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Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Karl L. Veit


  Karl L. Veit (1907 – 2001) was seen as one of the pioneers of European Ufology. Veit had been a publishing editor since 1933 and, in 1956, founded Ventla Publishing and then came the group Deutsche UFO/IFO-Studiengesellschaft (DUIST -where the "I" meant "Interplanetary" and not "Identified").  His publication, UFO-Nachrichten ("UN" or in English UFO News), was another mainstay for obtaining German and other UFO reports.

   In 1988, Veit almost went blind after an operation for a detached retina and he had to stop the publication of UFO-Nachrichten, a blow to free Ufology and it allowed “New Ufologists” to fill the gap left with their own publications and viewpoints.  

In 1994, Werner L. Forster restarted "UN" (which still exists) and Jürgen Gottsleben continued Ventla Publishing.  Veit was clearly on the side of the Contactees and a big supporter of George Adamski.

Above: Veit at the 1965 International UFO Kongress in Wiesbaden

   How big a supporter Veit was of contactees can be seen in the name of his publishing house: according to the American contactee George W. Van Tassel, the ETs called their craft "ventlas" -hence Ventla-Verlag.  The company translated into German and published many books by contactees including the works of Adamski, Fry, Nelson, Klarer, Angelucci, etc.

   Although my own opinions varied from those of Veit (I believed that Adamski was one of the biggest Veit's UFO newshoaxers in those less enlightened times) I never found him unwilling to forward any information.  A great many German Ufologists considered him part of the “loony contact fringe”.  Many early European reports found their way to the Lorenzens APRO in the United States.

Veit's newspaper UFO Nachtrichten

Above: Veit with Colman S. VonKeviczky. Former Major in the Hungarian Army. Founded UFO organisation ICUFON Intercontinental UFO Galactic Spacecraft-Research and Analytic Network)

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