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Sunday, 17 March 2024

About Books

 I posted this over at the AOP blog and it equally applies here so...


I was asked so I will respond here. 

"I heard you were working on two other books concentrating on UFO abductions and aliens when are they due out?"

Simple answer: yes, I was working on two other books and did all the research to guarantee that what went into print was accurate and not sensationalist crap like you find in most UFO books theses days.

Never. Is the response to when the books would appear. There are four heavily researched and referenced books that I have already published and those include some never or hardly ever seen before seen photographs.  I think the sales amount to one copy of each book and that despite the many thousands who have seen the posts and various publishing campaigns. Lying and grifting is the only thing makes money. Not facts.

The same applies to the "World mystery" books. I could complete at least another two of those to add to the five already published but sales of those existing are not even making me money (sales dried up about 3 years ago). Again, lying and grifting is all that sells and even including long 'lost' photographs and much more has not gotten any sales.

There have been 624128 views ( 32980 here at the AE CE3K blog) of blog posts and 35,000 views ( some 3960 for this blog) last month and with those kind of figures and world wide readership of people allegedly interested in this stuff no sales are BAD. It is why I gave up researching and posting long original articles (usually stolen by others to put on to their blog to get the credit any way) here. No feedback, no "Hey have you read this?" and no book sales.

So, no. No new books which is a pity but that's life.

My counter question would be: why are you interested when new books are coming out when you have not purchased a copy of any of the others?

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