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Friday 25 December 2020

1900-1999 UK Reports Breakdown


Another day sorting the UK files out (yes, I know its Christmas Day but I don't do Christmas). Files are bulkier and last night...actually, it was 0120 hrs so this morning...I did a quick check of the reports.

Remember that these stats are not 100% complete and cover 1900-1999:

Explanation Number
Hoax 38
Worthy of Note 18 (highest rating)
Insufficient 96
Misidentification 1
Psychological 82

The Insufficent cases contain some interesting reports but not enough detail to draw any conclusion on. Considering that some of these were handled by UFOIN, BUFORA and even Contact UK 'investigators' this is pretty dire. It means that around 25% of the 96 reports could be mentioned but DO NOT provide even basic evidence.

Hoaxes, again, not surprising. Some of these were carried out by Ufologists including people such as Eric Morris (as I have the evidence and his "in your face" confession I can name him) and even some of those around Arthur Shuttlewood at Warminster but Shuttlewoopd was NOT a hoaxer.

Misidentification refers to the Gotherington Gargoyle case I investigated.

Psychological is an all-encompassing term here and cases include sleep paralysis and hypnagogic/hypnopompic states as well as semi religious contactee types and fantasy prone people. Just a casual glance should show any real investigator what is at play yet in many of these cases the "material" was good for books and articles so why spoil that?

From 1900-1999 only 18 Worthy of Note cases. This includes the 1994 Silbury Hill case although no physical evidence is involved but it was a multi witness case.

The problem is that UFO investigation was always a "club business" and those looking into CE3K/AE reports were either thinking from the very outset that the reportee was "a nutter" or, because no Contactee elements were present (ie tall, blue eyed, blonde haired space brothers) the report was a hoax.

When everyone jumped onto the "Its all psychical phenomenon" band wagon things got worse.

Remember that up to the 1990s there was still a BIG belief in frauds likle Adamski. There still is.

The Isle of Sheppey "Space Ape" case of 1979 I investigated and I even received confirmation from the RAF of an "unknown object" having been picked up by radar at the time -when I went to check the file, kept at a central report keeping point, the RAF letter was gone. I was told by the man overseeing the reports, Peter Tate that he had destroyed the letter "Its all Ufonutter stuff". This was the second time that he had destroyed evidence. I took all my reports back.

As far as I am aware my files are the largest in the UK dealing with CE3K/AE reports. It would be nice to get6 Ufologists to cooperate on the project but many who are interested in the subject only accvept Grey abduction cases -I was told by the Birmingham UFO Group boss that he gets 100+ new abduction cases each month.
If some of the older cases on file could be re-investigated we might learn more.
The possibiulity of that happening is probably zero.

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