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Friday, 22 March 2024

Some Words on a Friday Night

Last month this blog had 3960 visitors while the all time views stand at 33564.  With that kind of interest the lack of book sales on the subject covered here is very disappointing.  Even the AOP Journal that specialises in AE/CE3K encounters can count the number of sales using two fingers!  It's why I stopped with issue 5 because each issue takes a lot of time to put together.

Disappointing as I wrote but it makes it clear that new books on the subject are definitely on the back-burner/cancelled.  

Probably the other biggest disappointment is, I think I have mentioned before, the total lack of cooperation from Ufologists -the AFU in Sweden have been very helpful but I don't think they call themselves Ufologists.  Also, reader feedback or questions -even forwarding details of reports in case I have not recorded them; equally disappointing. 

In Beyond UFO Contact: Aliens From Beyond Time & Space I dealt with the Imjarvi skiers case. That covered nine pages but I really want to expand that at some point because Heinonen's later claims need looking into and they are quite complex. Incidentally, if you speak Finnish and want to help the AFU translate what they have in the archive on this case get in touch.  

Several times I have appealed to readers for suggestions of obscure AE/CE3K reports they have heard of but want to know more about. That request was never answered on any of the occasions but it would be interesting to hear suggestions -catch me to answer while I am still here!!   

If you have any questions then leave a comment BUT I will not answer anonymous people for very specific reasons and lessons learnt the hard way.

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