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Thursday, 6 October 2022

Alien Encounters In History: Some Thoughts


Very atmospheric imagining of “cave people” by (c)2022 Chris Rallis

Paleolithic Period, or Old Stone Age (c 2,500,000 to 200,000 years ago), was an ancient technological or cultural stage characterized by the use of rudimentary chipped stone tools; during the Lower Paleolithic, simple pebble tools and crude stone choppers were made by the earliest humans. As for the size of a Paleolithis group we can guess that, based on the experiences of modern hunter-gatherer societies, who typically have around 500 members, and based on theoretical mathematical models by experts on such things,  of group process, Paleolithic bands of people were likely around twenty-five members each: typically about twenty bands constituted a tribe.

But alien visitation would have been less devastating, probably, than another visitor from space and far more destructive. It is believed that an airburst from a comet may have destroyed a Paleolithic settlement 12,800 years ago. Credit (c)2022: Jennifer Rice,

The first Neolithic communities lived in densely built settlements and numbered 50-300 individuals. During the Pre-Pottery, Early and Middle Neolithic, the basic unit of society was the clan or extended family that consisted of parents, children, grandparents and other close kinship.  However, there are many differences as one might expect with some Neolithic communities in south-eastern Europe living in heavily fortified settlements of around 3,000–4,000 people (such as Sesklo in Greece).  In Britain Neolithic groups  were small (possibly 50–100 people) and highly mobile cattle-herders.

Painting by (c) 2022 Bernard Long of a Neolithic Settlement

After Roman rule in Britain ended, some Roman forts continued to be occupied. This reconstruction shows a timber hall that was one of several built at Birdoswald Roman Fort on Hadrian’s Wall after Roman administration collapsed  © Historic England (illustration by Philip Corke)

Birdoswald Roman Fort, Hadrian’s Wall, Cumbria. Reconstruction drawing of the timber building on the site of the North granary by (c)2022 Philip Corke 

A medieval village consisted of villeins who worked on the land owned by the Lord. It was quite self-sufficient and it was rare villeins left the land (they had to ask the Lord’s permission). Usually had a population of 50- 100 people. Therefore similar to Dark Age villages. There may have been smaller groups some in far more isolated areas and the largest populations were in cities during both periods.Below: In 1950s Brazil this was shocking enough but in the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Dark Ages or Medieval period the UFO alone would terrify and the entities -demons or gods?

What would a mind not familiar with the idea of life on other worlds or travelling through space think if they encountered entities such as those seen at Kelly-Hopkinville?

Or even Villa Santina?

Goblins? Demons? Devils? Fairy and folk stories that followed on from ancient mythologies  told the common folk what to expect. The idea of meeting entities such as these scares many and yet we are, technologically, far more advanced from our ancestors even if their brains were the same size. Fear of the Unknown in primitive and modern minds is no different. What would someone from the Neolithic period say if they were taken aboard a landed UFO? Would it vary from later Dark Ages and Medieval people? Probably since the Dark Ages saw the Christian crusade to make everyone a “believer” -or die. Bible pushing priests would have told of the Devil and demons and other creatures of hell. 

A succubus is a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to religious traditions, repeated sexual activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health, even death. Or, today, some form of radiation sickness.

Looking at the way people lived the rich or well off lived in mansion houses out in the countryside. Areas of urban London were once dark and isolated areas and villages away from the City of London. Farmhouses were spread around the countryside and there were game keepers and their cottages, charcoal burners camping out and even poachers. 

Above: Henry Justice Ford’s wonderful (1815) illustration of a young woman “off with the fairies” as she is in a sleep state. From Re. R. Kirk’s The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Faeries

Who would know about the farmer or squire looking out of the window having heard an unusual sound and spotted a moving ‘star’. A ‘star’ that got closer and larger and what thoughts were running through that mind?  What did that observer think when he saw the star become an oval shape and then slow down and come to earth not far away?  What did the observer think when figures were seen coming from the object -angels? Demons? Anyone in this situation would be alone -unless family were in the house but what then -load up a brace of pistols or a blunderbuss to “see ’em off”?  Just what good would ‘modern’ weapons be if the observer(s) found themselves unable to move? Nothing would be able to stop entities “escorting” one or more persons to a landed craft and then… whatever happened would never be believed by anyone if those involved could even remember anything happening -maybe they recalled a dream of demons and things that made them decide to pray harder at church and put a little extra in the collection box to be “in good favour”.

The three women at Liberty, Kentucky were going to keep quiet and tell no one until Ufologists threatened to out them to the press -no Ufologists or salivating news media waiting for the next UFO story back then. Many UFO percipients we only know about because of betrayed confidences.  What did Maurice Masse’s visitors tell him that he swore never to reveal, not even to his wife (and he took that to his grave)?

A poacher out at night would be a lone observer/percipient and, again, if a memory block was employed he might never remember what happened.

If we look at the Travis Walton incident we know his cutting crew were witnesses and drove off fast. A similar situation in any past period where wood-cutters or charcoal burners were out in a small group, away from villages there would be no get away truck A group “abduction” might take place.

Transport in the past was by ships along the coast (coasters) or carts and pack mules and they often travelled all day and night to get from A to be -cart driver handing over to his mate to continue the journey while he took a nap. Often they might team up for safety on the lonely and dark roads -as did travellers to form travelling companions. 

If UFOs have stopped lorries/trucks (Dionisio  Llanca, Argentina 27th October 1973 for instance) around the world and drivers have then become participants in UFO encounters then  horses and a cart would be no problem. 

19th century Barges loaded with cargo on the Canal du Midi

Above:(c)2022 T Hooper-Scharf

And if an independent observer saw a local “out gallivanting” with “little devils” or “demons” then that needed to be reported as witchcraft -IF the observer was not too scared to open his mouth.  A devout person encountering a succubus (as per Villas Boas) would ask a local priest for help. For protection.

‘Plucked from the fairy ring’ (by T.H Thomas from Sikes, 1880)If we look at the number of UFO encounters -CE3Ks/Alien Entities over the last 70 years there are going to be things noted. Firstly, the actual number of “contacts” or ‘abductions’ are far fewer than the “thousands” claimed by Ufologists. 

In a 1958  Long John Nebel nightly U.F.O. focused talk/interview program “The Party Line” ( nightly from midnight to 5:30 A.M. on station WMCA, New York) Donald Keyhoe of NICAP claimed that there had been “thousands of encounters” (bull on his part since NICAP were notoriously anti this type of report)> Arthur C. Clarke then responded that “thousands” would mean that there was open extra terrestrial contact. A few contacts was more realistic and acceptable. And Clarke was correct (he was not “anti-UFO” as some claim but was a sceptic and needed evidence).

Many -about 75-85% of claimed or reported CE3K reports from 1947-1980 were never investigated. An item in a local newspaper was accepted as a “case” immediately. Even in France and Italy some Ufologists who decided to look at reports from the mid 1950s only did so in the late 1970s or early 1980s.I believe that, historically, there is no reason why any such isolated encounters would be shocking if we accept that there are likely other civilisations out there.

You can quote as much fairy lore as you want (often inaccurately) but it does not prove aliens were encountered. Neither does it show that there is something beyond our understanding going on and that this has changed the fairies and goblins into aliens for the modern era. Neither does any of it prove visitations from the “multiverse” -the multiverse is a theory not a scientific fact.

Maurice Masse did not believe that the Hills were abducted because, like a number of other people involved in encounters, he was invited to enter a landed objected but declined -and he was not dragged off. When you look at what appear to be genuine accounts from people world wide you begin to realise that few were dragged kicking and screaming or paralysed onto UFOs. It may well be possible that hypnosis and faulty recall due to some mind block makes a percipient believe they were abducted because of aliens depicted in pop culture of the 1950s-1970s.

In some cases medical problems some percipients had vanished after their experience and some recall entities healing them. Odd for alien kidnappers?

I really do wish that it could be proven that there was an encounter or several encounters in the past but early in history the accounts would be word of mouth not written and in later periods not spoken of or phrased in some religious way.If we cannot stop entities landing and taking humans onto their craft in the 21st century then how could people in the past prevent it?

One for Professor Quatermass.

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