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Friday, 14 October 2022

The 1988 Jamestown/Bronte Lloyd Incident(s)

As stated in the video on this case (posted earlier) the dates are confusing and the details a little sparse.

Haunted Adelaide website:
Bronte Lloyd’s 1988 UFO Encounter
– Spalding, South Australia
Spalding, a “blink and you miss it” town near the Clare Valley in South Australia, is known more for its sheep runs than it’s UFO sightings, but in 1987-1988 that dramatically changed when local farmer, Bronte Lloyd reported a UFO sighting and abduction encounter.
In May 1987, whilst out seeding a paddock, Mr Lloyd and his son-in-law witnessed a group of UFO’s hovering over the farm. His son-in-law chose not to hang around and investigate the phenomena, but left Mr Lloyd to finish the job, and then investigate the strange lights by himself.
The next morning Mr Lloyd awoke early before sunrise, the following is his description of events, as told to a journalist from the Sunday Mail in 1988. (Mr Lloyd underwent hypnosis to ‘relive’ the experience)
“I was lying in bed. It was as though Time and space were suddenly suspended: I was suddenly aware of pitch blackness, total blackness, and freezing cold. I couldn’t move, and thought I was having a heart attack. Then I felt myself floating upwards, and felt something being pushed against either side of my cheeks. I battled against whatever it was that was pinning me down, and tried to reach for the light switch, and to brush away the pressure against my cheeks. I knew ‘something’ was close to me, and that it was moving backwards and forwards just out of my reach.”

When Mr Lloyd awoke a little later in the morning, he did not remember the experience of the night before. It wasn’t until he was shaving that he noticed three sore marks on his cheek, and four more on his nose.
 (It would come out during further hypnosis that the small wounds were from hard plastic tubes that had been forced underneath his skin.)
A month later, in June, Mr Lloyd and his son had been out seeding a field, night was approaching when a bright red light flew over their heads, and then hovered over some trees about 30 meters from the house, then flew away.
Mr Lloyd’s son returned to his own home, whilst he himself went back to the farm house for dinner. While sitting there, his dogs suddenly went berserk, jumping about and barking, then cowering and howling. He looked out the window to see what the problem was and noticed there was something on the ground at a nearby grove of trees.
Under the nearby trees he saw an object, that at first, he took to be a car, but on further investigation, realised it was an object unlike any he had seen before.
 The object, which he described as being “3.6 meters across and 2 meters high with a circular body and square base”, appeared to be sitting on support legs. The object had portholes at regular intervals around it, and three large “head-lights” at what he considered the front of the object.
Rather than try his luck entering the object, he retreated to the safety of his house and phoned his family, who were visiting a nearby farm, and told them not to return home that night.
Mr Lloyd hung up the phone after speaking with his wife, and slouched in his chair, trying to make sense of recent events when he suddenly heard “footsteps”, which he describes as “Short, close together, and sounded like someone was walking in or on plastic.”
  Lights suddenly came on in the house, and Mr Lloyd opened the hallway door to see what was going on, he witnessed two small “men-like” creatures racing about at blurring speed. The next thing he remembers is waking the next day when his wife woke him up.

The police were called and upon inspecting the property, found a very large depression in the ground amongst the trees, 30 meters from the house. Unexplained footprints were also found near the tree line where the object had been witnessed.
Samples were taken from Mr Lloyd by Biochemist Tom Coote, who discovered electrolyte anomalies in Mr Lloyd’s samples. Mr Lloyd’s facial wounds never healed properly, and when one would seem to recede, another would grow larger. Unfortunately Mr Lloyd passed away only a few years later, before any definitive answers from his bio-testing and hypnosis regression could be found.

Above: Bronte Lloyd and the facial markings -which do look like lupus

Project 1947


On July 27th, 1987, near Spalding, Jamestown area, SA, farmer Bronte Lloyd and his son in law saw some possible UFOs while seeding a paddock. The son-in-law left for town preferring not to stick around. Lloyd had returned to his house on the property. His dogs kicked up a racket. Upon investigating he saw an object he took to be "a car parked under trees 30 metres from the house". Bronte got to within a few feet of the object, when it was almost darkness.

It was "parked" very neatly in a semi circle of trees. It appeared to be 12' across and 7' high, with a circular upper body tapered down to a square base. It rested on a couple of support legs. 2 prominent ribs ran around the outside of it. There appeared to be portholes at regular intervals and 3 "headlights". Lloyd retreated inside. There followed what appears to have been a "CE3" episode inside his house with a vague form and what may have been a period of missing time. Police were called who investigated. A square shaped depression, apparently formed through qui te a lot of weight, was found. There were also "footprints" found in wet grass. Biochemist Tom Coote undertook some analyses of "blind" samples from Lloyd. Some electrolye level (salt levels) anomalies were found. As these were not clearly identified and Lloyd unfortunately died recently there was no way to determine if these differences are at all significant.

Colin Norris of AFSRS visited the site and interviewed Lloyd. UFOR(SA) had some involvement. Tom Coote investigated the case in detail, plus a bizarre "paralysis" episode that had occurred a few weeks earlier (July 6th) which may or may not have been linked with a lupus-like condition. See Tom Coote's account in his BUFORA lecture, "The Jamestown Incident", 17 August, 1991. Lloyd also appeared on the Couchman debate, Sept. 1991. I took the opportunity to talk with him at the seminar.

I asked Australian researcher Keith Basterfield whether he had anything on the case :

"Hi again Terry, Intrigued by your query I have just looked through my files. I compiled a list of South Australian cases, a while ago, and in that catalogue found a summary of the Bronte Lloyd case. 25 Jul 1988 Jamestown SA Depression/footprints

"Bronte Lloyd, a farmer, and his son in law sighted a red light. Later that same evening, Bronte, now alone, saw an object sitting near the ground and he approached it to within six metres. It was metallic, three point six metres wide, and two point one metres high, with a circular upper body tapering to a square base. It rested on a couple of support legs. Two prominent ribs ran around the outside of it. There appeared to be portholes at regular intervals and three "headlights." Lloyd retreated inside, and a possible CE3 event followed. The police were called to investigate. A square shaped depression, apparently formed through weight, was found. There were also "footprints" found in wet grass. Biochemist Tom Coote took some "blind" samples from Lloyd, and some electrolyte level (salt levels) anomalies were found. (Tom Coote interview Feb 1991. Lloyd also appeared on the Couchman show Sep 1991.)

"I do not have a copy of the Coote interview or the Couchman Show - whatever that is. Sorry that is all I could find. I havent heard of Coote since the late 1980's."

The actual 1991 BUFORA 1991 International Congress pages are on file but far more information needs to be gathered and I have still not managed to contact Tom Coote so the investigation continues and several other Australian Ufologists have been asked to search their own records in case they have some notes.

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