referred to? (9)

20:00 hrs  near Powhatan, Louisiana, 10 observers watched 3   multicoloured lights at a very low altitude.

20:48 hrs unusually shaped object observed over Fisher, Waldenburg and Weiner communities of Arkansas

21:57 hrs  Jackson District, Miss.: 11 observers watch an object with 6~8 lights.

23:00 hrs  nr Athens, Georgia.  Paul Brown had to swerve his car and make an emergency stop as a cone shaped object landed on the road ahead of him. From beneath the object emerged two 4 feet tall AEs with reddish faces and white hair.  The AEs re-entered the object which took off with a whoosh ~possibly due to the fact that Brown fired several shots at it with no apparent effect.

   The story is, obviously, somewhat more detailed.  Brief details were given in the NICAP Investigator and the Flying Saucer Review  (10 & 11) and the main news source appears to have been the Christian Science Monitor (12 & 13).

   Paul Brown, a preacher and car dealer was headed home near Danielsville on U.S. 29 listening to the World Series when suddenly his radio stopped working:

   “Everything lit up, I could see the road and the fields lighted up all around me. My first impression was that it was a small airplane trying to land.”

   However, this “plane”  began to pace his car before quickly landing on the road in front of Brown.  He was forced to stop. He could see that the object was 6 feet high and 15 feet in diameter. At that point a bright light was cast upon him, the round beam blinding him.

   “I realized if I don’t stop I’m going to hit it. So I came to a screeching halt.   “I don’t know why I did it, but I opened the car door and managed, frightened as I was, to get one foot on the ground.”

   Two beings now appeared:

    “Where they came from I don’t know. I couldn’t see a flap, a drop door, or anything. When I finally got my vision clear I could see a clearance underneath, so it was not belly-landed; it had some kind of landing gear. And they came out, and they had on the most beautiful outfits I’ve ever seen-silver, blousy, come down to where your wrists are, then they had what appeared to be white gloves. Very tight around the neck, like something a priest would wear. Down to the feet, like a jumpsuit. It looked like if you pulled a gun and shot it, it would glance off, yet it moved. They could move, yet it looked like it was heavy, because of the way they walked, very slow. I estimated them to be four to five feet tall.

   “They just started walking down the road toward me, very slow. I could see a face, you know, place where eyes would be, ears. The faces were reddish. Hair was almost like cotton, no discoloration, which leads me to believe maybe it was a mask of some kind. I never got close enough to really say-closest I ever got was 150, 200 feet away, which is not too far away when you’re there by yourself.”

   Brown, carried a pistol for protection and when he produced the weapon:

     “They turn around, walk very slow back behind the shadow to the bright light. All of a sudden they disappear behind the light, and I try to see where they go, if they go in a hatch or what, but I couldn’t”

   The entities re-entered the object and the lights were extinguished then, according to Brown:

   “Took off at an angle and made a sound I would describe as like a million fans,  or like golf balls coming by my ear.  Almost stood my hair on end.”

   Brown then immediately drove to a police station and reported the incident. By  daylight deputies had found Brown’s tyre skid marks and noted that roadside grass was “fan swept.”

   According to Mark Rodeghier: “I expect that the case was never investigated properly, like so many in this intense (1973) wave”.

   17th/18th  00:00 hrs  nr. Loxley, Alabama.  Clarence Patterson (no relation to Early Patterson) claimed that he and his pickup truck were sucked up into a huge, cigar shaped UFOB  and that he was pulled from the vehicle by 6  robot-like entities that seemed to read his mind. Next thing he recalled was being back on the highway with his vehicle going at 90 mph. Incident may have lasted up to 30 minutes (14-17).

   Again, we have an alleged abduction and decades later we know no more about it. Just how ridiculous does this all appear to Science?

   17th (unspecified time)  Nr Hartwell, Georgia.  A UFOB allegedly landed and a white haired entity was seen for a short time.

   17th  (unspecified)  Elgin AFB, Florida. A UFO was recorded on radar equipment by fully trained personnel.

   17th  (unspec. Time) Alton Park, Tennessee. A UFOB was sighted and said to have landed.

   17th  (unspec. time) Crowley, near Lake Charles, Louisiana. 2 witnesses observe an oblong, luminous object.  Local power cut at the same time.

   These are just a few reports in a small geographic portion of the US that seem to show that there was some unusual activity taking place on the 17th/18th and in some cases details match regarding entities – crab-like pincers or white haired AEs.  If one looks at Contact UKs  The UFO Register then it is quite clear that in the United States alone there was a great deal of activity deemed "UFOs" –details in some cases are vague and the power-cut at Crowley could be down to any number of causes.

   But even if 95%  of the cases on record can be listed as misinterpretation, hoax or whatever, then we have a percentage that cannot be so easily dismissed.

   The UFOB and AE incidents are clear –as Bloecher noted to WROB, there were at least 8 alleged CE3Ks that night –  but how detailed were the investigations?  In the cases of Early Patterson, Paul Brown and Clarence Patterson and other witnesses in CE3K events there were no investigations.  A multi-witness report of a UFOB landing on a US Highway in which an AE was seen but ignored by Ufologists is incredible.

Note: "UFOB" refers to what appears to be a solid, constructed craft rather than "something" in general -a UFO.

CE3K is a Close Encounter of the Third Kind -the sighting of a UFOB and alleged entities associated with it.

What If You Have A Close Encounter Of The Third Kind? | Unveiled

AOP Journal No. 1


52 Pages
Price: £6.00 (excl. VAT)Prints in 3-5 business days
Technical and scientific based journal looking at what has become known as "UFOs" -including natural phenomena some not yet scientifically understood. This is NOT a sensationalist publication but will contain fully referenced articles and reports to help promote further serious study.

AOP Journal No. 2


Paperback A4 52pp Price: £5.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
Taking a serious approach to the subject of UFOs The Monster of Vizcaya -fact or fiction? The 1958 Braemar landing scrutinised Correlations in CE3K/AE reports that Ufologists have either missed or ignored "Michelin Men" entity cases The Alan Godfrey case and the preliminary UK CE3K/AE Catalogue Listing

AOP Journal No. 3







The Journal investigating and factually reporting on Anomalous Observational Phenomena -on land, in the air or at sea. NOT a "debunking" publication. Formerly the in-house journal of the AOP Bureau.

 In this issue:- The Nottinghamshire UFO Crash of 1987…or 1988 p. 1 

The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ and Berwyn Mts. ‘UFO’ Crash-Retrievals p. 21 

Close Encounter…with a Boggart . 33 

Oulton Marsh, Suffolk –An Unknown “Classic” p. 38 

Questioning Stale and stagnant Ufology p.46 

Alien Abductions And What We Do Not Know p. 47 

The Rainhill Landing…Maybe. p. 51 

The Allagash Abduction -updated appraisal p. 57 

1978 Paignton School UFO Sighting

AOP Journal No. 4






 The fourth issue in the new volume of the Journal contains: 

Warminster UFOs and Entities 

Encounter with A Boggart and an Incident From Germany 

UFO Abductees and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 

The Huyton Humanoid : Multiple Witnesses And How To Get It Wrong 

The Case of A Strange Car Ride 

A Little Known 1950 French Close Encounter 

Older UK Encounter Reports 

In A Wallasey Garden –Another Lesson to Learn 

The Strange Aliens in Jardinopolis, Brazil 

"So what would you do if you encountered a landed UFO?

Do We Need A Privately Funded SETI –UFO Investigation Group

Contact! Encounters With Extra Terrestrial Entities?


Profusely illustrated with photos and maps
Currently LOW Cover Price of £15.00!

The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) says that we may have to wait many thousands of years before any signals sent gets a response if they are detected.

The real SETI may already have established the there is alien life –and it has been visiting Earth for at least 70 years.

Once the mass of reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity encounters are sifted there remains a strong core of cases that defy logical explanation and suggest that these encounters have resulted in physiological effects and post traumatic stress.

Terry Hooper-Scharf of the CE3K/AE Project has led research into these reports for over 40 years and in this work takes a look at rare or obscure reports as well as cataloguing encounters from Germany and Portugal and focuses in on correlations in the reports and how the Dandenong (Kelly Cahill) encounter could be the best case ever reported.

Have the serious investigators and researchers looking into UFOs been unearthing better evidence of extra terrestrial life and contact with humans than established SETI ?

Unidentified - Identified: UFO Crashes & Alien Entity Encounters


Terry Hooper-Scharf
220 pages
perfect bound
Fully illustrated with photographs and illustrations
£20.00 (excl. VAT)

The follow up to the comprehensive book "UFO Contact?" The Author spent 1974 to 2018 specializing in the investigation and research of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) and alien entity cases; the former involving an Unidentified Flying Object and the latter, apparently, involving none. Previously unreported cases as well as 'lost' cases are looked at as well as the possibility that some percients suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after their encounters

A must read for those with a serious interest in UFOs Some of the contents:

 The Nottinghamshire UFO Crash of 1987…or 1988                                     
 The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ and Berwyn Mountains ‘UFO’ Crash Retrieval   
 Strange Pennsylvania Entity Encounter                                                         
 UFO Abductees and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome                               
 The UFO That Landed On A US Highway                                                     
 My Encounters With The Men In Black                                                         
 A Previously Un-noted Alien Entity Type                                               
 Early 20th Century UK Close Encounters of the Third Kind                       
 Close Encounter with a Boggart                                                                      
 Some Odd and Unusual Cases                                                                         
 Rosa Lotti and the Happy Entities                                                                  
 The Strange Case of the Woollaton Gnomes and the Mince-pie Martians 
 What Happened on the Isle of Wight and at Felixstowe?                             
 The ‘Lost’ Belgian UFO Landing Case                                                        
 Strange Aliens from Outer Space?                                                              
 Encounter with Black Aliens and Landed UFO                                 

 Preliminary UK CE3K/Alien Entity Catalogue