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Sunday, 31 March 2024

Yes, a British UFO Group Destroyed an RAF Confirmation of a UFO Picked Up On Radar


I have been asked about the above photo a few times.  One UFO group posted it around once and stated that it proved that I was in the military as I was wearing a uniform and the pullover had an arm insignia on it. Blue jeans and dark green top with a tiny dot print defect which is not a military insignia!  Also...that shirt...even in black and white is not going to pass as being in-keeping with military regs!  

This is a photo of me at RAF Manston and that is one of its radar huts in the background. This was circa 1979.  What was I doing at RAF Manston? None of your business😎 In 1979, despite what UFO groups will tell you (because they do no real research and just "cut and paste" inaccuracies others have posted) was a peak in accounts of CE3K/AE reports. 

In December motorists in Kent, where RAF Manston is, reported seeing not just a UFO but also a silver suited "chimp-like alien" walking alongside the road. The British UFO Research Association told me that report was being looked into. In fact, they never even attempted to contact or find the drivers who made the reports. Newsclipping 'investigation'.  

For my part I did check and by the time I found BUFORA had done nothing months had passed and witnesses were less likely to come forward. However, I did receive a response from RAF Manston about the UFO sighting. A Flight Lieutenant quite openly, in writing, stated that their radar had detected a UFO at the time of the sighting. I wrote up a report and sent it to BUFORA but "it seems to have gone missing at research HQ" -nothing sinister as that happened before and after.  

The group I had founded, UFO International (actually the first contacted about Rendlesham Forest and the UFO report) had a copy on file so off I went on 'holiday'.  Two weeks later I was back and the report and several CE3K reports were missing. I asked who had them and was told "They went in the fire -we don't want to be tainted by t6hat UFO-nut stuff".  Yes, actual written confirmation of a UFO seen by multiple witnesses having been picked up by RAF radar had been destroyed.  At that point I actually exploded with anger and it was later that I found out those who were running the group while I was away had also created very bad relations with other groups.

It was this that led to my decision to just concentrate on the AOP Bureau work and AE/CE3K study by myself.  Looking through the UK files there are very few complete reports -even from the self proclaimed "elite"- and when you add in that from the late 1970s on fake reports were circulated by "respected Ufologists" who even after exposure in the 1990s refused to explain why they did this. In fact in the 2000s they remain silent meaning that their books and work are all held as highly suspect.

I know I am currently averaging zero responses to requests made here but; if anyone has more information on the "space chimp" sightings please get in touch and -I am still hoping the percipients in the Buckfastleigh case read or hear about my appeal to hear from them.  Something major was happening that night in Devon.

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