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Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Non English Contributors To The CE3K Field

 A few years back I was left dumbfounded (actually it did not surprise me) when someone who claimed to have "been into UFOs for 30 years" was very surprised when I told him about CE3K/AE encounters outside of the United States. "Never heard of them happening outside the USA" he replied.

I did wonder what he had been reading over those 30 years.

My books were intended to show that these reports do come in from Australia, New Zealand, Finland -basically everywhere. In some cases there are rumours of reports but the 'investigators' dismissed them and did not gather details because of the same old story: they did not accept entity cases.

Even amongst those who investigated and reported in these cases there were, as elsewhere, arguments. If you cannot dismiss the case go for the investigator -or just go for the report and the investigator.

There are "names" in Ufology today still active while stating that all sightings are misidentifications or psychological and they will brag that they are debunking and can do so comfortably from their armchair -openly stated to me in emails (which I still have). Debunking is not "being sceptical -ie; being open-minded and following the evidence. Debunking is having no interest in evidence and having a closed mind. Why remain in a field you think is fuelled by incompetents, psychologically defective people and others who cannot tell  a 5ft tall entity emerging from a landed  UFO from a lamp post?

This blog will present biographies of some of those who have investigated and researched Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity reports over the years and, 'shockingly', not all are American! 😉

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