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Wednesday 19 October 2022

Non English Contributors To The CE3K Field

 A few years back I was left dumbfounded (actually it did not surprise me) when someone who claimed to have "been into UFOs for 30 years" was very surprised when I told him about CE3K/AE encounters outside of the United States. "Never heard of them happening outside the USA" he replied.

I did wonder what he had been reading over those 30 years.

My books were intended to show that these reports do come in from Australia, New Zealand, Finland -basically everywhere. In some cases there are rumours of reports but the 'investigators' dismissed them and did not gather details because of the same old story: they did not accept entity cases.

Even amongst those who investigated and reported in these cases there were, as elsewhere, arguments. If you cannot dismiss the case go for the investigator -or just go for the report and the investigator.

There are "names" in Ufology today still active while stating that all sightings are misidentifications or psychological and they will brag that they are debunking and can do so comfortably from their armchair -openly stated to me in emails (which I still have). Debunking is not "being sceptical -ie; being open-minded and following the evidence. Debunking is having no interest in evidence and having a closed mind. Why remain in a field you think is fuelled by incompetents, psychologically defective people and others who cannot tell  a 5ft tall entity emerging from a landed  UFO from a lamp post?

This blog will present biographies of some of those who have investigated and researched Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity reports over the years and, 'shockingly', not all are American! 😉

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Werner Walter

Above: Werner Walter manning his UFO Hotline in 2003 (dpa / Ronald Wittek)

   Werner Walter (11th August 1957 – 7th November 2016) founded the Centrale Exploratory Network of Exceptional Phenomena of the Skies (CENAP). In his youth, Walter had a sighting of a strange light phenomenon which first made him a supporter of the theory that UFOs were craft of extraterrestrial origin.

   The longer Walter dealt with the subject matter and those involved in it as well as the witnesses, the more he saw his original belief in the Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) diminish and he gained a reputation as a sceptic and a critic of the Ufological scene through his work and his publications and was considered a sceptic. When I was last in contact with him, Walter expressed boredom with the subject and Ufology and how it had developed into almost a fantasy subject.

   For many years Walter was the main source for information on Ufology and sightings in Germany –he was quite literally a one-man operation which many, it appeared, did not like— for which I am grateful.  His methods, etc were criticised by von Ludwiger.

Hans-Werner Peiniger


  Hans-Werner Peiniger (born 1957) has, since 1972, been the Chairman of the Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des UFO-Phänomens (GEP)  and has handled more than 2,000 UFO sightings and carried out countless interviews with witnesses and taken part in numerous on-site investigations.  

He is the author of numerous specialist contributions to UFO research to the Journal for UFO Research (JUFOF) published by GEP eV. Peiniger takes a rather critical stance and believes that it is very unlikely that we are currently being visited by an alien civilization.

Illobrand von Ludwiger


Illobrand von Ludwiger (born 1937) is a German astrophysicist and author who is known for his publications on the UFO phenomenon: some of these partly under the pseudonym of Illo Brand. In 1974 he founded the Central European section of the US UFO group MUFON (Mutual UFO Network); the MUFON-CES (Central European Section) in Feldkirchen-Westerham.   

MUFON-CES is a private association of scientists investigating UFOs. In May 2014 he resigned and fin October of the same year founded the Interdisciplinary Society for the Analysis of Anomalous Phenomena e. V. "(IGAAP). He compiled and edited the Interdisciplinary UFO Research Report No. 11 for MUFON-CES (MUFON Central European Section) in 1993.

   At that time (1993) all that was known about the subject of CE3K in Germany was covered by the Oscar and Gabriella Linke sighting and that of Hogl.  Despite Report 11 it seems nothing has changed which is a great pity. In von Ludwiger’s opinion not all UFO reports can be explained away and some appear to be of extra terrestrial origin.

Karl L. Veit


  Karl L. Veit (1907 – 2001) was seen as one of the pioneers of European Ufology. Veit had been a publishing editor since 1933 and, in 1956, founded Ventla Publishing and then came the group Deutsche UFO/IFO-Studiengesellschaft (DUIST -where the "I" meant "Interplanetary" and not "Identified").  His publication, UFO-Nachrichten ("UN" or in English UFO News), was another mainstay for obtaining German and other UFO reports.

   In 1988, Veit almost went blind after an operation for a detached retina and he had to stop the publication of UFO-Nachrichten, a blow to free Ufology and it allowed “New Ufologists” to fill the gap left with their own publications and viewpoints.  

In 1994, Werner L. Forster restarted "UN" (which still exists) and Jürgen Gottsleben continued Ventla Publishing.  Veit was clearly on the side of the Contactees and a big supporter of George Adamski.

Above: Veit at the 1965 International UFO Kongress in Wiesbaden

   How big a supporter Veit was of contactees can be seen in the name of his publishing house: according to the American contactee George W. Van Tassel, the ETs called their craft "ventlas" -hence Ventla-Verlag.  The company translated into German and published many books by contactees including the works of Adamski, Fry, Nelson, Klarer, Angelucci, etc.

   Although my own opinions varied from those of Veit (I believed that Adamski was one of the biggest Veit's UFO newshoaxers in those less enlightened times) I never found him unwilling to forward any information.  A great many German Ufologists considered him part of the “loony contact fringe”.  Many early European reports found their way to the Lorenzens APRO in the United States.

Veit's newspaper UFO Nachtrichten

Above: Veit with Colman S. VonKeviczky. Former Major in the Hungarian Army. Founded UFO organisation ICUFON Intercontinental UFO Galactic Spacecraft-Research and Analytic Network)

Eyewitnesses talk about UFO encounters in Finland, 1986 / 1954

Monday 17 October 2022

Sergio Pucheta Entity Encounter Update 09 09 2023

 NB: This report is currently being looked into -THS

Sergio Pucheta shares his UFO experience: "IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYBODY"

Above: Pucheta

Treatment: The police officer is currently under psychiatric care within the framework of a "confusional episode". "I'm feeling somewhat nervous; my head aches and my hands itch," said the law enforcement agent who was interviewed Monday by a Barcelona (Spain) radio station. He asked that society "believe his story, since this had never happened to be before, and I didn't believe in any of this before."

     General Pico (Agencia) - Sergio Pucheta, the provincial police corporal involved in an alleged UFO experience, stated yesterday that "this could happen to anybody". It should be noted that the strange episode which had the officer as its protagonist, took place between the evening of March 2nd and early morning on Friday, March 3rd in the rural region of Dorila.

Pucheta, who was hospitalized at the Gobernador Centeno Hospital until noon Monday, only recently got in touch with the local press at his home on 104th and 25th streets where he lives with with his wife (pregnant) and his in-laws.

First, Pucheta showed a video made during the first days of February at a site close to the one where last Thursday's experience occurred. The images taken by the police officer show a round light apparently rotating on its axis.

It should be noted that this video was requisitioned by Minister Tierno in the early hours of Friday the 3rd while the police combed the area searching for the missing officer, who finally "appeared" at around 16:30 hours -- benumbed and in a fetal position -- on a rural road near Quemu Quemu, some 20 kilometers away from the place where his disaappearance occurred.

Moreover, the videotape was also requested by Pampan ufologist "Quique" Mario, who returned to General Pico yesterday to secure further details on Pucheta's ordeal.

Sergio Pucheta met with the media from General Pico at 09:30 hours yesterday, providing details of his experience for over an hour. "I was driving a motorcycle (a Honda 125 cc belonging to the Cattle Rustling Division) and when I reached the wilderness area we call "Las Cañas", I saw a red light similar to that of a car," he explained, adding that upon reaching the site, the light vanished. "Then I got off my motorcycle to see if could hear any noises. When I got back on the motorcycle and was about to put on my helmet, the red light appeared in front of me, against my face and very strong."

He followed by saying that the red light "stood in front of me and sort of hypnotized me," stressing that as a result of this contact he could "only move his hands, nothing else. I couldn't move the rest of my was as if (the light) was going all over my body."

Later, he added that the light rose into the air and caused him "a considerable head and eye ache", a situation the officer tried to escape from, running away on foot into the fields, without recalling ever having dismantled his service pistol or the police walkie-talkie, which was subsequently found at the site together with other belongings, such as a cell phone which lost all of its stored phone numbers, except for the last call Pucheta made to his fellow officers, calling for backup.

The corporal explained that he has worked for the police force for some 8 years and that for the last two he has served in the Cattle Rustling Division (Division Abigeato) engaging in patrols between 19:30 and 22:00 hours along the rural region of Dorila, Speluzzi and Trebolares.

Pucheta also noted that as he ran into the rural field "they were always behind me", in reference to two pursuing entities. He likewise added "I can't recall if I was walking or running" and noted having remembered all of his life in a matter of seconds "from when I was little until now that I'm older, everything good or bad that ever happened to me."

Regarding the "entities" chasing him, he maintained that they "levitated" and described one of the figures as "being smaller than me, somewhat transparent, with a large head and clear red eyes ...the eyes were very red."

He explained that "they were utilizing my mind, as if they were performing tests," which he later described as "life tests" -- "For example, I reached a cornfield, and at a distance of some 10 meters saw a large figure that appeared to be chewing thee corn cobs and was breaking something. I felt very scared and stood there staring at it. It was getting closer and closer and that's when I felt them tell me "either you go forward or backward". Then I stood thinking and walked right past the figure, and the fear sort of left me at that moment," he said.

When asked if the figure could be that of an animal, he said no, because "it was taller than me and much larger".

Meanwhile, Pucheta stated that throughout the experience he was "aware, because I was thinking about my family, in my wife and [our unborn child]...this was something real that was happening to me," adding that he felt great fear throughout the experience, except for when "I began remembering everything I'd ever been through since childhood. That was the loveliest thing that happened to me."

He later said that he currently "feels very afraid about going out at night" and that the entities told him telepathically that "the were going to seize another fellow officer who also travels alone."

With regard to the place from where the police rescued him, he said that he had been "waiting there since the morning. I was there from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, sitting and waiting" in a place where "no one ever came by".

When asked why he hadn't decided to move away from that spot, he replied: "My feet were paralyzed...I was numb," adding fearfully "they told me that if I spent the day there until the evening, they would come back for me again."

The police officer was unable to explain if the "entities" had taken him somewhere, but he explained that during parts of the distance he covered "it was as though I was in the air" and even remembered having gone past young bull calves "that didn't move", as if the animals were unaware of his presence.

Sergio Pucheta also made it clear during the press conference that his experience is just one of "many cases" recorded in the rural area.

"Previously, my partner and I have seen thousands of those red lights. We once chased one right to the blacktop highway. It was raining and then we never found any traces of it, only our pickup truck."

He added that some two weeks ago "a fellow officer was driving along the access road to Agustoni and saw a light in the middle of the road. He thought it was a car and flashed his headlights at it, but the light wouldn't budge. When he was about to overtake it, the light moved from one side to another and flew straight up."

* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)

   GENERAL PICO - The disappearance of policeman Sergio Pucheta summoned the presence of a number of researchers, among them renowned Santa Rosa researcher Quique Mario, who has been studying the UFO phenomenon in the province of La Pampa for some 30 years. "Evidently something is going on that merits the attention of the public and the authorities, in order to understand the phenomenon better," he said yesterday during a press interview.

Mario, who followed police combing operations closely in the attempt to find Pucheta, contacted sources at the Centeno Hospital, highlighting that from the onset "there was something strange going on with the officer's disappearance"

Meanwhile, he added that after the officer was found, he managed to speak with Pucheta himself, who was "in a state of very deep emotional shock"
"We visited him with Sheriff Roberto Ayala, the Chief of UR II, and asked him to relax by means of breathing exercises. He began to loosen up and then began to tell his story," Mario explained.

Likewise, the ufologist indicated that Pucheta could not explain "what happened to his gun, his cell phone and his handy" adding that "he was chased by two people with striking characteristics, shorter than he and with red eyes."

Mario remarked that Pucheta's trail "reached some 2700 meters away from the site where the episode occurred" and that the young man "has no idea how he arrived" at the location where he was rescued. Meanwhile, physicians did not find "strange marks on his body", he was expecting Pucheta's improvement in order to go deeper into his experiences.

Finally, Quique Mario stated that the vicinity of La Barrancosa "was one of the few areas of the province in which strange lights appear that I am not familiar with," remarking that "there are many places in which [people] are seeing strange lights of unknown origin."

Thus, he pointed out that "something is going on that merits the attention of the public and the authorities in an effort to understand this phenomenon. There are recent recordings and many photos taken in broad daylight over General Acha, Santa Rosa, Macachin, Riglos and Parra. Evidently something's going on."

* SOURCE: El Diario de la Pampa

* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales


***Policeman recovers and confirms having seen aliens. "I don't want to be taken for a nut," the officer told a friend. Two days ago he claimed seeing two beings with large red eyes who gave him telepathic commands***
     GENERAL PICO (Agencies) - Corporal Sergio Puchetta, visibly recovered from the odyssey he underwent for over 18 hours in which he claimed to have come in contact with aliens, ratified all of his statements yesterday and through close friends asked that "he not be taken for a nut"

Puchetta remains hospitalized in a ward of the Medical Clinic of the city's Centeno Hospital, indicating that he may possibly agree to newspaper requests for an interview on Monday.

The provincial police corporal responded negatively to this newspaper's request to speak to him and obtain his version of the experience he underwent. Through a friend, Puchetta indicated that he preferred to be released from the hospital before getting in touch with the press, although he also expressed his concerns about having to publicize his experience.

I don't want to be taken for a nut, he told his friend, who in turn informed the press that he is "assured and convinced" of Puchetta's mental health.

Other sources indicated that on Saturday, the officer was visibly more tranquil and when asked about the subject, he repeated the story given on the previous day without changing any details whatsoever.

Renowned ufologist Fabio Zerpa took an interest in the policeman's case and announced his intention to travel to [the city] early this week.

Another acknowledged researcher of the UFO subject, Oscar "Quique" Mario of La Pampa, reached the site where Puchetta vanished on Thursday morning and did not conceal his satisfaction at having secured the officer's testimony shortly after he was found.

Mario, who does not conceal his skepticism until having secured solid elements that allow him to validate the experiencer's account, highlighted the credibility of Puchetta's statements which are further qualified by the nature of his employment.

* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)

UPDATE 09 09 2023

I have now spent a long time messaging, emailing Argentinean Ufologists including Fabio Zerpa and Scott Corrales and have not received a single response. This leads me to give the case a rather low classification. 

There are sites that copy and paste the account (including from this blog and I know as I caught a typo which has now been corrected) and these range from "Don't believe it" and "how ridiculous" conclusions from internet pseudonyms who have not investigated and, it seems, that they do not need to since they are all knowing about anything and nothing. The only update I have found was this on the Out There with Ted blog:

Police officer forced to retire after alleged encounter with "red-eyed beings"

By Ted Bonnitt on May 19th, 2014

A police officer in Argentina has been given an early retirement years after his alleged disturbing encounter with "red-eyed beings" that he is reportedly unable to recover from.

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology, citing sources from Planeta UFO and Realidad OVNI, reported this week that the police officer claimed that he was pursued by the strange entities who "gave him commands" during his ordeal. The officer was so traumatized by his encounter that he never was able to return to work, and now faces mandatory retirement eight years later.  

Important details appear to be missing from the story, perhaps due to multiple iterations and translations of the original reports from Argentina (my emphasis -THS). What can be pieced together, follows:

At 9:30 PM on March 2, 2006, Police officer Luis Sergio Pucheta was on motorcycle patrol for cattle rustlers between the towns of General Pico and Quemú Quemú, in central Argentina. 

Pucheta was about 12 miles southeast of Pico near the town of Dorila, on a rough road in an area known as “El cruce de cañas” when he radioed to police headquarters that “something strange was going on," and requested support. Pucheta last reported that he was investigating the situation when radio contact with the officer was lost.

Pucheta vanished for hours. A large scale dragnet was soon underway, with high level officials including area police Commissioner Ricardo Badaux; Minster of Safety, Interior and Justice Dr. Juan Carlos Tierno, and police Inspector Roberto Ayala joining the search.

The 31 year-old Pucheta, father-to-be and well regarded by his superiors, was found hours later by a farmer about 12 miles from where he first reported trouble. He was lying on the side of a road, in the fetal position with his extremities in a rigid position, evidence of severe emotional shock. 

When his police superiors arrived on scene, Inspector Ayala attempted to speak with Pucheta, who was not responsive. Ayala eventually helped Pucheta to relax a bit with breathing exercises, but the officer insisted in concealing his face.

Pucheta told Ayala that he was followed all night by two entities with "red eyes." He described his pursuers, saying, “They looked transparent…and had red eyes…their eyes made my head hurt…they told me what they wanted me to do…they made me make a phone call…they told me they would come for me tonight.”

The officer told investigators that he initially saw something that prompted him to unholster his side arm. He evidently dropped his two way radio and cell phone in the panic of the moment and fled. Pucheta later did not recall dropping his firearm.

Pucheta said that he fled the area because the red-eyed entities were following him.

According to a report prepared by a researcher of the case, Quique Mario, Pucheta eventually stood up and began to weep, never revealing his face to the others. He would not open his eyes.

Pucheta repeated how the creatures had red eyes and that, "They would come for him at night.”

The shocked officer said that his fingers and feet were "burning." The investigating officers saw no physical evidence of damage to the victim's hands but the soles of his feet had blisters consistent with having walked a long distance.

Officer Pucheta was found by a farmer on the side of a road.

An ambulance arrived with a doctor and transported Pucheta to a hospital, who laid face down on the stretcher for the entire ride. He was held 24 hours for observation and no physical injuries were found. Pucheta never returned to work again.

As reported by sources, without any corroborating witnesses accounts or physical evidence to support his claims, the case hinges on the sole testimony of Officer Pucheta. This draws possible explanations including his filing a false report, suffering a psychotic break or possible drug related hallucinations. If Pucheta's account is genuine, the lack of evidence poses an additional emotional burden for the officer, who may have endured skepticism by others about his claims. 

Possible support for his claims comes from other sighting reports of  "red-eyed" beings in the area since the 1990s, with some witnesses comparing them to "two burning coals."

Original translation from spanish: © 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Quique Mario, Julio Gonzalez, and

On the Neoseeker forum where the original account was given the following 'expert' opinions were given:

Braden "Aliens with read eyes that levitate?  It would have been more realistic if he described as something similar to human beings."

Tballa "Sounds corny and made up to me. I really doubt this story ever happened."

Well, Braden showed his total lack of knowledge of the subject and  Tballa...showed total lack of IQ let alone analysis.

This is how it stands as of today (09 09 2023) and unless someone out there can come up with more detail or any information on post 2006 reporting this one is noted but given low credibility.

Why are these "Truth Seekers" so opposed to sharing information -would that make the case less lucrative?

Never Before Heard Hypno-Therapy Tapes from Alien Abductee | UFO Witness...

Jeanne talks about her UFO encounter and alien abduction experience

Sunday 16 October 2022

Terry Hooper-Scharf


Back when I was attending Greenway Boys Secondary Modern School in Southmead, Bristol (I left in 1973) my daily routine after school was to walk along to the Southmead Library in Greystoke Avenue, often with a friend or two, and we would read the daily newspapers (we were that rebellious 😂).

My next point of call was the tall bookshelf containing all of the paranormal books. These were supposed to be restricted to people with adult issue tickets, however, I obviously impressed the librarians enough that I was allowed to take out these books. Harry Ludlam, Harry Price and, naturally, Elliott O'Donnell were my standard reading. Certain events in my then young life led me into this area but I had totally ignored the flying saucer stuff.

One evening I had to grab some books and get home quickly and so I left the library and then realised my mistake -I had picked up a copy of The Flying Saucer Story by Brinsley Le Poer trench (later Lord Clancarty). I went back into the library but books could not be returned on the same day. I was stuck with it.

I never ever turned away reading material and so decided to read the flying saucer book and return it next day. By the time I had gotten to the end of the book that evening I was asking "Who is flying these things?" Then IU saw reference to George Adamski and got a couple of his books and within a couple of months had read every UFO book the library had. I was unconvinced by Adamski and his claims but all of these really important sounding people were supporting him so I must be wrong...right?
Above: c. 1978 RAF Manston

In 1974 I joined the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) and was soon, at a too tender an age, am investigator and by 1975 was a Regional Investigations Coordinator and by 1978 was covering much of SW England and a part of Wales as I was the only investigator BUFORA had in the region.

I then heard that the British Flying Saucer Bureau (f. 1953) was still going so I attended a meeting and met Graham Knewstub and future colleague in endeavors, Franklyn Davin-Wilson. I was still digging into entity cases and found a lot of opposition to anything that was not George Adamski related. In one talk I gave on these reports I was twice interrupted (embarrassingly) by Committee members who objected to certain reports as "We all know what our friends look like -Mr. Adamski talked and wrote about them". This was to be the attitude I met with for a very long time. 

Starting with the books I had and then issues of Flying Saucer Review and BUFORA Journal I set about recording CE3K/AE reports in what was called the Close Encounters of the Third Kind Project.  One thing I learnt from this was that you should never become immersed in one aspect of Ufology such as these reports unless you are prepared. After a week or two of writing out or typing these reports I had a dream (twice) that I was in some isolated building in the countryside observing a UFO landing and entities were moving closer. Another fella that wanted in with the work as no one else was working on the subject so he probably hoped to get a name for himself, lasted a week. I met up with him and he told me "Stuff these reports. I've had this dream where I'm in a building, isolated countryside and a UFO lands and these short, big headed creatures move from it towards where I am!" A standard CE3K experience brought on by reading dozens of CE3K reports! Mentally, he was not prepared for the concept of alien entities and so he left.

Fifty years on I am still compiling the data base in the archives. Unfortunately, some UFO researchers have been mentally unprepared for the world changing concepts involved and add 1+2 to then =5 and they are UFO abductees. 

After a talk at a 1978 Trowbridge UFO Conference I met a woman who had what appeared to be a case of Time Loss (before the term "missing time" was splashed everywhere). Her story seemed intriguing and (with a chaperone present) I was invited to check the skin on the left side of her face and body (within reason!) that was a distinct red, rather like a sunburn while the right hand side was very pale. 

Above: in a caravan supposedly relaxing after the 1977/1978 Bristol UFO flap. This was on the outskirts of Ramsgate, Kent and far from being relaxing I became embroiled in the mystery of a very large mystery bird that flew over me at night.  Similarly, after another hectic year I was on holiday in Germany and on the first day observed a magnesium bright object ascend from forestry and shopot up into the air.

Above: photograph from last year of the CE3K/AE archive which has now all been expanded and there are around 35 folders packed full of reports.

I then was contacted by a woman who had an unusual sighting while a youngster in Bristol and had seen a number of UFOs as well as one entity incident while sat in the car next to her husband. The two cases helped me to understand some things that had mystified me before and so I began to develop theories not just based on reports but also first hand observations.

This led me to also start looking at human observation, pareidolia and psychology and along the way I managed to see up close how psychosomatic symptoms appeared in people and some of these were staggering to me. One thing I keep hearing from frustrated acquaintances is "You're like a bloody psychologist -stop psychoanalysing things!"  I try.

I also studied things such as body language/facial expressions and all of this proved very useful when dealing with CE3K/AE reports.  

Above: while at a weekend event in London I took some time to meet up with a regular American contact to exchange material on UFOs.

I was in contact with UFO researchers around the world, most sadly no longer with us, and exchanged case information with them as well as sent articles for publication. The UK was not a good place with a lot of inter-group rivalry and no cooperation but they all knew I was fair and not taking sides which is why some of their publications also featured articles by me on CE3K reports.  A number of groups even consulted me when such reports cropped up in their areas as they had no experience with anything other than lights in the sky.

Around this point (1979/1980) I also found that my opinion as a naturalist was asked on several occasions and so I  did research on food sources and habitat for the Kentucky UFO Investigators League as they looked into Fouke Monster claims (a famous Bigfoot type). My knowledge as a naturalist and running the Exotic Animals Register as a consultant for UK police forces came in  handy -the "Gotherington Gargoyle" case I outlined in one of my books and was far from extra terrestrial!

No publisher being interested in my manuscripts I self published Some Things Strange and Sinister as well as Some More Things Strange and Sinister which were general mystery books with some UFO content. Then after even less success in getting books on CE3K/AE published I went ahead and published four with original research -UFO Contact? , Contact! ,Unidentified-Identified and Beyond UFO Contact.

I also edited and published the CE3K/AE orientated AOP Journal.

Now 50 years have gone by along with a lot of strangeness and very complicatcd life just because I grabbed the wrong book.

Be warned!

530 pages
illustrated with maps, photographs and more
A4 format

Since 1947 it has been claimed that UFOs/flying saucers are evidence of aliens visiting the Earth.  Since the 1950s claims of encounters with landed craft and alien beings were talked about but not taken seriously.

In the 1960s the subject of UFO abduction was a "slow-burner" until the whole "Grey" abduction phenomenon and claims made by researchers such as Budd Hopkins, Prof. John Mack and Dr David Jacobs and Whitley Streiber.

But is there evidence to back up any of the claims -and what about those encountering Alien Entities but who were not abducted?

Are these people all hoaxers, psychotic or suffering from some other mental illness as some claim?

Are those people who were exposed by Ufologists against their wishes, people who wanted to report what happened and then just get back to their everyday lives -thrust into the media glare against their will?

And if US authorities were so interested that in one case at least they broke into the home of two abductees and this was later proven -why?

Why did a hard core of these people never want publicity or to make money from what happened to them?

Above all, why did a major UFO landing incident take place on a US Inbterstate road in front of a large number of observers (all willing to talk to investigators) never get investigated? If it were not for a radio presenter interviewing and taking notes we would know nothing of the case -it would be labelled "insubstantial".

James and Coral Lorensen -the Scopolamine Kids; using a very notorious "truth drug" on alleged UFO witnesses and selling stories to newspapers.  An investigator (a veteran) showing a witness images of "aliens" encountered in other cases before any memories were retrieved.  Worst of all, the constant "pissing competition" and breaches of trust between UFO investigators.

2017 is the time to assess the past evidence and look at the faults within Ufology.

Not everyone is going to be happy -debunkers or ufologists.

Praised by Dr Mark Rodheiger of the Centre for UFO Studies and, below, John Hanson of the Haunted Skies Project and Colonel Charles Halt the officer involved in the Rendlesham incident.

220 pages
perfect bound
Fully illustrated with photographs and illustrations
£20.00 (excl. VAT)

The follow up to the comprehensive book "UFO Contact?" The Author spent 1974 to 2018 specializing in the investigation and research of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) and alien entity cases; the former involving an Unidentified Flying Object and the latter, apparently, involving none. Previously unreported cases as well as 'lost' cases are looked at as well as the possibility that some percients suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after their encounters

A must read for those with a serious interest in UFOs Some of the contents:

 The Nottinghamshire UFO Crash of 1987…or 1988                                     
 The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ and Berwyn Mountains ‘UFO’ Crash Retrieval   
 Strange Pennsylvania Entity Encounter                                                         
 UFO Abductees and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome                               
 The UFO That Landed On A US Highway                                                     
 My Encounters With The Men In Black                                                         
 A Previously Un-noted Alien Entity Type                                               
 Early 20th Century UK Close Encounters of the Third Kind                       
 Close Encounter with a Boggart                                                                      
 Some Odd and Unusual Cases                                                                         
 Rosa Lotti and the Happy Entities                                                                  
 The Strange Case of the Woollaton Gnomes and the Mince-pie Martians 
 What Happened on the Isle of Wight and at Felixstowe?                             
 The ‘Lost’ Belgian UFO Landing Case                                                        
 Strange Aliens from Outer Space?                                                              
 Encounter with Black Aliens and Landed UFO                                 
 Preliminary UK CE3K/Alien Entity Catalogue        

Profusely illustrated with photos and maps

The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) says that we may have to wait many thousands of years before any signals sent gets a response if they are detected.

The real SETI may already have established the there is alien life –and it has been visiting Earth for at least 70 years.

Once the mass of reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity encounters are sifted there remains a strong core of cases that defy logical explanation and suggest that these encounters have resulted in physiological effects and post traumatic stress.

Terry Hooper-Scharf of the CE3K/AE Project has led research into these reports for over 40 years and in this work takes a look at rare or obscure reports as well as cataloguing encounters from Germany and Portugal and focuses in on correlations in the reports and how the Dandenong (Kelly Cahill) encounter could be the best case ever reported.

Have the serious investigators and researchers looking into UFOs been unearthing better evidence of extra terrestrial life and contact with humans than established SETI ?



350 pp

Fully illustrated containing photographs and maps


Beyond UFO Contact i the fourth book in the groundbreaking series looking at reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien-Entity reports from around the world and reassessing these. In addition there is a look at the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligences (SETI) and its relevance to the UFO phenomenon. 

contents list: 

Introduction: The Path of Counter-Actuality 

1. Dionisio Llanca: Truck Driver, UFO Abductee and Human Guinea Pig 

2. Aliens -What Can We Expect? 

3. The Moreland Incident 

4. It Is All Fake: Ufology Needs To Be Reassessed 

5. Warminster UFOs and Entity Reports 

6. Have Things Changed Since 1977? 

7. The Beausoleil Cas -Even Aliens Like Theatre 

8. The Pwca 

9. Contact...with the Vegetable Alien 

10. The Casitas Dam UFO Photograph and Entity 

11. The Crystal Lake Encounter 

12. The Humanoids at South Riverand the Luczkowich Encounter 

13. Harrison Bailey 

14. Sonny DesVerger 

15. The UFO "Borderline"-The Imjarvi Skiers 

16. Some Interesting Reports to Note 

17. Dead Aliens in Photographs 

18. Ufology, Government Cover Ups and Disclosure 

19. The Reports That You Might Not Want To Look Into 

20. Conil de la Frontera -a Credible Report? 

21. Eighteenth Century Aliens? 

22. Clearview Ranch 

23. The Pat McGuire Case 

24. Piero Fortunato Franzetta 

25. The Silbury Hill Encounter 

26. The Bridge Abduction 

27. The Bagshot Heath UFO Incident 

28. Lurkers and Alien Disinterest 

29. What If YOU See Aliens Land? 

30. So What Would YOU Do If You Encountered A Landed UFO?




£9. 50

1973 –Year of the “Global UFO Wave” 
1973 –The “Year of the Humanoids” 
1973 –The year of the Pascagoula alien abduction claim 
1973 –Several witnesses observed two Unidentified Flying Objects: one temporarily landed on a US Interstate road while the other hovered close-by. An entity appeared from the landed object. A car driver approaching from the opposite direction stops, turns his/her car and races off. This is classed as a Major Incident in Ufology. 
1973 –a driver observes a landed UFO and entities and opens fire with his gun when he felt threatened. A High Strangeness account. 
Neither of these cases was investigated despite requests for local investigators to do so. Even in 2020 the idea of opening up either as a cold case was flatly Rejected by America’s ‘top UFO investigation’ group. 
Reports now probably lost to history. 
1973 –a year in which UFO reports from African-Americans were frowned upon and ignored. Nothing has changed.

A4 Format
358 pages
Heavily illustrated

After more than 40 years as an investigator and more than fifty as a naturalist,the author has opened some of the many files he has accumulated dealing with such things as..  

The Terrifying Events At The Lamb Inn, The Ghosts Of All Saints Church, Dead Aquatic Creatures of Canvey Island, captured bigfoot like creatures in India -all exclusively presented for the first time and with new added research previously unseen.  

PLUS a vastly expanded section on Spring-heeled Jack!  Photographs, maps, line drawings and up-dated to make 358 pages looking at Things truly Strange and Sinister.  

Cryptozoologist,Ghost Hunter,Ufologist or Fortean:this book has something for everyone -including the just plain inquisitive!   

ContentsForeword by Travis L. Whitehurst
de occultis non judicat ecclesia                                                                            
The Bristol Rocking Horse        
The Terrifying Events At The Lamb Inn        
The Coonian Ghost        
The Ghosts Of All Saints Church        
His Luminous Chamber        
The Late Reverend Dr. Blomberg        
And More Ghost Stories        
The Thomas B. Cumpston Case        
The Chupacabra        
The Strange Case Of The Gotherington Gargoyle        
What’s Tall,Hairy And Vanishes?        
Mystery Beasts Of Ireland        
The Creature Of The Dump        
The Strange Creature Of Repton Woods        
The Bizarre Legends,Crimes And Truth About Spring Heeled Jack        
The Black Beast Of Darmstadt        
The Nameless Thing Of Berkley Square        
The Terrifying Case Of The U.S. Naval Transport        
The Case Of The Ghost Lear Jet        
Ghost Planes,Crashes And Dead Aquatic Creatures        
The Mitchison Loch Ness Monster Video        
From The Deep Below To The Air Above –USOs        
Aerial Encounters Over Austria        
A Crashed UFO In 1790?        
Angel Hair        
Quimper-Corentin:Where “Thunder Fell”        
Strange Aliens From Space        
The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ And Other Crash Retrievals        
Transient Lunar Phenomena,Alien Structures And Moon Vegetation        
Whiddon Down-Saint-Jean-du-Guard:Impossible Correlations?        
The Venezuelan Horror
A Final Word.
Alleged piece of crashed UFO from Berwyn Mountains, Wales.

322 pages
Illustrated throughout

Follow-up to Some Things Strange & Sinister.  For those interested in Ufology, cryptozoology, hominology, unusual natural history, ghosts and mysteries in general.

The secret history of gorillas -before they were officially 'discovered' along with exclusive lost photographs.  

Wild men of Europe, the UK and US; from the bizarre to blood chilling. Hominology.

Giant snakes.  
The Giant serpent of Carthage
Girt Dog of Ennerdale.  
The Beast of Gevaudan. 
Crocodiles in the UK
Silent City of Alaska.

And much more.  Updated with extra pages and photographs.

240 pp
Profusely Illustrated with photographs and illustrations

UP DATE -From Dead Aquatic (Humanoid) Creatures, the giant squid and yet undiscovered sea creatures; submarine and ships crews encountering true leviathans. This is a fully expanded section which also refers to the so-called ‘Ningen’ sightings and video footage.

Extinct animals at sea that have been re-discovered.

The subject of Sasquatch and other mystery Hominids around the world is dealt with including a look at the “Sasquatch-killer”, Justin Smeja. Dr. Bryan Sykes and his DNA test results for TVs The Bigfoot Files as well as the controversial Erickson Project and Dr. Melba Ketchum’s even more controversial Sasquatch DNA test results.

Also included are two early French UFO entity cases that still baffle.

Ghosts, strange creatures and the Star-Child hoax. All dealt with by the naturalist and pursuer of the strange and weird


Below cover for smaller format version

Strange & Mysterious Beasts is the smaller format book while Mysterious & Strange Beasts is the standard larger A4 format.

 some of the contents:
The Monster of the Forest of Mouliere  
The Beast of Lyonnais  
The Beast of Cevennes, Gard and Vivarais     
The Beast of Sarlat   
The Beast of Gevaudan    
British Man Beasts    
Bigfoot and Werewolves in the West Midlands   
The Strange Creature in Repton Woods  
Bigfoot Returns – To Kent!      
The Curious and Frightening Case of the Hull Werewolf      
The Gnome of Girona    
The Caponi Close Encounters and Photographs      
Return of the Shark Killing Thing –a Possible Identification   
The Dingellchough Mystery Creature 
The Unidentified Corfu Sea Creature          
Strange Sea Creature Found In Persian Gulf    
The Devil of Gatagon     
The Supernatural Invasion: Slender-man and Black Eyed Kids   
The Sheep Killer of Niali     
Mystery Creature of the Bay of Flamanville  
Things Caught on Camera –Fact and Fiction   
The Bat Creatures     
The Owl-man  
The British Pig-man and Snake-man   
The Pictish Beast             
Shunka Warak'in –A Hyena Too Far?  
The Chupacabra