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Thursday, 13 October 2022

3rd June, 1992, Melesse, Ille-et-Vilaine, France

 The ufology magazine Lumières Dans La Nuit presented the investigation report by Serge Sorinas for France Ufologie:

The case occurred on 3rd June, 1992, at 2330 hours. in Mélesse, zip code 35520, at 12 kilometers in the north of Rennes, at the location "Le Cormier" on the communal way 107 at 1 kilometer to the north-north-east of the borough. This communal way is between the secondary road D26 which joins Saint-Germain-sur-Ille to Mélesse, which is roughly in the East-West. It is bordered in the south by a large pasture which is lot 486 of the land register and which belongs to the farm Le Cormier which is in its South-Eastern angle.

The witness, Mdme S, is a married woman having asked anonymity, mother of 4 children and employee in a company of [information I do not communicate.] At the time of the observation, the sky was perfectly clear and starry and the temperature was fine. Mdme S drove home in her Citroen BX car after a working day; the journey being of 30 kilometer and a journey she had made for years.

At approaching the crossroads of D26 and VC 107, while coming from Saint-Germain-sur-Ille, her attention was caught by a strong red light. It was hovering above a hedge of tree delimiting contiguous lot 485 of the land register with lot 486.


Departments of France

Mdme S was astonished but supposed that it could be the airplane warning light of some crane and so she continued driving by the communal way. While looking at it better, she noted that the powerful light came from two "headlights" of a stationary craft at the location, and that this craft also had a white light at the back. Out of curiosity, she slowed down and stopped her car a hundred meters away to observe the object better.

The investigator quotes her stating that when she pulled off, the craft was already there, stationary above a farm, and that it gave her the impression of being "on watch."

After a few moments, the object started to move in the direction of Mdme S who stated that it moved towards her gently, rather high up at the start and that when it came down, she could see the interior. The object came down to a few meters from the ground and at a  distance that she estimated as 15 meters from her. The craft was made entirely of transparent material; it did not have any structure or support. She saw with certainty what she described as a dashboard with white and green lights, "something that was working, when it is lit..."

Behind this dashboard, a bald person wearing a grey outfit whose details were clearly seen including the fact that the outfit comprised a collar. Asked for more precise details, she told that she did not pay too much attention but that there was a face, a head without hair and that she thought of military operations because the outfit made her think of the army.

By approaching the crossroads between D26 and VC 107, the witness sees the red light being just above the tree whose summit will be found dead the next day.

She had the thought that it must be a helicopter but rejected this since she always drove with an open window and should have heard the noise; she is certain that the craft made no noise at all since she had turned the radio off to check this [note: the car is stopped at this time].

Mdme S started to become worried since she could not find an obvious explanation and so started to drive off gently and without panic. The object followed her for some meters and suddenly.... it was not there any more. She looked in her rear view mirror and saw neither the craft nor any light.

When the witness started on the VC 107, the two "headlights" became discernible.

Mdme S continued on her journey and arrived on the road of Rennes, at the D82, which she travelled along for 2 kilometers towards the South, and then again saw the object in the form of a red light which went away and was "already far, very far" on the tower of Cesson. She found it unthinkable that this craft could carry out a journey of such a distance, approximately 2 kilometers, in such a short amount of time, -estimated as approximately 2 minutes.

The investigator specifies that a confusion with the night illumination of the transmitting tower of Cesson is impossible since the witness also saw the light of this tower, separately from the light of the object.

The place where the witness stopped her car for better observing.

On her way to work the next day at 400 hours, she passed the location again and noted that the top of a tree where the object had been during its hovering phase and it had completely died - like "cooked".  Mdme S had not noticed this before. The investigator questioned the owners of the farm near where the tree was located but whereas they found the state of the tree odd they had not noticed its state before. The remainder of the tree was in perfect health. The owner of the trees was absent and could not be questioned.

The day after the sighting, Mdme S had contacted the Gendarmerie of Hédé by telephone,  with an aim of giving a statement on what she had seen. Her statement was not filed.

There was no physical or material consequences on the witness.

The investigator specifies that the witness seemed to him a balanced, rational, person with a very good observational skills and that, that her sight appeared excellent and had good distance vision; a fact he managed to note during the on site visit. Her estimates of the distances also were confirmed by the use of the maps.

Her familiarization with the UFO topic was impartial and very limited, coming from reports she heard about and TV shows: she insisted that her privacy should be preserved and only welcomed the investigator because one of her colleagues at work was an acquaintance of the his.

The investigation report is illustrated with photographs of the places of the observation and two maps indicating the journey of the witness, the various points of observation and supposed trajectories of the UFO.

From the photographs of the places in Serge Sorinas' investigation report, things, transposed into a night background, looked as shown in the photos above.

ref: Investigation report by Serge Sorinas, in the ufology magazine Lumières Dans La Nuit (LDLN), #334, pp 19-22, July - August 1995.

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